FCC Statement
Declaration of Conformity

FCC Statement
Thi s de vice com plie s wit h Pa rt 1 5 of the FCC rule s. O pera tion is subj ect t o
the fol lowi ng t wo c ondit ions : (1 ) Th is d evic e may not cau se h armf ul
int erfe renc e, a nd ( 2) Th is d evic e mu st a ccep t any int erfe renc e re ceiv ed,
inc ludi ng i nter fere nce t hat may caus e un desi red o pera tion .
Any cha nge or m odif icati on n ot e xpre ssly app roved by Sony may voi d th e
use r's auth orit y to oper ate the equi pmen t.
Thi s eq uipm ent has been test ed a nd f ound to compl y wi th t he l imit s fo r
a C lass B d igit al d evice , pu rsua nt t o Pa rt 1 5 of the FCC Rule s. T hese limi ts
are des igne d to pro vide reas onab le p rote ctio n aga inst har mful int erfe rence
in a re side ntia l in stall atio n. T his equi pmen t gen erat es, uses and can
rad iate rad io f requ ency ener gy a nd, if n ot i nstal led and used in acco rdanc e
wit h th e in stru ctio ns, m ay c ause har mful int erfer ence to radi o
com muni cati ons. How ever, the re i s no gua rant ee th at i nter fere nce will not
occ ur i n a part icul ar in stal lati on.
If this equ ipme nt d oes c ause har mful int erfe rence to radi o or tel evis ion
rec epti on, whic h ca n be dete rmin ed b y tu rnin g the equ ipme nt o ff a nd o n,
the use r is enc oura ged t o tr y to cor rect the inte rfer ence by one or m ore o f
the fol lowi ng m easu res:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
RF Exposure - A minimum separation distance of 20cm is required between the
device and the user's body.