Sony D-E401 User Manual

3-861-762-22 (1)

Compact Disc Compact Player

Operating Instructions

About area code

The area code of the player \ ou purchased is shown on upper left of the bar code label on the package. For accessories supplied with your player, check the area code of your model
and refer to "Supplied accessories" toward the end of this manual.
D-E400HR D-E403 D-E406CK
Sony Corporation £ 1998 Printed in Malaysia
D-E401 D-E405 D-E409CK
’hank you for purchasing the Sony Compact Disc Compact Player, iefore operating your player, please ead this manual and retain it for uture reference.

\bout this manual

'lie instructions in this rndniial arc for the
■)-h4it(l, 14-H41K)AN, n-h4(K)HR, D-L401, IM-;4(].4,
)-E:40S, D-F,406CK and [4-H409CK. Before you .tatt reading, check vour model number. The 1)-H400AN is the mt>del used for illustration :>urposes.

Owner's Record*

The mode! and the serial numbers are located at ;he bottom. Record these numbers in the spaces pro\'ided below. Refer to them whenever you rail upon vour Sony dealer regarding this
Model Nti
Serial No._
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture.
To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing
to qualified personnel only.
I .istening for many hours at niaximum volume may damage vour he<iriiig.

For the customers in the USA

l his equipment has been tested and fiuind to compK' v\'ith the limits ft)r a Class B digital ilex ice, pursuant to i'art 13 of the h'C'C' Rules.
! hese limits are designed to prox'ide reasonable jn'otection against harmtul interference in a residential installation. This equipment genei'átes, uses, and can radiate radio fretjuencx energ\’ and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructioiis, mav cause harmtul interterence to laidio communications. ! lovx’ex er, thei'e is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this eejuipment does cause harmful interference to radio or teiex ision recepti<m, which can be determined by turning the equipment tiff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference bv t>ne or more of the following measures;
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receix er.
- Connect the et|uipment into an outlet on a circuit tlifferent from that to which the receixer is connecti'd.
- C onsLilt the dealei' or an experienced radio/ I V technician for help.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly appnn ed iii this m.mual could x oitl \ our authoritv to operate this equipment.

For the customers in Australia

The sLippK' coixl of the AC power adaptor cannot be replaced; it the cord is damaged, the AC power .ulaptor should be discarded.

For the customers not in Poland

The ^ mark on the unit is valid onlv for
products marketed in Poland.


! lu' use of optical instruments w ith this product
will increase e\ e hazard.

For the customers not in Europe

^ ^ I lu' Ch mark on the unit is x alid Í t onix tor products markelt'd in tht-
liuropean Union.

For the customers not in Russia

I he P mark on the unit and package is xxilid
onlx lor protlucls marketed in Russia.
Playing a CD right
If you want to play a CD right now, choose to use your player on house current. Other choices are the following three: rechargeable battery, dry
batteries (see "Power Sources" on the reverse side) and car battery.


For models supplied with the AC plug adaptor
li the AC power adaptor does not fit the wall outlet, use the AC plug adaptor.

For models supplied with the remote control

Connect the microplug of the earphones/headphones to the remote control, not to the 0/ REMOTE jack of the player.
• Connect the earphones/headphones to the remote control firmly. A loose connection may
cause noise during playback.
Place a CD
To Press
I’ause (main unit
only) Resume pla\’ after
►II pause {main unit only)
Find the beginning
once»* of the current track (AMS»)
Find the beginning
repeatedly»» of previous tracks (AMS)
Find the beginningr
►►1 once»» of the next track (AMS)
Find the beginning
►►( repeatedly»» of succeeding tracks (AMS)
Go forward c^uicklv
Go backwards quickly
■*AMS = Automatic Music Sensor ‘*Thosc operations are possible during bt>th play and pause.
Hold down ►►!*»
Hold down !◄◄»*
To remove the CD
Remove the CD while pri'ssin^ the pi\ c>t.
Notes on controlling the volume with the remote control
Set the VOL (volume) control on the remote control to MAX. Then adjust the volume on tht player to the level that you vwint to be the maximum volume of the remote control.
Notes on display
• When \ L)u press ►!! or ► (when KESUMH
set to OFF), the total number ot tracks in
the CD and the ttilal plavin;^ time appear U)r
<ibouf 2 seconds.
• Durin;^ ' luimber ami thi'
eiapsmi plavinp lime ot the current track
1 )uriny pau.sf, file elapsed pla\ inj; tinu'
ll<)slu> in tlK‘ di^pia\
• fjetween tracks, the time to tlu' br’ginnine ot the next track will appe-ar with the indication.

Notes on handling CDs

I o kei'p (he C D clean, handk’ It b\ Its etlgcc I )i) iu>( touch (lu‘ .surface.
• 1 )o not stick paper cn' tapi' ont(i the C D.
• Do not expose the C'D to direct sunlight or
heat sources such as hot air ducts. Do not leave the C'l) in a car parked under direct sunlight.

>^Other Operations

Playing tracks repeatedly
(Repeat Play)
You can play tracks repcalodly in normal,
INTRO PC!M, shutfle or RMS (Randt)m Music Sensor) play modes. Repeat all the tracks or only one track.
To repeat all the tracks
IVess REPHAT/ENTER during play. The c^” indication appears.
rv I nn.n I
U » UU-U I
To cancel repeat play, press REPEAT/ENTER again.
To repeat a single track 1 Press REPEAT/ENTER while the track you
want to repeat is playing. The " " indication appears.
n't n I. I ~i
UJ u I- I I
2 Press PLAY MODI: repeatedly until "I
U J U ft J
'lo repeat another track, press or .
To cancel repeat play, press REPEAT/ENTER again.
~ 1 ~
n 'i'n r
Playing tracks in random order (Shuffle Play)
You i .m p\iW tho Imcks in .1 O) in r<indom
During pl<YV/ pi'<^'ss PLAY MODI: ropcdtodly until "SHUL" cippcars. Thi’ trncks pl(iy in icindtim ordt'r.
nc n I'n'-i
u J U l‘ I I
To cancel shuffle play, press PLAY MODL repeatedly until the play mode indication disappears from the display.
During shuffle play, vou cannot return to previous tracks bv pressing .
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