Menu Operation Guide

If a tele vision is not positioned in a sufficiently stable lo cati on, it c an be po tent iall y haza rdou s due to
Falling. Many injuries, particularly to chil dren , can be a void ed by ta king s impl e prec auti ons su ch as:
· Using c abinets or stands recommended by the manufacturer o f the televi sion .
· Only us ing furniture that can safely support the television.
· Ensur ing the television is not overhanging the e dge of t he sup port ing fu rnit ure.
· Not pla cing the tel evision on tall furniture (for example, cupbo ards o r book case s) wit hout
ancho ring both the furniture and the television to a suitable supp ort.
· Not sta ndin g the te levisions on cloth or other materials placed be twee n the te levi sion a nd
suppo rting furniture.
· Educating children about the dangers of climbing on furniture to reach the television or its controls.

and pro gra m recordi ng.
Coaxi al Di gita l Audi o outp ut fo r Digi tal Am plif ier.

Pres s Ca nce l bu tton on t he r emo te c ontro l
to ent er e ner gy s aving m od e whe n pl aying
musi c.

The an ten na ei the r can b e con nec ted f or mu lti -fa mil y dwe lli ngs or for single-family dwellings.
Blu -ray DVD Pl ayer