Smeg KE60NE, KE60X, KE90X, KE90EB, KE60EB Instructions Manual

Instructions Manual
Libretto di Istruzioni
CONSIGLI E SUGGERIMENTI ..............................................................................................................................................3
CARATTERISTICHE - INSTALLAZIONE.............................................................................................................................4
RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS......................................................................................................................9
CHARACTERISTICS - INSTALLATION.............................................................................................................................10
The Instructions for Us e a pply t o seve ral versio ns of this appl ianc e. Ac cor
ingly, you may fin d descriptions of indi vidual features that d o not apply to your specific appliance.
• The manufacturer will not b e held liable for any dam ages resulting fr om in­correct or i mpr op er in sta l lat ion .
• The minimum safety distance between the cooker top and the extractor hood is 650 mm (som e m od el s can be installed at a lower height, please re ­fer to the paragraphs on working dimensions and installation).
• Check th at the mains voltage corres ponds to that indicated on the rating plate fixed to the inside of the hood.
• For Class I appliances, check th at the domestic power supply guarantees adequate earthing.
Connect the extractor t o the ex haus t flu e throu gh a pipe o f mi nimum diame-
ter 120 mm. The route of the flue must be as short as possible.
• Do not conn ect the extractor hood to exhaus t ducts carrying combustion fumes (boilers, fireplaces, etc.).
• If the ext ra ctor is used in conjunctio n wi t h no n- el ec tri c al a ppliances (e.g. gas burning applia nces), a suffi cient degree of aeration must be guarantee d in the room in order to prevent t he backfl ow of exha ust gas. T he kitch en must have an opening communicating directly with the open air in order to guarantee the entry of clean air.
• The extractor hood has been designed exclusively for domestic use to elimi­nate kitchen smells.
• Never use the hood for purposes other than for which it has been designed.
• Never leave high naked fla me s un der the ho od wh en it is in oper at i on.
• Adjust th e fl am e i n te nsity to direct it onto the bo ttom o f t he pan only, making sure that it does not engulf the sides.
• Deep fat fryers must b e continuously m onitored durin g use: overheate d oil can burst into flames.
• Do not flambè under the range hood; risk of fire
• This appliance is not intended for use by persons (includi ng children) with reduced physical , sensory or mental capabilitie s, or lack of ex perience and knowledge, unless th ey have been g iven su pervi sion o r in structi on con cern ­ing use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
• Child re n sh ould be supervised to ensure that they do not pl a y wi th t he appli­ance.
• Switch off or unplug the applian c e fr om the m ains supply before carryin g ou t any maintenance work.
• Clean and/or replace the Filters after the specified time period (Fire hazard).
• Clean the hood using a damp cloth and a neutral liquid detergent.
The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic eq uipment. By en s uring this pro d uc t i s disposed of c or rectly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.
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