Sony A3724011 User Guide

Adding a Signature to Mail

When saved beforehand, your signature can be attached at the end of the main body of mail.

Saving a Signature

The signature attached to mail can be created and saved.

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Edit signature] and press .

The Edit signature display appears.

ˎIf you have saved a signature before, it is displayed.

2Press (Edit) and enter a signature.

Enter a signature within 5,000 full-width or 10,000 half-width characters.

You can enter a Deco mail pict. to compose Decomail.

3Press (Complete).

The signature is saved.

You can also decorate a signature (P.208).

Adding a Signature Automatically

The saved signature can be automatically attached to the main body when you compose mail.

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Signature] and press .

2Select [Auto]/[No] and press .

The Signature is set.

Even if the Signature is set to [No], you can attach the signature manually. From the Function menu in the Input text display, select [Add signature].

Even if the Signature is set to [Auto], you cannot attach a signature to a reply mail using the Quote function or a forwarded mail.

Setting the Type of Mail/Message

to be Checked

You can set whether to receive mail, Message R, and Message F when making inquiries to the i-mode center.

Example: Setting the i-mode inquiry set for mail

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Common setting] → [i-mode inquiry set] and press .

2 Select [Mail] → [Valid]/[Invalid] of the

i-mode inquiry set.

The i-mode inquiry set is set.

Setting to Select and Receive Mail

You can set whether to selectively receive



i-mode mail.


ˎEven if the Recv option setting is [ON], all mail is received if you use the Check new message. If you do not want to receive mail, set [Mail] to [Invalid] in the i-mode inquiry set (P.227).

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Recv option setting] and press .

The Recv option setting display appears.


Sent mail is held at the i-mode center and not received by the FOMA terminal. To receive, use the Receive option (P.215).


Sent mail is received automatically by the FOMA terminal.

2 Select [ON]/[OFF] and press .

The Recv option setting is set.

Continued 199

Setting a Mail List

By saving mail addresses in a mail list, you can send mail to all members in the list at the same time.

Up to 10 mail lists can be saved. Up to five mail addresses can be saved in each mail list.

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Mail list] → a mail list and press .

2Enter a list name at [List].

Enter a list name within eight full-width or 16 halfwidth characters.

3 Select [Member list] and press .

Member field


To delete a member

Move the cursor to the member field and from the Function menu, select [Delete] [Delete one] [Yes]. To delete all members, from the Function menu, select [Delete] [Delete all], enter the Security code, and select [Yes].

4 Enter the mail address or the phone number in the member field.

Enter a mail address or phone number within 50 half-width alphanumeric characters and symbols.

5 Press (Complete).

The member list is set.


6Press (Complete).

The mail list is set.

To delete a mail list

Move the cursor to a mail list in the Mail list

display and from the Function menu, select [Delete one] [Yes]. To delete several mail lists,

from the Function menu, select [Select&delete],

select mail lists, press (Complete), and select [Yes]. To delete all mail lists, from the Function menu, select [Delete all], enter the Security code, and select [Yes].

Even if you change the contents of the Phonebook after saving a member to the mail list, the saved contents on the mail list do not change.

Playing a Melody Automatically

from Mail

The melody can be set to be played back automatically when displaying mail or message.

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Common setting] → [Melody auto play] and press .

2Select [ON]/[OFF] and press .

The Melody auto play is set.

When mail has several melody attachments, the melodies are played back in the order they were attached to the mail. Melodies in the MFi format has lower priority than those in the SMF format.

When the Manner mode is set or when the message is displayed automatically, the Melody auto play is disabled.

Setting the Receiving Operation

during Multitasking

You can set whether the incoming mail or received mail display should appear when you receive mail, SMS, or Message R/F while you are using the FOMA terminal for other tasks.

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Common setting] → [Dur multi task disp] and press .

[Prefer alarm]:

Display the incoming mail or received mail display.

[Prefer operat.]:

Do not display the incoming mail or received mail display. “”, “”, or “” flashes while you are receiving mail/message and “”, “”, “”, or “” appears after reception.

2 Select [Prefer alarm]/[Prefer operat.] and press .

The receiving operation during multitasking is set.

Regardless of the setting, SMS is received with [Prefer operat.] while placing (originating)/ receiving a voice, videophone, or PushTalk call, during a voice call, videophone call, or PushTalk

communication, while recording a still image/ movie, running i-αppli, or receiving mail.

Enabling the Receiving of a File


You can set whether to automatically receive the file attached to i-mode mail.

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Attached file pref.] and press .

2 Select [Valid]/[Invalid] for each item.


Automatically receive a file attachment.




Do not automatically receive a file attachment. To


obtain a file attachment, from the Inbox display,



select “ ” (P.219).



The Attached file pref. is set.


Even if you set the Attached file pref. to [Valid],


a file attachment exceeding 100K bytes is not


received automatically.


Deleting the Send/Receive

Ranking List

Up to 20 each of most frequent senders and recipients are automatically saved in the Send and Receive ranking lists. You can select a recipient from this list when you compose mail. The Send and Receive ranking lists can be cleared at once.

Example: Deleting the Receive ranking list

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Clear Recv ranking] and press .

To delete the Send ranking list

From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] [Clear Send ranking].

2 Select [Clear all] and press .

All Receive ranking list data is deleted.


Receiving a Message

<Receive message>

When a message is received while in the stand-by display, the contents of the message are automatically displayed. Up to 20 Message R and Message F each can be saved in the FOMA terminal.

When receiving a message, “”/“”/“” flashes.


When receiving is completed, “ ”/“ ”/“ ” is


displayed, the indicator flashes, the ring tone


sounds, and the number of received messages is




The contents of the message appear automatically


after about 15 seconds. The display before


receiving reappears after about 15 seconds when


no operations are made.

ˎMessages that are automatically displayed are saved as unread.

When the number of saved received messages has reached 20 and a new message is received, the unprotected message is overwritten from the oldest.

You can also disable Auto-display of messages (P.230).

Messages are held at the i-mode center when “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, or “” appears (sometimes “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, or “” do not appear even if messages are held at the i-mode center).

If the maximum number of messages is held

at the i-mode center, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “” appears. In this case, perform the Check new message after checking contents of the unread messages, delete unnecessary messages, and cancel protection of the messages.


Message R/F that has been sent to you in the following situations is held at the i-mode center.

-During a videophone call

-When the FOMA terminal is powered off

-When the FOMA terminal is outside of the i-mode service area

-During PushTalk communication

-While receiving SMS

-While the Self mode is set

-While the Omakase Lock is set

-During the infrared communication

-During the iC communication

-While updating the software

-While connected to the FirstPass Center

-While connected to the Data Security Service Center

Setting Auto-display

You can set to display the contents of the message automatically when it is received while in the stand-by display. You can also select which message should be displayed first when receiving both Message R and Message F at the same time.

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Common setting] → [Auto-display] and press .

[Prefer msgR]:

Display automatically Message R first when receiving Message R and Message F at the same time.

[MessageR only]:

Display automatically Message R only.

[Prefer msgF]:

Display automatically Message F first when receiving Message R and Message F at the same time.

[MessageF only]:

Display automatically Message F only.

[Display off]:

Do not display automatically.

To set from the i-mode menu

From the i-mode menu, select [i-mode setting] [Common setting] [Auto-display].

2Select a display method and press .

The Auto-display is set.

Checking a New Message

<Check new message>

New messages held at the i-mode center while the FOMA terminal is powered off or outside of the i-mode service area can be checked.

ˎDepending on the radio wave condition, you may not be able to check new messages.

1 Press (Mail) for over a second in the stand-by display.

The FOMA terminal is connected to the i-mode center, and an inquiry result is displayed.

To check messages

Select [MessageR] or [MessageF].

You can select an inquiry item (P.227).

Displaying a Message

<Message R/Message F>

The list of received messages can be displayed.

1 From the Mail menu, select [Inbox] → the [MessageR]/[MessageF] folder and press .

ˎThe following icons show the status and type of the message.

Unread message

Read message

Protected read message

With melody attachment

With still image attachment

With ToruCa card attachment

To display from the i-mode menu

From the i-mode menu, select [Message] the [MessageR]/[MessageF] folder.

2 Select a message and press .

Received date/time Subject

The message appears and “” changes to “”.

ˎThe following icons show the details of a message. Other icons are the same as in step 1.

File attachment type


Failed to obtain the image




With invalid image attachment




With image attachment (When the






UIM is not inserted or other than






that used when the message was











W i t h S M F - f o r m a t

m e l o d y









W i t h M F i - f o r m a t

m e l o d y









With invalid MFi-format melody









With image attachment





With ToruCa card attachment



” appears when the UIM is not inserted.

ˎFor details about the operation of the file attachment, see P.218.

To display the previous or next message

Use to display the previous message or to display the next message.

Continued 203

Protecting a Message

Message R or Message F can be protected from being overwritten.

ˎ An unread message cannot be protected.

Example: Protecting Message R

1 From the Mail menu, select [Inbox] → the [MessageR] folder and press .

To protect Message F

From the Mail menu, select [Inbox] the [MessageF] folder.

To set from the i-mode menu

From the i-mode menu, select [Message] the [MessageR]/[MessageF] folder.

2Select a message and press (Func).

The Function menu appears.

To cancel the protection

Move the cursor to the protected message and press (Func).

3 Select [Protect ON/OFF] → [Yes] and


press .

The message is protected and “ ” changes to “ ”.



Deleting a Message

You can delete messages using four methods.

Example: Deleting Message R

1 From the Mail menu, select [Inbox] → the [MessageR] folder and press .

To delete Message F

From the Mail menu, select [Inbox] the [MessageF] folder.

To delete from the i-mode menu

From the i-mode menu, select [Message] the [MessageR]/[MessageF] folder.

To delete all messages

From the Function menu, select [Delete] [Delete all], enter the Security code, and select [Yes].

ˎIn the received mail list, from the Function menu, select [Delete] to delete a message.

To delete all read messages

From the Function menu, select [Delete] [Delete read msg], enter the Security code, and select [Yes].

ˎIn the received mail list, from the Function menu, select [Delete] to delete a message.

To delete several messages

From the Function menu, select [Delete] [Select&delete], select messages, press (Complete), and select [Yes].

2Select a message and press (Func).

The Function menu appears.

3 Select [Delete] → [Delete one] → [Yes] and press .

The selected message is deleted.

You can delete all messages or read messages by selecting [Delete] from the Function menu at the folder list display of received mail.

What is Early Warning

“Area Mail”?

Area Mail is a service that allows you to receive mail such as the urgent earthquake news flash delivered by the Japan Meteorological Agency.

ˎYou can receive Area Mail without subscribing to the i-mode service.

<Usage precautions>

ˎTo receive Area Mail, you need to set the Receive setting.

To set the Receive setting of Area Mail, see P.233.

ˎYou may not be able to receive Area Mail in the following cases.

- During a call (voice/videophone call)

- During the packet communication (i-mode, data, or PushTalk communication)

- While updating the software

In the following cases, you cannot receive Area Mail at all.

- While the Omakase Lock is set

- While the international roaming service is used - While the Self mode is set

The message which cannot be received because of the reasons such as above ones, you cannot receive it again.

Receiving Early Warning

“Area Mail” <Receive Area Mail>

The FOMA terminal automatically receives Area Mail when it is sent. You can save up to 30 received Area Mail in [Inbox] separated from up to 1,000 mails of the normal received mail. When there are already 30 received Area Mail, the unprotected read mail from the oldest one is deleted.

When Area Mail is received, “” appears, the incoming indicator flashes, the beep or ring tone of Area Mail sounds, and then the screen informing the Area Mail reception appears.

After about 15 seconds, the display prior to the Area Mail reception reappears.

ˎSome Area Mail may activate the vibrator after the reception is completed.

ˎSome Area Mail may show the Area Mail main body after the reception is completed. Confirm the contents and press (OK), , or .

You cannot adjust the volume of the beep of Area Mail of the urgent earthquake news flash. [Pattern1] is used for the vibrator (P.110). The vibration pattern cannot be changed. But the Beep and Beep time can be set (P.234). While the Manner mode is set, the setting follows that set in the Manner mode (P.115).

When you receive Area Mail except Area Mail of the urgent earthquake news flash, the ring tone volume of the incoming Area Mail follows the setting of the Mail volume.

Setting Early Warning “Area


<Area Mail setting>





Setting Whether to Receive Area











The default setting of the Receive setting is








1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Area Mail setting] → [Receive setting] and press .



2 Confirm the contents, select [Yes]/[No], and press .

The Receive setting is set.

ˎYou may receive messages from different areas other than your current area.

Continued 205


Setting to Save Receiving Entry

of Area Mail

You need to save a name and Message ID of Area Mail including information you want to receive rather than Area Mail of the emergency information. To receive emergency information, you do not need to save receiving entry.

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Area Mail setting] → [Receive entry] and press .

To edit the settings of the set entry

Move the cursor to the set entry, press (Edit), and enter the Security code. Edit each item.

To delete the set entry

Move the cursor to the set entry, press (Delete), enter the Security code, and select [Yes].

2 Press (Create).

The Security code screen appears.

3 Enter the Security code and press (OK).

[Area Mail name]:

Enter the Area Mail name within 15 full-width or 30 half-width characters.

[Message ID]:

Enter the Message ID from A400 to A7FF (in hexadecimal).

4 Enter each item.

5 Press (Complete).

The entered entry is saved.

You cannot edit/delete the pre-saved [Emergency information].

Setting the Operation While

Receiving Area Mail

You can set whether to sound the beep and activate the vibrator when you receive Area Mail of the urgent earthquake news flash, and the ring time of the beep. The Beep setting is set to [Permission] and the Beep time is set to [10sec] at the time of purchase.

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] → [Area Mail setting] and press .

2Select [Permission]/[Non-permission] at [Beep setting].


The beep sounds and the vibrator is active.


Neither the beep nor the vibrator activates.

3 Enter the ring time of the beep at [Beep time].

Enter the ring time within 01 to 30 seconds.

Composing and Sending

SMS <Compose and send SMS>

Regardless of whether you subscribe to i-mode, you can send/receive text messages between FOMA terminals.

ˎYou can exchange SMS with recipients/senders who subscribe to an overseas telecommunication company other than DoCoMo. See the NTT DoCoMo website for information about countries and overseas telecommunication companies you can use for sending/receiving SMS.

ˎEven if the Notify caller ID is set to [Not notify], an SMS recipient is notified of the sender’s phone number.

ˎThe text of sent message may not be displayed correctly on the recipient’s terminal depending on the radio wave condition or the type of characters to be sent.


1 From the Mail menu, select [Compose SMS] and press .

2Enter a phone number at [].

Enter a phone number within 21 digits.

When a recipient subscribes to an overseas

telecommunication company other than DoCoMo

Enter “+” (press for over a second), “Country code”, and “recipient’s mobile phone number”, in this order. When the mobile phone number starts with “0”, enter the number without “0”. You can also send SMS by entering “010”, “Country code”, and “recipient’s mobile phone number”, in this order. (To reply to SMS received from overseas, use the latter method using “010”.)

3 Enter a main body at [].

When you set [Language] to [JPN] for the SMS setting, enter the SMS main body within 70 characters regardless of full-width or half-width.

When you set it to [ENG], enter the main body within 160 half-width characters (excluding `, ,, , , , ”, and ). Use of the symbols (|^{}[]~¥) reduces the number of characters that can be sent.

4 Press (Send).

The SMS is sent.

To save SMS without sending it

From the Function menu, select [Save]. The SMS is saved in [Draft].

When you change the font size, from the Function menu, from [Input method] [Font size], in the Edit SMS display, the setting is only applied for the font size in the matching word list. The setting for the font size of an address and main body text is changed from the next time when you edit mail/SMS (P.127).

When you subscribe to the Multi Number Service, set [Basic Number] for the Set Multi Number.

When 2in1 is set to the B mode, you cannot compose SMS.

You cannot send SMS from Number B.

Receiving SMS <Receive SMS>

The FOMA terminal automatically receives SMS. You can save up to 1,000 received SMS including i-mode mail in [Inbox].

While receiving SMS, “” flashes.










W h e n S M S r e c e p t i o n i s c o m p l e t e d , “ ” i s displayed, the incoming indicator flashes, the ring t o n e s o u n d s , a n d t h e number of received SMS appears.

After about 15 seconds, the display prior to the SMS reception reappears.

ˎWhen returning to the stand -by display, the

notification icon “” (New mail) appears. Press (Link) and select “” to display the Inbox display.

Continued 207

You can compose and send a reply to the received SMS and forward it (P.216).

Some characters in a received SMS message are replaced with as many spaces (blanks).

You cannot reply to SMS sent to Number B of 2in1.

Checking New SMS

<Check new SMS>

New SMS held at the SMS center while the FOMA terminal is powered off or outside of the service area can be checked.

ˎDepending on the radio wave condition, you may not be able to check new SMS.

1 From the Mail menu, select [Check new SMS] and press .

The FOMA terminal is connected to the SMS center and receives SMS if some are held at the center.


Even if you check new SMS, it may take time to


receive SMS.



Setting SMS

<SMS setting>

Normally, you do not need to change the SMSC, Type of Number, and address settings.

1 From the Mail menu, select [Mail setting] [SMS setting] and press .


Select whether a message to be sent is going to be displayed in Japanese or English. The number of characters that can be sent varies depending on the type of characters.

[SMS report]:

Set whether you require a delivery report when SMS is sent.


Select the period for holding your SMS at the SMS center when a recipient is unable to receive the SMS you sent.


Set when you receive SMS services provided by companies other than DoCoMo.

[Type of Number]:

When you select [Others] at [SMSC], select [International]/[Unknown].

ˎWhen “” or “#” is included in the address entered at [Address], select [Unknown].


When you select [Others] at [SMSC], enter an address. You can enter up to 20 half-width digits.

2 Set each item.

3 Press (Complete).

The SMS setting is set.


What is i-αppli? ......................................................................................................


Downloading i-αppli from a Site .............................................................................


Running i-αppli ...................................................................................

<Run i-αppli> 239

Running i-αppli Automatically ................................................................

<Auto-start> 246

Setting i-αppli for the Stand-by Display ........................................

<i-αppli stand-by> 247

Managing i-αppli .....................................................................................................


Displaying i-αppli Data in microSD memory card ........................

<i-αppli(microSD)> 250

Using Various i-αppli Functions ..............................................................................



What is i-αppli?

By downloading i-αppli from its site, the i-mode terminal can be made much more useful in many ways. For example, you can enjoy many kinds of games by downloading them to it. There are also i-αppli from which you can directly save data to the Phonebook and Schedule, as well as i-αppli that can be linked with Data Box for saving/loading images.

ˎFor details on i-αppli, see the “Mobile Phone User’s Guide i-mode FOMA version”.

ˎSome i-αppli cannot be used when 2in1 is set to either the B or Dual mode.



Downloading i-αppli from



a Site






You can download i-αppli software from sites



and save it.



ˎ You can save up to 100 i-αppli software, each




software maximum 1M bytes. The number of



i-αppli software that can be saved may decrease



depending on the data to be saved.





ˎ When downloading ends in failure due to the radio



wave condition, the software is not saved.



ˎ When downloading i-αppli with mail, software



cannot be downloaded if there are already five mail



folders for i-αppli with mail or if software using the



same mail folder already exists.



1 While displaying the site, select the



software and press .



The software is downloaded.



When the screen for confir ming whether to



download the software appears



Select [Yes] or [Download].



2 Select a folder and press .



The downloaded software is saved in the selected





3 Perform the Software setting.

ˎThere are items that cannot be changed depending on the software.

To connect to the network automatically when the software is started

Select [NW setting] [Yes].

ˎSettings you made are applied to the NW setting and Stand-by NW setting of the Individual set (P.241).

To set the software for the i-αppli stand-by display

Select [i αppli stand-by] [Yes].

To use the location information

Select [Use location info] [Yes].

4 Press (Complete).

The screen for confirming whether to run the software appears.

5Select [Yes] and press .

The downloaded software is started.

If you have deleted preinstalled software, you

can download it from “PlayNow by SO”.

[i Menu] [ / ] (Menu/Search)

[ ] ( M o b i l e P h o n e Manufacturers) [PlayNow by SO] (Japanese only)

The message “Terminal and UIM ID will be sent” may appear when downloading. Select [Download] to download. Since the “serial number of your mobile phone/UIM (FOMA card)” is sent to IP (information service providers) via the Internet, it might be accessed by a third party.

The message “This software uses saved data” may appear when downloading. Information on the saved data to be used can be confirmed

by pressing [Description]. Select [Download] to download the software. The i-αppli uses the saved data in this case.

I f y o u l o c k t h e I C c a r d f u n c t i o n w h i l e downloading an Osaifu-Keitai-compatible i-αppli, the downloading is stopped.

After downloading i-αppli with mail, i-αppli with mail folder is automatically created in Inbox,

Outbox, and Draft. The folder is named based on the downloaded i-αppli with mail and cannot be changed.

If only the mail folder to be used remains when downloading i-αppli with mail, that folder can

be used. If a folder name is different from the name of a downloaded i-αppli, this folder name is changed to the downloaded i-αppli name. If the i-αppli with mail does not use that folder,

it can be deleted and a new folder can be created. Note that the i-αppli with mail cannot be downloaded without creating a new folder.

Even if there is enough memory, you may not be

able to download an Osaifu-Keitai-compatible i-αppli depending on the volume of data saved on your IC card. If you cannot perform a download, delete unnecessary software data in

accordance with the confirmation screen and download the i-αppli again. (You may not be able to delete some software data.) In some cases, you may need to start up the software before deleting related data on the IC card.

Checking i-αppli Information

When Downloading

The software information can be displayed when i-αppli software is downloaded from a site.

1From the Menu, select [i appli] → [i αppli setting] → [SW description] and press .

2Select [Yes]/[No] and press .

The SW description is set.

Running i-αppli <Run i-αppli>

i-αppli software can be set to run manually.

1Press (i-mode) for over a second in the stand-by display.

The i-αppli folder list appears.

ˎ The following icons show the type of folder.


Preset folder




User-created folder









Continued 211


2 Select a folder and press .




() : Software supporting i-αppli stand-by display (While setting)

() : Software supporting i-αppli DX stand-by display (While setting)

() : Software supporting i-αppli with mail stand-by display (While setting)

: Software not supporting i-αppli stand-by display

: Software not supporting i-αppli DX stand-by display

: Software not supporting i-αppli with mail stand-by display

: Search by i-mode

” appears to the lower right of the icon for the software while downloading in progress.

() : Osaifu-Keitai-compatible i-αppli s o f t w a re ( W h i l e t h e s e r v i c e i s unavailable)

: Software downloaded from an SSL site

: GPS-compatible i-αppli software

: Software set for automatic startup Software icon

ˎAn icon assigned to each software appears. If there is no icon assigned to software, the

following icons appear.

: i-αppli software

: i-αppli DX software

: Osaifu - Keitai - compatible i - αppli software

Title image of selected software

ˎA title image assigned to each software appears. If there is no title image assigned to

software, the following icons appear.

: i-αppli software

: i-αppli DX software

: Osaifu - Keitai - compatible i - αppli software

3Select the software and press .

The software is started up and “” or “” appears.

To quit i-αppli software

Press and select [Yes].

To check the detailed information

Move the cursor to the software and from the Function menu, select [Soft description].

ˎDisplayed items may vary depending on the software.

ˎThe name of the software listed in the Soft description display cannot be changed.

To display the certificate

Move the cursor to the software and from the Function menu, select [Certificates].


Some software applications start up immediately from the site. This means that the software has been downloaded, but not saved. Also note that you cannot save some downloaded software.

Some software applications that start up immediately from the site may require NW setting while it is running.

The software is interrupted when the Alarm or

Schedule alarm time comes while running the

software. Press or to return to the previous display.

The software can be interrupted and the phone can be answered when you receive a voice, videophone, or PushTalk call while running the software. The previous display returns when a

call is finished. When receiving a videophone or PushTalk call while i-αppli communication is in progress, the setting for the while packet or the i-mode arrival act is applied, respectively.

When you receive mail/message/Area Mail

while running the software, “”, “”, “”, or “” appears.

When the Receive option setting is [ON], “” appears if you receive mail while running the software. “” (Mail at center) appears when you display the stand-by display. To check mail, use the Receive option (P.215).

Images used by i-αppli software and some of the data you entered may be automatically sent to a server via the Internet.

Images used by i-αppli software include

those recorded by the camera activated from within i-αppli software with camera interface,

obtained using the infrared communication function of i-αppli software, obtained from sites or Internet home pages using i-αppli

software, and obtained from the Data Box by i-αppli software.

You can save data of some software applications in a microSD memory card. The data saved in a microSD memory card may not be used by other terminal models.

There is i-αppli software that starts the specified software so that you can enjoy the software without returning to the software list. If software to start is not specified, you need to select it. Even if software to start is specified, however, you need to download it if it is not included in the software list.

Some software cannot start with the MUSIC Player or Music&Video Channel simultaneously.

Some software may be displayed in the fullscreen display. While displaying in the fullscreen, the icons other than the communication icon are not displayed.

Setting i-αppli Operating


ˎIt may not be possible to change some items of the saved software.

1From the list of i-αppli software, select the software and press (Func).

The Function menu appears.

2 Select [Individual set] and press .



























[NW setting]:

Set whether to permit the software that uses network communication to connect to the network or alternatively set it to ask confirmation every time you start it.

[Stand-by NW setting]:

Set whether the FOMA terminal should connect to the network when you set an i-αppli software that uses network communication as the stand-by display.

[i αppli To]:

Set whether to start the software from the currently displayed i-αppli link.

[Use icons]:

Set whether to use icon information (mail, message, radio wave condition, battery level, and Manner mode).

Continued 213


[Cng. ring tone/img.]:

Set whether to permit the software to change the ring tone or image. Otherwise, set the software to ask for your permission every time before changing it.


Set whether to permit the software to look up the Phonebook, Redial/Received record, unread mail, or ToruCa cards.

[Use location info]:

Set whether to use location information.

3Set each item.

If you set the NW setting or Stand-by NW setting to [No], the software may not be started and information may not be provided in a timely manner.

If you set the NW setting or Stand-by NW setting to [Yes], i-αppli automatically connects to the network. When the FOMA terminal is connected to the network, the packet communication charge is required.

When you set [Yes] for the Use icons, icon information might be accessed by a third party since it is sent to IP (information service providers) via the Internet just as it is the case with the “serial number of your mobile phone/UIM (FOMA card)”.

Depending on the settings of the Individual set, the network connection and use of icon

information (such as unread mail and battery level) from i-αppli software may not be available.

Preinstalled Software

™ (deco-e maker)

You can create materials for decorating mail by converting/editing a part of a still image recorded by the camera, drawing a picture by yourself, or other means. The created image is saved in the Data Box and you can use it when you compose mail.

Creating from the camera shoot

You can create a Deco mail image or Deco mail pictograph by converting/editing a part of a still image recorded by the camera. To edit an image nicely, it is recommended to record an image in a mono-(even) color background where pictures or characters are separated clearly in brightness from the background.

Creating by drawing a picture by yourself

Using various lines, colors, and functions such as daubing and background transmission functions, you can create a Deco mail pictograph. You can also create an animation pictograph.

Creating from saved data

You can create a Deco mail image or Deco mail pictograph by converting/editing data saved in the Data Box.

ˎFor information on the operations, see “ ”


To display it, select [ ] (Help) and press .

f o r S O (Super Monkey Ball Mobile for SO)


This is the mobile phone appli that is the very famous home action game called “ ”

(Super Monkey Ball).

This is the action game to roll a ball where a monkey character stays for the goal.

Clear various worlds (scenes) and daedal stages for the goal.

To operate by moving SO906i

Moving the FOMA terminal up, down, and to the left and right allows you to operate it as using the 4-way keys of the FOMA terminal.

The ball where the monkey stays is rolled to the direction where the FOMA terminal is moved.


To operate by a player’s movement

Check the player location by the In-camera and the ball is rolled to the direction where the player moves.

ˎFor more details about operations, see the “” (How to play Super

Monkey Ball).

From the Menu, select [Data Box] [My document]

[Preinstall] [ ] and press . The appli appears.


This appli is the game played by titling or shaking the FOMA terminal. It may injure or damage by hitting a person or object due to some reasons such as shaking too hard.

When you play it, hold the FOMA terminal tightly and do not shake or move the FOMA terminal too much or too hard. Make sure to secure the surroundings to be safe as to play.

(Map appli)

You can check your current location, search a map by addresses or phone numbers, or use the FOMA terminal to navigate you to the destination. The i-αppli allows you to use GPS functions (P.264).

ˎWhen you use a GPS-compatible i-αppli, the

location information is sent to IP (information service providers) of the i-αppli being used.

ˎWhen you use the GPS function with a GPScompatible i-αppli, set the Use location info of the i-αppli being used to [Yes].

FOMA (FOMA communication environment check i-appli)

The display shown is an image for explanatory purpose and may be different from the actual display.

FOMA (FOMA communication environment check i-appli) is an appli to check whether the FOMA terminal can be used the FOMA HIGHSPEED Area.

ˎTo u s e F O M A ( F O M A

communication environment check i-appli), you need to accept “ ” (Usage Precautions).

ˎWhen the communication environment is checked, different confirmation results or the result informing that it is outside of the service area may appear depending on the communication environment (such as weather, radio wave condition, or network congested) even if you use it in the same place and same time.

ˎWhen you use another function while using this appli, it may not be checked correctly.

G ( G - G U I D E T V Program List Remote Control)

The display shown is an image for explanatory purpose and may be different from the actual display. The TV program list is displayed according to your location.

This convenient i-αppli is a TV program list integrated with an audiovisual remote control function and it is free.

It enables you to get terrestrial digital/analog or BS digital TV program information for your preferred hour from anywhere, any time. The information includes a TV program title, details of the program, start/end time, etc.

If you find any program interesting, you can let the DVD hard disk recorder to schedule recording of it remotely via the Internet. (A DVD hard disk recorder that features a remote scheduling function is required. Before using this function, the initial setting for this appli is also required.)

You can also search for program information by entering a keyword such as a TV program category or your favorite TV personality. Furthermore, you can also perform remote control operation of a TV/video player/ DVD player. (Some models are not compatible with this function.)

ˎWhen you use the “G-GUIDE TV Program List Remote Control” for the first time, you need to perform initial registration and accept the Terms of Use.

ˎAn additional packet communication charge is required for using this function.

ˎWhen you use this appli overseas, you need to set the time of the FOMA terminal to Japan time.

ˎFor details on G (G-GUIDE

TV Program List Remote Control), see the “Mobile Phone User’s Guide i-mode FOMA version”.

ˎYou cannot use this appli when 2in1 is set to the B mode because it uses mail.


Continued 215


About the remote timer recording function

If you have a DVD hard disk recorder that supports a remote timer recording function, you can book recording of a program from the program list provided by this appli.

To use this function, the initial setting for this appli is required.

ˎMaking initial setting

1.Set the DVD hard disk recorder to connect to the Internet.

(For more information, see the user’s manual supplied with your DVD hard disk recorder.)

2.Star t this appli, select “ ” (Remote timer recording) from the menu, and continue the initial setting as instructed by the displayed guidance.

ˎBooking recording of a program

Once you complete the initial setting, by selecting a desired program and selecting “” from the menu, you can connect to the DVD hard disk recorder that has an entry in this appli via the Internet and let it to schedule recording of the program.

ˎAn additional packet communication charge is required for using this function.

(i-appli Banking)

The display shown is an image for explanatory purpose and may be different from the actual display.

This i-αppli is for using the mobile banking service conveniently. Mobile banking is a service that allows you to check the balance and usage details of deposit or withdrawal, transfer between accounts, and make a transfer, from anywhere and at anytime. By entering the password which you set when you start this i-αppli, you can use up to two mobile banking services provided by financial institutions.

ˎTo use a mobile banking service by(i-appli Banking), you need to open an account at a financial institution which provides the mobile banking service and subscribe to a mobile banking service of each financial institution.

ˎAn additional packet communication charge is required for using this function.

ˎFor details, see the “Mobile Phone User’s Guidei-mode FOMA version”.

ˎFor information on(i-appli Banking), see the i-mode


i-mode site :

[ M e n u ] [ / ] (Menu/Search)[

] (Mobile banking) [ ] ( i - a p p l i


iD (iD Setting appli)

The display shown is an image for explanatory purpose and may be different from the actual display.

The chargeless e-cash “iD” is a service that enables you to make payments for shopping by simply holding up the Osaifu-Keitai or a credit card that is employed “iD” to a reader. It provides you with a convenient way of shopping because you do not need to give your signature as you did before. Some credit card issuing companies support cash withdrawals as well.

ˎTo use “iD”, a subscription to each credit card issuing company that adopts the iD brand and the Osaifu-Keitai whose settings are completed by the iD appli and Card appli of a credit card issuing company or a credit card that is employed “iD” are needed.

ˎFor using “iD” by the Osaifu-Keitai, you start the iD appli, agree with “ ” (Usage precautions), complete the settings for the iD appli, download or start a Card appli, and then perform the settings for the Card appli.

ˎA fee for using a service that adopts the iD brand (annual membership fee, etc.) varies depending on each credit card issuing company.

ˎThe packet communication charge is required for downloading the iD appli and a Card appli.

ˎFor information on “iD”, see the i-mode site for “iD”.

i-mode site :

[ i M e n u ] [ / ] (Menu/Search) [iD]


DCMX (DCMX credit appli)

The display shown is an image for explanatory purpose and may be different from the actual display.

“DCMX” is an “iD” compatible credit service provided by NTT DoCoMo group. Two types of services are available in DCMX: DCMX mini in which the total amount of credit is limited to ¥10,000 per month and DCMX which allows you to use more amount than DCMX mini as well as get DoCoMo points.

DCMX mini provides immediate use of a mobile credit service with an easy subscription that can be made from within this software.

What you can do on this software

Subscription and Examination 1

Setting card information


No need for troublesome charging!

You can enjoy shopping simply by holding the mobile phone that has been configured for the service close to a reading device without signature 3.

Checking 2

You can check the available balance of the credit and the usage details for this month from within the software!


You can also make necessary settings from within the software when you get the card updated or the FOMA terminal changed!

1 We make an online examination for your qualification when we receive your subscription to DCMX mini. If your subscription is to other than DCMX mini, the connection is redirected to the i-mode site for subscription information.

2 A function, such as for checking the usage status is available only when you are a member of DCMX mini.

3 You may be asked to enter a security code at a given condition.

ˎFor information on the contents of the service and on how to subscribe to the service, see the i-mode site

for DCMX.

i-mode site : [i Menu] [DCMX iD]

When you start this software for the first time, you are asked to agree with “ ” (Note on using the program). Agree with it to continue.

Packet communication charge is required for settings and operations on this software.

Precaution on the Osaifu-Keitai-compatible i-αppli software

Under no condition will DoCoMo be held liable for any information set in the IC card.

2 (Appli for selling items at Rakuten)

The display shown is an image for explanatory purpose and may be different from the actual display.

2” (Appli for selling items at Rakuten) is a convenient appli for selling items at(Rakuten Auction) from anywhere and at anytime easily.

The appli helps you sell an item with the guide display, making it easy even for first-time users. Also, there are functions such as shooting a photo, editing a photo, and saving a history to sell an item faster than doing it from the site.

ˎWhen you use the “Appli for selling items at Rakuten” for the first time, you need to accept “” (Terms of use).

ˎAn additional packet communication charge is required for using this function.

ˎFor details on (Rakuten Auction), see the “Mobile Phone User’s Guide i-mode FOMA version”.

ˎTo sell items at (Rakuten Auction), you need to sign up for the Rakuten Membership and register as an auctioneer.

ˎFor information on (Rakuten Auction), see the i-mode site.

i-mode site : [i Menu] [ -




Running i-αppli

Automatically <Auto-start>

Enabling/Disabling Auto-Start

You can set whether to start i-αppli software automatically on the FOMA terminal.

1From the Menu, select [i appli] → [i αppli setting] → [Auto-start] and press .

2Select [Yes]/[No] and press .

Whether to enable the Auto-start is set.

Setting the Start Date and Time


T h e i - αp p l i s o f t w a r e c a n b e s t a r t e d


automatically. You can set the starting date/


time and day of the week and whether to use


the software’s automatic start for each i-αppli




1 From the list of i-αppli software, select



the software and press (Func).



The Function menu appears.


2 Select [Auto-start] and press .

































[User set]:



Set the staring date/time and day of the week for



each software.


[SW set]:



Set whether to start the software using the



software’s auto-start function.


3 Select [User set] and press .


















































4 Select a style of the Auto-start time at [Style].


Do not set the start time.


Start the software automatically at the specified date and time.


Start the software automatically at the specified time everyday.


Start the software automatically at the specified time on every specified day of the week.

5Enter the date/time/day of the week.

ˎEnter the date/time/day of the week according to the style of the auto-start time selected in step 4.

6 Press (Complete).

7Select [SW set] and press .

The SW set display appears.

8Select [Valid]/[Invalid] of the Auto-start function of the software at [Set].

The Auto-start is set.

The Auto-start does not operate in the following cases.

-When the FOMA terminal is powered off

-During a call/communication

-When the date/time is not set

-When another function is executed

-When the Alarm/Schedule alarm is set to start at the same time as the Auto-start

-When the Lock all/Personal data lock is set

-When the Lock key is set

-When the Omakase Lock is set

-When 2in1 is set to the B mode (when i-αppli with mail software is used or i-αppli uses mail)

Setting i-αppli for the

Stand-by Display <i-αppli stand-by>

Only one supporting software can be set for the i-αppli stand-by display. The software that supports the i-αppli stand-by display is identified by “//”.

ˎWhen the software using network transmission is set for the i-αppli stand-by display, it may not operate properly depending on the radio wave condition.

ˎWhen you set the i-αppli stand-by display from the i-αppli software list display, the image set for the stand-by display in the Stand-by display is also changed.

1From the list of i-αppli software, select the software and press (Func).

The Function menu appears.

2 Select [Stand-by display] → [Yes] and press .

The i-αppli stand-by display is set and the icon (P.240) changes to indicate that the software is set for the stand-by display.

To operate the software set for the i-αppli stand-by display

Press ( ) in the i-αppli stand-by display.

The message confirming whether to start the i-αppli stand-by display appears when the FOMA terminal is powered on if the i-αppli stand-by display is set. Select [No] not to start

it. Select [Yes] or leave it for a while to start the i-αppli stand-by display.

If the Lock all or Personal data lock is set or 2in1

is set to the Dual or B mode while you set the i-αppli stand-by display, the i-αppli stand-by display is temporarily terminated. When you

cancel the Lock all or Personal data lock, the i-αppli stand-by display reappears.

The Web To cannot be used from the i-αppli stand-by display.

If an error which could terminate the i-αppli stand-by display occurs, the time of error occurrence can be checked in the stand-by error history.

If a security error occurs in the i-αppli stand-by display, “” (Stand-by SW error) appears in the stand-by display.

Terminating the i-αppli Stand-by


The i-αppli stand-by display is terminated and the normal stand-by display is set.

1From the list of i-αppli software, select the software and press (Func).

The Function menu appears.

2 Select [Stand-by display] → [Cancel] and press .


End the i-αppli stand-by display once and redisplay without terminating it.


Terminate the i-αppli stand-by display. The i-αppli stand-by display is terminated.

Managing i-αppli

ˎFor some software, IP (information service providers) may access the software saved in the mobile phone and directly stop the use of it. In this case, most operations including starting the software, setting the software for the stand-by display, and upgrading the software are disabled and only deleting the software and displaying the software information are available. To use the software again, you need to request IP to resume the use of the software. For more details, contact IP.

ˎFor some software, IP (information service providers) may send data to the software saved in the mobile phone.

ˎWhen IP (information service providers) sends a stop/resume request or data to the software, the mobile phone starts to communicate with IP and “” flashes. No packet communication charge is required.


Continued 219


Upgrading i-αppli

The software saved in the FOMA terminal can be upgraded if a newer version of the downloaded software is available on a site.

1From the list of i-αppli software, select the software and press (Func).

The Function menu appears.

2Select [Upgrade] → [Yes] and press .

Download of the new version of the software starts.

Some software can be upgraded automatically when it is started.

When the FOMA terminal is connected to the network for software upgrade, the packet communication charge is required.

Adding/Deleting Folders

Folders in which software are saved can be added or deleted. Up to 10 folders can be used to manage software and folder names can also be changed.

ˎ You cannot delete the preset folders.

Example: Adding a folder

1Press (i-mode) for over a second in the stand-by display and press (Func).

The Function menu appears.

2 Select [Edit folder] → [Create folder], press , and enter a folder name.

Enter a name within 10 full-width or 20 half-width characters.

The folder is added.

To change a folder name

Move the cursor to a folder and from the Function menu, select [Edit folder] [Edit folder name]. Enter a name within 10 full-width or 20 half-width characters.

To delete a folder

Move the cursor to a folder and from the Function menu, select [Edit folder] [Delete folder]. Enter the Security code and select [Yes].

Moving i-αppli to a Different


You can move software to a different folder using three methods.

Example: Moving a software

1 Press (i-mode) for over a second in the stand-by display, select a folder, and press .

To move all software in the folder

From the Function menu, select [Move] [Move all] [Yes] a folder.

To move several software

From the Function menu, select [Move] [Select&move]. Select software and press

(Complete). Select [Yes] a folder.

2Select the software and press (Func).

The Function menu appears.

3 Select [Move] → [Move one] → [Yes] and press .

The Select move to display appears.

4Select a folder and press .

The selected software is moved to the different folder.


Deleting i-αppli

You can delete software using four methods.

Example: Deleting a software

1Press (i-mode) for over a second in the stand-by display.

To delete all software

From the Function menu, select [Delete all], enter the Security code, and select [Yes].

2Select a folder and press .

To delete all software in the folder

From the Function menu, select [Delete] [Delete all], enter the Security code, and select [Yes].

To delete several software

From the Function menu, select [Delete]

[Select&delete] and select software. Press (Complete) and select [Yes].

3Select the software and press (Func).

The Function menu appears.

4 Select [Delete] → [Delete one] → [Yes] and press .

The selected software is deleted.

When deleting i-αppli with mail or deleting all software including i-αppli with mail, you can select whether to delete the automatically

created mail folder at the same time. However, if the i-αppli with mail folder contains protected mail at the time you select to delete both of them, neither the software nor the folder can be deleted. When you select to delete only the software and keep the folder intact, you can display only the mail main body from the Function menu (P.224).

Some Osaifu-Keitai-compatible i-αppli software

may not be deleted. Some software requires to run i-αppli software and delete data stored in the IC card before you can delete the software.

When the IC card lock is set, you cannot delete an Osaifu-Keitai-compatible i-αppli.

Setting How to Display a List of


You can select the display style of a software list using the following three methods. The set display style is applied to all folders.





1 Press (Func) in the i-αppli software list display.

The Function menu appears.

2 Select [Change display] → the display style and press .

The display style of an i-αppli software list is set.

Continued 221


Checking Error History and

Trace Result

The error histories for the i-αppli stand-by display and the results output by the i-αppli trace feature can be displayed.

Stand-by err hist

W h e n a n i - αp p l i s t a n d - b y


d i s p l a y i s t e r m i n a t e d b y a n


error, such as being unable to


continue operation, up to 10


records including the time of error


occurrence, etc. are displayed.

Security err. hist.

W h e n i - αp p l i s o f t w a r e i s


terminated by an error, such as


being unable to use the saved


data, up to 10 records including


the time of error occurrence, etc.


are displayed.

Trace result

When i-αppli software supporting


the trace feature is terminated, up


to 16 trace results are displayed.

Auto-start err hist

When i-αppli software fails to


operate the Auto-start, up to 10


records including the time of error


occurrence, etc. are displayed.

Example: Displaying the stand-by error history

1From the Menu, select [i appli] → [i αppli history] and press .

2 Select [Stand-by err hist] and press .



To display the security error history

Select [Security err. hist.].

To display the trace result

Select [Trace result].

To display the auto-start error history

Select [Auto-start err hist].

To delete the error history or trace result

Press (Delete) and select [Yes].

To i-αppli authors

If the software does not operate properly during its programming, the trace result may be useful as a reference.

Displaying i-αppli Data in microSD

memory card <i-αppli(microSD)>

You can display i-αppli data saved in the microSD memory card, using a folder name.

1F ro m t h e M e n u , s e l e c t [ i a p p l i ] → [i αppli(microSD)] and press .


The i-αppli(microSD) folder list display appears.

To delete a folder

Move the cursor to a folder and from the Function menu, select [Delete folder]. Enter the Security code and select [Yes].

2Select a folder and press .

The SW description display appears.


Using Various i-αppli


Using the Camera Function from


You can use the camera function (P.155) from the software running on the FOMA terminal.

ˎWhen you use the camera, open the lens cover.

ˎImages are used and saved in the software.

ˎItems that can be set and the startup procedure of the camera vary depending on the software.

ˎWhen you activate the camera from the software that is specified the setting of the Closeup mode, the Auto focus becomes [Macro].

1 While running the software, start the camera function.

The Camera mode display appears.

2 Point the camera at the object and press


The image is recorded.

Using the Bar Code Reader from


You can use the bar code reader (P.183) from the software running on the FOMA terminal.

ˎThe startup procedure of the bar code reader varies depending on the software.

ˎThe scanned data may be used in the software.

1 While running the software, start the bar code reader.

The Bar code reader display appears.

2 Locate at the JAN/QR code at the center of the display and press .

The JAN/QR code is scanned.

Using Infrared Communication

from i-αppli

You can use the infrared communication (P.327) from the software running on the FOMA terminal.

ˎThere are some data that cannot be exchanged even if the other device is equipped with the infrared communication function.

ˎThe startup procedure of the infrared communication varies depending on the software.

1 While running the software, start the infrared communication.

2Select [Yes] and press .

The infrared communication is started.

Obtaining a ToruCa Card from


You can obtain ToruCa cards from the software running on the FOMA terminal (P.256) and save them.


You can obtain up to 100 ToruCa or ToruCa(detail)




cards each up to 1K bytes for a ToruCa card or





100K bytes for a ToruCa(detail) card. The number of cards that can be obtained may decrease depending on the data to be obtained.

ˎ The obtaining method of ToruCa cards varies depending on the software.

1 While running the software, select a ToruCa card and press .

The screen for confirming whether to save data appears.

2 Select [Yes] and press .

The ToruCa card is obtained.

Saving the Alarm from i-αppli

You can save the Alarm from the software running on the FOMA terminal (P.360).

1 While running the software, perform the settings of the Alarm.

2 Select [OK] and press .

The Alarm is saved.



What is Osaifu-Keitai? .............................................................................................



What is the iC transfer service?................................................................................



Starting an Osaifu-Keitai-compatible i-αppli ...........................................................



What is ToruCa? ......................................................................................................



Obtaining a ToruCa Card ........................................................

<Obtain a ToruCa card> 256

Displaying a ToruCa Card ...............................................................


<Display ToruCa> 257

Managing ToruCa Cards ..........................................................................................



Setting the ToruCa Details ...............................................................


<ToruCa setting> 259

Setting Whether to Notify That within the Communication Range

..... <IC act. notice> 261

Locking the IC Card Function ..............................................................


<IC card lock> 262



What is Osaifu-Keitai?

“Osaifu-Keitai” provides convenient i-mode functions (i - mode FeliCa) that can be performed using the IC card inserted in an i-mode terminal.

FeliCa adopts a contactless IC card technology that enables data to be read/written just by scanning.

You can simply hold up your Osaifu-Keitai to a reading device in stores that provide the FeliCa service to pay using e-money, or use it as an airplane ticket or point card. With features like Osaifu-Keitai, your mobile phone becomes an increasingly handy tool.

This latest FeliCa is even more convenient to use compared with previous versions of the FeliCa-compatible contactless IC card. For example, you can deposit e-money in OsaifuKeitai on the IC card, and check the balance and purchase history using communications.

To use Osaifu-Keitai-compatible services, you need to make the necessary settings using i-αppli software (IC appli) supporting IC card function (check with IP (information service providers) for more details).

For precautions on the use of each Osaifu-Keitai-

compatible service, see the “Mobile Phone User’s Guide i-mode FOMA version”.

The data on the IC card could be lost/changed due to an Osaifu-Keitai trouble (Note that, as a rule, when your Osaifu-Keitai is left with us such as for repairs, we can take it only when all data is deleted. Therefore, you are requested to delete the data yourself). You are requested to use the backup services provided by IP (information service providers) to support for reissuing, restoring, holding temporarily, or transferring data except transferring data by the iC transfer service. Check with IP (information service providers) whether the backup service is provided, for the usage conditions (such as necessary prior procedures or fees), or whether the iC transfer service is supported beforehand because those vary from one service to another. Please make sure to use the services supporting the backup services for important data.

DoCoMo shall not be liable for any data loss/ change of the information saved on the IC card or any damage occurred relating to using Osaifu- Keitai-compatible services regardless of any reasons such as trouble or changing to another FOMA terminal.

If you should lose the Osaifu-Keitai or have it stolen, immediately contact the Osaifu- Keitai-compatible service provider you use for operations which have to be done in this situation. For this FOMA terminal, both the Omakase Lock (P.136) and IC card lock (P.262) can be used.

What is the iC transfer


The iC transfer service 1 is a service provided for transferring all data stored on the IC card at once 2 to a new Osaifu-Keitai3 when the Osaifu-Keitai is replaced such as for changing to another FOMA terminal or trouble repair. Once the data stored in the IC card is transferred to the new Osaifu-Keitai, you can use Osaifu-Keitai-compatible services by simply downloading the Osaifu-Keitai- compatible i-αppli.

You can use the iC transfer service at our service counter of your local DoCoMo shop, etc.

For details, see the “Mobile Phone User’s Guide i-mode FOMA version”.

1 There is a processing charge for the use of the iC transfer service. (There are some cases where no charges apply.) Packet communication charges apply for IC appli downloads and various settings.

2 There are some Osaifu-Keitai-compatible services that do not support the all data transfer function. Unsupported services are deleted when you use the iC transfer service. Therefore, utilize the backup service of each Osaifu-Keitai-compatible service or delete them before you use the iC transfer service.

3 The iC transfer service can be used only the Osaifu-Keitai where the data is transferred to has to be the compatible model with the iC transfer service.


Starting an Osaifu-Keitai-

compatible i-αppli

You have access to useful functions, for example, reading/writing data on the IC card using an Osaifu-Keitai-compatible i-αppli in order to deposit e-money (such as train ticket deposit) or look up the balance or purchase history from the mobile phone.

ˎWhen you start an Osaifu-Keitai-compatible i-αppli software for the first time or download one, the message “Current UIM necessary to use IC card?” appears. If you select [Yes], you cannot use the IC card function without inserting the associated UIM.

When you use the FOMA terminal with another UIM,

you once need to delete all Osaifu-Keitai-compatible i-αppli software with the associated UIM inserted in the FOMA terminal to use the IC card function.

1From the Menu, select [Osaifu-Keitai] → [IC card content] and press .

2Select the software and press .

The software is started up and “” or “” appears.

Reading/writing of data on the IC card from the software is interrupted in the following cases. Partially read/written data may be discarded.

-When the time preset for the Schedule alarm or Alarm occurs

-When receiving a voice, videophone, or PushTalk call (The operation that takes place after you hang up the call may be different depending on the service you use.)

-When the battery runs out

Using the Osaifu-Keitai

When you hold up and show the FeliCa mark “” side of the FOMA terminal to a reading device, you can use the FOMA terminal for payment as e-money or use it in place of a train ticket. You can use this function without starting up the associated software.

ˎYou can use Osaifu-Keitai by holding up and showing the FeliCa mark to a reading device during a call or i-mode connection. You cannot start the software.

ˎHolding up and showing the FeliCa mark to a reading device may cause the associated software to be executed.

When the FOMA terminal comes within the communication range with the reading device, the FeliCa Sign lights in green. The vibrator vibrates when the communication starts.

If the FeliCa mark on the FOMA terminal is not recognized by a reading device, move the terminal back and forth and side to side as you hold it up to the device.

Even if the FOMA terminal is powered off, you can use the Osaifu-Keitai by holding up and showing the FeliCa mark to a reading device. You cannot use it if the battery pack is not attached. You may not be able to use Osaifu-Keitai if the attached battery pack has not been used for a long period of time or has not been charged after the battery alarm was sounded. In this case, charge the battery pack and power on the FOMA terminal. When the FOMA terminal is powered

off, you cannot start an Osaifu-Keitai-compatible i-αppli to read/write data on the IC card.

Note that if you leave the FeliCa Sign lighting, the battery drains faster.

When the FOMA terminal comes within the communication range with the reading device while charging the battery, the Charge indicator and FeliCa Sign light at the same time.



Sony A3724011 User Guide


What is ToruCa?

ToruCa is an e-card that can be obtained using Osaifu-Keitai. This convenient e-card can be used for applications such as flier, restaurant card, or coupon.

You can obtain ToruCa cards from a reading device or site. These e-cards can be easily exchanged by way of e - mail, infrared communication, or the microSD memory card.

The ToruCa card you obtained is saved in [ToruCa] of the [Osaifu-Keitai] menu.

You need a ToruCa-compatible terminal to use ToruCa. For details, see the “Mobile Phone User’s Guide i-mode FOMA version”.

Flow of ToruCa Operation


江戸前 ○○○


サロン □○□○○ ○

Hold up and show the OsaifuKeitai to a reading device in order to obtain a ToruCa card. When the FOMA terminal c o m e s w i t h i n t h e communication range with the reading device, the FeliCa Sign lights in green. The vibrator vibrates and the FeliCa Sign flashes when the communication starts.

Select an obtained ToruCa card from the ToruCa list.

Methods for Obtaining a ToruCa Card

Reading device


microSD memory card


QR code i-αppli


iC communication Exchange a ToruCa card between i-mode terminals

When you exchange a ToruCa card using i-mode communication, the regular packet communication charge is required.

Some ToruCa cards may not allow you to update or redistribute using mail or infrared communication, etc. depending on the settings by IP (information service providers).

Obtaining a ToruCa Card

<Obtain a ToruCa card>

You can hold up and show the FOMA terminal to a reading device to obtain a ToruCa or ToruCa(detail) card.

ˎYou can obtain up to 100 ToruCa cards, each up to 1K bytes for a ToruCa card and up to 100K bytes for a ToruCa(detail) card. The number of ToruCa cards that can be obtained may decrease depending on the data to be obtained.

ˎWhile the IC card lock is set, you cannot obtain a ToruCa card from a reading device.

When you obtain a ToruCa card from a reading device, the FeliCa Sign flashes in green, a beep sounds to notify you that the card has been obtained, the ToruCa card is displayed, and the previous display reappears after about 15 seconds. The

notification icon “” (New

ToruCa) appears in the stand-by display.

To display the ToruCa card

Press (Link) in the stand-by display and select “”.


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