Auto Time Setting AM/FM Clock Radio with Digital Tuner
Step-up Feature
New Feature
Appealing Design
Auto Time Setting Clock
AM/FM Digital Tuning Radio-Controlled Clock Radio
Triple LCD Display (Present Time, Alarm A/Alarm B)
Dual Alarm with Individual Setting
Melody Alarm
Extendable Snooze
Nap Timer
Brightness Control (H/M/L)
Please visit the Dealer Network for more information at www.sony.com/dn
Radio Controlled Clock

Auto Time Setting AM/FM Clock Radio with Digital Tuner
New Appealing Design new low profile design with easy-to-reach snooze
button placement makes this high tech look an attractive addition to your
nightstand or dresser
Auto Time-Setting Clock receives highly accurate time signal being broadcast
by a scientific reference transmitter and automatically sets the time and date; the
settings are checked when the clock is plugged in, or whenever power is
interrupted; settings are also repeatedly checked throughout the day to maintain
consistent time accuracy down to fractions of a second
AM/FM Digital Tuning Radio Controlled Clock Radio makes tuning-in a
desired station simple and precise, with accurate drift-free tuning of AM and FM
radio stations
Triple Time Display current time, Alarm A and Alarm B are displayed
continuously on the easy-to-read LCD display
Dual Alarm with Individual Setting permits two separate wake-up settings, an
especially useful feature for working couples, and can also display the current
Melody Alarm with 2 alarm melodies available
Extendable Snooze (10 Minutes per Tap/60 Minutes Max) gives you the
freedom to easily choose your own snooze time instead of being held captive by
the short time interval of most other snooze timers; each press of the
Snoozinator™ bar adds an additional 10 minutes to your total snooze time; up to
a full hour of uninterrupted sleep will be your choice after the alarm first sounds,
all with just a few quick flicks of your fingertip
Nap Timer is a separate button which allows you to take a short nap and wake
up buzzer without changing your alarm settings. (You can select your favorite
nap time 10/20/30/60/90/120 minutes)
Brightness Control (H/M/L) allows you to adjust the level of display brightness
to suit your preference, in the day or night time
Frequency Range: FM: 87.5-108MHz; AM: 530-1710kHz
Antenna System: AM: Built-in Ferrite Bar Antenna; FM: Wire Antenna
Power Requirements: AC 120V, 60Hz
Speaker Unit: 2 5/8" (66mm)
Weight: 1 lb 6.2 oz (630g) without battery
Dimensions (WHD): 6 7/8" x 2 3/8" x 5 3/8" (173 x 57.2 x 133.5mm)
Color: Champagne
UPC Code: 0272426363300
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Sony Electronics, Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 • www.sony.com
Last Updated 2005-02-09