CPD-E430 (E) 3-1
• Landing Rough Adjustment
1. Display all white pattern (or black dot pattern).
2. Set contrast to 255.
3. Display green plain pattern.
4. Side back DY and roughly adjust green plain pattern to be centered on
the useful screen with Purity Magnet.
5. Adjust DY tilt.
Note:Set ROTATION to 128 and LCC_NS to 128 when adjusting DY tilt.
6. Lightly tighten the DY screw.
• Landing Fine Adjustment
Note: (1) After adjust W/B (9300k), measure the average of ΣIK with all
white video input, while CONTRAST is maximum and
BRIGHTNESS is center. And adjustment shall be made so that the
miss-landing become least after aging 2H with the IK 30% of
measured value shown above.
(2) The magnetic field shall be BH = 0.
(3) When adjusting at other than BH = 0, calculate the shifted value
from BH = 0.
1. Put the monitor in helmholz coil.
2. Set as follows;
LCC_SW = 0 (LCC Correction Current = 0)
FUNCTION_SW bit1 = (Auto Degauss = On)
3. Display green plain pattern.
4. Degauss the iron part of chassis with a hand degausser and degauss coil.
5. Degauss CRT face with a hand degausser again.
6. Input AC 230V to AC IN and turn the monitor off and on. Then autodegauss works.
7. Reset FUNCTION_SW bit1 to 0 (auto-degauss = off)
8. Degauss CRT face with a hand degausser again.
9. Attach wobbling coil to the specified place on CRT neck.
10. With landing checker, adjust DY position, purity, DY center and
landing of the 4 corners.
11. Check landing of the 4 corners, and adjust using magnet if they are not
in the specification.
The red and blue must be within the
specification given right with respect to the
A difference between red and blue must be
within the specification given right.
Adjust so that the green is within the
specification given right.
4 corner adjust target : within ± 1
Note:(1) Do not attach more than 2 magnets on one corner.
(2) Attach magnets within the range of 80 - 100 mm from DY.
(3) Be sure to degauss and check when used magnets.
0 ± 3 0 ± 7.5 0 ± 3
0 ± 3 0 ± 7.5 0 ± 3
0 ± 3 0 ± 7.5 0 ± 3
± 6 ± 6 ± 6
± 6 ± 6 ± 6
± 6 ± 6 ± 6
10 10 10
10 7 10
10 10 10