Owner's Record
The model and serial numbers are located
on tile bottom. Record tile serial tmmber in
the space provided below. Refer to these
immbers whenever you call upon your Sony
dealer regarding this product.
Model No. DSC-W 1501W 17()
Serial No.
To reduce fire or shock hazard, do
not expose the unit to rain or
J " JIl'_ I I" " ._
alerl lhe user to lhe presence
O] Ullinsuhaed _ dangerous
voltage" witlfin the
This symbol is intended to
product's ellclosure that
nlay be of sullicient
nlagnitude to constilute a
risk of electric shock 1o
alerl tile user to the presence
of inlportant operating and
maintenance (servicing)
This symbol is intended to
instructions in tile literature
acconlpanying the
For your protection, please read these safety
instructions completely belbre operating
the appliance, attd keep this manual for
future reference.
Carefully observe all warnings, precautions
and instructions on the appliance, or the one
described in the operating instructions and
adhere to them.
Power Sources
Tiffs set sllould be operated only from tile type of
power source indicutcd on tile marking lubeh II
you are not sure ol tile type ol electrical power
supplied t() your bonle, consull your de_deror
h)cal power company. For those sets designed to
operilte lroln battcl-y power, or oilier sources, reler
tOtile operiding instructions.
Tiffs set may be equipped with a,polarized ac
power cord plug (g_plug having one blade wider
tllan tile oilier).
Tiffs plug will fit into the power outlet only one
way. This is a salcty lcature. If you arc unable to
insert tile ph/g flflly into the outlet, try reversing
the phlg. If the plug should still lail to fit, contact
your electrician to have a suitable outlet installed.
Do not defimt the salcty purposv of tile polarized
ph/g by lorcing it in.
Do not o'_'erload \vail outlets, extcnsioll cords or
convenience mceplacles beyond dleir capacity,
since Ibis call rcsull in fire or eleclric shock,
_Object and Liquid Entry
Never push objects ol any kind into tile set
l]lroLigh openillgs as they lnay touch dangerous
voltage points or short out paris thal could resull
ill afire or electric shock. Never spill Ikluid ol any
kind on the set.
Do nol use auachlllents 11ol recollllnellded by the
l]lanulacturer, as riley l]lay cause hazards,

Unplug the set fi'onl tile wall om]et belore
cleaning or polislling it, Do not use liquid cleaners
or aerosol cleaners. U_ a cloth lightly dampened
"_vilIl"_valerlor cleaning tile exterior of tile set.
long periods of tinle, unplug it from file wall
duffel and disconnect the antenna or cable '4yslellL
This will prevent danlage 1o lhe sel due to
ligllming and power-line surges.
Water and Moisture
Do noI /ise power-]hie operilled _ls llear waler
Ior exanlple, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen
sink, or laundry tub. in a wet basemenl, or nero a
swimndng pool, etc.
Power-Cord Protection
Ro/lle the power cord so that it is IIOIlikely lo be
walked on or pinched by itelns placed upon or
against thenl, paying particular attention lo file
plugs, receptacles, and file poinl where the cord
exits Irom tile appliance.
Do HOt place tile set Oil iLll illlStZlb]e c_lrl, Stalld,
tripod, bracket, or table. The set may l, dl. causing
serious injury to a child or an adult, and serious
danlage to tile set. Use only a carl. stand, lripod.
bracket, or table reconmlended by tile
The slots and openings in tile c+lbinet are pro_ ided
Ior necessary ventilation. To ensure reliable
operation of tile set, and to protect it Ii'oll]
o_,er]lealhlg, I]leSe slots alld opellhlgs ii]/isI never
be blocked or covered.
Never cover the slots and openings wifll a cloth
or other nlaterials.
Never block tile slots and openings by placing
lhe set on a bed. sola. rug. or other similar
Never place file _t in a confined space, such as
a bookcase, or built-in cabinet, unless proper
ventilation is provided.
Do nol place tile set near or over a radiator or
heat register, or where il is exposed to direct
For +Mdedprotection lor tiffs set during +tlightning
storm, or when it is left unattended and unused 1or
Damage Requiring Service
Unphlg tile sel I_'olntile w+tll outlet and relcr
servicing to qualified service personnel under tile
tollowing conditions:
When file power cord or phlg is damaged or
If liquid has been spilled or objects ha_e hiIlen
into the set.
If the set has been exposed to rain or water.
If the set llas been subject to excessive shock by
being dropped, or the cabinet has been
If the set does not operate nornlally when
Iollowing tile operating instructions. A_[iust
only fllose controls that arc specified in file
operating instructions. Improper adjustment of
other controls may result in damage and will
often require extensive work by a quzflified
teclmician to restore tile sel to nornla] operation.
When tile set exllibits a distinct change in
perlornlance this indicales a need fin service.
Do nol alIenlpl to service tile sel yotlrsefi as
opellillg or rClllovhlg covers lll_ly expose yell lo
dilllgerous _,oltilge or other hazilrds.
Retcr all selvicing to qualilied serxice personnel.
Replacement parts
When replacement parts are required, be sure tile
service technician Ilas used rcplacelnent parts
specified by the manufi_cmlvr flint have file sanle
characteristics as the original palls.
Unauthorized substitutions nlay result in ilrc,
electric sllock, or other IlazaMs.
Safety Check
Upon completion oI any sel'_ ice or repairs to tile
set. ask tile selwice tccbnickln to perfi)rlll ro/llille
salcty checks (as specified by tile lnanuli_cturcr)
to detcrnline that die set is in salP operating

Readthis first
Replace the battery with the specified type only.
Otherwise, lire or injmy may result+
Do no[ expose the batteries to excessive heat such
as sunshine, fire or lhe like.
Lithium-Ion batteries me
You can ]lelp pre_rve our
envh'Olllnent by returnhlg your
used recllargeable batteries to
the collectkm and recycling
location nearest you.
For lnore inlormatkm regarding recycling of
rechargeable batteries, call toll tiee
I-SfR)-g22-8837, or visit bltp://www,rbrc,org/
Caution: Do not handle damaged or leaking
Lilhium-lon balleries.
This power unil is intended to be correctly
orientaled in a verlicgd or l]oor nloun[ position.
If you have any questions about this product, you
nmy call:
Sony Cuslomer lntormadon Center
1-800-222-SONY (7669)
The number below is Ior file FCC related malters
Regulatory Information
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY
Model No.: DSC-W 150
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics Inc.
Address: 16530 Via Esprillo,
San Diego, CA 92127U.S.A.
Telephone No.: 858-942-2230
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operatkm is subject lo lhe lbllowing
two condilions: (1) This device may nol cause
harmlul interli:rence, and (2) Ibis device inusl
accept any interllrmnce received, including
interlPmnce thal nmy cause undesired
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY
Model No.: DSC-W 170
Responsible Parly: Sony Electronics lnc.
Address: 16530 Via Esprillo,
San Diego, CA 92127U.S.A.
Telephone No.: 858-942-2230
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operatkm is subject lo the lbllowing
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harlnlul interllrrence, and (2) lhis device inusl
accept any interllrmncc received, including
interlPmnce tllal may cause undesired

You am cautioned that any changes or
modilications not expressly approved in this
manual could void your aulhorily to operate this
This equipment has been tested _tnd lound to
comply wilh lhe lilnils lor a (_'lass B digitM
device, p/irs/lilnI tit Part 15 ol the FCC Rules.
These linfits are designed to provide reasonable
protection againsl harmlul ilvcrlPmnce in a
residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio lrequency energy and.
if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interllrmnce tit
radio conltllunications. However, there is no
guaranlee thai inlerl_rence will not occur ill a
parlicular inslallation, lfthis equiplnenl does
cau_ harmflfl interlPrence to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning tile
equipment off and on. tile user is encouraged to
try to correcl Ihe interl?rence by (tile or lllOlC of
tile lollowing measures:
Reorienl or relocate the receiving anlenna.
Increase the separation between the
equipmenl and receiver.
Connecl the equipment into gin outlet on a
cite/lit dil]ercnt l]+Olll thai to which the
receiver is connected.
Consull the dealer or all experienced radio/TV
lechnician fin help,
The supplied intcrli_ce cable must be used with the
equipment ill order tit comply with the limits lot a
digilal device pursuanl tit Subpart B of Parl 15 of
FCC Rules.
This product has been tested and ffmnd compliant
with the limits _1 out in lhe EMC Directive lor
using conneclion cables shorter lhan 3 reelers (9,8
Tile electromagnelic lields at tile specilic
hequencies may influence the piclurc and sound
of this uniL
If static electricity or electrolllagnelism Cil/l_S
data transfer to discontinue midway (l_dl). restart
the application or disconnect and connect the
communicalion cable (USB. elc.) again.
Disposal of Old Electrical &
Electronic Equipment (Applicable
in the European Union and other
European countries with separate
collection systems)
This sylnbol on lhe product or on its packaging
indicates thai lifts product shall not be treated as
household wasle, lnstead il shall be handed over
to the applicable collection point lor the recycling
of electrical and electronic equipmenl. By
ensuring this product is disposed of corlvctly, you
will help prevent polcnlial negative consequences
lor lhe environment and human health, wlfich
could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste
handling of this product. Tile recycling of
materials will help tit conserve natural resources.
For more detailed inlbrmalion aboul recycling of
this producl, please contact your local Civic
Office. your housetlold waste disposal selvice or
the shop where you purchased lhe product.

Disposal of waste batteries
(applicable in the European Union
and other European countries with
separate collection systems)
This symbol on the battery or on the packaging
indicates that the batte D' provided with this
product shall not be treated as housellold waste.
By ensuring tllese batteries are disposed of
correctly, you will help prevent potentially
negative consequences lor tile en'_'ironnlcnI and
human heallh which could otherwise be caused by
inappropriate waste handling of the ballery. Tile
recycling of the malerials will help to conselve
nalural resources.
In case of products that lor salcty, perfimnance or
data inlegrity reasons rcquirc a permanent
conneclion with an incorporatcd battery, this
battery should be replaced by qualified selwice
staff only, To ensure thai the battcry will be
treated properly, hand over the producl at end-ol:-
lilP to the applicable collectkm poinl fi)r the
recycling of electrical and eleclronic equipmenl.
For all other batteries, please view the sectfim on
bow to renlove file baltery lrolI/ tile product
Hand the batlcD' over to the applicable collection
point lor the recycling of waste batteries.
For more detailed inlbrmatkm about recycling of
this product or battery, please contact your local
Civic Olfice, your household waste disposal
sel",ice or the shop where you purchased the
Notice for the customers in the
countries applying EU Directives
The manuhlcmrcr (51 this product is Sony
Corporalion, l -% l Konan Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-
0075 Japan. The Authorized Representative lor
EMC and product sultry is Sony Deutschland
GmbH, Hedellinger Stras_ 61,70327 Stultgart,
Germany. For any service or guarantee matters
please mlcr to the addresses given ill separale
service or guaranlee docunlenls,
A moulded plug complying with BS 1363 is fitted
1(5lhis equipment lor your sali:ly and
Should the fllse ill the plug supplied need to be
replaced, a filse of the same rating as the supplied
one and approved by ASTA or BSI to BS 1362,
(i.e., marked with all @ or _ mark) umst be
If the plug supplied with this equipment has a
delachable luse cover, be sure to atlach the fi/se
cover after you change file filse. Never use file
phlg wilhoul the luse cover. If you should lo_ the
I/lse cover, please conlact your nearesl Sony
service station.

Table of contents
IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS .................................................................... 2
Read this first ............................................................................................ 4
Notes on using the camera ...................................................................... 8
Getting started ................................................................................. 9
Checking the accessories supplied ......................................................... 9
1 Preparing the battery pack .................................................................. 10
2 Inserting the battery pack/a "Memory Stick Duo" (not supplied) ........ 11
3 Turning the camera on/setting the clock ............................................. 13
Shooting images easily ................................................................. 14
Mode dial/Zoom/Flash/Macro/Self-timer/Display ................................... 15
Shooting in Smile Shutter mode ............................................................. 17
Viewing/deleting images ............................................................... 18
Learning the various functions - HOME/Menu ........................... 21
Using the HOME screen ......................................................................... 21
HOME items ............................................................................................ 22
Using menu items ................................................................................... 23
Menu items .............................................................................................. 24
Enjoying your computer ............................................................... 26
Supported Operating Systems for USB connection and application
software (supplied) ................................................................................. 26
Viewing "Cyber-shot Handbook". ........................................................... 27
Indicators on the screen ............................................................... 28
Battery life and memory capacity ................................................ 30
Battery life and number of images you can record/view ........................ 30
Recordable number of still images and recordable time of movies ...... 31
Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 33
Battery pack and power ......................................................................... 33
Shooting still images/movies .................................................................. 34
Viewing images ...................................................................................... 35
Precautions .................................................................................... 36
Specifications ................................................................................ 37

Notes on usingthecamera
Internal memory and "Memory
Stick Duo" back up
Do nol turn olt file calnera, relF_ove file bilttery
pack, or remme tile "Memory Stick Duo while
tile access hunp is lit. Otherwise, the internal
memory data or "Menlory Slick Duo" may be
damaged, Be sure to make a backup COl?yto
protect your data,
Notes on recording/playback
• Betorc you start recording, make a trial
I_cording to make sure that tile camera is
working correctly.
• The camera is neither dustq)rooI, nor splash-
i?rooI, nor water-prool. Read "Precautions"
(page 36) belore operating the camera.
• Aw)id exposing the canlera to water. 11water
milers inside lhe Calllera, a nlalhulctk)n nmy
OCc/Ir. hl Solne ca_s, tile canler+t c_lnnot be
• Do not aim tile camera at tile sun or ()tiler brigbl
light. It may cause tile malhmction of tile
• Do not u_ the canlera near a Iocatkm that
generates strong radio waves or enlfls radiation.
Otherwise. the camera nlay not properly record
or play back images.
• Using the camera in sandy or dusty locations
nlay cause lnalfilnclions.
• If [noisturc condensation occurs, remo_e il
bek_re using tile camera (page 36).
• Do not shake or strike tile camera. It may cau_
a malflmcflon and you may not be able to lvcord
images. Furthernlolv, the lvcording media may
become unusable or image data may be
• Clean the flash surl,tce belore use. Tile Ileal of
flash emission may cause dirt on the flash
surl;ice to become discolored or to slick to tile
flash surlace, rcsulflng in insulllcient light
Notes on the LCD screen and
• The LCD screen is nmnut,tclured using
extremely high-precision technology so mer
99.99% of tile pixels arc operatiollal I_ll"
elJ_:cflve use. However. some tiny black and/or
bright dots (white. rod, blue or green) may
appeal on the LCD screen. These dots am a
normal result of the manulacmring process, and
do not aflect the recording.
• When file battel T level becomes low. the lens
ndgbt stop moving. Insert a charged battel T
pack and turn on the cmnera again,
On image data compatibility
• The camera contorms with DCF (Design rule
lot Camera File sysleln) universal standard
established by JEITA (Japan Electronics and
Intormaflon Tcclmology Industries
• Sony does not guarantee that tile camera will
play back images recorded or edited with other
equipment, or that other equipment will play
back images recorded with tile camera.
_Warning on copyright
Television programs, Iihns, _ ideotapes, and other
nmterials may be copyrighted. Unmlfllorized
recording of such materials may be conmuy to tile
I?ro_isions of tile copyright laws,
No compensation for damaged
content or recording failure
Solly CilllllOt COlllpellSate Ior Ihilul'e to record or
lOSS or dalnage oI recorded C'Olltent due to a
tntdhlnclioll ol lhe canlertt or rccordhlg media,

Getting started
• Baltery charger BC-CSGB/BC-('SG(" ( l ) • USB, A/V cable till" muJli-tlse lerminal (l)
• Power cord (mains lead) (1)
(not supplied in the USA and Canada)
• Rcchargeable baltery pack NP-BG 1 ( 1)/
Baltery case (1)
• Wrist strap (1)
• CD-ROM (1)
Cyber-shot application software
"Cyber-shol Handbook"
"Cyber-shol S,cp-up Guide"
• Instruction Manual (this manual) (1)
Attach the strap and place your hand through the loop to prevent the camera from damage by,
being dropped.

1 Preparingthe battery pack
OInsert the battery pack into the battery charger.
0 Connect the battery charger to the wall outlet (wall socket).
Tile CHARGE lamp lights up, and charging starts.
When tile CHARGE lamp turns otl, charging is finished (Nornlal charge).
If you continue charging tile ballery pack tot about one nlore hour (unli] it is fully charged), tile charge
will last slightly longer.
Charging time
• The table above shows the time required to charge a flllly depleted battery pack al a temperature of 25 °C
(77 °F). Charging may take longer depending on condilions of u_ and circumslances.
• See page 3(I lor the nulnber of images that can be recorded.
• Connect lhe baltery charger 1o the nearest wall outlel (wall sockel).
• Even if the CHARGE lamp is nol lit, the batlery charger is not disconnected honl tile AC power source
(mains) as hmg as it is connecled to tile wall outlel (wall socket), If some trouble occurs while using the
baltc W charger, imnledkttely shul o1_ the power by disconnecting the plug flonl lhe wall oullet (wall
• When charging is finished, disconnect the power cord (nlains lead) tionl lhe wall oullet (wall socket), and
r_2nloYetile batlery pack h'onl tile battery charger,
• Designed lor u_ with compalible Sony balteries.

2 Inserting the battery pack/a "Memory Stick Duo" (not
_) Open the battery/"Memory Stick Duo" cover.
O Insert the "Memory Stick Duo" (not supplied).
_) Insert the battery pack.
_) Close the battery/"Memory Stick Duo" cover.
When there is no "Memory Stick Duo" inserted
The camera records/plays back images using tile internal memory (approx. 15 MB).
To check the remaining battery charge
Press POWER to turn on and check the relnaining battery charge on the LCD screen.
Remaining , \ i /i
charge _ _ _ _ _ i_-..
indicator -" i \
Status Sufficient Batter_ Batteryhalf Battel 3 1o_, Change thehatte U
• If you use the NP-FG1 baltel T pack (nol suppliedh lhe minules also appeal after tile batlery remaining
indicator (_ 60 Min).
• 11takes about one mhlule unlil the correct remaining charge indicator appears.
• The remaining charge indicator may not be conect depending on condilions of use and circumstances.
• The Clock Set screen appears when you turn on lhe camera h_rthe first tinle (page 13).
power ahnost fully full recording/ with fully charged
remaining charged playback one, or charge the
will stop batte U. (The warning
soon. indicator flashes.)

_To remove the battery pack/"Memory Stick Duo"
Open the b_ttery/"Memory Stick Duo" cover.
"Memory Stick Duo" Battery pack
Make sure that the access lamp
is not lit, then push the "Memory
Stick Duo" in once.
• Never remove ll/e baltery pack/"Memory Slick Duo" when lhe access lamp is lit. This may cause damage
to data in the "Memory Slick Duo"/inlernal memory.
Slide the battery eject lever.
Besure not to drop the battery

3 Turningthe camera on/setting the clock
_]_Press POWER.
0 Set the clock with the control button.
1 Select the date display lortzmt "_ ith A/V, then press O.
2 Select each item with 4/P" and set the numeric wllue with A/V. then press O.
3 Select [OKI, then press O.
• Tile can'_era does not have a tcature tllr superimposing dales on images. By using "Picture Motion
Browser" in lhe CD-ROM (supplied). you can prinl or save inlages with the (late.
• Midnight is indicated as 12:00 AM. and noon as 12:00 PM.
To change the date and time
Press HOME. and select [Q Clock Settings] in m_ /Settings) /pages 21, 22).
Notes on when the power is turned on
• Once lhe batlery pack is inserted in lhe camera, it may lake lime belore operatkm becomes possible.
• If the camera is lunning on battery power and you do not operate the camera l_r about three nfinutes, the
canlera turns off automalically to prcxent wearing down tile batlery pack (Auto power-off Lunction).

0 Select the desired function from the mode dial.
When shooting still images (Auto Adjustment nlode): Select L¢_I
When shooting movies: Select H.
0 Hold the camera, with your elbows pressed against your body to steady it.
Position the subject in
the center of the focus
O Shoot with the shutter button.
"When shooting still images:
1 Press attd hold the shutter button
ball\ray down to focus.
Tile 0 (AE/AF lock) indicator !green)
flashes, a beep sounds, tile indicator stops
flashing and remains lit.
2 Press tbe sbtttter button fully down.
When shooting movies:
Press the shutter button fitly down.
To stop recording, press tbe sbutter button fully down again.
• Tile shortest shooting distance is approxinmtely 10 cnl (4 inches) (W)/50 cm (1 loot 7 3/4 inches) (T)
(fronl the front of the lens).
AE/AF lock indicator

Mode dial/Zoom/Flash/Macro/Self-timer/Display
Using the mode dial
Set tile triode dial to tile desired function.
Auto Adjustment
Allows you to shoot wilh tile settings ac[iusted automalically.
EASY Easy Shooting
Allows easy shooting with easy-to-see indicalors.
P Program Auto
Allows you to shool with the exposure adjusted automalically (both tile shutler speed anti tile aperture
value). You can adBlst ot]ler settings using tile nlenu,
H Movie Mode
Allows you 1o record movies wilh audio,
I_o High Sensitivity
Shools images without a flash even ill low lighling,
@ Smile Shutter
When tile cumera delecls a smile, lhe shutler is released auton]atically. For delails, see page 17.
_,_ Soft Snap
Shools inlages wilh a softer atmosphere R_r portrails ol people, flowers, etc.
[] Landscape
Shools with tile locus on a distant su_!iect.
_' Twilight Portrait
Shoots sharp inlages ol people in a (lark place withoul losing tile nighltime almospherc.
SON* Scene Selection
Selects a setting fi'om tile Scene Seleclion menu.
* Scene Selection in SCNmode
Press MENU illl(l _lect it _ttillg.
.,_ Twilight
Shools nighl scenes withoul losing tile nighttime atmosphere.
"_'_ Beach
Shools seaskle or lakeside scenes with tile blueness of tile water captured more _ividly,
Shools SllOW scenes ill white t/lOre clearly.
Shools fireworks in all their splendor.
Shools illlderwaler ill llillural colors ushlg a waler-proo| ho/ishlg,

_W/T Using the zoom
Press T to zoom, press W to tlndo zoom.
_ Flash (Selecting a flash mode for still images)
Press )" (,_) on tile control button repeatedly until the desired mode is selected.
_NTO: FlashAuto
Flashes when there isinsullicienl light or backlighl(delault setting),
$: Flashforcedon
The shulrerspeed is slow in adark place toclearly shoot tilebackground thai is outel Ilash light.
{_: Flashforcedoff
_ Macro (Shooting close-up)
Press 411(_e_)on the control button repeatedly until the desired mode is selected.
The camera adjusts file locus amomatically Item dislanl subjects1o close-up.
Normally, pul the camera inthis mode.
_: Macro
Tile camera adjusls tile locus wilh priorily on close-upstH_iects.Set MacroOn when shooting close
_Using the self-timer
Press • (_,5) on the control button repeatedly tmtil the desired mode is selected.
_o :Settingthe lO-seconddelayself-timer
_2: Settingthe2-seconddelayself-timer
When you press the shutter bt]tton, the self-timer lamp flashes and a beep sounds until the
shutter t)perates.
DISP Changing the screen display
Press • (DISP) on the control button.
Each tithe you press • (DISP), the display and brightness changes as follows:
+ Indicators on
Indicators on*
Histogram on*
Indicators off*
LCD screen off
* The brightness of lhe LCD Backlighl is set to up.

Shooting in Smile Shutter mode
When tile camera detects a smile, the shtttter is released automatically.
_) Select _ (Smile Shutter) mode from the mode dial.
0 Press the shutter button all the way down to set Smile Detection mode.
Tile Smile Shutter enters standby.
' I
Eacb time the smile level reacbes the set Smile Detection Sensitivity (indicated by 41), the
camera automatically operates tbe shutter and records tip to six images. After recording the
image, tbe Smile Sbutter lamp lights.
0 Press the shutter button all the way down again to exit the Smile Shutter
• When tile Smile Sbmter is in standby, tile Record lamp (Orange) fl_shes.
• Shooting using tile Smile Slmtter ends automatically when either file "Melnol T Stick Duo" or inlernal
memory becollleS 1/I]] or when six images have been recorded.
• You can select the subjecl lhat has priorily ftlr smile deteclkln wilh [Smile Delection] (page 24).
• If a smile is not detected, _1 the [Snlile Deleclion Sensidvily] (page 24).
• You can have the camera shoot the image automatically when any person displayed in the smile detection
lranlc (Orange) smiles after pressing file shulter button all the way down.
• Tile image may not be in locus if the dislance between the camera and the subjecl is changed after pressing
the shutter button all the way down. The suilable exposure may nol be obtained if the surrounding
brighmess changes.
• Faces may nol be detected correctly when:
It is too dark or too bright.
Faces am partially bidden by sunglasses, masks, bals. elc.
Tile sut_iecls am not ft,cing file camera.
• Smiles may nol be detected correctly depending on tile condilions.
• You cannol use file Digital Zoom hmclion.
• You cannol change the zoom iatio when file Smile Sllulter is in slandby.
Smile Detection mark/Number of images
Smile Detection frame (Orange)
Smile Detection Sensitivity indicator
This indicates the current smile lew:l.

_]_Press [] (Playback).
If you press [] when tim camera is powered off, tim cmnera is turned on automatically und set to
playback mode, To switch to tile shooting mode, press [] again.
OSelect an image with 4/_ on the control button.
Press • to play back a movie. (Press • again to stop playback.)
Press • to lz_st Iorward, • to rewind. (Prcss• to return to normal playback.)
Press • to display tile volume control screen, then press •/• to at{just tile volume.
• Somctilnes images shotusingearlier Sony modelscannot be played back.
Press theHOME button,select [_ Folder ViewI ti'om_ (View hnages), then play back the images.
_ To delete images
1 Display the image _ou 'aant to delete, then press MENU.
2 Select _ [Delete] with A/V and select [This Image] with 4liP,., then press Q.
3 Select [OK] with A, then press O.
_ To view an enlarged image (playback zoom)
Press _ "_hile displaying a still image. To undo the zoom, press _.
Adjust the position with A/V/41/P,..
To cancel the playback zoom, press O.

_To view an index screen
Press {_ (Index) to display the index screen while a still image is displayed.
Then, select an image with &/V/4/P".
To return to the single image screen, press 0.
• In the delimll setting, images are displayed in Dale View (when using the "Memory Slick Duo") or in
Folder View (when using llle internal memory).
You can change the View Mode by selecting r_ (View hnages) on lhe HOME screen !page 22).
• Each lime you press [] (Index), lhe number of images on the index screen increases.
To delete images in index mode
1 Press MENIJ 'ahile the index screen isdisplayed.
2 Select [Delete] with A/V and select [Multiple hnages] with ,,11/_. then press 0.
3 Select the image you want to delete with A/V/',I/_', then press 0.
The N/mark is checked in llle checkbox of the image.
To cancela selection, select an imageyou have selected lot delelkm, then press • again.
4 Press MENU and select [OK] with ,it. thm_ press 0.
• To delete all the images of adate/lolder, select [All Images in Date Range]/[All In This Folder] in step
2.then press •.
To play back a series of images with effects and music (Slideshow)
1 Press _ (Slideshu'_x) button.
The setupscreen appears.
2 Press _ /Slideshow) button again.
The music will change together with the [Effects]. Yuu can also transfer and change the music
tu your desired music.
Tu transfer and change the music, take the following steps.
(!) Press the HOME button. Then select [J_Music Tool] ---+[Download Music] in _ (Slideshow)
(page 22).
@ Install the software included in the CD-ROM (SUl)plied)to your computer.
@ Connect the camera and a computer with USB cable.
(_) Start up 'Music Transl)r" installed to your computer and change the music.
For details on changing the music, refer to Help in 'Music Transfer".

_To view images on TV
Connect the camera to tile TV with the cable lk_rmulti-use terminal (supplied).
Cable for multi-use terminal (supplied)
To view on HD (High Defioition) TV. att HD Output Adaptor (!able (not supplied) is needed.
• If you set tile inlage size to [16:9]. you can record ilnages ill file size thiH fills file enlire screen of the HD
• You cannol view movies output ill [HD (1080i)1 signal/ormal. Sel [COMPONENT] to [SD] when
shooting II/ovies.
_ To audio/video
put jacks

Learningthe variousfunctions- HOME/Menu
The HOME screen is tile gateway screen for all tile functions of the camera, and can be called
up regardless of the mode selting (shooting/viewing).
_]_ Press HOME to display the HOME screen.
0 Select a category with 411_ on the control button.
Select an item with A/v, then press O.
When you select the IJm (Manage Memory) or _=_ (Settings) category
1 Select the desired setting with A/T. then press 0.
• The HOMEscreen isdisplayed bypressing ,.
2 Select a setting with A/T. then press 0.
• The camera is set to lheshooting or viewing mode by pressing theHOME bull_magain.

Fordetailsonthe operation_ page21
Pressing HOME displays tile following items. Only tile available items are displayed on the
screen. Details on each item are displayed in tile guide at the bottom of the screen.
Shooting Shooting
I_ View Images Date View
Folder View
Slideshow Slidesho_
Music Tool
Download Music Format Music
Print Print
m Manage Memory Memory Tool
Memo U Stick Tool
Format Create REC.Fokler
Change REC.Folder Copy
Internal Memory Tool
=_'_Settings MainSellings
Main Settings I
Beep Function Guide
Initialize Smile demo mode
Main Settings 2
Vide() Out Wide Zoom Display
Shooting Settings
Shooting Settings 1
AF Illuminator Grid Line
AF Mode Digital Zoom
Conversion tells
Shooting Settings 2
Auto Orientation Auto Review
Clock Settings
Language Setting

Usingmenu items
_]_ Press MENU to display the menu.
-- Function Guide
• Tile menu will be displayed only during shooting and playback lnode.
• Different ilems will become visible depending on lhe selected mode.
OSelect a desired menu item with A/V on the control button.
• It the desired item is hidden, keep pressing A/V until tile item appears on the screen.
Select a setting with 41/_.
• If the desired item is hidden, keep pressing _/_ until tile iteln appears on the screen.
• Select an ilem in playback mode, then press 0.
_) Press MENU to turn off the menu.