Programing VFD
Q: I have noticed that the drive motors for the XYZ axes and spindle take a while to accelerate and
decelerate on my 1240 Mill. It has become a problem because the one axis starts to move before the
finishes its move. This causes unwanted geometry in the work piece and other bad things. I was
wondering if I could reprogram the variable frequency drive to accelerate and decelerate faster without
hurting the machine. I have found the manual for the VFD (C300) online.
1. Attached is a document showing the correct parameter settings for the C300. Check these and correct
then as required. If correct the spindle acceleration should be quick enough to provide satisfactory
2. To control the path following tolerance of axis movements include a block like:
G64P.005 at the beginning of the program. the .005 specifies the maximum deviation from the
programmed path that is allowable to maintain the programmed feed rate given the acceleration limits
of the machine. Adjust the P value to suit the part tolerance.