Sony Cybershot, Cyber-shot DSC-W380, DSCW320G, Cyber-shot DSC-W350, Cyber-shot DSC-W320 Brochure

C O M P A C T A N D C H I C . S T Y L I S H A N D S L E E K .
C Y B E R - S H O T W - S E R I E S
DSC-W380 / W350 / W320
Wide Angle
HD Movie Recording
Optical Zoom
Mega Pixels
BIONZ™ Imagi ng Processor – power unleas hed
High-per formance lenses that show it al l
The image sen sor, where qual ity begins
Enormou s amount s of dat a trans formed i nto images of sublime beauty i n the blink of an eye. Sony’s power ful “BIONZ” i mage proces sor does all this a nd more.
The r esult of years of acc umulated expertise in semiconduc tor R&D, this lightning quick proce ssor reproduces all the delica te nuances of the original scene in images remarkabl y fre e of distra cting noise, even at high ISO settings. “BIONZ ” also allows for fast, pre cise auto focus, auto expos ure and white balance adju stments, as well as Sony’s intelligent Dynamic Range Optimiser (DRO) , which optimises exposure and colour repro duction based on the shooting environment. Capture the bes t moments at spor ting events , children’s activities, and other fast-moving situations with complete ease a nd clarity.
Sony’s advance d se miconduct or te chnology. Brillia nt, lifelike image s a re now yours for the taking.
In the beginning, there was light. And at the heart of ever y Cyber-sh ot digital still c amera, it is the image sensor that collects the light that eventually becomes you r creation.
Since the ap pearance of the first CCD (Charge Coupled Device) in 1978, Sony ha s been developing its ow n image sensors, culm inating in the release of the “Exmor” CMOS (Complement ary Metal Oxide Sem iconductor) sen sor in 2007. This highly effici ent low-voltage sens or produces images with virtually no vertical striping and vastly reduced image noise. And it’s remarkably fast too, making possibl e bur st sh ooting in So ny dig ital SLRs an d rapid h igh-resoluti on imaging in Sony HD Handycam
camcorde rs.
“Exmor” reveals details t hat amaze and rich tonality that takes your breath away. Incorporating Sony’s pro prietary on-chip column A/D conversion, “Exmor” delivers results with markedly decrease d noise an d contribute s to rapid image data p rocessing. Leveraging on the “Exm or” advantage is the com pact “Exmor R” sensor which utilise s bac k-illuminated techn ology to nearly do uble sensor se nsitivity for clearer low-light re cordings such a s a romantic can dlelit dinner or a st arlight-bathed l andscape.
The silk y softne ss of a baby’s chee k or del icate gleam of sunlight streaming through the tre es – all the wonders of the world revealed through the eye of the lens.
As a manu facturer of superbly cr afted produc ts, Sony equips its cameras with only the finest lens, empowering you to reco rd lif e’s preci ous moments as you find them. We now of fer two lens lineu ps that share t he same outst anding perform ance – Sony’s own “G” Lens series which represent s the pinnacle of our de sign philosophy and comm itment to q uality, and a special series developed jointly with the esteemed German manufactu rer of precision o ptics, Carl Zeis s.
All these lense s are subjected to string ent quality control measures and o ptimised to elimina te virtually all aberrations. From the bright feathers of a bird to the most s ubtle facial expressions , you can now capture ever y incredible detail like never before. Whichever Sony lens you choos e, you can be assured of the hi ghest quality to sat isfy nearly any shooting r equirement.
Sony Redefines Your Camera
Discover the power of Sony’s Image3. Harnessing the remarkab le synerg y of the rapid
thorough put “Ex mor R” CMOS sensor, blaz ing fast BIONZ imaging pr ocessor and high
performance G Lens, in novative features like Sweep Pa norama and many oth ers are made
possibl e. Captur e amazing pictures effor tlessly with the new C yber-shot W-series cameras.
Sweep your camera horizontally to
create stunning landscape shots, or
vertically to capture tall objects like
buildings or mountains. Photos are
taken at 10 frames per second and
automatically assembled to create a
single breathtaking panoramic picture.
With horizontal images as wide as
7152 x 1080 and vertical images as
tall as 4912 x 1920, be swept away
by the amazingly detailed shots you
can achieve with Sweep Panorama.
Panoramic images can be viewed
using S-frame* and PlayStation
*Compatible with selected Sony Digital Photo Frames.
At blazing speed, the BIONZ Image Processing Engine drastically lowers noise level and achieves high accuracy in auto-focusing, exposure auto-correction and auto white balancing.
What’s more, the Dynamic R ange Optimiser (DRO) insti nctively analyse s the composi tion, opt imising exposure and contrast, to create a more natural and vibrant image in different sho oting environm ents. Enjoy enhanced colour reproduction, rich tonal gradation s and amazing pr ecision every ti me.
Sony’s Cyber-shot W-series cameras are eq uipped with Sony’s exclusive 1/2.3-type Sup er HAD CCD with app roximately 14.1 effective Mega Pixel s. This high resolution and precision ensu res rich grad ations and colou rs are reproduce d accurately wheth er you are zooming in on specific parts or printing high-qual ity images up to A3 size.
The C yber-shot W380 is equipped wi th the power ful super wide-angle 24mm fast F2.4 G Lens. Built to last a lifetime, the outstanding G Lens is the hallmark of Sony’s quality optic al technology, combining superb clarity and sharpn ess with exquisite defocusing charac teristics.
Capture qu ality picture s even in low-ligh t situations wit h the greater ISO sensitiv ity and faster shutter speed of the F2.4 G Lens. What’s more, an ultr a­high refractive index elem ent correc ts field curvature common to wide-angle lenses and contribu tes to exceptiona l contrast a t all focal lengths, from wide­angle to telephoto. Enjoy clearer and sharp er im ages with this r emarkable optical le ns.
The C yber-shot W350 and W320 are equipped with the world renowned Carl Zeiss
Vario-Tessar lens. With a minimum focal length of 26mm, this advanced optical soluti on delivers uncompro mising quality, producing accurately detailed and realistic photos with excell ent contrast.
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