Sony Mobile Communications AB – Company Internal
- mechanical -
D6502, D6503, D6543, L50w

Sony Mobile Communications AB – Company Internal
Repair Movies (mech)
1 Movies ............................................................................................. 3
1.1 Disassembly ......................................................................................... 3
1.2 Reassembly .......................................................................................... 3
2 Revision History ............................................................................. 4
To view the embedded repair movies in this document, Acrobat Reader version 8 (or later) and
Flash Player version 8 (or later) must be installed on your computer.
For best picture quality, select “Actual size” or “100%” as zoom level in Acrobat Reader.
To magnify while keeping an acceptable picture quality, increase the zoom level to 200%.
If the movies appear to be jerky or blurred when viewing on-line, this is probably caused by the
connection speed being too slow.
In that case, right-click with the mouse on the document name and select Save Target As to
download the repair movie document for off-line viewing.
For general information about repair movies, refer to
1220-1333: Generic Repair Manual - mechanical
1285-2553 Rev 1