Information furnished by SMC Networks, Inc. (SMC) is believed to be accurate and reliable.
H owever, no responsibility is assumed by SMC for its use, nor for any infringements of patents
or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by
implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SMC. SMC reserves the right to
change specifications at any time without notice.
Information furnished by SMC Networks, Inc. (SMC) is believed to be accurate and reliable.
H owever, no responsibility is assumed by SMC for its use, nor for any infringements of patents
or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by
implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SMC. SMC reserves the right to
change specifications at any time without notice.
CH AP T E R 1 | I n trod u c tion
F eatures and B enefits
P ackage Contents
Minimum R eq uirements
CH AP T E R 2 | G e ttin g to k n ow the W ire l e s s Ca b l e M od e m G a te w a y
L E D Indicators
R ear P anel Description
R esetting and R estoring the W ireless Cable Modem G ateway
CH AP T E R 3 | I n s ta l l a tion
B asic Installation P rocedure
CH AP T E R 4 | Con f igu rin g you r Com pu te r
Configuring W indows 95 / 98 / Me
Configuring W indows 2000
Configuring W indows X P
Configuring a Macintosh Computer
CH AP T E R 5 | Con f igu rin g the W ire l e s s Ca b l e M od e m G a te w a y
B rowser Configuration
Disable P rox y Connection
Accessing the W ireless Cable Modem G ateway W eb Management
CH AP T E R 6 | N a v iga tin g the W e b -b a s e d Ad m in is tra tion
Making Configuration Changes
W ireless
F irewall
AP P E NDIX A | Troubleshooting
AP P E NDIX B | Technical Specifications
AP P E NDIX C | Compliances
AP P E NDIX D | Technical Support
CH AP TER 1 | I n t r o d u c t i o n
Congratulations on your purchase of the E Z Connect™ W ireless Cable Modem G ateway. SMC is
proud to provide you with a powerful yet simple communication device for connecting your
local area network (L AN) to the Internet.
Fe a tu re s a n d B e n e f its
•E Z 3 -Cl ic k I n s ta l l a tion W iz a rd - A new and improved way to install your G ateway
Modem. In 3 simple clicks, you will be connected to the Internet.
• Internet connection to cable modem service via an integrated cable modem port
• L ocal network connection via 10/ 100 Mbps E thernet ports or 5 4 Mbps wireless
• 8 02.11g wireless - interoperable with multiple vendors.
• W ireless: W E P and W P A encryption, H ide SSID, and MAC F iltering
• DH CP for dynamic IP configuration, and DNS for domain name mapping.
• F irewall with Stateful P acket Inspection, client privileges, hacker prevention, DoS, and
• V P N pass-through support using P P TP , L 2TP , or IP Sec
If possible, retain the carton and original packing materials in case there is a need to return
the product.
P lease register your product on SMC’ s web site at http: / /
S ys te m R e q u ire m e n ts
Y ou must meet the following minimum req uirements:
• P rovisioned Internet access from a cable operator that has approved the SMC8 013W G
• A computer eq uipped with a wired or wireless network adapter with TCP / IP installed.
• A J ava-enabled web browser, such as Microsoft Internet E x plorer 5 .5 or above, or
Netscape Communicator 5 .0 or above.
•W indows 98 Second E dition or higher is req uired for U SB driver support.
CH AP TER 2 | G e t t i n g t o K n o w t h e Wi r e l e s s Ca b l e Mo d e mG a t e wa y
The E Z Connect™ W ireless Cable Modem G ateway is the perfect all in one solution, for the
home or business environment. This full-featured device has:
• An approved DO CSIS 1.1 Cable modem
• Advanced SP I F irewall G ateway
• H igh-speed 5 4 Mbps 8 02.11g W ireless Access P oint
• Comprehensive L E Ds for network status and troubleshooting
• R eset B utton
• 4 – 10/ 100 Mbps Auto-Sensing L AN ports with Auto-MDI MDIX feature
• 1 – U SB 1.1 L AN P ort for P C connectivity (Note: Not supported by all cable operators)
N OT E : Cable modems provide up to 38 Mbps downstream and 10 Mbps upstream. H owever, you
should note that the actual rate provided by specific service providers may vary dramatically
from these upper limits.
L E D I n d ic a tors
The E Z Connect™ W ireless Cable Modem G ateway includes L E D indicators on the front panel
that simplify installation and network troubleshooting.
The W ireless Cable Modem G ateway includes L E D indicators on the front panel that simplify
installation and network troubleshooting.
P ower G re e n
Diag Am b e r
Cable G re e n
Traffic G re e n
W ireless G re e n G ood W ireless L ink Data transmitting No W ireless L ink
L AN (1-4) Am b e r
L AN (1-4) G re e n
U SB G re e n U SB port connected Data transmitting No U SB link detected
P ower is supplied to the
G ateway
System F ailure. R eboot
G ateway
Successfully connected to
cable network
Cable Modem has finished
CMTS registration
Connected at 10 Mbps Data transmitting
Connected at 100 Mbps Data transmitting
N/ A
N/ A Normal O peration
Attempting to
connect to network
Attempting to
register with CMTS
P ower is not
supplied to the
G ateway
N/ A
N/ A
No E thernet link
No E thernet link
R e a r P a n e l D e s c ription
Wireless Card
P o w er
R eset
P o rt s
Co n n ec t o r
B u t t o n
Item Description
P ower Connect the included power adapter to this port.
R eset U se this button to reset the power or restore the default factory settings.
L AN 1-4 F our 10/ 100 Auto-sensing switch ports (R J -45 ). Connect devices on your local
area network to these ports (such as a P C, hub, or switch).
U SB Connect a U SB Cable from your P C to this port.
CATV Connect your cable line to this port.
W ireless Card P rovides W ireless Signal for wireless clients.
R e b ootin g a n d R e s torin g the W ire l e s s Ca b l e M od e m G a te w a y
The R eset button is located on the rear panel of the E Z Connect™ W ireless Cable Modem
G ateway. U se a paper clip or a pencil tip to push the R eset button.
R e b oot
If the G ateway is having problems connecting to the Internet, simply hold down the reset
button for less than 2 seconds then release.
R e s tore Fa c tory D e f a u l ts
If rebooting the W ireless Cable Modem G ateway does not resolve your issue, then you can
follow these steps. Note: all configured settings will be erased.
1. L eave power plugged into the W ireless Cable Modem G ateway.
2. L ocate the reset button on the back panel, press and hold button for at least 5 seconds.
3. R elease reset button.
CH AP TER 3 | I n s t a l l a t i o n
V ert ic al B ase
S t an d
Horizontal Install
V e rtic al Install
The E Z Connect™ W ireless Cable Modem G ateway can be installed in any location where you
have cable internet access, and the cable internet service provider has approved the E Z
Connect™ W ireless Cable Modem G ateway. To confirm you meet these 2 criteria points, please
contact your cable operator.
F or general installation please follow the guidelines outlined below to best performance:
• K eep the W ireless Cable Modem G ateway away from any heating devices.
• Do not place the W ireless Cable Modem G ateway in a dusty or wet environment.
• F or optimum wireless performance, install the W ireless Cable Modem G ateway away
from other electronic devices, such as Monitors / TV / 2.4G H z Cordless P hones. These
devices can hamper your wireless throughput and distance.
The E Z Connect™ W ireless Cable Modem G ateway can be positioned two ways, horiz ontal and
To install the W ireless Cable Modem in a vertical position, on the left side of the device, when
looking at the L E Ds – there is a built-in base stand. P ull out the stand out and turn it 90 degrees
and position the gateway on its side. See the different Install positions below:
B a s ic I n s ta l l a tion P roc e d u re
1. Con n e c t the L AN : Y ou can connect the W ireless Cable Modem G ateway to your P C, or to a
hub or switch. R un E thernet cable from one of the L AN ports on the rear of the W ireless
Cable Modem G ateway to your computer’ s network adapter or to another network device.
Y ou can use either a standard straight through or cross over E thernet cable since the
gateway incorporates Auto-MDI MDIX functionality.
Y ou can also connect the W ireless Cable Modem G ateway to your P C (using a wireless client
adapter) via radio signals.
N OT E : It is recommended that for first-time setup you use a wired connection.
2. Con n e c t the W AN : Connect a coax cable to the CATV port on the back of the W ireless
Cable Modem G ateway from a cable port located in your home. W hen connecting to the
CATV port, use only manufactured coax ial patch cables with F -type connectors at both
ends for all connections.
N ote : If this modem was NO T installed by the cable service provider (ISP ) or is being used
to replace another cable modem – please contact your Cable O perator (ISP ) to register the
SMC8 013W G . W ithout registering the modem with your ISP it will be unable to connect to
the cable network system.
3. P ow e r on : Connect the power adapter to the E Z Connect™ W ireless Cable Modem G ateway.
W a rn in g: O nly use the power adapter that was provided with the E Z Connect™ W ireless Cable
Modem G ateway, using another power adapter may damage your unit and void the warranty.
CH AP TER 4 | Co n f i g u r i n g y o u r Co mp u t e r
The information outlined in this chapter will guide you through the configuration for the
following O perating Systems:
• W indows 95 / 98
• W indows Me
• W indows 2000
• W indows X P
• Apple Macintosh
Con f igu rin g W in d ow s 9 5/ 9 8 / M e
1. Access your Network settings by clicking
[ Start], choose [ Settings], and then select
[ Control P anel].
2. In the Control P anel, locate and double-click
the [ Network] icon.
3. H ighlight the TCP / IP line that has been
assigned to your network card on the
[ Configuration] tab of the [ Network]
properties window. (see network dialog box to
the right)
4. Nex t, click the [ P roperties] button to view
that adapter’ s TCP / IP settings.
5 . F rom the TCP / IP P roperties dialog box , click
the [ O btain an IP address automatically]
option. (see TCP / IP dialog box to the
6 . Nex t click on the [ G ateway] tab and verify
the G ateway field is blank. If there are IP
addresses listed in the G ateway section,
highlight each one and click [ R emove]
until the section is empty.
7 . Click the [ O K ] button to close the TCP / IP
P roperties window.
8 . O n the Network P roperties W indow, click
the [ O K ] button to save these new
N OT E : W indows may ask you for the
original W indows installation disk or
additional files. Check for the files at
c: \windows\options\cabs, or insert your W indows CD-R O M into your CD-R O M drive and
check the correct file location, for ex ample, D: \win98 , D: \win9x . (Assume “ D” is your
CD-R O M drive).
9. W indows may prompt you to restart the P C. If so, click the [ Y es] button. If W indows
does not prompt you to restart your computer, do so anyways to ensure your settings.
Con f igu rin g W in d ow s 2 0 0 0
1. Access your Network settings by clicking
[ Start], choose [ Settings], and then
select [ Control P anel]
2. In the Control P anel, locate and double-
click the [ Network and Dial-up
Connections] icon
3. L ocate and double-click the [ L ocal Area
Connection] icon for the E thernet
adapter that is connected to the
G ateway. W hen the Status dialog box
window opens, click the [ P roperties]
4. O n the [ L ocal Area Connection]
P roperties box , verify the box nex t to
Internet P rotocol (TCP / IP ) is checked.
Then highlight the Internet P rotocol (TCP / IP ), and click the P roperties button.
5 . Select O btain an IP address automatically to configure your computer for DH CP . Click
the [ O K ] button to save this change and close the P roperties window.
6 . Click the [ O K ] button again to save these new changes.
7 . R eboot your P C.
Con f igu rin g W in d ow s X P
The following instructions assume you are running W indows X P with the default interface. If
you are using the Classic interface (where the icons and menus look like previous W indows
versions), please follow the instructions for W indows 2000 outlined above.
1. Access your Network settings by
clicking [ Start], choose [ Control
P anel], select [ Network and Internet
Connections] and then click on the
[ Network Connections] icon.
2. L ocate and double-click the L ocal
Area Connection icon for the E thernet
adapter that is connected to the
W ireless Cable Modem G ateway. Nex t,
click the [ P roperties] button.
3. O n the [ L ocal Area Connection]
P roperties box , verify the box nex t to
Internet P rotocol (TCP / IP ) is checked.
Then highlight the Internet P rotocol
(TCP / IP ), and click the P roperties
4. Select O btain an IP address automatically to configure your computer for DH CP . Click
the [ O K ] button to save this change and close the P roperties window.
5 . Click the [ O K ] button again to save these new changes.
6 . R eboot your P C.
Con f igu rin g a M a c in tos h Com pu te r
Y ou may find that the instructions here do not ex actly match your screen. This is because these
steps and screen shots were created using Mac O S 10.2. Mac O S 7 .x and above are all very
similar, but may not be identical to Mac O S 10.2.
1. P ull down the Apple Menu. Click System P references and select Network. Make sure
2. B uilt-in E thernet is selected in the Show field.
3. O n the TCP / IP tab, select U sing DH CP in the Configure field.
4. Close the TCP / IP dialog box .
CH AP TER 5 | Co n f i g u r i n g t h e Wi r e l e s s Ca b l e Mo d e mG a t e wa y
After you have configured TCP / IP on a client computer, use a web browser to configure the E Z
Connect™ W ireless Cable Modem G ateway. The G ateway can be configured by any J avasupported browser including Internet E x plorer 5 .0 or above, or Netscape Navigator 5 .0 or
above. U sing the web management interface, you can configure the W ireless Cable Modem
G ateway features and view its settings.
B efore you attempt to log into the W ireless Cable Modem G ateway’ s W eb-based
Administration, please verify the following:
1. Y our browser is configured properly. (see below)
2. Disable any firewall or security software that may be running.
3. Confirm that you have a [ link] L E D where your computer is plugged into the W ireless
Cable Modem G ateway. If you don’ t have a [ link] light, try another cable.
B row s e r Con f igu ra tion
Confirm your browser is configured for a direct connection to the Internet using the E thernet
cable that is installed in the computer. This is configured through the options/ preference section
of your browser.
D is a b l e P rox y Con n e c tion
Y ou will also need to verify that the “ H TTP P rox y” feature of your web browser is disabled. This
is so that your web browser will be able to view the web-based configuration pages. The
following steps are for Internet E x plorer and for Netscape. Determine which browser you use and
follow the appropriate steps.
I n te rn e t E x pl ore r ( 5.0 or a b ov e )
1. O pen Internet E x plorer. Click [ Tools], and then select [ Internet O ptions].
2. In the [ Internet O ptions] window, click the [ Connections] tab.
3. Click the [ L AN Settings] button.
4. Clear all the check box es and click [ O K ] to save these L AN settings changes.
5 . Click [ O K ] again to close the [ Internet O ptions] window.
N OT E : To ensure proper screen refresh after a command entry, be sure that Internet E x plorer
5 .0 is configured as follows: U nder the menu “ Tools/ Internet O ptions/ G eneral/ Temporary
Internet F iles/ Settings,” the setting for “ Check for newer versions of stored pages” should be
“ E very visit to the page.”
N e ts c a pe ( 5.0 or a b ov e )
1. O pen Netscape. Click [ E dit], and then select [ P references].
2. In the [ P references] window, under [ Category], double-click [ Advanced], and then
select the [ P rox ies] option.
3. Check [ Direct connection to the Internet].
4. Click the [ O K ] button to save the changes.
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