User Guide

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© Solid State Logic
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.
SSL® and Solid State Logic® are registered trademarks of Solid State Logic.
SSL UF8™ is a trademark of Solid State Logic.
All other product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged.
Pro Tools
is a registered trademark of Avid®.
Live™ is a trademark of Ableton® AG.
Logic Pro® and Logic® are registered trademarks of Apple
Studio One® is a registered trademark of Presonus® Audio Electronics Inc.
Cubase™ and Nuendo™ are trademarks of Steinberg® Media Technologies GmbH.
is a registered trademark of LOUD Technologies® Inc.
BOSS® is a registered trademark of Roland® Corporation.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, whether mechanical or electronic, without the
written permission of Solid State Logic, Begbroke, OX5 1RU, England.
As research and development is a continual process, Solid State Logic reserves the right to change the features and
specifications described herein without notice or obligation.
Solid State Logic cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from any error or omission in
this manual.
Revision 1.5 - January 2021

Table of Contents
Overview 5
What is SSL UF8? 5
Features 5
Using This User Guide Effectively 5
Safety Notices 5
Get-Started 6
Unpacking 6
Fitting The Stands (Optional) 6
Rack Mount Kit 7
UF8 Physical Specification 7
Connecting Your UF8 Hardware 8
Downloading SSL 360° Software 9
Installing SSL 360° Software 9
System Requirements 11
Registering Your UF8 11
UF8 YouTube Tutorials 11
Keyboard Identify (Mac Only) 10
UF8 Hardware Layout 12
Front Panel 12
Connector Panel 15
SSL 360° Software Overview 16
Overview & Home Page 16
UF8 Page 18
DAW Communication 21
SSL V-MIDI Ports 21
DAW Protocols 21
Pro Tools with UF8 - Tutorial 22
SSL 360° Setup 22
Pro Tools Setup 22
LCD Layout 23
Tutorial 24
Logic with UF8 - Tutorial 33
SSL 360° Setup 33
Logic Setup 33
LCD Layout 35
Tutorial 36
Cubase/Nuendo with UF8 - Tutorial 44
SSL 360° Setup 44
Cubase Setup 44
LCD Layout 46
Tutorial 47
Ableton Live with UF8 - Tutorial 56
SSL 360° Setup 56
Live Setup 56
LCD Layout 57
SSL UF8 User Guide

Tutorial 58
Studio One with UF8 - Tutorial 64
SSL 360° Setup 64
Studio One Setup 64
LCD Layout 66
Tutorial 67
UF8 LCD Messages 78
SSL 360° Software Messages 79
SSL Support - FAQs, Ask a Question and Compatibility 80
Safety Notices 81
SSL UF8 User Guide

What is SSL UF8?
SSL UF8 is a scalable hardware control surface offering the essential DAW control you need, with room to add USB keyboard
shortcut sequences to suit your own workflow. UF8 features 8 high-quality, motorised touch-sensitive faders accompanied by 8
endless rotary encoders and 8 high-quality colour LCD TFTs for clear visual feedback at all times. A large multi-purpose master
encoder allows navigation of DAW sessions, track scrolling and mouse wheel emulation to give hands-on control of plug-ins.
Signature SSL workflow and ergonomics developed from a 40+ year legacy in production innovation have never been more
• 8 x 100 mm high quality, touch-sensitive motorised faders.
• 8 x rotary endless rotary encoders with push.
• 8 x high-resolution colour displays.
• Backlit RGB soft-feel rubber buttons.
• All metal enclosure, finished with a brushed anodised top plate.
• Expandable - Connect up to 4 UF8s to create a 32-channel control surface.
• Works out of the box with the following major DAWs: Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Nuendo, Studio One, Ableton Live.
• Up to 3 different DAWs can be connected simultaneously and switched between using the Layer keys.
• DAW communication via HUI for Pro Tools. SSL software provides further workflow enhancements with the addition of features
such as Channel and Plug-in Modes.
• DAW communication via MCP/MCU for Logic, Cubase, Nuendo, Studio One and Ableton Live.
• A large multi-purpose notched encoder allows for DAW timeline navigation, track banking and mouse wheel emulation for
even more hands-on control.
• Customisable user keys ready to assign your favourite DAW commands or keyboard shortcuts.
• 2 x assignable foot-switch inputs.
• Included stands allow for 6 different elevation angles. Or, use without stands.
• Optional 19” 6U rackmount kit available.
• Connects to your computer via hi-speed USB – no need to deal with computer networks or ethernet cables.
• Powered by the SSL 360° Software application.
Using This User Guide Effectively
This User Guide will take you through the process of getting up-and-running with your UF8 control surface. The Get-Started section
will guide you through unboxing, attaching the stands and installing SSL 360°, the intelligent software command centre that drives
UF8. This section also provides information on registering your UF8 surface, which will allow you access to any additional software
that your UF8 purchase provides.
The Hardware Layout section provides an overview of the UF8 surface, to help familiarise yourself with the names of controls
and how they are laid out. SSL 360° Software Overview provides detail on the SSL 360° software and what functionality you can
expect from it. DAW Communication provides the essential technical information on how UF8 (via SSL 360°) communicates with
your DAW and last but not least, the DAW Tutorials sections provide you with the configuration steps you need to take inside your
DAW to connect UF8, whilst also guiding you through how UF8 interacts with your chosen DAW.
Safety Notices
Please read the Important Safety Notices at the end of this User Guide before use.
SSL UF8 User Guide

The unit has been carefully packed and inside the box you will find the following items in addition to your UF8 control surface:
2 x Stands
12 volts, 5 A Power Supply
and IEC Cable
1 x Hex Key
4 x Screws
1.5 m C to C USB Cable 1.5 m C to A USB Cable
Fitting The Stands (Optional)
UF8 has been designed to be used with or without the included screw-in stands, depending on your preference. Attaching the
included screw-in stands has the added benefit of angling the unit towards you. Three different fixing positions (the holes are
arranged in pairs) allow you to choose an angle that is best for your setup. Use 2 screws per stand. Please be careful not to over-
tighten to avoid stripping the screw threads. For those with a torque measuring device, tighten to 0.5 Nm.
Additional Elevation Angles
If you need a steeper angle of elevation, you can rotate the stands and fix them to the chassis using the shorter side. This gives
you three additional angle options to choose from.
1. Unscrew the rubber feet and move to the other end 2. Rotate the stands so that the short side fixes to the chassis
SSL UF8 User Guide

Rack Mount Kit
A 19" in rack mount kit is available for purchase separately should you wish to rack mount your UF8. When rack-mounted, UF8
occupies 6U of space.
Attaching the rack mount ears
The kit contains a set of metal racking ears and 12 screws, which should be secured to the chassis using the lower 3 screw holes at
the top and bottom of each side (6 in total per side), as pictured below. Please be careful not to over-tighten to avoid stripping
the screw threads.
UF8 Physical Specification
17” x 10.5” x 2.4” / 431 x 266 x 62.7 mm (Width x Depth X Height)
Unboxed - 2.9 kg / 6.4 lbs
Boxed - 5.0 kg / 11.02 lbs
SSL UF8 User Guide

Connecting Your UF8 Hardware
1. Connect the included power supply to the DC socket on the connector panel.
2. Connect one of the included USB cables from your computer to the USB socket.
Power Supply
C to C / C to A
USB Cable
UF8 Connector Panel
USB Cables
Please use one of the provided USB cables ('C' to 'C' or 'C' to 'A') to connect UF8 to your computer. The type of USB port you
have available on your computer will determine which of the two included cables you should use. Newer computers may have 'C'
ports, whereas older computers may have 'A'. Please ensure that you are connecting to the port labelled USB on UF8, which is a
'C' type connection.
Connecting Multiple UF8s
If you are using more than one UF8, you can use the THRU port (USB 'A' type) to link communication across multiple units. This
means that only one USB port is required at your computer.
C to A USB Cable
1st UF8 2nd UF8
Theoretically, you can chain 4 UF8s together in the way described above. However, by doing so you may exceed the number of
hub tiers permitted by your PC/Mac computer. As such, you may need to connect your 3rd/4th UF8 unit directly to another USB
port on your computer. The same applies regarding the use of USB hubs; the 3rd/4th UF8(s) may need to be plugged directly into
a different USB port on your computer.
Tip: The THRU port can also be used to plug in USB dongles that are often required for DAW software.
How Many UF8s Can I Use?
A maximum of 4 UF8s can be used to create a 32-channel control surface.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Downloading SSL 360° Software
UF8 requires the SSL 360° software to be installed on your computer in order to function. SSL 360° is the brains behind your
UF8 control surface. Once you have connected your UF8 hardware to your computer as described on the previous page, please
download SSL 360° from the SSL website.
1. Go to www.solidstatelogic.com/support/downloads
2. Select UF8 from Products drop-down list.
3. Download the SSL 360° software for your Mac or PC.
Installing SSL 360° Software
1. Locate the downloaded SSL 360°.dmg on your
2. Double-click to open the .dmg.
3. Double-click to run the SSL 360°.pkg.
4. Proceed with the installation, following the on-screen
1. Locate the downloaded SSL 360°.exe on your
2. Double-click to run the SSL 360°.exe.
3. Proceed with the installation, following the on-screen
System Requirements
Computer operating systems and hardware are constantly changing. Please search for 'UF8 Compatibility' in our online FAQs to
check if your system is currently supported.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Keyboard Identify (Mac Only)
One of the special features of UF8 is its ability to trigger keyboard command sequences of your favourite DAW shortcuts. These
are assigned using the SSL 360° software and this is covered later in this User Guide.
When you first plug in your UF8, Mac OS will present the above 'Keyboard Setup Assistant' window because Mac OS wants you
to identfy which region (Europe, America or Japan) this, as yet unidentified, keyboard is from. If you connected your UF8 to your
computer before installing SSL 360° software, you need to close this setup assistant because SSL 360° needs to be installed
on your computer in order to continue through this setup process. To make the Keyboard Setup Assistant appear again once
SSL 360° is installed, do the following: Open up Mac's 'System Preferences' > Go to 'Keyboard' > Click 'Change Keyboard Type'
(please note, your UF8 must be connected to your computer via a USB cable) and click 'Continue'.
STEP 1: Go to System Preferences and
click 'Keyboard'.
• When presented with 'Identifying Your Keyboard' and you are being asked to 'Press the key immediately to the right of the Shift
Key', at this point, press and hold the 360° key on UF8 for 3 seconds until the key lights orange.
• This will move you through to the final step of the process, where you can choose the appropriate option (Europe, America or
Japan) for your region and then click 'Done'.
STEP 4: When presented with the message 'Press the key immediately to the
right of the Shift Key', press and hold the 360° key on UF8 for 3 seconds until it
lights orange.
STEP 2: Click 'Change Keyboard Type' STEP 3: Click 'Continue'.
STEP 5: Select your region and click
SSL UF8 User Guide

Registering Your UF8
Register your UF8 for the best possible experience and to gain access to any additional software in your SSL user account.
To register your product, head to www.solidstatelogic.com/get-started and follow the on-screen instructions. During the
registration process, you’ll need to input the serial number of your unit. This can be found on the label on the base of your unit.
Please note: Xs are used to demonstrate the format of the serial number. The actual serial number will contain a mixture of letters
and numbers.
Once you have completed registration and logged-in, all of your software content will be available in your user area. You can return
to this area at any time by logging back into your SSL account at www.solidstatelogic.com/login should you wish to download
the software another time.
UF8 YouTube Tutorials
The SSL YouTube channel hosts in-depth tutorials on how to setup and use UF8 with your DAW.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Product Overview & Features
UF8 Hardware Layout
Front Panel
This section will help familiarise yourself with the front panel controls of the UF8 surface. It is intended to be an overview, rather
than a comprehensive explanation of each function or mode. For more detail on the integration of features with each DAW, please
refer to the DAW Tutorials sections of this User Guide.
1 2
8 9
1 - LAYER Keys 1-3
Control of up to 3 DAWs can be configured and switched between using these keys on the UF8 surface.
2 - QUICK Keys 1-3
User-assignable keys that can be mapped to any of the available HUI/MCU commands in SSL 360°, or alternatively any keyboard
shortcut sequence of your choosing.
3 - 360° Key
Opens/minimises the SSL 360° software on your computer screen.
4 - 8 x Soft Keys
A line of 8 soft keys allow access to various V-POT parameters or, up to 40 user-assignable keys per UF8. The label for the function
of each key is displayed in the top section of the LCD below.
Determines the operating mode of the 8 top-row soft keys. Keys labelled 1-5 provide access to User Banks 1-5. V-POT puts the
top-row soft keys into V-POT mode. See DAW tutorial sections for more information.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Product Overview & Features
6 - 8 x colour LCD TFTs provide visual feedback including metering, track names, V-POT readouts, track record-arm states and
7 - 8 x V-POTS
"V-Pot" is short for "virtual pot" and these are used to control various DAW parameters including Pan position, Send levels and
Plug-in parameters.
8 - PAN Key
Assigns the DAW's Pan controls to the V-Pots.
For most DAWs, this key either engages a FINE mode of control for the parameter currently assigned to the V-Pots, or it acts as a
Shift Key. The function of this key varies between DAWs.
Determines the behaviour of the SEL (Select) keys. These Selection Mode keys also perform secondary functions in Pro Tools and
Logic when pressed and held, and are used in combination with the SOLO, CUT and SEL keys.
11 - SEND / PLUGIN 1-8 Keys
The behaviour of these keys varies for each DAW. Please see the relevant DAW Tutorial section for more information.
12 - PLUGIN Key
The behaviour of the PLUGIN key varies for each DAW. Please see the relevant DAW Tutorial section for more information.
13 - CHANNEL Key
The behaviour of the CHANNEL key varies for each DAW. Please see the relevant DAW Tutorial section for more information.
14 - PAGE < and > Keys
The behaviour of the PAGE < > keys varies for each DAW. Please see the relevant DAW Tutorial section for more information.
15 - FLIP Key
FLIP is used to assign the current V-Pot parameter to the fader and can be used for tasks such as riding send levels.
16 - SOLO, CUT, SEL and 100 mm Motorised Faders
The most common controls found in all DAWs. Please note that the function of the SEL keys depends on the currently active
17 - Large Notched CHANNEL Encoder
The large encoder can function in several different modes:
• Standard Mode - Push the encoder itself to return to CHANNEL mode. Moving the encoder will bank DAW tracks one at a time.
• NAV Mode - 'Nav' is short for Navigation. In this mode, the encoder allows you to move the playhead cursor along your DAW
• NUDGE Mode - This mode is only supported by Pro Tools. It allows you to use the encoder to move selected audio regions
by the currently set Nudge value.
• FOCUS Mode - This mode turns the operation of the large encoder into a mouse wheel scroll emulation and is great for
controlling plug-ins. Simply hover your computer mouse over the desired control and turn the encoder. The sensitivity of this
mode will be determined by your computer's mouse scroll sensitivity settings.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Product Overview & Features
18 - BANK < > Keys
These keys allow you to bank through the tracks in your DAW, bringing them onto your UF8 control surface(s). Banking works in
groups of 8/16/24/32, depending on the DAW and the number of UF8s you have connected.
These keys provide access to the various automation modes available in each DAW. Please note that when working in Pro Tools,
the SELECTION MODE must be in AUTO before these keys become active.
20 - Navigation Arrows and Mode Key
These keys perform various functions including DAW timeline zooming and important tasks such as selection of plug-in slots (Logic
only). Please refer to the DAW Tutorials section for more information.
"Nice to meet you, where you been? I could show you incredible things." - Taylor Swift, Blank Space.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Product Overview & Features
Connector Panel
The recessed section hosts UF8's connectors.
USB - 'C' Type Connector
Connect one of the included USB cables from your computer to the USB port on UF8. This handles all of the communication
between your DAW and UF8, via the SSL 360° software application.
THRU - 'A' Type Connector
The THRU connector can be used to chain multiple UF8s together, without needing to plug each unit into your computer or a hub
individually. It can also be used to plug in USB dongles.
DC Connector
Use the included DC Power Supply to provide power for your UF8.
FS1 & FS2 - 1/4" Jack Connectors
These allow for the connection of foot-switches, which can be used to trigger DAW commands or user-assigned keyboard shortcut
UF8 has been tested with popular foot-switches such as the BOSS FS-6 (other brands are available), whose foot-switch behaviour
(or polarity as it is often referred to), is a 'normally closed' switch. In some cases, these foot-switches offer the ability to change
the polarity.
Please use a foot-switch designed for 'normally closed' operation and also, to ensure full compatibility use a momentary action
foot-switch, or choose a foot-switch that can be set to momentary. This will ensure correct operation with assigned DAW commands.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Product Overview & Features
SSL 360° Software Overview
Overview & Home Page
SSL 360° software is not only the 'brains' behind the UF8 control surface, it is also the command centre from which new versions
of software and firmware can be downloaded for your 360° compatible device.
The HOME screen:
1 - Menu Toolbar
This toolbar allows you to navigate through the various pages of SSL 360°.
2 - Software Version Number & Update Software Button
This area displays the version number of SSL 360° that is running on your computer. When software updates become available,
the Update Software button (pictured above) will appear. Click this to download and update your software.
3 - Connected Units
This area shows any UF8s that are connected to your computer, along with their respective serial numbers. Please allow 10-15
seconds for units to be discovered once they are plugged in.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Product Overview & Features
Identify & Drag To Re-Order
Usefully, there is a built-in feature that allows you to identify each UF8 control surface and re-order if appropriate. Clicking your
mouse down on the image of each connected UF8 will temporarily override that unit's LCDs to display the SSL UF8 logo. If your
UF8s are not arranged in the order you want, you can simply drag and drop on-screen to re-arrange.
Clicking the mouse down on a connected UF8 image will cause all the displays on that particular UF8 to momentarily
show the SSL UF8 logo, helping you identify each UF8 control surface.
4 - Firmware Updates Area
If a firmware update becomes available for your UF8 unit, then an Update Firmware button will appear below each unit. Click on
the button to start the firmware update process, being sure to not disconnect the power or USB cable(s) whilst it is in progress.
Should you encounter any issues with your UF8 or SSL 360° software, you may be asked by a support agent to use the EXPORT
REPORT feature. This feature generates a text file containing the essential information about your computer system and UF8(s),
alongside technical log files relating to SSL 360° activity, which may help to diagnose any issues. When you click EXPORT
REPORT, you'll be asked to choose a destination on your computer to export the generated .zip file to, which you can then forward
onto the support agent.
6 - SSL Socials
The bar at the bottom has quick links to the SSL website, Support section and SSL Socials.
This space is intentionally almost entirely blank... it's a tradition.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Product Overview & Features
UF8 Page
The UF8 page can be selected from the menu toolbar on the left-hand side and is where you configure UF8 to work with your
DAW(s). It is also the place where you can customise any of the user-assignable keys. Customised DAW profiles can then be saved
and loaded as .xml files should you need to work on another computer with SSL 360° installed.
1 - LAYER Tabs
UF8 can be configured for 3 different DAWs simultaneously, with each DAW occupying what is called a 'Layer'. If you only use one
DAW, then it is likely you'll only need one layer. If using multiple DAWs, simply click in the LAYER 2 or LAYER 3 tabs to configure
as appropriate.
5 6
2 - DAW Profile Selection
Use the drop-down list to select your DAW for the chosen layer.
Clicking on PORT INFO provides some basic instructions on how to configure your SSL V-MIDI ports correctly (useful as a
reminder). If you are configuring UF8 for the first time, please refer to the more detailed explanations found at the start of each
DAW Tutorial section as the PORT INFO does not cover every detail.
Allows you to revert this Layer to the factory-shipped DAW profile.
5 - DAW Command/Keyboard Shortcut Assignments
Clicking on the pen symbol will allow you to change the assignment of any of the user-assignable keys. See the next page for
more information.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Product Overview & Features
6 - Short Label
Using your computer keyboard, you can type the label that you wish to appear on the UF8 LCD just below the User Key.
7 - Profile Name and SAVE/LOAD/SAVE AS Buttons
Allows you to save your customised DAW profiles as an .xml file to your computer or any connected hard-drives. The name of the
currently active profile is shown above these buttons. If you have made any changes to the saved profile, then an asterisk (*) is
appended to indicate this.
Built-in Auto-Saving Feature
Changes you make to the software are automatically stored in the background, so you don't need to worry about remembering to
save each time you change something in SSL 360° software.
User-Assignable Keys
A number of keys on UF8 are user-assignable and can be changed from their factory shipped assignments. Each UF8 unit has
the following user-assignable keys:
5 x banks of 8 Top-Row Soft Keys, accessed by SOFT KEY buttons 1-5 in the top-right of UF8.
3 x QUICK Keys
2 x Foot-switches
All of these keys can have either DAW commands or keyboard
shortcut sequences assigned to them.
Assigning DAW Commands
Clicking on the pen symbol for any user-assignable key will bring
up a pop-up window, from which DAW command can be selected
using the radio buttons on the left-hand side. To assign a different
DAW command to the button in question, simply select one from
the list of available HUI/MCU commands. The SHORT LABEL text
field allows you to enter the label you want to appear on the LCD to
accompany this command. The list of available commands depends
on the selected DAW.
Assigning Keyboard Shortcut Sequences
If you would like to assign a keyboard shortcut sequence, select
the Keyboard command option. Once selected, simply click your
mouse cursor into the area that says 'Type your commands here...'
and use your keyboard to enter the desired key press or sequence.
Should you make a mistake and need to start again, you can use the
CLEAR button. The SHORT LABEL text field allows you to enter the
label you want to appear on the LCD to accompany this keyboard
shortcut sequence.
ADVANCED Setup Options
Transport Master
If you are running multiple DAWs that are linked using MIDI timecode,
then you can designate 1 of the 3 DAW profile layers to be transport
master. This means that the transport keys will always trigger from the
DAW assigned as Transport Master, even if your UF8 is controlling a
different DAW Layer.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Product Overview & Features
ADVANCED Setup Options - HUI
The following tick-box options are presented for Pro Tools profile selections only:
Always Fine Pan - Enabling this option will automatically change the operation of the V-Pots to FINE mode when controlling pans.
This will also cause the Pan position to be displayed on the LCD whilst being turned.
Always Fine Sends - Enabling this option will automatically change the operation of the V-Pots to FINE mode when controlling
Sends. This will also cause the Send level to be displayed on the LCD whilst being turned.
Show Auto State - Enabling this option will display an indication of the Pro Tools automation state (READ/WRITE/TRIM) per channel,
just above the DAW metering on the LCD at all times. If TRIM is engaged, the indication will flash between TRIM and READ or
"I wish I was blank, I wish I was blank, I wish I could thank, I wish I was blank" - Blank, The Smashing Pumpkins.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Product Overview & Features
DAW Communication
UF8 communicates with your DAW using hi-speed USB MIDI communication via a specialised MIDI driver, installed as part of the
SSL 360° software. The driver is presented on your computer system as 'virtual' midi ports called SSL V-MIDI.
The number of SSL V-MIDI Ports you'll need to configure in your DAW depends upon the number of UF8s you have connected.
The table below illustrates how the SSL 360° software maps the virtual midi ports to each of your connected UF8s.
DAW LAYER 1st UF8 Unit 2nd UF8 Unit 3rd UF8 Unit 4th UF8 Unit
1 SSL V-MIDI Port 1 SSL V-MIDI Port 2 SSL V-MIDI Port 3 SSL V-MIDI Port 4
2 SSL V-MIDI Port 5 SSL V-MIDI Port 6 SSL V-MIDI Port 7 SSL V-MIDI Port 8
3 SSL V-MIDI Port 9 SSL V-MIDI Port 10 SSL V-MIDI Port 11 SSL V-MIDI Port 12
Each DAW varies slightly in the way in which it requires MIDI controller(s) to be setup and these steps are covered in detail in each
of the DAW Tutorials.
DAW Protocols
SSL V-MIDI provides the means of communication between UF8 and the DAW but the protocol (or in other words 'language') that is
being spoken depends on the DAW's preferred method of communication with external control surfaces. Furthermore, even DAWs
that use the same protocol vary in their application of that protocol (you could draw an analogy to varying dialects found within
different geographical regions of the same country). Each DAW Tutorial will aim to guide you through each DAW's implementation
of the protocol that they have chosen to implement and how it applies to UF8.
The HUI (Human User Interface) protocol is the way in which Pro Tools communicates with UF8. In addition to the HUI protocol, we
have added a number of features such as CHANNEL and PLUGIN mode, which provide an enhanced workflow for those using
UF8 with Pro Tools.
The MCP (Mackie Control Protocol), also commonly referred to as MCU, is the way in which many DAWs such as Logic, Cubase/
Nuendo, Live and Studio One communicate with UF8. The implementation of MCU differs between DAWs and traditionally, if you
had an MCU control surface and were not using Logic, you would have to place a special overlay onto the surface so that the
buttons were labelled with the correct functions. With UF8 we have designed the surface in such a way to eliminate the need for
any special overlays, in part by using the top-zone of the LCDs to provide labels for the functions hosted on the buttons that reside
just above. The functions and labelling of the buttons dynamically change, as appropriate, depending on the currently loaded
DAW profile.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Pro Tools Tutorial
Pro Tools with UF8 - Tutorial
The following tutorial guides you through configuring and using the default Pro Tools profile on LAYER 1 of UF8. If you wish to
configure Pro Tools on a different layer, please refer to the DAW Communication section of this User Guide to ensure your DAW is
configured for the correct SSL V-MIDI ports.
SSL 360° Setup
1. Open the SSL 360° application on your Mac or Windows computer and on the HOME page check that any UF8s you have
connected to your computer are present - outline images of each UF8 appear on screen.
2. If you have multiple UF8s connected, click down on the image of each unit to check that the UF8s are arranged in the correct
order. If units need to be re-ordered, then click and drag with your mouse to re-arrange.
3. Go to the UF8 page and set LAYER 1 to Pro Tools using the drop-down list.
STEP 1 : Open SSL 360° application.
Connected UF8s appear on-screen.
STEP 2 : Click and drag to re-order
units if necessary.
STEP 3 : Select the default Pro Tools
DAW profile from the UF8 page.
Pro Tools Setup
4. Open Pro Tools. Go to the Setup Menu > MIDI > MIDI Input Devices... . In this list, ensure that any SSL V-MIDI Ports you need
are ticked. e.g. If you have 1 UF8, just tick SSL V-MIDI Port 1 Source. If you have 2 UF8s, tick SSL V-MIDI Port 1 Source and
SSL V-MIDI Port 2 Source etc.
5. Go to the Setup Menu > Peripherals > MIDI Controllers tab. Configure each UF8 unit as a HUI Type. Set the first unit to
Receive From SSL V-MIDI Port 1 Source and then Send To as SSL V-MIDI Port 1 Destination. Repeat for all subsequent
UF8s, incrementing the port number each time.
STEP 4 : Enable SSL V-MIDI Port(s) in Pro Tools.
STEP 5 : Setup each UF8 as a HUI Controller, incrementing
the SSL V-MIDI port number for each additional HUI.
SSL UF8 User Guide

LCD Layout
Pro Tools Tutorial
Soft Keys
V-Pot Encoders
Track Record-Enabled
DAW Track Metering
V-Pot Readout Bar
Enlarged view of LCD screen
Top Zone - Provides a label for the function assigned to the soft key directly above.
Auto State - Shows the current automation state of the track (when Show Auto is enabled in SSL 360°).
Track Record Enabled (REC) - Indicates that the track has been record-enabled.
TrkNam - Displays the 4-character track name.
FaderdB - Provides a readout of the current fader position.
Label/Value - Displays a label or value readout for the parameter currently assigned to the V-Pot.
DAW Track Metering - 12-segment track metering + clip
V-Pot Readout Bar - Displays the position of the currently assigned V-Pot function.
Track Metering Power Tip: The F1 command, available in the DAW commands list SSL 360° will clear clips on the
track metering. You can assign this command to any of the Quick Keys or User keys on UF8. Alternatively, you'll find
this command pre-assigned to the 6th Soft Key in User Bank 3.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Pro Tools Tutorial
This section guides you through using UF8 with Pro Tools.
At the top of each strip is the V-Pot (virtual pot). The function of the V-Pot varies, depending on
which V-Pot assignment mode is currently active (Pan, Send etc). These modes are explained
on the pages that follow.
100 mm Motorised Fader
Motorised, touch-sensitive faders provide physical control of your Pro Tools tracks and are
great for balancing mix levels and riding volume automation.
Solo, Cut & Sel (Select)
Each strip contains SOLO, CUT and SEL keys corresponding to the solo, mute and select
features for each track in Pro Tools.
In Use:
When solo'ing tracks, expect the CUT keys of UF8 to flash on all tracks that are not solo'd.
Double-pressing a SEL key will open up the Pro Tools re-name track window on your computer
The non-contiguous selection of multiple SEL keys can achieved by pressing and holding the
first SEL key you want to select and then pressing subsequent SEL keys.
Holding the Shift/All modifier key (found within SOFT KEY User Bank 3) and pressing the SEL
keys will allow you to select a contiguous range of SEL keys.
Holding the Opt/Alt modifier key (also found within SOFT KEY User Bank 3) and pressing a
SEL key will allow you to toggle the selection of all SEL keys.
Selection Mode
The primary purpose of the NORM, REC and AUTO keys in the SELECTION MODE section
is to determine the behaviour of the SEL keys. These 3 modes inter-cancel.
NORM - The SEL keys behave as normal track selection functions of Pro Tools.
REC - The SEL keys become track record-arm buttons.
AUTO - The SEL keys become Automation Select keys and can be used in conjunction with
the AUTOMATION state keys found on the bottom-left corner of UF8.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Pro Tools Tutorial
Secondary Functions Of The Selection Mode Keys
You will notice that there are additional labels beneath the SELECTION MODE keys - CLEAR, ALL and ZERO. These functions
are accessed by a press and hold action and provide useful additional workflow features:
Clear Solos -
Clear Mutes/Cuts -
Clear Selection Keys -
Record-Arm All Tracks -
Zero Fader(s) -
Zero All Faders -
Press and hold CLEAR and then press any SOLO key to clear solos.
Press and hold CLEAR and then press any CUT key.
Press and hold CLEAR and then press any active SEL key.
Press and hold ALL and then press any SEL key.
Press and hold ZERO and then press SEL key. This will also work if you have multiple tracks selected.
Press and hold the ALL and ZERO keys together and then press any SEL key.
Channel Encoder
By default, the CHANNEL encoder is used to move your DAW tracks across the UF8 surface, in increments of one channel at a
time. If you find yourself in NAV, NUDGE or FOCUS modes, simply push the CHANNEL encoder to return to CHANNEL mode.
Pressing the NAV key changes the CHANNEL encoder to operate the playhead position in Pro
Tools, allowing you to navigate through your session.
Pressing the NUDGE key puts the CHANNEL encoder into Nudge mode, which will allow you to
move selected audio regions backwards and forwards by the Nudge value you have set within
Pro Tools.
Pressing the FOCUS key puts the CHANNEL encoder into Focus mode, which emulates the scroll
function of a mouse. This can be a really nice way of controlling plug-ins or anything else on screen
that responds to a mouse scroll operation. Simply open a plug-in, hover your computer mouse
over a control and turn the encoder for hands-on control. The sensitivity of FOCUS mode will vary
depending on what plug-in or on-screen element you are controlling. You can use the mouse scroll
sensitivity setting in your computer preferences to adjust to taste.
Scroll Into View
The 'Scroll Into View' feature offered by Pro Tools is a handy way to select a track within
Pro Tools and make it the rst track on your UF8 surface.
In Pro Tools, simply right-click with your mouse in the selected track area (white area)
and choose 'Scroll Into View'.
SSL UF8 User Guide

Pro Tools Tutorial
Bank Keys
The BANK < > keys allow you to move tracks across your UF8 control surface(s) in multiples of 8, depending on how many UF8s
are connected. e.g. 8 for one UF8, 16 for 2 UF8s etc.
Cursor Keys and Mode Key
In the lower-right corner of your UF8 are the Cursor keys with the Mode key in the centre.
When the Mode key is lit the cursor keys perform horizontal and vertical zooming.
Pressing the Mode key again, the left and right cursors move between audio clip edit points, or,
tab between transients if Tab To Transient is active in Pro Tools. Up and down will move the edit
cursor between tracks.
You can select the automation mode for each track directly from UF8. To do this, you will first need to put the surface into AUTO
(Automation) SELECTION MODE. Then, select a track you want to change the automation state of using the SEL key(s). Finally,
press the desired automation state from the AUTOMATION keys in the lower-left corner of UF8.
STEP 1 : Select AUTO Selection Mode.
STEP 2: Use the SEL key(s) to
select track(s).
Multiple tracks can be selected at once using the Shift/All (contiguous) and Opt/Alt modifier keys (all). Non-contiguous
selections can be achieved pressing and holding the first SEL key and then pressing subsequent SEL keys.
Selected tracks will show their current automation state next to the Auto text in the lower section of the
LCD. Please note that V-Pots have no functionality when AUTO selection mode is active. You must return
to NORM or REC.
STEP 3: Select the desired
automation state.
Show Auto State
Within SSL 360°, on the UF8 page under ADVANCED there is the tick-box option for Show Auto State. Enabling this will provide a
constant indication (regardless of selection mode) of the current automation state of each track in the top-left of the LCD - READ,
SSL UF8 User Guide