Cyber-shot® Digital Still Camera
Step-up Feature
New Feature
Benchmarks in resolution, convenience and control.
1/1.8" 7.2 Megapixel Super HAD™ CCD
Super HAD (Hole Accumulation Diode) CCDs
provide excellent image quality by allowing more
light to pass to each pixel, increasing sensitivity
and reducing noise.
3X Optical/2X Digital/6X Total Zoom
Optical zoom helps you fill the frame with your
subject for better pictures. And Sony’s Precision
Digital Zoom helps bring your subject closer with
an extra 2X magnification.
0 -14.0X Smart Zoom™ Feature
The Smart Zoom feature intelligently uses the full
CCD to let you zoom into the portion of interest
by cropping the image size-thus avoiding the
image degradation of Digital Zooms.
Carl Zeiss® Vario-Tessar® Lens
The Vario-Tessar lens is specially produced for
very compact cameras. This specialized design
allows quick auto-focus, appealing zoom range
while still maintaining a compact design.
Real Imaging Processor™ Technology
The innovative Real Imaging Processor in the
DSC-W7 not only improves picture quality and
clarity but also improves camera response time,
decreases shutter lag and improves battery
2.5" LCD Monitor
The extra-large high-resolution 115K LCD
Monitor makes framing shots and reviewing
pictures easy.
Live Histogram Display
Available in capture and playback the Live
Histogram Displays the concentration of pixels at
each luminosity value making it easy to evaluate
correct exposure.
14-Bit DXP A/D Conversion
Sony's 14-bit Digital EXtended Processor
captures the range between highlight and
shadow with up to 16,384 values, for extended
dynamic contrast and detail.
5 Area Multi-Point Auto Focus
By evaluating 5 separate focus areas of the
frame, Sony's Multi-Point AF system can
intelligently focus on the subject and avoid
mistakenly focusing on the background.
Manual Exposure Mode
Manual Exposure Mode provides extended
control with 46-step adjustable Shutter speed
(30-1/1000 sec.), and 2-step Aperture control.
AF (Auto Focus) Illuminator
Briefly illuminating the subject, in low- or
no-light conditions, the AF Illuminator helps
establish a positive focus lock.
Selectable Focus Mode
Monitoring AF (Auto Focus) helps you anticipate
the action by focusing even before you press
the shutter release.
Multi-Pattern Measuring
Independently light-metering 49 points of the
frame, Multi-Pattern Measuring establishes the
optimum exposure, even when highlight and
shadow isn't centered in the frame.
Scene Selection Mode
With 7 Scene Modes, parameters can be
matched to the shooting conditions. Choose
from one of the following: Twilight, Twilight
Portrait, Soft Snap, Landscape, Beach, Snow,
Pre-Flash Metering
With a momentary pre-flash, the camera
illuminates the subject and sets exposure
through the lens for accurate flash metering.
Adjustable flash level and red-eye reduction
ensure great flash shots.
Slow Shutter Noise Reduction
During long exposures, Slow Shutter NR
captures the scene, and then the CCD noise
pattern with a dark frame exposure. By
subtracting the two, even long exposures can
be clear.
Memory Stick® Media and Memory Stick
PRO™ Media
Digital. Powerful. Transportable.™ Memory
Stick® media is compact, portable and
rugged:connecting a variety of hardware and
software applications.
' 32MB Internal Memory
Shoot without a flash memory card with 32 MB
internal memory1; Slot for optional Memory
Stick®, Memory Stick PRO™ media. Full 32MB
of internal memory can be copied to optional
Memory Stick media.
5 Shot Burst Mode
Capture up to five 5MP shots (fine) or 100 shots
VGA (standard) at 0.9 frame/sec. Perfect for high
speed subjects or fast moving action such as
sports or small children.
Multi-Burst Mode
Captures 16 320x240 frames as part of a single
1280x960 image which plays back sequentially
in the camera. Selectable 1/7.5, 1/15, 1/30
MPEG Movie VX Standard/Fine Mode with
Captures VGA (640x480) high frame rate (up to
30 frames per second) audio/video clips with
length limited only by the capacity of the media.
Video mail mode captures smaller file sizes
suitable for email.

Cyber-shot® Digital Still Camera
additional features
Conversion Lens Compatible
PictBridge™ Compatibility
Rechargeable AA NiMH Batteries
3:2 Aspect Ratio Mode
Adjustable Color Saturation/Contrast
Audio/Video Output
Clear Color/Clear Luminance NR
MPEG1 Cue, Review and Divide
Supports High Speed USB 2.0
Recording Media:
memory, Memory Stick® Media, Memory
Stick PRO™ Media
Memory Stick Pro™ Media Compatibility:
Tested to support up to 4GB media
capacity1; does not support Access Control
security function
Movie Mode(s):
x 480 at 30fps), (MPEG VX Fine requires
Memory Stick PRO media), MPEG VX
Standard with Audio (640 x 480 at 16fps),
Video Mail (160 x 112 at 8fps) with Audio
Still Image Mode(s):
Burst, Multi-Burst
Self Timer:
Scene Modes:
Snow, Soft snap, Twilight, Twilight Portrait
Picture Effects:
Burst Mode:
VGA (JPEG std.), 0.9fps
White Balance:
Fluorescent, Incandescent
Red-Eye Reduction:
Imaging Device:
Super HAD™ CCD
Macro Mode:
2.5" 115K Pixels TFT LCD Screen
Lens Construction:
Aspheric Elements
USB Port(s):
Flash Effective Range:
Flash Modes:
Auto, 100, 200, 400
Exposure Compensation:
Aperture Range:
Shutter Speed:
Program Auto: 2-1/2000 sec; Manual:
Focal Distance:
5-Step Manual
35mm Equivalent:
Focal Length:
32MB1internal flash
MPEG VX Fine with Audio (640
JPEG (Fine/Standard),
Yes, 10 Seconds
Beach, Candle, Landscape,
Sepia, Black & White
5 Shot (7MP JPEG fine), 100 Shot
Auto, Daylight, Cloudy,
1/1.8" 7.2 Megapixel Effective
2 1/4" (6cm)
7 Elements in 5 Groups, 3
Yes (Supports USB 2.02)
Audio/Video Output: Yes, NTSC/PAL
7-7/8” - 14' 9" (0.2-4.5
Auto/Forced On/Forced Off/Slow
±2.0 EV, 1/3 EV
f2.8 - f5.6 (W), f5.2 - f10 (T)
Auto: 1/8-1/2000 sec.;
Minimum: 19.7" (50cm)
5 Area Multi-Point AF, Center AF,
38 - 114mm
7.9 - 23.7mm
3X Optical; Digital Zoom: Precision,
0-2.0X Range, 6X Total; Smart Zoom®
Feature: 0-14.0X (at VGA Resolution
Filter Diameter:
Battery Type:
Nickel-Metal Manganese
Limited Warranty:
Operating System Compatibility:
Windows® 98, 98SE, 2000 Professional,
Me, XP Home and Professional; Macintosh®
OS 9.1/9.2/OS X (10.0-10.3)
Supplied Software:
v1.6 (Windows), Pixela™ ImageMixer VCD2
(Macintosh), USB Driver, Cyber-shot Life
tutorial (Windows)
7 oz (197 g) Body; 9 oz (253 g) Body
w/Battery, Media, Wrist Strap
Dimensions (WHD):
6/13" (91 x 60 x 37.1mm)
Supplied Accessories:
Batteries (NH-AA-DA)
Battery Charger and Cord (BC-CS2)
A/V and USB Cables
Wrist Strap
Software CD-ROM
UPC Code:
service and warranty
Limited Warranty:
optional accessories
Starter Kit (ACC-CN3TR)
Rechargeable NiMH Batteries (2pk)(NH-AA-2DB)
Soft Leather Carrying Case (LCS-WB)
Soft Textile Carrying Case (LCS-WD)
Conversion Lens Adaptor Mount (VAD-WA)
Wide Angle Conversion Lens4(VCL-DH0730)
Super Telephoto Conversion Lens
Telephoto Conversion Lens4(VCL-DH1730)
Polarizing Kit Filter4(VF-30CPKS)
External Slave Flash w/Bracket (HVL-FSL1B)
Marine Sports Pak (MPK-WA)
Marine Color Filter Kit (VF-MP5K)
Memory Stick® Media (MSH-128A)
Memory Stick PRO™ Media (MSX-256N)
Memory Stick PRO™ Media (MSX-512N)
Memory Stick PRO™ Media (MSX-1GN)
Memory Stick PRO™ Media (MSX-2GN)
Memory Stick PRO™ Media (MSX-4GN)
Memory Stick PRO™ Media USB Adaptor
MSAC-USM1 Multi-slot Memory Stick Adaptor
30mm (by required VAD-WA
"AA" NiMH, "AA" Alkaline, "AA"
1 Year Parts & Labor
Picture Package™ for Sony
3 7/12" x 2 4/11" x 1
Rechargeable AA
1 Year Parts & Labor
1. Reco rdin g nu mbers are app roxi mate and wil l var y de pend ing u pon the imag es. Avail able sto rage cap acity of Memo ry S tick and Mem ory S tick PRO med ia m ay va ry. A po rtio n of the memo ry i s us ed fo r da ta m anage ment fun ctio ns. A ctua l
ava ilab le m emory in MBs is:1 6=15 , 32 =30, 64=6 1, 1 28=1 23, 2 56=2 20, 512= 460, 1GB= 940M B, 2 GB=1, 850M B, 4 GB=3. 66GB .
2. Not all prod ucts wit h US B con nect ors may commu nica te w ith each othe r du e to chi pset vari atio ns.
3. Unde r Av erag e Con diti ons: Nor mal M ode (JPE G), Pict ure q uali ty F ine; Shoo ting eac h im age a t 30 sec ond inte rvals ; Fl ash oper ated ever y ot her shot ; Pow er i s tu rned on/o ff a fter eve ry 10 sho ts; Actu al r esult s ma y va ry on con diti ons of u se.
4. VAD- WA C onve rsion Len s Ad apto r Mou nt R equi red
©2 005 So ny El ect ron ics I nc.
Re pro duc tio n in who le or in pa rt wi tho ut wri tte n p er mis sio n i s p roh ibi ted . A ll ri ght s r ese rve d. So ny, Cy ber -sh ot , D igi tal , P owe rfu l, Tr ans por tab le, M emo ry Sti ck, t he Mem ory St ick l ogo , M emo ry St ick PR O, Pic tu re Pac kag e,
Re al Ima gi ng Pro ces sor , S mar t Zoo m a nd Sup er HA D a re tra de mar ks of Son y. Ca rl Zei ss an d V ari o-T ess ar ar e t rad ema rks of C arl Ze iss . M ic ros oft an d W ind ows a re reg ist ere d tra dem ark s o f M icr os oft Co rpo rat ion . M ac int osh is
a tra dem ar k o f A ppl e C omp ute r. Pi ctB rid ge is a tra dem ark o f C IPA . A ll oth er tr ade mar ks are p rop ert y o f t hei r r es pec tiv e o wne rs.
Fe atu res a nd spe cif ica tio ns su bje ct to ch ang e w ith out no ti ce. No n-m etr ic we igh ts and m eas ure s a re app rox im ate .
Al l s cre en im age s s imu lat ed.
Pl eas e v isi t the De ale r N etw or k f or mor e i nfo rm ati on at www .so ny .co m/d n
Sony Electronics, Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 • www.sony.com
Last Updated 2005-06-15