SmartRG SR808A User Manual

SR808ac Cable Modem
User Manual
VER: 1.0
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual
1 Safety Precautions
2 Overview
2.1 Application
2.2 Features
2.3 Standards Compatibility and Compliance
3 Hardware Description and Hardware Installation
3.1 Hardware Description
3.1.1 Front Panel
3.1.2 Rear Panel
3.2 Hardware Installation
3.2.1 Connecting the Device
4 PC Network Configuration and Login
4.1 PC Network Configuration
4.2 Logging In to the BCM3384 Cable Modem
5 Web-Based Management
5.1 Status
5.1.1 Software
5.1.2 Connection
5.1.3 Security
5.1.4 Diagnostics
5.2 Basic
5.2.1 Setup
5.2.2 DHCP
5.2.3 DDNS
5.2.4 Backup
5.3 Advanced
5.3.1 Options
5.3.2 IP Filtering
5.3.3 MAC Filtering
5.3.4 Port Filtering
5.3.5 Forwarding
5.3.6 Port Triggers
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual
5.3.7 DMZ Host...........................................................................................25
5.3.8 RIP Setup...........................................................................................26
5.4 Firewall........................................................................................................... 29
5.4.1 Basic...................................................................................................29
5.4.2 Filtering...............................................................................................30
5.4.3 Local Log............................................................................................31
5.4.4 Remote Log....................................................................................... 32
5.5 VPN.................................................................................................................33
5.5.1 Basic...................................................................................................33
5.5.2 IPsec...................................................................................................33
5.5.3 Event Log...........................................................................................34
5.6 Wireless..........................................................................................................35
5.6.1 Radio...................................................................................................35
5.6.2 Radio...................................................................................................37
5.6.3 Guest Network...................................................................................40
5.6.4 Advanced...........................................................................................42
5.6.5 Access Control.................................................................................. 44
5.6.6 WMM...................................................................................................45
5.6.7 Bridging.............................................................................................. 46
5.7 MTA.................................................................................................................47
5.7.1 Status..................................................................................................48
5.7.2 DHCP..................................................................................................48
5.7.3 QoS.....................................................................................................49
5.7.4 Provisioning....................................................................................... 49
5.7.5 Event Log...........................................................................................50
5.8 Battery............................................................................................................ 50
5.8.1 Controller............................................................................................51
5.8.2 UPS.....................................................................................................51
5.8.3 Interface Delay.................................................................................. 52
5.9 USB.................................................................................................................52
5.9.1 USB Basic..........................................................................................52
5.9.2 Approved Devices.............................................................................53
5.9.3 Storage Basic.................................................................................... 54
5.9.4 Storage Advanced............................................................................ 54
5.9.5 MediaServer...................................................................................... 55
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual
6 Q&A...............................................................................................................................57
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual

1 Safety Precautions

Read the following information carefully before operating the device. Please follow
the following precaution items to protect the device from risks and damage caused
by fire and electric power:
Use volume labels to mark the type of power.
Use the power adapter that is packed within the device package.
Pay attention to the power load of the outlet or prolonged lines. An
overburden power outlet or damaged lines and plugs may cause electric
shock or fire accident. Check the power cords regularly. If you find any
damage, replace it at once.
Proper space left for heat dissipation is necessary to avoid any damage
caused by overheating to the device. The holes on the device are designed
for heat dissipation to ensure that the device works normally. Do not cover
these heat dissipation holes.
Do not put this device close to a place where a heat source exits or high
temperature occurs. Avoid the device from direct sunshine.
Do not put this device close to a place where is over damp or watery. Do not
spill any fluid on this device.
Do not connect this device to any PC or electronic product, unless our
customer engineer or your broadband provider instructs you to do this,
because any wrong connection may cause any power or fire risk.
Do not place this device on an unstable surface or support.
The screen of the coaxial cable is intended to be connected to earth in the
building installation.
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual

2 Overview

The SR808ac is targeted towards DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS3.0 cable modem, eMTA
and gateway with 24 downstream channels and 8 upstream channels. The
SR808ac incorporates a variety of industry standard peripheral interfaces including
dual IEEE802.3 10/100/1000Mbps interface, one with integrated GPHY, and dual
USB2.0 interfaces (Host and Host/Device) with integrated PHYs. The SR808ac
integrates a complete 2-channel voice system.
The SR808ac supports WLAN access. It complies with IEEE 802.11,802.11b/g,
802.11n, 802.11a and 802.11ac specifications, WEP, WPA, and WPA2 security
specifications. The WLAN of the SR808ac supports 3T3R.

2.1 Application

Home gateway
Small enterprises
Higher data rate broadband sharing
Audio and video streaming and transfer
PC file and application sharing
Network and online gaming

2.2 Features

User-friendly GUI for web configuration
Several pre-configured popular games. Just enable the game and the port
settings are automatically configured.
Compatible with all standard Internet applications
WLAN with high-speed data transfer rates of up to 300 Mbps, compatible
with IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac, dual mode WLAN compliant equipment
IP routing and bridging
Network/port address translation (NAT/PAT)
Wireless LAN security: WPA, 802.1x, RADIUS client
Universal plug-and-play(UPnP)
File server for network attached storage (NAS) devices
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual
Print server
Web filtering
Remote update
System statistics and monitoring

2.3 Standards Compatibility and Compliance

Support application level gateway (ALG)
IEEE 802.3
IEEE 802.3u
IEEE 802.11a
IEEE 802.11ac
IEEE 802.11b
IEEE 802.11g
IEEE 802.11n
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual

3 Hardware Description and Hardware Installation

3.1 Hardware Description

3.1.1 Front Panel

Green On
The device is powered on and the device
operates normally.
The device is powered off.
CM has locked D/S frequency
CM scan D/S frenquency
Device is powered off.
CM has locked U/S frequency
CM is range and scan U/S frequency
Device is powered off or CM scan D/S
The Ethernet interface is connected.
Data is being transmitted through the
Ethernet interface.
The Ethernet interface is disconnected.
WLAN is enabled.
Data is being transmitted through the
wireless interface.
WLAN is disabled.
Connection succeeds under Wi-Fi
Protected Setup.
Negotiation is in progress under Wi-Fi
Protected Setup.
Wi-Fi Protected Setup is disabled.
Green On
The connection of USB flash disk has
No signal is detected.
The following table describes the indicators on the front panel.
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual
EMTA has registered with CMTS
EMTA send register request to CMTS
EMTA is no detected

3.1.2 Rear Panel

The antenna interface, for connecting the antennas.
RF cable port, for connecting HFC cable.
Press the button for at least 1 second and then release it. System
restores the factory default settings.
Eth 4~1
RJ-45 port, for connecting the router to a PC or another network
USB 0~1
USB port, for connecting other USB storage devices.
Power interface, for connecting the power adapter.
RJ-11 port, for connecting the router to Phones.
Do not press the Reset button unless you want to clear the current settings. The
Reset button is in a small circular hole on the rear panel. If you want to restore the
default settings, please press the Reset button gently for 1 second with a fine needle
inserted into the hole and then release the button. The system reboots and returns to
the factory defaults.

3.2 Hardware Installation

3.2.1 Connecting the Device

Please follow the steps below to connect the device.
Step1 Connect the Cable port of the CMRG with HFC cable.
Step2 Connect the Eth port of the CMRG to the network card of the PC via an
Ethernet cable.
The following table describes the interfaces or the buttons on the rear panel.
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual
Step3 Plug one end of the power adapter to the wall outlet and connect the
other end to the Power port of the CMRG.
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual

4 PC Network Configuration and Login

4.1 PC Network Configuration

Each network interface on the PC should either be configured with a statically defined
IP address and DNS address, or be instructed to automatically obtain an IP address
using the network DHCP server. BCM3384 provides a DHCP server on its LAN and it
is recommended to configure your LAN to automatically obtain its IP address and
DNS server IP address.
The configuration principle is identical but should be carried out differently on each
operating system.
The following displays the TCP/IP Properties dialog box on Windows XP.
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual
Figure 1 IP and DNS configuration
TCP/IP configuration steps for Windows XP are as follows:
Step1 Choose Start > Control Panel > Network Connections.
Step2 Right-click the Ethernet connection icon and choose Properties.
Step3 On the General tab, select the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) component
and click Properties.
Step4 The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window appears.
Step5 Select the Obtain an IP address automatically radio button.
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual
Step6 Select the Obtain DNS server address automatically radio button.
Step7 Click OK to save the settings.

4.2 Logging In to the BCM3384 Cable Modem

To log in to the BCM3384 cable modem, do as follows:
Step1 Open a Web browser on your computer.
Step2 Enter (the default IP address of the BCM3384 cable
modem) in the address bar. The login page appears.
Step3 Enter the user name and the password. The default username is blank
and enter “Broadcom” in the Password field.
Step4 Click OK to log in to the Web page. Otherwise, please click Cancel to exit
the login page.
Figure 2 Login page
After logging in to the BCM3384 cable modem, you can query, configure, and
modify all the settings, and diagnose the system.
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual

Web-Based Management

This chapter describes how to use Web-based management of the Cable Modem,
which allows you to configure and control all of cable modem residential gateway
features and system parameters in a user-friendly GUI.

5.1 Status

Choose Status, and the submenus of Status are shown as below:
Figure 3 Submenus of status

5.1.1 Software

Choose Status > Software, and the following page appears.
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual
Figure 4 Software page
This page displays information about the hardware version, software version, MAC
address, cable modem IP address, serial number, system “up” time, and network
registration status.

5.1.2 Connection

Choose Status > Connection and the following page appears.
Figure 5 Connection information
This page displays information about the RF upstream and downstream channels,
including downstream channel frequencies, upstream channel IDs, and upstream and
downstream signal power and modulation.
This page also displays IP lease information, including the current IP address of the
cable modem, the duration of both leases, the expiration time of both leases, and the
current system time from the DOCSIS timeserver.
The information on this page can be refreshed at any time by clicking your web
browser’s Refresh button.
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual

5.1.3 Security

Choose Status > Connection and the following page appears.
To restore factory defaults, select the Yes radio button and click Apply. This will
cause the device to reset. The factory default password is “Broadcom” and is
case sensitive.
Note that you can also change the security password from this page by entering a
new password in both the New Password and Re-Enter New Password fields, and
the current password in the Current User ID Password field. Clicking Apply will
change the password. You do NOT have to restore factory defaults to change the

5.1.4 Diagnostics

Choose Status > Diagnostics and the following page appears.
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual
Figure 6 Diagnostic information
Two utilities are provided for troubleshooting network connectivity: Ping and
Ping allows you to check connectivity between the CMRG and devices on the LAN.
Traceroute allows you to map the network path from the CMRG to a public host.
Selecting Traceroute from the drop-down Utility list will present alternate controls for
the traceroute utility: To run either utility, make any changes to the default parameters
and select Start Test to begin. The window will automatically be refreshed as the
results are displayed in the Results table.

5.2 Basic

Choose Basic and the submenus of Basic are shown as below:
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual
Figure 7 Submenus of basic

5.2.1 Setup

Choose Basic > Setup , and the following page appears.
Figure 8 Setup configuration
Enter the information from the Required Information section as indicated:
1.If your ISP uses DHCP, select “DHCP” for the WAN Connection Type, and enter
Host Name and Domain name if required. OR
SR808ac Cable Modem User Manual
If your ISP uses static IP addressing, select “Static IP” for the WAN Connection
Type, and enter the information provided by your ISP for Static IP Address, Static
IP Mask, Default Gateway, Primary DNS, and Secondary DNS.
2.Enter a unicast MAC address in the Spoofed MAC Address field. Your ISP may
require this to be your PC’s MAC address. If not, you can simply supply the WAN
side MAC address of the router as your CPE and leave the spoofed MAC address
entry set to all 0’s, since there will be no spoofing required.
3.Select the Apply button. This will reset the CMRG.
At this point, the CMRG is configured for basic use. To connect to the Internet,
you must do the following:
1.Power up the CMRG and wait for it to register with the CMTS and obtain an
Internet-routable IP address
2.Get an IP lease from the internal DHCP server for each PC attached to the
Note that communication on the LAN will work regardless of whether the WAN
connection provided by the cable modem is up. However, you will not be able to
access the Internet until the WAN connection is enabled and has an IP address.
Some configurations settings are retrieved only once from non-volatile storage
when the CMRG first powers up. One such setting is changing the Static WAN IP
address parameters. Any changes to these settings will force the CMRG to reset
so that the new configuration can be read from non-volatile storage.
When this mandatory reset is required, the web interface will notify as follows:
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