Sonnox Oxford Restore User Manual

Operation Manual
Sonnox Restore Operation Manual
1. Introduction
The Sonnox Restore suite is a collection of three plug-ins designed to clean the sound of digital audio recordings that are damaged:
by pops, clicks, or crackle;
by hum, buzzes and whines;
or by noise.
The tools are not just for restoring old material, but also for removing the clicks, pops, buzzes and background noises that can sometimes accidentally occur in new recordings.
A great deal of time has been put into making the Sonnox Restore suite as intuitive as possible in terms of providing excellent visual and graphical feedback. They also include some innovative solutions not seen before in the restoration field, the intention being to enable quick and accurate repair of a variety of spoiled recordings.
Restoration Processing Workflow
It is usual practice to use the DeClick process first, particularly if there are large disturbances present that require repair.
The optimal order for DeNoise and DeBuzz is probably dependent on the programme material. If a loud buzz is dominating low-level noise it would be sensible to remove the buzz first; on the other hand the presence of significant noise might make it more difficult for the DeBuzz detector to lock on to a low level buzz component.
2. Supported Platforms
Digidesign ProTools (LE, RTAS, M-Powered) VST Audio Units
Mac OSX 10.4 or later (PowerPC and Intel) Windows XP
See supplement for platform specific details.
3. The Oxford DeClicker
3.1 Basic Operation
The Oxford DeClicker has three main sections: DePop, DeClick and DeCrackle. These three sections deal with events that are up to 10ms, 3ms and 0.4ms in duration, respectively.
Each of the three sections calculates an Excitation Profile for a given block of samples. The excitation profile is the residual signal left after harmonic components have been removed, and is a representation of how much the actual signal is deviating from the predicted signal. A big excitation usually represents a big unexpected event such as a click.
Each section provides a Threshold control. This control is used to adjust a threshold level within the excitation profile to capture an event. If a peak on the excitation profile is below the threshold, it will not be registered as an event to be repaired. If a peak breaches the threshold line, then it is registered as a detected event and can be repaired. When you touch the Threshold control, by default the excitation profile is displayed visually on the graph. Usually there is a background level of “noise” at the bottom with the occasional peak lifting above the background.
You can imagine a click as a triangular shaped peak in the excitation profile, wider at the bottom and tapering to a point at the top. Keeping this in mind, you have two potential strategies for detecting and repairing a click.
The first is to lower the threshold in the excitation profile until it is just above the noise floor, near the base of the triangle. (You can do this either with the Threshold slider, or drag the threshold line on the graph itself.) This means that the true width of the event is more likely to be found because the threshold is further down the triangle at the base.
The problem with this approach is that now many events are registered for potential repair. As the Sensitivity setting is reduced, more and more detected events
are rejected and discarded, starting with the smallest. Thus a low sensitivity means only the largest of the detected events go forwards to the repair section.
The “Threshold” control determines how many events are detected, and the “Sensitivity” control determines how many of those detected events go on to be repaired.
The best setting for the Threshold slider is to put it where the threshold line on the excitation profile is just above the noise floor, and to lower the Sensitivity slider until the required number of repairs are occurring.
The other approach is to lower the Threshold until it is just under the top of the peaks. With Sensitivity at maximum, you are then only correcting the events that breach the threshold. One potential problem with this method is that it is possible that only the middle of the event is actually repaired because the width of the event is perceived to be narrower than it actually is (because the Threshold is at the peak of the triangle where it is narrowest.) In practice, however, any partial repairs can be fully repaired later on by the DeCrackle section which does tend to clean up the repairs done in the DePop and DeClick sections.
The DePop section can detect events from 10ms down to 1ms. However, it is best to adjust the DePop Threshold and Sensitivity to ensure that the fewest repairs are done in this section. Use a low DePop Threshold and a minimum of Sensitivity to achieve this.
If possible, use the DeClicker section to capture the longest and widest of the clicks. Again use a low DeClick Threshold and a minimum of Sensitivity to achieve this.
3.2 Output Panel
The listen section of the Output Panel contains an option to listen to the difference between the input and the processed output. This is labeled “Diff”. This is particularly useful in this plug-in for hearing what has been repaired, and for listening to the quality of the repairs without being distracted by the audio material. You can also listen for breakthrough of audio on the pops, meaning that the repair is too wide (you need to raise the DePop Threshold a bit). You can listen for a constant scratching sound, which means that the DeCrackle section may be doing too many repairs, particularly if you can’t hear that scratching sound in the original. You can listen to make sure that the sound of the clicks is as close as possible to the sound of the clicks in the original. If they are brighter, it may mean that the DeClick Threshold slider needs to go lower to capture the true width of the clicks.
3.3 The Events Graph
The events graph is an important visual display, showing events as they are being detected. The events are shown with duration along the X-axis and amplitude/energy along the Y-axis. It is worthwhile playing with the Threshold and Sensitivity controls to see their effect on the number of events that are detected, and at what level and width they are displayed on the event graph.
For example, you will notice that as you bring the Threshold lower, not only are more events detected, but the events tend to move to the left, meaning the events are being detected as longer duration. Then as you move the Sensitivity down, you will notice that the smallest events disappear first, leaving the largest events.
The graph shows green bubbles (DePop), blue bubbles (DeClick) and white bubbles (DeCrackle). The size of the bubbles indicates how loud they are, as does their height above the horizontal axis. Each section has an IN button, and if you disable a section using the IN button, their bubbles are displayed as Red, meaning these events have been detected but not repaired.
Clicking in the Events Graph will remove any popup graphs such as the Excitation Profiles to expand your view of the Events.
3.4 The Exclude Box
The Events Graph allows an important new feature to be implemented. The idea of the exclude box is to stop over-corrections. For example, you may be happy with a piece of music and the associated repairs, except for a section with brass instruments - at which point too many high energy events are detected and corrected. Likewise, with dialogue you sometimes find that the need for repairs diminishes as the dialogue becomes louder, because the dialogue masks the clicks. Threshold and Sensitivity settings that work for the background noise of the dialogue may be too sensitive when the dialogue is active and loud. The graphic representation of the detected events makes this visually very obvious, and can be further demonstrated by listening to the diff signal.
One way to remedy these situations is to use an Exclude Box. Simply click the pointer in the event graph area to create a box and drag it to where it needs to be to exclude the repairs that were undesirable. Every event that occurs inside the box will not be repaired and is displayed in red. You can drag the whole box or use the drag handles (left, right, top, bottom) to re-position or re-size the box accurately.
The diagram shows the tell-tale signature of a loud brass section of music. If these events were to be “repaired” by the declicker, the section would lose all brightness and authenticity. Using the exclude box the events can be marked for exclusion from the repair processing.
There are two further controls for the Exclude Box; one to enable or disable the feature (Exclude Box Enable), and one to show or hide the box (Exclude Box Show). Both of these controls leave the box position unchanged. These controls are automatable, as are the drag handles. Only one exclude box can be active at a time.
3.5 Dialogue Mode
The Dialogue Mode is another unique feature of the Oxford DeClicker. It is a complete solution to the problems associated with dialogue where you need one set of Threshold/Sensitivity settings for the background level, when the speaker is pausing, and a quite different set of Threshold/Sensitivity settings whilst speaking.
When you enable Dialogue Mode the background GUI changes to display an extra panel. You now have two entire sets of Threshold/Sensitivity/Enable controls at your disposable. One set is for the quieter parts, and one set for the louder parts. Access to these two sets of controls is via the Above Set and Below Set buttons. The Voice Threshold control is a threshold level that determines which set of controls processes a given signal. If the signal level is above the threshold, then it is processed by the controls labeled Above. If the signal is below the threshold, it is processed by the controls labeled Below.
On switching to Dialogue Mode, the first thing to do is set the Voice Threshold slider. When you touch this slider you see the history of the signal level. You can easily set the threshold using the fader to be just above the background level while the speaker pauses. You can also drag the threshold line on the graph.
Set the Threshold/Sensitivity controls of the Below controls, or drag the threshold lines on the graphs to appropriate background settings.
Then click the Above Set button, to switch the controls over to displaying the “Above Set” of controls. Set these Threshold/Sensitivity controls or drag the threshold lines on the graphs to appropriate settings for the speech.
The final feature of the Dialogue Mode that makes it even more flexible is the incorporation of a Side-Chain. This
feature further defines when the signal level is “Above” the Voice Threshold and when it is “Below”. Without the side-chain, the Above / Below splitting occurs purely on the level/amplitude of the signal. When you use the side-chain, Above / Below splitting occurs on the level of the signal within a particular frequency band.
3.6 Description of Controls
Touch Pad Controls
Several controls in these plug-ins use a Touch Pad associated with a knob or slider. These controls give a clear display of the SI value of a control, and respond to the following actions:
- Left-Click and drag up/down: Increase/decrease the value
- Right-Click and drag up/down: Fine adjustment of value
- Double Click: Directly edit value
- Shift + Left-Click and drag up/down: Fine adjustment of value
- Control + Left-Click: Set to default
Input and Output Sections
Meters” – The input and output meters indicate 1dB per segment for the top 18dB of dynamics range, and 2dB per segment thereafter.
Trim” – The input trim has a range of +12dB to -12dB. The output trim has a range of 0.0dB to
Listen Audio” – Selects auditioning of the cleaned audio signal.
Listen Diff” – Selects auditioning of what is being removed from the audio signal.
Listen Side Chain” – Selects auditioning of the side chain.
Dialogue Mode” – Selects the Dialogue Mode and displays the Dialogue control panel.
Master Enable” – With Master Enable selected, all processing is active. If not selected, all repairs are disabled, although all the detection circuits remain active.
The Master Enable, Audio and Diff buttons all provide smoothly interpolated and glitchless audio switching. It is advisable to use these for auditioning, rather than using the host application’s Bypass switch (which is commonly not interpolated).
DePop, DeClick and DeCrackle Sections
Threshold” – This control is used to adjust a threshold level within the Excitation Profile to capture an event. If a peak on the Excitation Profile is below the threshold, it will not be
registered as an event to be repaired. If a peak breaches the threshold line, then it is registered as a detected event and can be repaired.
Sensitivity” – This control determines whether detected events are discarded, starting with the smallest. A low Sensitivity means only the largest of the detected events go forwards to the repair section.
Enable” –With the section disabled, the detectors are still monitoring the audio and any detected events are shown on the Events Graph as red bubbles. Setting the section IN will present the detected events to the repair processing section.
Detect Meter” – The Detect meter display combines two indications. The main rising column indicates the sum of the energy of events that have been detected. With the “Enable” button de­selected (ie. the repair circuit disabled), this column is coloured orange/red. With the repair circuit active the column is coloured blue. The bottom segment of the meter is an indication of each individual detected event.
Dialogue Mode
Voice Threshold” – This control determines the threshold at which detected events are allocated between the two sets of Detect/Repair settings. Any event detected while the level is above the threshold (coloured blue) will be allocated to the Above Set; any event detected while the level is below the threshold (coloured red) will be allocated to the Below Set.
Above Set” – With Above Set selected, the Detect/Repair controls are used on events that are above the Voice Threshold.
Below Set” – With Below Set selected, the Detect/Repair controls are used on events that are below the Voice Threshold.
Side-Chain LF Filter” – Sets the LF limit for the side-chain.
Side-Chain HF Filter” – Sets the HF limit for the side-chain.
Display Controls
Exclude Box Enable” – This control enables or disables the Exclude Box. This the box enabled, any event inside the box will not be repaired.
Exclude Box Show” – This control shows or hides the Exclude Box. The status of Exclude Box Enable is not affected.
Pop-ups” – This control enables or disables the following display modes:
- Disable Pop-ups
- Pop-ups follow touch (Default)
- Show Excitation Profile
- Show Level Profile (for Dialogue Mode)
- Show Spectrum (for Dialogue Mode)
Display Options” – This control enables or disables many display options:
- Events decay, or persist indefinitely;
- X-axis graduated in log or lin, and samples or milliseconds;
- Y-axis graduated in peak amplitude or RMS energy
- Labelling of detected events
Sonnox Menu Button
Clip Lights” – Can be set to hold for 2 seconds, 5 seconds, or indefinitely.
Show Preset Name Path” – Can show or hide the preset name path in the Preset Manager.
Knob Mode” – Can be set to circular, relative circular, linear or follow host.
About” – Displays the date, version and build number of the plug-in.
3.7 DeClicker Signal / Control Flow Diagram
3.8 DeClicker Stereo Behaviour
For correct stereo operation, when instantiated into a stereo track the DeClicker has two independent detect and repair circuits.
4. The Oxford DeBuzzer
4.1 Basic Operation
The Oxford DeBuzzer is divided into two stages: Detection and Removal.
Removal of buzz is usually accomplished by using a comb filter. The comb filter has many tight notches in the frequency spectrum that eliminate the fundamental frequency and associated harmonics of a buzz.
For this process to work well, the frequency of the fundamental must be very accurately determined. There are several tools available to help isolate the fundamental frequency. The first is the Peak Profile that is displayed immediately above the big central rotary control. This is a plot of strength of a given nominal frequency in the input signal, and the display extends over a wide range either side of the nominal frequency. With the nominal set to 50Hz, any peak frequency between 45Hz and 55Hz will be displayed.
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