Socket Mobile BM56SV92 Users Manual

Cordless 56K Modem
with Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
Cordless modem for any Bluetooth enabled PDA, notebook or tablet computer that supports a Dial-up Networking client
User’s Guide
No software installation
2/2006 Document # 6410-00232 E

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2006 Socket Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Socket, the Socket logo and Mobility Friendly are registered trademarks of Socket Communications, Inc. Cordless 56K Modem with Bluetooth Wireless Technology is a registered trademark or trademark of Socket Communications, Inc. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Socket Communications, Inc. is under license. All other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective holders.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual without the permission of Socket Communications is expressly prohibited. Please be aware that the products described in this manual may change without notice.
Feel free to contact SOCKET COMMUNICATIONS at:
Socket Communications, Inc.
37400 Central Court Newark, CA 94560
Other than the above, Socket Communications can assume no responsibility for anything resulting from the application of information contained in this manual.
Socket Communications requests that you refrain from any applications of the Cordless 56K Modem with Bluetooth Wireless Technology that are not described in this manual. Socket Communications also requests that you refrain from disassembling the product. Disassembly of this device will void the product warranty.
You can track new product releases, software updates and technical bulletins by visiting Socket’s website at:

Table of Contents

Copyright Notice 2
Optional Software for Windows Mobile 5 System Requirements 6 Package Contents 7 Product Registration 7 About the Power Switch and LEDs 8
STEP 1: Charge the Modem 10 STEP 2: Prepare Dial-up Information 10 STEP 3: Install the Software 11 STEP 4: Complete the Connection Setup Wizard 14 STEP 5: Connect to a Telephone Line 16 STEP 6: Dial and Connect 16 OPTIONAL: Use Socket Modem Utilities 24 OPTIONAL: Manually Set up Bluetooth Connection 26
STEP 1: Charge the Modem 29 STEP 2: Prepare Dial-up Information 29 STEP 3: Connect Modem and PDA with Bluetooth 30 STEP 4: Set up Your Dial-up Connection 33 STEP 5: Dial and Connect 34
STEP 1: Charge the Modem 36 STEP 2: Prepare Dial-up Information 36 STEP 3: Connect Modem and PC with Bluetooth 37 STEP 4: Make Sure a Virtual Bluetooth Modem Is Installed 38 STEP 5: Set up Your Dial-up Connection 39 STEP 6: Dial and Connect 43 OPTIONAL: Set up Advanced Networking 44
STEP 1: Charge the Modem 47 STEP 2: Prepare Dial-up Information 47 STEP 3: Turn on the Bluetooth Radio 48 STEP 4: Connect Modem and Tablet with Bluetooth 49 STEP 5: Set up Your Dial-up Connection 53 STEP 6: Dial and Connect 55
STEP 1: Charge the Modem 57 STEP 2: Prepare Dial-up Information 57 STEP 3: Connect Modem and Notebook with Bluetooth 58 STEP 4: Set up Your Dial-up Connection 60 STEP 5: Dial and Connect 61

1 | Introduction

Why sit confined at a desk when you can check email and browse the Web while lounging in bed? Socket’s Cordless 56K Modem with Bluetooth Wireless Technology lets you comfortably access the Internet from your Pocket PC, Palm PDA, Windows notebook or tablet PC without any cables tying you down.
Cellular coverage isn’t ubiquitous, and not all hotels have LAN or Wi-Fi, but virtually every place you go will have telephone access. Plus, the modem avoids the hassles of spotty cellular data service, cellular network incompatibility or expensive roaming charges.
Just connect the Cordless 56K Modem to any analog phone line, make a Bluetooth connection with your mobile computer, and enjoy up to 328 ft (100 m) of wireless freedom. You can use the Cordless 56K Modem with almost any Bluetooth enabled mobile computer that supports a Dial-up Networking client. No software is required —the Socket Cordless 56K Modem works right out of the box!

Optional Software for Windows Mobile

Socket’s software for Windows Mobile is optional to install but highly recommended because of the great features it offers.
Socket Connect!Agent greatly simplifies Bluetooth by working in the background to manage the wireless connection between the Pocket PC and the Socket Cordless 56K Modem. Bluetooth configuration and setup are automated, providing a hassle-free Bluetooth experience to the user.
Follow Socket’s Connection Setup wizard to quickly and easily set up a dial-up connection to your Internet Service Provider or office network.
Socket’s Modem Utilities software enables you to take advantage of the modem’s v.92 features, program the modem for different country codes, and adjust the speaker volume.
Get software updates free at:

About V.92 Quick Connect

Quick Connect is a V.92 modem specification that reduces the time needed to establish a connection via faster handshaking. Handshaking (which makes all the noise you hear while dialing in) typically takes 25-27 seconds, but with Quick Connect, lasts only about half as long.
When enabled with Quick Connect, the Socket Cord less 56K Modem will store data about the last connection — or in other words, “train” itself for the last phone line used. While dialing into a network, the Socket Cordless 56K Modem will compare the phone line characteristics with the stored data, and if a match is found, the handshake starts using previous settings. Quick Connect is convenient if you plan to repeatedly use the Socket Cordless 56K Modem with the same phone line, for example the phone line in your hotel room.
IMPORTANT! If you plan to use your modem in different locations, Socket recommends that you disable Connect feature.
If you enable Quick Connect but use the modem in different locations, the connection may take twice as long to establish because it searches for the previous line characteristics before trying to connect to the new line.

System Requirements

Your mobile computer should meet these minimum requirements:
Bluetooth wireless technology
Support for a Bluetooth Dial-up Networking Client
Minimum requirements for Socket software:
Windows Mobile 2003/2003SE/5.0
ActiveSync 4.0 or greater
: Additionally, your Pocket PC must have the Broadcom
(Widcomm), Microsoft or Socket (SD/CF card) Bluetooth stack
Note: If your Pocket PC is not compatible with Connect!Agent, or if you do not want to install it, use your device’s Bluetooth software.
V.92 Quick Connect requires a V.92 Internet Service Provider.
Socket Connect!Agent is not compatible on Windows Mobile 5.0 devices using the
Socket SD/CF Bluetooth card.
the Quick
WARNING! Do not plug the modem into a digital Private Branch Exchange (PBX) line. The modem will not work and may be damaged.

Package Contents

Cordless 56K Modem with Bluetooth Wireless Technology
Retractable RJ-11 phone cable
AC adapter with international plugs for U.S., U.K., Europe and Australia
Socket 56K Modem Installation CD
The battery-powered version of the modem also includes a
rechargeable lithium-ion battery and nylon travel pouch

Product Registration

Socket highly recommends that all customers register their Socket products. Registered users receive the following benefits:
Priority for technical support
Special offers for future products and product upgrades
The latest new product information
To register your product online, visit:

About the Power Switch and LEDs

Power Switch
Position Status Meaning
Down Off The battery-powered version will recharge if plugged Up On The battery-powered version will run on battery
Status Indicator LEDs
LED LED Activity Meaning
into a power suppy. power if not plugged into a power supply. The
battery-powered version will run on AC power if plugged into a power supply, and also recharge.
Blinking Green Data is being transferred to the phone line. Solid Green Connected with no data transmission.
Off No Bluetooth connection.
Blinking Blue
Blinking Green
No data is being transferred to the phone line.
Bluetooth connection established. Modem ready to transmit data.
Adequate battery level (more than 10% charged).
Blinking Red
Off Power supply not plugged in. Solid Green
Solid Amber
Low battery level (less than 10% charged). Recharge immediately.
Power supply plugged in, more than 90% charged.
Power supply plugged in, less than 90% charged.

2 | Setup for Windows Mobile

This chapter explains how to install and use the Socket Cordless 56K Modem with a Pocket PC. Socket has developed a comprehensive suite of software (optional to install) which is designed to enhance your experience of using the Socket Cordless 56K Modem with Pocket PCs. Socket’s software applications for Pocket PCs include Connect!Agent Bluetooth software, the Connection Setup Wizard, Modem Utilities and modem drivers.
Setup Summary
STEP 1: Charge the modem. STEP 2: Prepare dial-up information. STEP 3: Install the software. STEP 4: Complete the Connection Setup Wizard. STEP 5: Connect to a telephone line. STEP 6: Dial and connect.
OPTIONAL: Use Socket Modem Utilities OPTIONAL: Manually set up Bluetooth connection.

STEP 1: Charge the Modem

If you have the battery-powered version of the Cordless 56K Modem and want to run it on battery power, use the AC adapter to charge the modem. It may take up to four hours to reach full charge.
The Battery Charging Status LED will be amber when the battery is less than 90% charged and green when at least 90% charged.

STEP 2: Prepare Dial-up Information

Obtain the following information from your network administrator or ISP.
Dial-up number: (_____) _______________________________
User name: __________________________________________
Password: ___________________________________________
ADVANCED USERS: For advanced setup, you may want to use the Network Information Form in Appendix B. You must manually set up the dial-up connection in order to configure advanced connection properties, as described in Appendix C. Do not use Socket’s Connection Setup Wizard to set up the dial-up connection.

STEP 3: Install the Software

Should I install the software?
The Socket Cordless 56K Modem comes with two software installs that you can load into your Pocket PC. You can choose to install one, both, or none of the software. If you choose both, you can install them in any order.
Socket Connect!Agent: This software simplifies the Bluetooth setup and connection process. It runs in the background and requires no interaction from the user.
Socket modem software: This install will load multiple items into your device.
The Connection Setup wizard through the process of setting up a dial-up connection to your ISP.
The Modem Utilities modem’s v.92 Quick Connect feature, adjust the speaker volume, and set up the modem for use in different countries.
allows you to enable the
guides you effortlessly
Connect!Agent is not compatible with Windows Mobile 5.0 devices using the Socket SD/CF
card. If your Pocket PC is not compatible with Connect!Agent, or if you choose not to install it, use your Pocket PC’s Bluetooth software to manually create and manage the Bluetooth connection. For instructions, please refer to the OPTIONAL section at the end of this chapter.
If you choose not to install the modem software, use your Pocket PC’s built-in connection
utility to manually set up a dial-up connection. Refer to Appendix C for instructions.
Software Installation Instructions
These instructions apply to both Connect!Agent and modem software installation, which require separate installs.
ADVANCED USERS: For CAB file installation, please refer to Appendix D.
IMPORTANT! Make sure you have ActiveSync 4.0 or greater. You can download it free from
1. Use ActveSync and a USB/serial/Ethernet cable or cradle to make an
active connection between the Pocket PC and a host PC.
ActiveSync should report Connected, and the ActiveSync icon should turn green.
2. Insert the Socket 56K Modem Installation CD into the host PC.
3. Use My Computer or Windows Explorer to access your CD-ROM drive.
Click on the Setup.exe file for either Connect!Agent or the modem software.
4. The Setup program for the software will appear. Follow the instructions
on your screen until software installation is complete.
5. After software installation, your Pocket PC will prompt you to remove
the device from the cradle and soft reset. Tap ok. Remove your device from the cradle and press the reset button.
Note: If you forget to soft reset, some software icons will not appear.
6. If desired, repeat this same process to install Socket’s other software for
Windows Mobile (Connect!Agent or the modem software).
Note: After Connect!Agent installation, a bubble may appear reporting that a new modem has been detected and there are no connections set up for the modem. Tap Dismiss.

STEP 4: Complete the Connection Setup Wizard

If you did not install modem software, refer to Appendix C for manual setup instructions.
1. If the Pocket PC is connected to the host PC, remove it from the cable/cradle.
2. Tap Start | Settings | Connections tab. Tap on the Connection Setup icon.
3. Follow the Connection Setup Wizard to create a dial-up connection. Read
the information in the welcome screen and tap Next.
4. Select Bluetooth 56K Modem Connection and tap Next.
5. Enter a name for the Bluetooth connection, or accept the default. Tap Next.
6. Enter the user name, password and dial-up number for your ISP account.
7. When prompted to insert the Bluetooth card, do the following:
• If your device has a built-in Bluetooth radio, ignore and tap OK.
If your Pocket PC does not have a built-in Bluetooth radio, insert the
Socket SD/CF Bluetooth card or another Bluetooth adapter. Tap OK.
8. The last screen will report that you have completed the wizard. Tap on the
link for Remote Networking if you would like to use the Pocket PC’s Connection Manager to start dialing. Otherwise, tap Finish.

STEP 5: Connect to a Telephone Line

WARNING! Do not plug the modem into a digital PBX line. The modem will not work and may be damaged.
1. Use the included retractable cable to connect
your modem to an analog telephone line.
2. Turn on the Socket Cordless 56K Modem by
pushing the power switch up. To run the modem on AC power, use the included AC adapter.

STEP 6: Dial and Connect

Note: Your Pocket PC may be set to automatically suspend after inactivity. If your Pocket PC suspends while connected, the connection will be lost. Check your Pocket PC’s battery settings to disable this feature.
Windows Mobile 5.0: You can use any of three methods.
METHOD 1: Use the Connection Manager
1. If you did not install Connect!Agent, refer to the OPTIONAL section at
the end of this chapter to manually create a Bluetooth connection using the Bluetooth software included with your Pocket PC or Bluetooth card.
2. If you just completed the Socket Connection Setup Wizard and tapped
on the link for Remote Networking, the Connections screen will appear. To access this screen any time, tap Start | Settings | Connections tab.
Tap on the Connections icon.
3. Under My ISP, tap Manage existing connections.
4. Tap and hold your stylus on the connection for the Socket Cordless 56K
Modem. In the pop-up menu, tap Connect.
5. If you installed Connect!Agent, a bubble will appear reporting that the
modem is dialing. If desired, tap Hide to reveal a status screen reporting that Connect!Agent is searching for the Socket Cordless 56K Modem.
Connect!Agent will ask whether you want to add the Socket Cordless 56K Modem to your Bluetooth device list. Tap Yes to enable automatic connections to the modem in the future.
Note: Tap on the Bluetooth icon at the top of the screen to view the Connect!Agent status.
When prompted, enter the passkey from a sticker on the back on the modem.
When prompted to select the Bluetooth service, select Dialup Networking. Tap Finish.
Note: After a successful connection, Socket Connect!Agent will save the device and passkey information, so future connections will be automatic.
6. After the Bluetooth connection is established, the Bluetooth status LED
will blink blue. Dialing will begin. The modem will make dialing sounds.
7. After the modem connects to your ISP or office network, the Modem
Status LED will turn on (green), blinking during data transfer. Also, the “X” will disappear from the Connection icon at the top of your screen. Now you are ready to use your email or Internet application.
METHOD 2: Dial Automatically from Your Application
The Pocket PC’s built-in Connection Manager automatically tries to connect to your ISP or office network whenever you try to use a program that uses a dial-up connection (e.g., email, Internet).
1. If you did not install Connect!Agent
, refer to the OPTIONAL section at the end of this chapter to manually create a Bluetooth connection. Make sure the Bluetooth radio of your Pocket PC is turned on.
2. Make sure the modem is turned on.
3. Start the program that uses a dial-up connection. Enter a request for data
transfer (e.g., in Internet Explorer, enter a URL and tap the green arrow).
4. If you installed Connect!Agent, a bubble will appear reporting that the
modem is dialing. If desired, tap Hide to reveal a status screen reporting that Connect!Agent is searching for the Cordless 56K Modem.
When prompted, enter the passkey from a sticker on the back on the modem.
Note: After a successful connection, Socket Connect!Agent will save the device and passkey information, so future connections will be automatic.
5. After the Bluetooth connection is established, the Bluetooth Status LED
will begin blinking blue. Dialing will begin. The modem will make dialing sounds.
6. When the modem connects to your ISP or office network, the Modem
Status LED will turn on (green), blinking during data transfer. Also, the “X” will disappear from the Connection icon at the top of your screen. Now you are ready to use your email or Internet application.
METHOD 3: Use your Pocket PC’s Built-in Bluetooth software
The Bluetooth software built into some Pocket PCs allows you to start dialing into your ISP after establishing a Bluetooth connection to the Socket Cordless 56K Modem. Refer to your Pocket PC manual for instructions.
Ending a Data Call
Tap on the connection icon (two arrows). In the bubble, tap Disconnect.
Windows Mobile 2003/2003SE: You can use either of two methods.
METHOD 1: Tap on the Connection Icon
1. If you did not install Connect!Agent, refer to the OPTIONAL section at
the end of this chapter to manually create a Bluetooth connection. Make sure the Bluetooth radio of your Pocket PC is turned on.
2. Make sure the modem is turned on.
3. Tap on the Connection icon (two arrows) at the top of the screen. It
should have an “X” to show that you are not connected.
4. A bubble should appear with the dial-up connection you just created for
the Cordless 56K Modem. Tap on the phone number.
Note: Multiple connections may be listed. If the Cordless 56K Modem connection is not listed, tap on the Settings link in the bubble. Tap Manage Existing Connections. Select the connection. Tap ok.
5. If you installed Connect!Agent, it will begin searching for the Socket
Cordless 56K Modem. After Connect!Agent finds the modem, the Bluetooth Passkey screen will appear. Enter the passkey from a sticker on the back on the modem.
Note: After a successful connection, Socket Connect!Agent will save the device and passkey information, so future connections will be automatic.
6. If you did not use the Connection Setup Wizard, the Network Log On
screen may appear. Enter the Password for your account and tap OK.
7. After a Bluetooth connection is established, the Bluetooth Status LED
will begin blinking blue. Dialing will begin. The modem will make dialing sounds.
8. When the modem connects to your ISP or office network, the Modem
Status LED will turn on (green), blinking during data transfer. Also, the “X” will disappear from the Connection icon at the top of your screen to indicate the connection. Now you are ready to use your email or Internet application.
METHOD 2: Dial Automatically from Your Application
The Pocket PC’s built-in Connection Manager automatically tries to connect to your ISP or office network whenever you try to use a program that uses a dial-up connection (e.g., email, Internet). The process is the same as for Windows Mobile 5.0. Please refer to the instructions on page 20

OPTIONAL: Use Socket Modem Utilities

1. Make sure the modem is NOT connected to your ISP or office network.
2. Turn on the Socket Cordless 56K Modem by pushing the power switch
up. To run the modem on AC power, use the included AC adapter.
3. If you did not install Connect!Agent, turn on the Bluetooth radio of your
Pocket PC.
4. Tap Start | Settings | System tab. Tap on the Socket Modem Utilities icon.
5. The Socket Modem Utilities screen will appear.
In the Bluetooth stack field, select the Bluetooth stack you will be using to connect to the Cordless 56K Modem.
Connect!Agent: Select if you installed Connect!Agent.
Built in: Select if your Pocket PC has a built-in Bluetooth radio.
EXCEPTION: If using Windows Mobile 5.0 with built-in Bluetooth radio with Microsoft stack, select Other.
Socket: Select if using the Socket SD/CF Bluetooth card.
Other: Select if using a removable Bluetooth adapter other than
Socket’s. In the COM Port field, select the COM port that your Bluetooth software has assigned to the Bluetooth connection.
Tap Select.
6. The Pocket PC will search for and connect to the Cordless 56K Modem.
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