SMC2622W-P Print Server
Power Consumption
3w max.
EExxtteerrnnaall PPoowweerr AAddaapptteerr
12V DC
PPaarraalllleell PPoorrtt
1 x DB-25 connector
EEtthheerrnneett CCoonnnneeccttoorr
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX port
IEEE 802.11b Wireless PC Card Slot for
following Wireless adapter cards:
SMC2632W V.2 (pre-configured),
SMC2632W (previous SMC version),
wireless adapter cards based on
Intersil PRISM 2.x or 3.0
Class B
SSMMCC22662222WW--UU PPrriinntt SSeerrvveerr
PPoowweerr CCoonnssuummppttiioonn
3w max.
EExxtteerrnnaall PPoowweerr AAddaapptteerr
12V DC
UUSSBB PPoorrtt ((UUSSBB 11..11 ccoommpplliiaanntt))
EEtthheerrnneett CCoonnnneeccttoorr
10BASE-TX/100BASE-TX port
IEEE 802.11b Wireless PC Card Slot for
following Wireless adapter cards:
SMC2632W V.2 (pre-configured),
SMC2632W (previous SMC version),
wireless adapter cards based on
Intersil PRISM 2.x or 3.0
Class B
SMC Networks Europe
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Other product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. © Copyright 2002 SMC Networks, Inc.
EZ Connect™ WirelessReady Print Server
www.smc-europe.com www.smc.com
Product Model No. Description
EZ Connect Wireless-Ready SMC2622W-P Wireless-Ready Print Server with Parallel Port
Print Server
SMC2622W-U Wireless-Ready Print Server with USB Port
Specifications for both
Print Servers
OOppeerraattiinngg TTeemmppeerraattuurree
0 ~ 40°C
SSttoorraaggee TTeemmppeerraattuurree
-10 ~ 70°C
SShhiippppiinngg TTeemmppeerraattuurree
-40 ~ 70°C
OOppeerraattiinngg HHuummiiddiittyy
10 ~ 80%
SSttoorraaggee HHuummiiddiittyy
5 ~ 90%
SShhiippppiinngg HHuummiiddiittyy
5 ~ 100%
DDiimmeennssiioonnss ((LL xx WW xx HH))
12.0 x 9.5 x 2.5 cm
Limited lifetime Warranty defined as
5 years after product registration