SmartRG does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any products, or software described herein. Neither
does it convey any license under its patent rights nor patent rights of others. SmartRG further reserves the right to make changes to
any products described herein without notice. This publication is subject to change without notice.
Any trademarks mentioned in this publication are used for identification purposes only and may be properties of their respective
The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any part or as a whole, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any language, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, photocopying, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SmartRG, Inc.
Published by SmartRG, Inc. All rights reserved.
Safety Warnings
For your safety, be sure to read and follow all warning notices and instructions.
l To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG (American Wire Gauge) or larger telecommunication line cord.
l Do NOT open the device or unit. Opening or removing covers can expose you to dangerous high voltage points or other risks.
ONLY qualified service personnel can service the device. Contact your vendor for further information.
l Use ONLY the dedicated power supply for your device. Connect the power cord or power adapter to the correct supply
voltage (110V AC in North America or 230V AC in Europe).
l Do NOT use the device if the power supply is damaged as it might cause electrocution.
l If the power supply is damaged, remove it from the power outlet.
l Do NOT attempt to repair the power supply. Contact your local vendor to order a new power supply.
l Place connecting cables carefully so that no one will step on them or stumble over them.
l Do NOT allow anything to rest on the power cord and do NOT locate the product where anyone can walk on the power cord.
l If you wall mount your device, make sure that no electrical, gas, or water pipes will be damaged.
l Do NOT install nor use your device during a thunderstorm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
l Do NOT expose your device to dampness, dust, or corrosive liquids.
l Do NOT use this product near water, for example, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.
l Make sure to connect the cables to the correct ports.
SmartRG proudly brings you the best, most innovative broadband gateways available. SmartRG enables service providers to monitor,
manage, and monetize the connected home through the design and production of reliable and highly interoperable hardware and
software solutions.
As an early innovator in TR-069 remote management technology, SmartRG offers the finest in managed broadband and home networking solutions. Our products leverage various broadband access technologies and are outfitted with highly customizable software, meeting diverse service provider requirements. Based in the USA, SmartRG provides local, proactive software development
and customer support. In the rapidly evolving broadband market, SmartRG helps service providers keep their businesses on the cutting edge through its laser-focused product line, leveraging the very latest in broadband access and home networking technologies.
SmartRG solutions enable service providers to improve their bottom line by reducing service costs and increasing customer satisfaction.
Learn more at
Purpose & Scope
The purpose and scope of this document is to provide SmartRG customers with installation, configuration and monitoring information
for the SR506n CPE.
Intended Audience
This document is intended for Network Architects, NOC Administrators, Field Service Technicians, and other networking professionals responsible for deploying and managing broadband access networks. Readers of this manual are assumed to have a basic
understanding of desktop computer operating systems, networking concepts and telecommunications.
Getting Assistance
Subscribers: If you require help with this product, please contact your service provider.
Service providers: If you require help with this product, please open a support request.
button is a small hole in the gateway's enclosure with the actual button mounted behind the surface. This
style of push-button prevents the gateway from being inadvertently reset during handling. Reset must be actuated
with a paper clip or similar implement.
The Reset button is located on the left side of the unit. Press the button for at least 1 second and release. The factory
default settings are restored.
On/Off Button
The On/Off button is located on the back of the gateway and turns the gateway on and off.
Reset Button
The Reset button is a small hole in the gateway's enclosure with the actual button mounted behind the surface. This style of pushbutton prevents the gateway from being inadvertently reset during handling. Reset must be actuated with a paper clip or similar
The Reset button is located on the backleft side of the unit.
This pin-hole sized reset button has three functions. The duration for which the button is held dictates which function is carried
Hold DurationEffect
Less than 6
6-20 secondsPerforms the software equivalent to the
20 or more seconds Changes the POWER LED to red and the gateway enters CFE mode which is a state associated with performing
Performs a modem reset that is equivalent to the
Restore Defaults
firmware updates via Internet browser.
function in the gateway software.
function in the gateway software.
WPS Button
The WPS button is located on the top of the unit. It triggers WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup™) mode. WPS is a standard means for creating a secure connection between your gateway and various wireless client devices. It is designed to simplify the pairing process
between devices.
If you have client devices that support WPS, use this button to automatically configure wireless security for your network. For specific instructions, refer to the Quick Start Guide included with your gateway. Also see the Wireless section of this manual.
WiFi Button
The WiFi button is located on the top of the unit and toggles the WiFi radio on and off.
To activate the WiFi radio, press and hold the WiFi button for 3-5 seconds and then release. Repeat this step to deactivate the WiFi
1. Plug the power adapter into the wall outlet and then connect the other end to the Power port of the gateway.
2. Connect the LAN port of the gateway to the network card of the PC using an Ethernet cable.
3. Turn on the unit by pressing the On/Off button on the side of the gateway.
Note: If you use 3G WAN service, connect the 3G USB data card to a USB port of the gateway. If you use the Ethernet uplink, connect
to the WAN interface using an Ethernet cable. You cannot use the xDSL uplink, 3G WAN service, and Ethernet uplink all at the same
Your gateway is now automatically being set up to connect to the Internet. This process may take a few minutes to complete before
you can begin using your Internet applications (browser, email, etc.).
If you are unable to connect to the Internet, confirm that all cable connections are in place and the router’s power is turned on.
To manually configure the SmartRG SR555acSR655ac gateway, access the gateway's embedded UI.
1. Open a Web browser on your computer.
2. Enter (the default IP address of the DSL gateway) in the address bar. The login page appears where you
can access the gateway's GUI or view the system log. For more information about configuring system logs, see the System Log
topic in this User Manual.
3. Click the Manage gateway (advanced) link at the top right of the page.
4. Enter the admin user name and password. The default admin username/password are admin/admin. The default username/password of the common user are user/user. It is recommended that you change these default values after logging in
to the DSL gateway for the first time.
5. Click OK. The gateway interface appears, showing the Device Info summary page.
In this section, you can view information about your gateway's setup, status or nature of its connection with the provider and with
LAN devices. You cannot interact with or change the settings in this section.
When you log into the gateway interface, the Device Info summary page appears. This page displays details about the hardware and
software associated with your gateway. In addition, the current status of the WAN connection (if present) is shown.
On this page, you can view information about the connection between your ISP and your gateway. The WAN interface can be DSL or
Ethernet and supports a number of Layer 2 and above configuration options (explained later in this document).
In this section, you can view network interface information for LAN, WAN Service, xTM and xDSL. All data is updated in 15-minute
On this page, you can view the received and transmitted bytes, packets, errors and drops for each LAN interface configured on your
gateway. Data is provided for the total bytes, packets, errors and drops as well as bytes and packets for multicast transmissions, and
packets for unicast and broadcast transmission. All local LAN Ethernet ports, Ethernet WAN ports and w10 (Wireless Interface) are
In the left navigation bar, click Device Info > Statistics. The Statistics - LAN page appears where you can view detailed information
about the status of your LAN.
To reset the counters, click Reset Statistics near the bottom of the page.
The fields on this page are explained in the following table.
figured on your device), Wireless, and 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz.
LAN interfaces. The only avalable option is LAN1.
Options are LAN1 - LAN4, WAN (if con-
WAN Service
On this page, you can view the received and transmitted bytes, packets, errors and drops for each WAN interface for your SmartRG
Gateway. Data is provided for the total bytes, packets, errors and drops as well as bytes and packets for multicast transmissions, and
packets for unicast and broadcast transmission. All WAN interfaces configured for your gateway are included.
In the left navigation bar, click Device Info > Statistics > WAN Service. The Statistics - WAN page appears where you can view
detailed information about the status of your WAN.
To reset the counters, click Reset Statistics near the bottom of the page.
The fields on this page are explained in the following table.
Field NameDescription
InterfaceAvailable WAN interfaces. Options are:
DescriptionService description. Options are:
BytesNumber of packets in bytes.
PktsNumber of packets.
ErrsNumber of error packets.
DropsNumber of dropped packets.
, and
, and
On this page, you can view the ATM/PTM statistics for your gateway. All WAN interfaces configured for your SmartRG gateway are
In the left navigation bar, click Device Info > Statistics > xTM. The Interface Statistics page appears.
To reset these counters, click Reset near the bottom of the page.
The fields on this page are explained in the following table.
Field NameDescription
Port NumberStatistics for Port 1, or both ports if Bonded.
In OctetsTotal quantity of received octets.
Out OctetsTotal quantity of transmitted octets.
In PacketsTotal quantity of received packets.
Out PacketsTotal quantity of transmitted packets.
In OAM CellsTotal quantity of received OAM cells.
Out OAM CellsTotal quantity of transmitted OAM cells.
In ASM CellsTotal quantity of received ASM cells.
Out ASM CellsTotal quantity of transmitted ASM cells.
In Packet ErrorsTotal quantity of received packet errors.
In Cell ErrorsTotal quantity of received cell errors.
On this page, you can view the DSL statistics for your gateway. All xDSL (VDSL or ADSL) interfaces configured for your SmartRG gateway are included. The terms and their explanations are derived from the relevant ITU-T standards and referenced accordingly.
Comparison errors are tabulated and displayed in the dialog box.
3. To reset the counters, click Reset Statistics at the bottom of the page.
The fields on this page are explained in the following table.
Field NameDescription
ModexDSL mode that the modem has trained under, such as ADSL2+, G.DMT, etc.
Traffic TypeConnection type. Options are:
StatusStatus of the connection. Options are:Up,
, and
Link Power StateCurrent link power management state (e.g., L0, L2, L3).
Line Coding (Trellis) State of theTrellis Coded Modulation. Options areOnand
SNR Margin (dB)The signal-to-noise ration margin (SNRM) is the maximum increase (in dB) of the received
noise power, such that the modem can still meet all of the target BERs over all the frame
bearers. [2]
Attenuation (dB)
Output Power
The signal attenuation is defined as the difference in dB between the power received at the
near-end and that transmitted from the far-end. [2]
Transmission power from the gateway to the DSL loop relative to one Milliwat (dBm).
Attainable Rate
The typically obtainable sync rate, i.e., the attainable net data rate that the receive PMS-TC
and PMD functions are designed to support under the following conditions:
l Single frame bearer and single latency operation
l Signal-to-Noise Ratio Margin (SNRM) to be equal or above the SNR Target Margin
l BER not to exceed the highest BER configured for one (or more) latency paths
l Latency not to exceed the highest latency configured for one (or more) latency paths
l Accounting for all coding gains available (e.g., trellis coding, RS FEC) with latency
On this page, you can view the host IP addresses and their hardware (MAC) addresses for each LAN Client connected to the gateway
via a LAN Ethernet port or wireless LAN.
In the left navigation bar, click Device Info > ARP. The following page appears.
The fields on this page are explained in the following table.
IP address The IP address of the host.
FlagsEach entry in the ARP cache is marked with one of these flags. Options are: Complete, Permanent, and
DeviceThe system level interface by which the host is connected. Options are: br(n), atm(n), and ptm(n).
The DHCP page displays a list of locally connected LAN hosts and their DHCP lease status, which are directly connected to the
SmartRG Gateway via a LAN Ethernet port or Wireless LAN.
In the left navigation bar, select Device Info > DHCP. The following page appears.
The fields on this page are explained in the following table.
Field NameDescription
HostnameThe host name of each connected LAN device.
MAC AddressThe MAC Address for each connected LAN device.
IP AddressThe IP Address for each connected LAN device.
Expires InThe time until the DHCP lease expires for each LAN device.
In this section, you can configure network interfaces, security, quality of service settings, and many other settings for your gateway
and network.
Layer2 Interface
In this section, you can configure interfaces for ATM and PTM interfaces. Generally you can accept the settings configured by
default. If your network is highly customized, you may need to modify some of the settings, such as Username and Password.
ATM Interface
On this page, you can configure Asynchronous Transfer Mode / Permanent Virtual Conduit (ATM/PVC) settings for your gateway. You
can customize latency options, link type, encapsulation mode, and more.
Note: Devices (routers) on both ends of the connection must support ATM / PVC.
1. In the left navigation bar, click Advanced Setup > Layer2 Interface > ATM Interface and then click Add. The following page
2. Modify the settings as desired, using the information provided in the table below.
3. Click Apply/Save to commit your changes.
The fields on this page are explained in the following table.
Field NameDescription
VPIEnter a Virtual Path Identifier. A VPI is an 8-bit identifier that uniquely identifies a network path
for ATM cell packets to reach its destination. A unique VPI number is required for each ATM
path. This setting works with the VCI. Each individual DSL circuit must have a unique VPI/VCI
combination. String limits are: 0-255.
VCIEnter a Virtual Channel Identifier. A VCI is a 16-bit identifier that has a unique channel. Options
are: 32-65535.
Select DSLSelect the level of DSL latency. Options are:
l Path0 Fast: No error correction and can provide lower latency on error free lines.
l Path1 Interleaved: Error checking that provides error free data which increases latency.
l Path0 and Path1: If you are not certain which method is best, you can select both.
Select Link Type Select the linking protocol. EoA is the most popular with PPPoA a close second (used with many
legacy ISPs). Options are:
l EoA: Ethernet over ATM.
l PPPoA: Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM.
l IPoA: Internet Protocol over ATM.
Select whether multiple protocols or only one protocol is carried per PVC (Permanent Virtual
Circuit). Options are:
l LLC/ENCAPSULATION: (Available for PPOA only) Logical Link Control (LLC) encapsulation
protocols used with multiple PVCs
l LLC/SNAP-BRIDGING: LLC used to carry multiple protocols in a single PVC.
l LLC/SNAP-ROUTING: (Available for IPoA only) LLC used to carry one protocol per PVC.
l VC/MUX: Virtual Circuit Multiplexer creates a virtual connection used to carry one pro-
tocol per PVC.
Service Category Select the bit rate protocol. Options are:
l UBR without PCR: Unspecified Bit Rate with no Peak Cell Rate, flow control or time syn-
chronization between the traffic source and destination. Commonly used with applications that can tolerate data / packet loss.
l UBR with PCR: Same as above but with a Peak Cell Rate.
l CBR: Constant Bit Rate relies on timing synchronization to make the network traffic pre-
dictable. Used commonly in Video and Audio traffic network applications.
l Non Realtime VBR: Non Realtime Variable Bit Rate used for connections that transport
traffic at a Variable Rate. This category requires a guaranteed bandwidth and latency. It
does not rely on timing synchronization between the destination and source.
l Realtime VBR: Realtime Variable Bit Rate. Same as the above option but relies on timing
and synchronization between the destination and source. This category is commonly
used in networks with compressed video traffic.
Scheduler for
Queues of Equal
Precedence as
the Default
Minimum allowable rate (cells per second) at which cells can be sent on a ATM network. The
default is -1 (no shaping).
The algorithm used to schedule the queue behavior. VC scheduling is different than the default
queues. Options are:
l Weighted Round Robin: Packets are accessed in a round robin style. Classes can be
l Weighted Fair Queuing: Packets are assigned to a specific queue.
l Default Queue Weight: The default weight of the specified queue. Options are 1-63.
l Default Queue Precedence: The precedence of the specified group. Options are 1-8.
l VC WRR Weight: The weight of the specified virtual channel queue. Options are 1-63.
l VC Precedence: The priority of the specified virtual channel queue. Options are 1-8.
PTM Interface
The SmartRG gateway's VDSL2 standards support Packet Transfer Mode (PTM). An alternative to ATM mode, PTM transports packets
(IP, PPP, Ethernet, MPLS, and others) over DSL links. For more information, refer to the IEEE802.3ah standard for Ethernet in the First
Mile (EFM). Some 500 series gateways have a PTM interface configured by default.
On this page, you can configure a PTM interface for your gateway.
1. In the left navigation bar, click Advanced Setup > Layer2 Interface > PTM Interface and then click Add. The following page
The fields on this page are explained in the following table.
Field NameDescription
Weighted Round RobinTime slices are assigned to each process in equal portions and in circular order, hand-
ling all processes without priority (also known as cyclic executive).
Weighted Fair QueuingA data packet scheduling technique allowing different scheduling priorities to be
assigned to statistically multiplexed data flows. Since each data flow has its own
queue, an ill-behaved flow (that sent larger packets or more packets per second than
the others since it became active) will only affect itself and not other sessions.
Default Queue WeightEnter a default weight of the specified queue. Options are: 1-63.
Default Queue Pre-
Enter a precedence for the specified queue. Options are: 1-8.
Default Queue Minimum
The default minimum rate at which traffic can pass through the queue. For no shaping,
enter -1 (disabled). Options are: 1-0 Kbps.
Default Queue ShapingThe shaping rate for the specified queue. Options are: 1-0 Kbps. The default is -1 (no
The maximum rate at which traffic can pass through the queue. Options are 1600 or
ETH Interface
On this page, you can configure an Ethernet interface for your gateway.
Note: If a WAN port is already configured, you must remove it before you can define a new one. The Add button does not appear
until the existing port is removed. Modify or delete any WAN service that uses it. Then, return to this page and click the Remove
checkbox and then click the Remove button.
1. In the left navigation bar, click Advanced Setup > Layer2 Interface > ETH Interface. If no WAN port is configured, the fol-
lowing page appears.
2. Click Add.
3. If a WAN port is already configured or you clicked Add, the following page appears.
4. Select the LAN port you wish to act as a WAN port.