Under the copyright laws, this manual or the s oftware described within, can not be c opied,
in whole or part, without the written consent of the manufacturer, except in the normal use
of the software to make a backup copy. The same proprietary and copyright notices must
be affixed to any permitted copies as were affixed to the original. This exception does not
allow copies to be made for others, whether or not sold, but all of the m a terial purchased
(with all backup copies) can be sold, given, or loaned to another person. Under the law,
copying includes translating into another language or format.
SonicWALL is a registered trademark of SonicWALL, Inc.
Other product and company names mentioned herein can be trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.
Specifications and descriptions subject to change without notice.
SonicWALL, Inc. warrants the SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance (the Product) for one
(1) year from the date of purchase against defects in materials and workmanship. If there
is a defect in the hardware, SonicWALL will replace the product at no charge, provided that
it is returned to SonicWALL with transportation charges prepaid. A Return Materials
Authorization (RMA) number must be displayed on the outside of the package for the
product being returned for replacement or the product will be refused. The RMA number
can be obtained by call ing SonicWALL Customer Service bet ween the hours of 8:30 AM and
5:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
Phone:(408) 752-7819
Fax:(408) 745-9300
Web: <http://www.sonicwall.com/support>
This warranty does not apply if the Product has been damaged by accident, abuse, misuse,
or misapplication or has been modified without the written permission of SonicWALL.
In no event shall SonicWALL, Inc. or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever
(including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of
inform ation, or othe r pecuniary l oss) arisin g out of the us e of or inabili ty to use the P roduct.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion can not apply to
you. Where liability can not be limited under applicable law, the SonicWALL liability shall
be limited to the amount you paid for the Product. This warranty gives you specific legal
rights, and you can have other rights which vary from state to state.
By using this Product, you agree to these limitations of liability.
Preface Page 5
No dealer, agent, or employee of SonicWALL is authorized to make any extension or
addition to this warranty.
Page 6 SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance User’s Guide
About this Guide
Thank you for purchasing the SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance. The SonicWALL
protect s your Local Area Networ k (LAN ) fr om att acks an d in trusio ns, filte rs ob jecti onal Web
sites, provides private VPN connections to business partners and remote offices, and offers
a centrally-managed defense against software viruses.
This guide covers the installation and configuration of the SonicWALL SOHO2, SonicWALL
TELE2, SonicWALL XPRS2, SonicWALL PRO and SonicWALL PRO-VX. The instructions are
the same for every hardware model except where specifically noted.
Organization of This Guide
Chapter 1, Introduction, describes the features and applications of the SonicWALL.
Chapter 2, SonicWALL QuickStart Installation, demonstrates how to connect the
SonicWALL to your network a nd pe rform the initial configuration.
Chapter 3, Managing Your SonicWAL L, provides a brief overvi ew of the SonicWALL Web
Management Interface.
Chapter 4, Network Settings, describes the configuration of the SonicWALL IP settings,
time and password.
Chapter 5, Logging and Alerting, illustrates the SonicWALL logging, alerting and
reporting features.
Chapter 6, Content Filt erin g and Blo cking , describes So nicWALL Web content filte ring,
including subscription updates and customized Web blocking.
Chapter 7, Web Management Tools, provides directions to restart the SonicWALL,
import and export settings, upload new firmware, and perform diagnostic tests.
Chapter 8, Network Access Rules, explains how to permit and block traffic through the
SonicWALL, set up servers, and en able re mote management.
Chapter 9, Advanced Feat ures, desc ribes ad vanced SonicW ALL setting s, such as One-t o-
One NAT, Automatic Web Proxying and DMZ addresses.
Chapter 10, DHCP Server, describes the configuration and setup of the SonicWALL DHCP
Chapter 11, SonicWALL VPN, explains how to create a VPN tunnel between two
SonicWALLs and from the VPN client to the SonicWALL.
Chapter 12, SonicWALL Options and Upgrades, presents a brief summary of the
SonicWALL's subscription services, firmware upgrades and other options.
Chapter 13, Hardware Description , illustrates and describes the SonicWALL front and
back panel displays. This chapter is divided into three sections for the SonicWALL SOHO2
and SonicWALL TELE2, the Son icWALL XPRS2, and the SonicWALL PRO and SonicWA LL
Preface Page 7
Chapter 14, Troubleshooting Guide, shows solutions to commonly encountered
Appendix A, Technical Specifications, lists the SonicWALL specifications.
Appendix B, Introduction to Networking, provides an overview of the Internet, TCP/IP
settings, IP security, and other general netw orki ng topics.
Appendix C, IP Port Numbers, offers information about IP port numbering.
Appendix D, Config uring T CP/IP Settin gs, provides instructi ons for configuring your
Management Station's IP address.
Appendix E, Erasing the Firmware, describes the firmware erase procedure.
Appendix F, Securing the So nicWAL L, details the steps necessary to safely mount the
SonicWALL on a mounti ng rack.
Appendix G, El ectrom agnetic Comp atibil ity, presents important emissions standards
approvals and EMC information.
SonicWALL Technical Support
For fast resolution of technical questions, please visit the SonicWALL Tech Su pport Web
site at <http://www.sonicwall.com/support>. There, you will find resources to resolve
most technical issues and a Web request form to contact one of the SonicWALL Technical
Support engineers.
Page 8 SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance User’s Guide
1 Introduction
Your SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance
The SonicWALL Internet security appliance provides a complete security solution that
protects your network from attacks, intrusions, and malicious tampering. In addition, the
SonicWALL filters objectionable Web content and logs security threats. SonicWALL VPN
provides secure, encrypted communications to business partners and branch offices.
SonicWALL VPN is included with the SonicWALL TELE2, the SonicWALL PRO, the
SonicWALL PRO-VX, and the GX series of appliances. It is also available as an upgrade.
The SonicWALL Internet security appliance uses s tateful packet inspection to ensure secure
firewall filtering. Stateful packet inspection is widely considered to be the most effective
method of filtering IP traffic. MD5 authentication is used to encrypt communications
between your Manageme nt Station and the SonicWALL Web Management Interface. MD5
Authentication prevents unauthorized users from detecting and stealing the So nicWALL
password as it is sent over your netwo rk.
The SonicWALL family of Internet security appliances include eight SonicWALL models
customized to the requirements of different networks.
SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance Functional Diagram
The following figure illustrates the SonicWALL's security functions.
By default, the SonicWALL allows outbound access from the LAN to the Internet and blocks
inbound access from the Internet to the LAN. Users on the Internet are restricted from
accessing resources on the LAN unless they are authorized remote users or Network Access
Rules were created to allow inbound access.
If the SonicWALL includes a DMZ port, users on the LAN and on the Internet have full
access to the devices on the DMZ.
Page 10 Soni cW A L L In t ern et Security A pp li an ce Us e r ’s Gu id e
SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance Features
Internet Security
•ICSA-Certified Firewall
After undergoing a rigorous suite of tests to expose security vulnerabilities, SonicWALL
Internet security appliances have received Firewall Certification from ICSA, the
internationally-accepted auth ority on network security. The SonicWALL uses stateful
packet inspection, the most effective method of packet filtering, to protect your LAN
from hackers and vandals on the Internet.
•Hacker Attack Prevention
The SonicWALL automatically detects and thwarts Denial of Service (DoS) attacks such
as Ping of Death, SYN Flood, LAND A ttac k, and IP Spoofing.
•Network Address Translation (NAT)
Network Address Translation (NAT) translates the IP addresses used on your private
LAN to a single, public IP address that is used on the Internet. NAT allows multiple
computers to access the Internet, even if only one IP address has been provided by
your ISP.
•Network Access Rules
The default Network Access Rules allow traffic from the LAN to the Internet and block
traffic from the Internet to the LAN. You can create additional Network Access Rules
that allow inbound traffic to network servers, such as Web and mail servers, or that
restrict outbound traffic to certain destinations on the Internet.
The SonicWALL maintains the highest level of security by automatically notifying you
when new firmware is released. When new firmware is available, the SonicWALL Web
Manageme nt Inter face displays a link to download and install the latest fir mware. The
SonicWALL also sends an e-mail with firmware release notes.
•DMZ Port
SonicWALL XPRS2, SonicWALL PRO and SonicWALL PRO-VX include a DMZ port
allowing users to access public servers, such as Web and FTP servers. While Internet
users have unlimited access to the DMZ, the servers located on the DMZ are still
protected against DoS attacks.
•SNMPSupportSNMP (Simp le N e two rk Ma n ag e men t Protoco l) is a network protocol used over
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) that allows network administrators to monitor the status
of the SonicWALL Internet Sec urity appliances and receive n otification of any critical
events as they occur on the network.
Introduction Page 11
Content Filtering
•SonicWALL Content Filtering Overview
You can use the SonicWALL Web content filtering to enforce your company's Internet
access policies. The SonicWALL blocks specified categories, such as violence or nudity,
using an optional Content Filter List. Users on your network can bypass the Content
Filter List by authenticating with a unique user name and password.
•Content Filter List Updates (optional)
Since content on the Internet is constantly changing, the SonicWALL automatically
updates the optional Content Filter List every week to ensure that access restrictions
to new and relocated websites and newsgroups are properly enforced.
•Log and Block or Log Only
You can configure the SonicWALL to log and block access to objectional Web sites, or
to log inappropriate usage without blocking Web access.
•Filter Protocols
In addition to filtering acces s to Web sites, the SonicWALL can also block Newsgroups,
ActiveX, Java, Cookies, and Web Proxies.
Logging and Reporting
•Log Categories
You can select the information you wish to display in the SonicWALL event log. You can
view the event log from the SonicWALL Web Management Interface or receive the log
as an e-mail file.
•Syslog Server Support
In addition to the standard screen log, the SonicWALL can write extremely detailed
event log information to an external Syslog server. Syslog is the industry-standard
method to capture information about network activity.
•ViewPoint Reporting
Monitoring critical network events and activity, such as security threats, inappropriate
Web use, and bandwidth levels, is an essential component of network security.
SonicWALL ViewPoint compliments the SonicWALL security features by providing
detailed and comprehensive reports of network activity.
SonicWALL ViewPoint is a software application that creates dynamic, Web-based
network reports. ViewPoint reporting generates both real-time and historical reports to
offer a complete view of all activity through your SonicWALL Internet security
•E-mail Alerts
The SonicWALL can be configured to send alerts of high-priority events, such as
attacks, system errors , and blo cked Web s ite s. When these ev en ts occ ur, al erts c an be
immediately sent to an e-mail address or e-mail pager.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Page 12 Soni cW A L L In t ern et Security A pp li an ce Us e r ’s Gu id e
•DHCP Server
The DHCP Server offers centralized management of TCP/IP client configurations,
including IP addresses, gateway addresses, and DNS addresses. Upon startup, each
network client receives its TCP/IP settings automatically from the SonicWALL DHCP
•DHCP Client
DHCP Client allows the SonicWALL to acquire TCP/IP settings (such a s IP address,
gateway address, DNS address) from your ISP. This is necessary if your ISP assigns you
a dynamic IP address.
Installation and Configuration
•Installation Wizard
The SonicW ALL I n stal lat i on Wiz ar d he lps quickly install and co nfi gu re t he Sonic WALL.
•Online help
SonicWALL help documentation is built into the SonicWALL Web Management Interface
for easy access during installation and management.
SonicWALL VPN provides a simple, secure tool that enables corporate offices and
business partners to connect securely over the Internet. By encrypting data,
SonicWALL VPN provides private communications between two or mo re sites witho ut
the expense of leased site-to-site lines. SonicWALL VPN comes standard with the
SonicWALL TELE2, the SonicWALL PRO and the SonicWALL PRO-VX, and can also be
purchased as an upgrade.
•VPN Client Software for Windows
Mobile users with dial-up Internet accounts can securely access remote network
resources with the SonicWALL VP N Client. The SonicWALL VPN Client establi shes a
private, encrypted VPN tunnel to the SonicWALL, allowing users to transparently access
network servers from any location. The SonicWALL PRO includes a single VPN client for
secure remote managemen t. The Sonic WALL PRO-VX includes 50 VP N client licenses
for remote management and remote access. Single, 10, 50 and 100 VPN client license
packs can be purchased separately.
Introduction Page 13
Contact SonicWALL, Inc. for information about the Content Fi lter List , Netwo rk Anti -Virus subscriptions, and other upgrades.
•One SonicWALL Internet Se curity Appliance User's Guide
If an item is missing from the package, you can contact SonicWALL, Inc. by phone at
(408) 752-7819 or submit a Web Support Form at <http://techsupport.sonicwall.com/
Here are a f ew helpful guidelines for installing the SonicWALL applian ce.
•The WAN Ethernet port should be connected to the Internet router or modem.
•The LAN Ethernet port should be connected to a network hub or switch on the internal,
protected network.
•The DMZ Ethernet port, included with the SonicWALL XPRS2, the SonicWALL PRO and
the SonicWALL P RO-VX, should b e connected to publicly accessible se rvers, such as
Web and Mail servers.
•A crossover cable should be used when co nne cting the SonicWALL dire ctly to another
machine or router.
•A standard Ethernet cable should be used when connecting the SonicWALL to a
network hub, switch, or modem.
SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance User’s Guide Page 15
Connecting the SonicWALL to the Network
The following diagram illustrates how the SonicWALL is connected to the network:
The following steps describe integration of the SonicWALL into the network.
1. Connect the WAN Ethernet port on the back of the SonicWALL to the Ethernet port on
your Internet router or modem. Use a crossover c able when connec ting the SonicW ALL
to a router. Use a standard Ethernet cable when connecting to a modem or a hub.
2. Connect the LAN Ethernet port to your Local Area Network (LAN). Use a standard
Ethernet cable when connecting the SonicWALL to a hub or switch. Use a crossover
cable when connecting d irectl y to a computer.
3. Optional: Connect the DMZ Ethernet port to a hub or switch with a standard Ethernet
cable. Or connect the DMZ port directly to a public server with a crossover cable.
4. Plug the SonicWALL power supply into an AC power outlet, then plug the power supply
output cable into the port on the back labeled Power. Use the power adapter supplied
with the SonicWALL, do not use another power supply.
Note: If you are inst alling a SonicWALL PRO o r a SonicWALL PRO-VX, connect the
SonicWALL to an AC power outlet using a power cable. Then press the power switch
to the On position.
5. The SonicWALL runs a series of self-diagnostic tests to check for proper operation.
During the diagnostic tests, which take about 90 seconds, the Test LED remains on.
Wait for the Test LED to turn off.
Verify that all used Link LEDs are illuminated. If not, go to Chapter 14 for
troubleshooting tips. The SonicWALL is now properly attached to your netw ork.
SonicWALL Installation Checklist
SonicWALL Installation Pa ge 16
The SonicWALL requires i nforma tion abo ut the IP a ddress confi gurati on of y our netw ork.
Your Internet Ser vice Provider (ISP) shou ld be able to provide this information . If you are
unfamiliar with the terms used in the section, review Appendix B for networking basic terms
and information.
•WAN Gateway (Router) IP Address
The WAN Gateway (Router) IP Address is the addre ss of the router that connects your
LAN to the Internet. If you have cable or DSL Internet access, the router is probably
located at your ISP.
•DNS Addresses
The DNS Addresses are the addre sses o f Domain Na me Servers , ei ther on y our LAN or
the Internet. These addresse s are requir ed for down loading the Conten t F ilter Li st and
for the DNS Name Lookup tool. The DNS ad dresses sho uld be supplied by your ISP.
•Mail Server (Optional)
The Mail Server address is the name or the IP address of the mai l server used to e-mai l
log messages; it can be a server on your LAN or the Internet. For best results , use the
same server used on your LAN for e-mail.
If you are using Network Address Translation (NAT), then you also must have the
following information:
•SonicWALL WAN IP (NAT Public) Address
The SonicWALL WAN IP (NAT Public) Address is the valid IP address that your entire
network uses to access the Internet. This address should be supplied by your ISP.
•WAN/DMZ Subnet Mask
The WAN Subnet Mask defines which IP addresses are connected to the WAN port of
the SonicWALL but not accessed through the WAN router. This subnet mask should be
supplied by your ISP.
•SonicWALL LAN IP Address
The SonicWALL LAN IP address i s the addres s assigned to the SonicWAL L LAN port and
is used to manage the SonicWALL. It should be a unique I P address from your Local
Area Network (LAN) address range.
•LAN Subnet Mask
The LAN Subnet Mask defines the range of IP addresses located on your LAN.
SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance User’s Guide Page 17
Performing the Initial Configuration
Setting up your Management Station
All management functions on the SonicWALL are performed from a W eb browser-based
user interface. Management can be performed from any computer co nnected to the LAN
port of the SonicWALL. The computer used for management is referred to as the
Management Station.
The SonicWALL is pre-configured with the IP address “", which is used to
access it during initial configuration. During the initial configuration, it is necessary to
temporarily change the IP address of your Management Station to one in the same subnet
as the SonicWALL. For example, set the IP address of your Management Statio
“". Restart the Management Station to activate the address change.
Note: Appendix D describes how to change the IP address of your Management Station.
Launching the Web browser
1. Open a Web Browser. Then type the default SonicWALL IP address,
"", into the Location or Address field in the Web browser.
Note: Your Web browser must be Java-enabled and support HTTP uploads in order to fully
manage SonicWALL. Netscape Navigator 3.0 and above is recommended.
The first time you contact the SonicWALL, the SonicWALL Installation Wizard
automatically launches and begins the installation process.
n to
The SonicWALL Installation Wizard simplifies the initial installatio n and con figuration o f
the SonicWALL. The Wizard provides a series of menu-driven instructions for setting the
administrator password and configuring the settings necessary to access the Internet.
Note: To bypass the Wizard, click Cancel. Then log into the Son icWALL Management
Interface by entering the User Name "admin" and the Password "password".
SonicWALL Installation Pa ge 18
To configure you r SonicWALL appliance, read the in structions on the Wizard Welcome
window and click Next to continue.
Setting the Password
Note: It is very important to choose a pass word which cannot be easily guessed by others.
2. To set the password, enter a new password in the New Password and Confi rm New
Password fields.
This wind ow also di splays the Use SonicWALL Global Management System check box.
SonicWALL Glo bal Management System (SonicWA LL GMS) is a web browser-ba sed securit y
management system. SonicWALL GMS allows enterprises and service providers to
monitor and manage hundreds of remote SonicWALLs from a central location. F or more
information about SonicWALL GMS, contact SonicWALL Sales at (408) 745-9600.
3. Do not select the Use Global Management System check box unless your
SonicWALL is remotely managed by SonicWALL GMS. Click Next to continue.
SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance User’s Guide Page 19
Setting the Time and Date
4. Select the appropriate Time Zone from the Time Zone menu. The SonicWALL
internal clock is set automatically by a Network Time Server on the Internet. Click Next
to continue.
Connecting to the Internet
The Connecting to the Internet screen lists the information requi red to complete the
installat ion. You nee d instructi ons for o btaining an IP ad dress automa tically or IP address es
from your ISP .
5. Confirm that you have the proper network information necessary to configure the
SonicWALL to access the Internet. Click the hyperlinks for definitions of the networking
terms. Click Next to proceed to the next step.
SonicWALL Installation Pa ge 20
Selecting Your Internet Connection
6. Select Assi gn ed yo u a sing le sta t ic IP ad dre ss , if your ISP has provided you with
a single, valid IP address. Now go to Step 10.
7. Select the second option, Assigned you tw o or m or e IP ad dr esses , if your ISP h as
provided you with two or more IP addresses. Either NAT or Standard mode can be
enabled if your network has two or more valid IP addresses. If you select the second
option, go to Step 11.
8. Select the third option, Provided you with desktop software, a user name, andpassword (PPP o E), if your ISP requires user name and password authentication as
well as the installation of log in software. If you select the third option, go to Step 12.
9. Select the fourth option, Automatically assigns you a dynamic IP address(DHCP), if your ISP automatically assigns you an IP address from their DHCP server.
Your SonicWALL enables NAT with DHCP Cli ent, a typi cal network addres sing mode
for cable and DSL users. If you select the fourth option, go to Step 13.
Note: The SonicWALL Installation Wizard autodetects PPPoE and DHCP connections.
Therefore, it may not be necessary to select from the above options.
Confirming Network Address Translation (NAT) Mode
If you se lect Assi gned you a sing le static I P address in the Connecting to the
Internet window, the Use Network Address Translation (NAT) window is
SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance User’s Guide Page 21
The Use Network Address Translation (NAT) window verifies that the SonicWALL has
a registered IP address. To confirm this, click Next and go to Step 10.
Selecting Standard or NAT Enabled Mode
If you selected Assigned you a single static IP Address in Step 6, the Optional-
Network Address Translation window is displayed.
10. The Optional-Network Address Translation (NAT) window offers the ab ility to
enab le NAT. S elec t Don’t Use NAT if there are enough static IP addresses for your
SonicWALL, all PCs, and all network devices on your LAN. Selecting Don’t Use NAT
enables the Standard mode. Select Us e NAT if v alid IP addres ses are i n short s upply
or to hide all devices on your LAN behi nd the SonicWALL valid IP address. Click Next
to continue.
SonicWALL Installation Pa ge 22
Configuring WAN Network Settings
If you selected either NAT or Standard mode, the Getting to t he Int e rne t window is
11. Enter the valid IP address provided by your ISP in the Getting to the Inte rnet
window. Enter the SonicWALL WAN IP Address, WA N/DMZ Su bnet Mask, WANGateway (Router) Address, and DNS Server Addresses. Click Next to continue.
If NAT is disabled, go to Step 13. If Standard mode is s elected, go to Step 14.
Setting the User Name and Password for PPPoE
If you select NAT with PPPoE in the Connecting to the Internet window, the
SonicWALL ISP Settings (PPPoE) wind ow is displayed
12. Enter the Use r Na me and Password provided by your ISP. The Password is case-
sensitive. C lick Next and go to Step 13.
SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance User’s Guide Page 23
Confirming DHCP Client Mode
If you sel e ct DHCP in Step 6 , the Obtain an IP address automatically window is
13. The O btain an I P add ress autom atica lly window states that the ISP dynamically
assigns an IP address to the SonicWALL. To confirm this, click Next and go to Step
Configuring LAN Network Settings
14. The Fill in information about your LAN window allows the configuration of the
SonicWALL LAN IP Address and the LAN Subnet Mask.The SonicWALL LAN IP
Address is the private IP address assigned to the LAN port of the SonicWALL. The LAN
Subnet Mask defines the range of IP addresses on the LAN. The default values
provided by the SonicWALL work for most networks. Enter the SonicWALL LAN settings
and click Next to continue.
SonicWALL Installation Pa ge 24
Configuring the SonicWALL DHCP Server
15. The Optional-SonicWALL DHCP Server window configures the S onicWALL DHCP
Server. If enabled, the SonicWALL automatically configures the IP settings of
computers on the LAN. To enable the DHCP server, select the Enable DHCP Server
check box, and specify the range of IP addresses that are assigned to computers on
the LAN.
If the Enable DHCP Server check box is not selected, the DHCP Server is disabled.
Click Next to continue.
Configurat io n Su m m a ry
16. The Configuration Summary window displays the configurati on defined using the
Installation Wizard. To modify any of the settings, click Back to return to the
Connect ing to the Internet w indow. If the configurat ion is correct, click Next to
proceed to the Congratulations window.
SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance User’s Guide Page 25
Note:The new SonicWALL LAN IP address, displayed in the URL field of the
Congratulations window, is used to log in and manage the SonicWALL.
17. Click Resta rt to restart the Sonic WAL L.
Note:The final window provides important information to help configure the computers on
the LAN. Click Print this Page to print the window information.
The SonicWALL takes 90 sec onds to restart. During this time, the yellow Test LED is lit.
Click Close to exit the SonicWALL Wizard.
SonicWALL Installation Pa ge 26
18. Reset the Management Station Information
Reset the IP address of the Management Station according to the information
displayed in the final window of the Installation Wizard.
19. Log into the SonicWALL Management Interface
Once the So nicWALL restarts, conta ct the S onicWALL Web Managem ent Interface at
the new SonicWALL LAN IP address. Ty pe the User Name “admin” and enter the
new administrator password to log into the SonicWALL.
20. R egister the SonicWALL
The Status window in the SonicWALL WebManagement Interface di splays a link
to the online registration form. Registering the SonicWALL provides access to
technical support, software updates, and information about new products. Once
registered, you are eligible for a free one-month subscription to the SonicWALL
Content Filter List and a 15-day trial of SonicWALL Network Anti-Virus.
SonicWALL Internet Security Appliance User’s Guide Page 27
3 Managing Your SonicWALL
This chapter contains a brief overview of SonicWALL management commands and
functions. The commands and functions are accessed through the SonicWALL Web
Management Interface. The co nfiguration is the same for all Son icWALL Internet
security appliances; any exceptions are noted.
1. Log into the SonicWALL using a Web Browser
You can manage the SonicWALL from any computer connected to the LAN port of
the SonicWALL using a Web browser. The computer used for management is
referred to as the "Management Station".
Note: To manage th e SonicWALL, your Web browser must ha ve Java and Java
applets enabled and support HTTP uploads.
2. Open a Web browser and type the SonicWA LL IP address---initially,
""---into the Location or Address field at the top of the
browser. An Authentication window with a Password di alogue bo x is displayed.
3. Type “admin” in the User Name field and the password previously defined in
the Installation Wizard in the Password fiel d. Passwords are c ase-sensitiv e.
Enter the password exactly as defined and click Login.
Note: All SonicWALLs are configured with the U ser Name “admin” an d the default
Password “password”. The User Name is not config ura b le.
If you cannot log in to the SonicWALL, a cached copy of the page is displayed
instead of the correct page. Click Reload or Refresh on the Web browser and try
again. Also, be sure to wait until the Java applet has finished loading before
attempting to log in.
Once the password is entered, an authenticated management session is
established. This session times out after 5 minutes of inactivity. The default timeout can be increased on the Password window in the General section.
Page 28 Managing Your SonicWALL
To view the Status tab, log into y our SonicWALL using your web browser. Click General
and then click the Status tab.
Note: The SonicWALL Status window is displayed above. Each SonicWALL Internet
security appliance displays unique characteristics, such as the presence of VPN acceleration
hardware or a different amount of mem ory.
The Status tab displays the following information:
•SonicWALL Serial Number - the serial number of the SonicWALL unit.
•Number of LAN IP addresses all owed with this li cense - number of IP addresses
that can be managed by the SonicWALL
•Registration code - the registration code generated when the SonicWALL is
registered at <http//www.mysonicwall.com>.
•SonicWALL Active time - the length of time in days, hours and minutes that the
SonicWALL is active.
•Firmware version - shows the current version number of the firmware installed on
the SonicWALL.
•ROM version - the version number of the ROM.
•CPU - the type and speed of the SonicWALL processor.
SonicWA LL Internet Se curity App li an c e Us er’ s Gu ide Page 29
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You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.