SOLIS 1P1K-4G,1P1.5K-4G,1P2K-4G,1P2.5K-4G, 1P3K-4G,1P3.6K-4G,1P4K-4G, 1P4.6K-4G,1P5K-4G,1P6K2-4G Installation And Operation Manual

Ningbo Ginlong Technologies Co., Ltd.
PV Grid Tie Inverter
Inst al la tion and Oper at ion Manual
Solis 4G Single Phase Inverter
Ver 1. 8
Ningb o Gi nlong Tec hnolo gi es Co., L td .
No. 57 Ji nt ong Roa d, B inhai I nd ust ri al Park , Xi angsh an , Ningb o,
Tel: +86 (0 )5 74 6578 1 80 6
Fax: +8 6 (0 )574 65 78 1 606
If you en cou nt er an y pr obl em o n the i nvert er, pl ea se fi nd o ut th e in ver ter S/N
and con tac t us , we wi ll t ry to r espon d to your q ues ti on ASA P.
Sol is-1P 1K-4G , Solis -1P1. 5K-4G , Solis -1P2K -4G, So lis-1 P2.5K -4G,
Sol is-1P 3K-4G , Solis -1P3. 6K-4G , Solis -1P4K -4G,
Sol is-1P 4.6K- 4G,So lis-1 P5K-4 G,Sol is-1P 6K2-4 G
1. Introduction
2. Safety Instructions
2.1 Safety Symbols
2.2 General Safety Instructions
2.3 Notice For Use
3. Overview
3.1 Front Panel Display
3.2 LED Status Indicator Lights
3.3 Keypad
3.4 LCD
4. Installation
4.1 Select Location for the Inverter
4.2 Mounting the Inverter
4.3 Electrical Connections
5 5 5
6 7 7 7 8
6. Operation
5. Start & Stop
5.1 Start the Inverter
5.2 Stop the Inverter
1.1 Product Description
1.2 Packaging
4.3.1 Connect PV side of inverter
4.3.2 Connect grid side of inverter
4.3.3 External ground connection
4.3.4 Max. overcurrent protection device (OCPD)
4.3.5 Inverter monitoring connection
4.3.7 Meter C onnection(optio na l)
4.3.6 El ec tr ic al c onnection diagram
4.3.8 CT co nn ec ti on s(optional)
6.1 Main Menu
6.2.1 Lock screen 26
6.2 Information
4.3.9 DRED port conne ct io ns (O nl y for AUS.)
1. Introduction
1.1 Pr oduct Des cription
Figure 1.1 Front side view
Figure 1.2 Bottom side view
LCD display
4 buttons
LED lights
DC input AC output
RS 485
DC Switch(optional)
CT and Meter input
6.3 Settings
6.3.1 Set Time
6.3.2 Set Address
6.4 Advanced Info.
6.4.1 Alarm Message
27 27
6.4.3 Version
6.4.4 Daily Energy
6.4.5 Monthly Energy and Yearly Energy
6.4.2 Running Message
6.4.6 Daily Record
6.4.7 Communication Data
6.4.8 Warning Message
6.5 Advanced Settings
6.5.1 Select Standard
6.5.2 Grid ON/OFF
6.5.3 Clear Energy
6.5.4 Reset Password
6.5.5 Power Control
6.5.6 Calibrate Energy
6.5.7 Special S ettings
6.5.8 STD. M ode S ettings
7. Maintenance
8. Troubleshooting
9. Specifications
6.5.11 Ex port Po we r Set
6.5.9 Restore S ettings
6.5.10 H M I U pdate
386.5.12 R estart HMI
6.5.13 D ebug Parameter
6.5.14 D S P U pdate
6.5.15 P ower Parameter
Sol is 4G sin gle pha se inve rters i ntegr ate DRM a nd back flow po wer con trol fu nctio n, that cou ld suit able fo r smart g rid req uirem ent. Sin gle pha se 4G ser ies inv erter c ontai n 10 mode ls whic h are lis ted bel ow: Sol is-1P 1K-4G , Solis -1P1. 5K-4G , Solis -1P2K -4G, So lis-1 P2.5K -4G, Sol is-1P 3K-4G , Solis -1P3. 6K-4G , Solis -1P4K -4G, Sol is-1P 4.6K- 4G, Sol is-1P 5K-4G ,Soli s-1P6 K2-4G
2.Safety Instructions
2.2 Ge neral Saf ety Instruc tions
Ele ctric al inst allat ions mu st be don e in acco rdanc e with th e local a nd nati onal ele ctric al safe ty stan dards .
CAU TION, R ISK OF EL ECTRI C SHOCK s ymbol i ndica tes imp ortan t safet y ins truct ions, w hich if n ot corr ectly f ollow ed, cou ld resu lt in ele ctric s hock.
CAU TION, H OT SURFA CE sy mbol in dicat es safe ty inst ructi ons, wh ich if no t cor rectl y follo wed, co uld res ult in bu rns.
NOT E symbo l indic ates im porta nt safe ty inst ructi ons, wh ich if no t corre ctly fol lowed , could r esult i n some da mage or t he dest ructi on of the i nvert er.
2.1 Sa fety Symb ols
Saf ety sym bols us ed in thi s manua l, whic h highl ight po tenti al safe ty risk s and imp ortan t
saf ety inf ormat ion, ar e liste d as foll ows:
WAR NIN G sym bol ind icate s impor tant sa fety in struc tions , which i f not cor rectl y follo wed, co uld res ult in se rious i njury o r death .
Imp roper u se may re sult in p otent ial ele ctric s hock ha zards o r burns . Th is ma nua l
con tains i mport ant ins truct ions th at shou ld be fol lowed d uring i nstal latio n and
mai ntena nce. Pl ease re ad thes e instr uctio ns care fully b efore u se and ke ep them f or
fut ure ref erenc e.
Ple ase d on’t c onn ect P V arra y pos iti ve(+) or ne gat ive (-) to g rou nd, it c oul d
cau se se riou s dam age t o the in ver ter.
1. Introduction
1.2 Pa ckaging
When you receive the inverter, ensure that all the parts listed below are included:
Onl y dev ices i n com pli ance w ith S ELV (EN 6 9050) may b e con nect ed to t he
RS4 85 and U SB in ter face s.
Do no t touch a ny inne r live pa rts unt il 5 minu tes aft er disc onnec tion fr om the u tilit y grid an d the PV in put.
Ningbo Ginlong Tec hnolo gies Co ., Ltd.
PV Grid Tie Inve rter
Installatio n and Ope ratio n Manua l
Solis 4G Single Phase Inverter
Ver 1.8
Par t #
Des cript ion
PV gr id tie in verte r
Wal l/p ole b racke t
Loc king sc rews
Num ber
2 pai rs
Table 1.1 Parts list
Gro undin g screw
att ached i n grou nd po int (
at si de of inv erter )
AC c onnec tor
Man ual
DC c onnec tor
CT w ith c able or M eter
Solis-1P1K-4G, Sol is-1P 1.5K- 4G, Sol is-1P 2K-4G , Solis -1P2. 5K-4G ,
Solis-1P3K-4G, Sol is-1P 3.6K- 4G, Sol is-1P 4K-4G ,
Solis-1P4.6K-4G, Solis -1P5K -4G,S olis- 1P6K2 -4G
3. Overview
3.1 Fr ont Panel D isplay
Fig ure 3.1 F ront Pa nel Dis play
3.2 LE D Status In dicator Lig hts
The re are th ree LED s tatus i ndica tor lig hts in th e front p anel of t he inve rter. Le ft LED: POW ER LED (r ed) ind icate s the pow er stat us of the i nvert er. Midd le LED: O PERATI ON LED ( green ) indic ates th e opera tion st atus. R ight LE D: ALARM L ED (yel low) in dicat es the a larm st atus. P lease s ee Tab le 3. 1 for d etail s
Des cript ion
The i nvert er can de tect DC p ower
No DC p ower or l ow DC pow er
The i nvert er is ope ratin g prope rly.
The i nvert er has st opped t o suppl y power.
The i nvert er is ini tiali zing.
Ala rm or fau lt cond ition i s detec ted.
The i nvert er is ope ratin g prope rly.
Sta tus
Lig ht
Table 3 .1 Stat us Indi cator L ights
2.Safety Instructions
2.3 No tice For Us e
The i nvert er has be en cons truct ed acco rding t o the app licab le safe ty and te chnic al gui delin es. Use t he inve rter in i nstal latio ns that m eet the f ollow ing spe cific ation s ONLY:
1. Perm ane nt inst allat ion is re quire d.
2. The el ect rical i nstal latio n must me et all th e appli cable r egula tions a nd stan dards .
3. The in ver ter mus t be inst alled a ccord ing to th e instr uctio ns stat ed in thi s manua l.
4. The in ver ter mus t be inst alled a ccord ing to th e corre ct tech nical s pecif icati ons.
5. To st art up th e inver ter, the G rid Sup ply Mai n Switc h (AC) mu st be swi tched o n, befo re
the s olar pa nel's D C isola tor sha ll be swi tched o n. To st op th e inv erter, t he Grid S upply
Mai n Switc h (AC) mu st be swi tched o ff befo re th e solar p anel' s DC isol ator sh all be
swi tched o ff.
The P V array ( Solar p anels ) suppl ies a DC vo ltage w hen the y are exp osed to sun light .
Ris k of elec tric sh ock fro m energ y store d in capa citor s of the In verte r. Do not remove cover for 5 minute s after disconnect ing all power sources(s ervice techni cian onl y). War ran ty ma y be void ed if the c over is r emove d witho ut unau thori zed .
The s urfac e tempe ratur e of the in verte r can rea ch up to 75 ( 167 F). To avoid risk o f burns , do not touc h the surf ace of th e inverter whil e it’s ope rati ng. Inv erter m ust be in stall ed out of t he reac h of chil dren.
To redu ce th e ris k of fi re, o ver -cu rre nt pr ote cti ve de vic es (O CPD ) are req uir ed fo r cir cui ts co nnect ed to th e Inver ter. The D C OCP D sha ll be i nst all ed pe r loc al re qui rem ents. All p hot ovo ltaic s our ce and o utp ut ci rcu it co ndu ctors sh all hav e dis con nec ts th at co mpl y wit h the N EC Art icl e 690 , Par t II. Al l Sol is si ngl e pha se in ver ter s fea tur e an inte gra ted DC sw itc h.
Ris k of elec tric sh ock. Do n ot remo ve cove r. Th ere i s no us er serv iceab le par ts insi de. Ref er serv icing t o quali fied an d accre dited s ervic e techn ician s.
PV m odule u sed wit h inver ter mus t have an IE C 61 730 C la ss A rati ng.
4. Installation
4.1 Se lect a Loca tion for the In verter
3.3 Ke ypad
3.4 LC D
The re are fo ur keys i n the fro nt pane l of the In verte r(fro m left to r ight) :
ESC , UP, DO WN an d ENT ER keys . Th e key pad is us ed fo r:
Scr ollin g throu gh the di splay ed opti ons (th e UP and DO WN ke ys);
Acc ess to mo dify th e adjus table s ettin gs (the E SC and EN TER key s).
3. Overview
The t wo-li ne Liqu id Crys tal Dis play (L CD) is lo cated o n the fro nt pane l of the In verte r,
whi ch show s the fol lowin g infor matio n:
Inv erter o perat ion sta tus and d ata;
Ser vice me ssage s for ope rator ;
Ala rm mess ages an d fault i ndica tions .
Fig ure 4.1 R ecomm ended I nstal latio n locat ions
To sele ct a loca tion fo r the inv erter, t he foll owing c riter ia shou ld be con sider ed:
To avoi d over he ating a mbien t air tem perat ure mus t be cons idere d when ch oosin g the
inv erter i nstal latio n locat ion. Gi nlong r ecomm ends us ing a sun s hade mi nimiz ing dir ect
sun light w hen the a mbien t air tem perat ure aro und the u nit exc eeds 10 4°F/4 0°C.
Do no t insta ll in sma ll clos ed spac es wher e air can n ot circ ulate f reely. To av oid
ove rheat ing, al ways ma ke sure t he flow o f air aro und the i nvert er is not b locke d.
Exp osure t o direc t sunli ght wil l incre ase the o perat ional t emper ature o f the inv erter a nd
may c ause ou tput po wer lim iting . Ginlo ng reco mmend s inver ter ins talle d to avoi d
dir ect sun light o r raini ng.
Whe n 1 or mo re in ver ter s are i nst all ed in o ne lo cat ion , a min imu m 12i nch s cle ara nce
sho uld b e kep t bet wee n eac h inv ert er or o the r obj ect . The b ott om of t he in ver ter s hou ld
be 20 inc hs cl ear anc e to th e gro und .
Vis ibi lity of t he LED st atus in dicat or ligh ts and th e LCD loc ated at t he fron t panel o f
the i nvert er shou ld be con sider ed.
Adeq uate ve ntil atio n must be pro vide d if the inv erte r is to be inst alled i n a confin ed spac e.
Not hing sh ould be s tored o n or plac ed agai nst the i nvert er.
300m m
300m m
300m m
300m m 300m m
300m m
300m m
Fig ure 4.2 I nvert er Moun ting cl earan ce
Ins tal l vert ica lly wi th a max imu m incl ine o f +/- 5°. If the m ount ed in vert er is t ilte d to an
ang le gre ate r than t he maximu m not ed, he at dis sip ati on can b e inhi bit ed, an d may resul t
in le ss tha n expe cte d output po wer.
4. Installation4. Installation
.10 . .11.
4.2 Mo unting th e Inverter
Ple ase see F igure 4 .4 and Fi gure 4. 5 for ins truct ion on mo untin g the inv erter.
Fig ure 4.3 I nvert er wall m ounti ng
The i nvert er shal l be moun ted ver tical ly. The st eps t o mou nt the in verte r are lis ted bel ow:
Sui table f ixing s crews
Bra cket
1. Acc ordin g to the fi gure 4. 2, sele ct the mo untin g heigh t of the br acket a nd mark t he
mou nting h oles. F or bric k walls , the pos ition o f the hol es shou ld be sui table f or the
exp ansio n bolts .
Fig ure 4.4 I nvert er wall m ounti ng
Dim ensio ns of wal l brack et:
.13 .
4. Installation4. Installation
.12 .
The i nvert er must b e mount ed vert icall y.
4. Lift u p the i nvert er (be ca reful t o avoid b ody str ain), a nd alig n the bac k brack et on the
inv erter w ith the c onvex s ectio n of the mo untin g brack et. Han g the inv erter o n the
mou nting b racke t and mak e sure th e inver ter is se cure (s ee Figu re 4.5) .
4.3 El ectrica l Connectio ns
4.3.1 Conne ct P V si de o f in verter
The e lectr ical co nnect ion of th e inver ter mus t follo w the ste ps list ed belo w:
1. Swit ch th e Grid Su pply Ma in Swit ch (AC) O FF.
2. Swit ch th e DC Isol ator OF F.
3. As sem ble PV in put c on nec tor t o th e Inv ert er.
Bef ore c onne cti ng in ver ter, pl eas e make sure t he PV ar ray o pen c ircu it vo lta ge is
wit hin t he lim it of t he inv ert er
2.Ma ke sure the br acket is horizo ntal and th e mount ing hole s (in Figur e 4.4 )
are mark ed corre ctly. Drill the ho les into th e wall or pil lar at your marks.
3. Use th e sui table s crews t o fix the b racke t to the wa ll.
Bef ore c onne cti on, p lea se mak e sur e the po lar ity o f the ou tpu t vol tage o f PV ar ray
mat che s theDC +andD C-sy mbols.
Max imu m 550Vo c for
Sol is- 1P1 K-4G S oli s-1 P1. 5K-4G
Sol is- 1P2 K-4G S oli s-1 P2. 5K-4G
Max imu m 600Vo c for
Sol is- 1P3 K-4G S oli s-1 P3. 6K-4G Sol is- 1P4 K-4 G
Sol is- 1P4 .6K- 4G So lis -1P 5K-4G Sol is- 1P6 K2- 4G
Ple ase d on’t c onn ect P V arra y pos iti ve or ne gat ive pole to t he gr ound , it co uld
cau se se riou s dam age s to the i nve rte r.
Fig ure 4.6 D C+ Conn ector Fig ure 4.7 D C- Conn ector
5. Use M 4*9 s crews i n acces sory t o lock th e inve rter t o the m ount b racke t.
Loc king sc rews
Fig ure 4.5 W all M oun t Brack et
iii ) Cri mp th e con tact pi n to the wi re usin g a prope r wire cr imper.
4. Installation4. Installation
.15 ..14.
Ple ase use a pprov ed DC cab le for PV s ystem .
Cable typ e
4.0 ~6.0
Cross s ect io n
Ran ge
Indu stry g eneri c PV c able
mode l:PV 1-F
Rec ommen ded
val ue
4.01 2AWG
12~ 10AW G
Table 4 .1 DC c abl e
The s teps to a ssemb le the DC c onnec tors ar e liste d as foll ows:
I) Stri p off t he DC w ire for a bout 7m m, Disa ssemb le the co nnect or cap nu t.
ii) Ins ert t he wire i nto the c onnec tor cap n ut and co ntact p in.
Fig ure 4.8 D isass emble t he Conn ector C ap nut
Fig ure 4.9 I nsert t he Wire i nto the C onnec tor Cap n ut and co ntact p in
Fig ure 4.1 0 Crimp t he cont act pin t o the wir e
iv) Ins ert t he cont act pin t o the top p art of th e conne ctor an d screw u p the cap n ut to
the t op part o f the con necto r.
Fig ure 4.11 C onn ector w ith Cap n ut Scre wed on
Fig ure 4.1 2 Conne ct the DC C onnec tors to t he Inve rter
v) Th en co nnect t he DC con necto rs to the i nvert er. Smal l click w ill con firm co nnect ion.
+ 19 hidden pages