How To Operate
Your Somfy Motorized
Cellular Shades

Getting Started
For your Somfy Motorized Cellular Shades
Operating Your Shade With
A Multi Channel Remote
• STEP 1: Select a channel using the “Channel” button.
(Lights will illuminate to indicate what channel you are on.
All 4 lights will illuminate for the fifth channel.)
• STEP 2: Press and release the “Down” button to lower
the shade or press and release the “Up” button to raise
the shade.
• STEP 3: Press the “MY” button and release to stop the
shade while in motion
Changing The Factory Programmed
Auto Stop Positions
To Change DOWN Stop Position:
• STEP 1: Press and release the “Down” button. Once the
shade stops, at the pre-set lower position, press and hold
the “Up” and “Down” buttons at the same time, until the
shade jogs.
• STEP 2: Now press and hold the “Up” or “Down” button
to move the shade to a new lowered position.
• STEP 3: Then release the button when the shade is at
the position you want. You may press the “Up” or “Down”
buttons to re-adjust the position.
• STEP 4: Press and hold the “MY” button until the shade
jogs. You have now set your new lower position.
To Change UPPER Stop Position:
• Follow Steps 1-4 above using the “Up” button instead of the
“Down” button in Step 1.
WHAT IS JOGGING? Jogging refers to the shade shifting up and down.