The QuickCopy device enables the quick copying of settings of a Chronis / Soliris Smoove or Smoove
UNO io device to other Chronis / Soliris Smoove & Smoove UNO io controllers. QuickCopy is operated
over the plugged in Chronis / Soliris Smoove & Smoove UNO io device (see chapter "So Key functions of the Smoove device").
The QuickCopy device runs on batteries and can also be supplied over the USB interface of the
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Display of communication
from device to QuickCopy
or from QuickCopy to
There is a QuickCopy PC Soware written for the QuickCopy. It is a user-friendly soware which
enables copying of device settings to additional devices (as with the QuickCopy device), as well as
parameter settings of the Chronis / Soliris Smoove & Smoove UNO io device.