►► Code NumberCode Number
►► DescriptionDescription
Exposed, AC-powered, sensor-activated, water closet flushometer
with a dual-flush side mount unit for top spud floor mounted or wall
hung bowls.
►► Flush CycleFlush Cycle
Sloan 111-1.6/1.1 DFSM Full Flush Large Black Button (1.6 gpf/6.0 Lpf)
Reduced Flush Small Green Button (1.1 gpf/4.2 Lpf)
►► SpecificationsSpecifications
● ● Quiet, Exposed, Diaphragm Type, Chrome Plated Closet
Flushometer with the following features:
● ● Spud Coupling and Flange for 11⁄2" Top Spud
● ● Trap Primer
● ● 1” I.P.S. Screwdriver Bak-Chek® Angle Stop with Vandal Resistant
Stop Cap
● ● Handle Packing, Main Seat, Stop Seat and Vacuum Breaker
Molded from PERMEX® Rubber Compound for Chloramine
● ● Chrome Plated Infrared Sensor Housing
● ● If the user is present for less than one minute and leaves the
sensing zone or chooses the small GREEN override button, a
reduced flush initiates (1.1 gpf/4.2 Lpf) eliminating liquid and
paper waste, saving 1/2 gallon of water†
● ● If the user is present for greater than one minute and leaves the
zone or chooses the large BLACK override button, the full flush
initiates (1.6 gpf/6.0 Lpf) eliminating solid waste and paper
● ● Reduces water volume by up to 30% when a reduced flush
● ● “User in View” Flashing LED
● ● No External Volume Adjustment to Ensure Water Conservation
● ● ADA Compliant AC-powered infrared side mount sensor for
automatic “No Hands” operation
● ● Can be Mounted on either the Left or Right Side of Valve
● ● 72-Hour Sentinel Flush
● ● Infrared Sensor Range Adjustment Screw and Reset Button
● ● Spud Coupling and Flange for 1-1/2” Top Spud
● ● Sweat Solder Adapter w/Cover Tube and Cast Wall Flange with
Set Screw
● ● Non-Hold-Open True Mechanical Override Full Flush/Dual-Flush
● ● PERMEX® synthetic rubber diaphragm with linear filtered bypass
and Vortex Cleansing Action™
● ● Valve Body, Tailpiece and Control Stop shall be in conformance
with ASTM Alloy Classification for Semi-Red Brass. Valve shall be in
compliance with the applicable sections of ASSE 1037, ASME
112.18, ASME 112.19, ANSI 117.1. Installation conforms to ADA
►► Accessories (specify separately)Accessories (specify separately)
☐ 120 VAC Input/6 VAC Output, 50/60 Hz (3 VA) Plug-In (will
operate 1 unit)
☐ 120 VAC Input/6 VAC Output, 50/60 Hz (25 VA) Box Mount (will
operate up to 6 units)
►► FixturesFixtures
Consult factory for matching Sloan brand fixture options.
Side Mount units do NOT include the flushometer
►► Smart Sense Technology™Smart Sense Technology™
Sloan® DFSM flushometers are equipped with Smart Sense
Technology™, which applies extended range and logic techniques
to significantly reduce water usage. The DFSM flushometer
automatically delivers a reduced flush when users are present less
than 60 seconds. Please contact Sloan for specific details.
►► Automatic OperationAutomatic Operation
Sloan’s DFSM flushometers are activated via multi-lobular infrared
sensor by detecting the user presence and duraction, the DFSM unit
will determine the proper flush volume for unequalled water
►► Manual OperationManual Operation
Sloan’s electronic dual-flush side mount (DFSM) flushometers
incorporate intuitive splitbutton design for easy manual activation.
Assuming a 1.6 gpf (6.0 Lpf) diaphragm kit, the small GREEN button
controls the reduced flush cycle (1.1 gpf/4.2 Lpf), the large BLACK
button controls the full flush cycle (1.6 gpf/6.0 Lpf). Straightforward
graphics alert user to proper activation. Reduced flush for liquid
waste, full flush for solid waste.
►► HygienicHygienic
Touchless, sensor activation eliminates the need for user contact to
help control the spread of infectious diseases. The Sloan DFSM
electronic retrofit units are provided with reduced or full flush
override buttons to allow a “Courtesy Flush®” for individual user
comfort. The 72-Hour Sentinel Flush keeps fixture fresh during periods
of non-use.
►► Compliance & CertificationsCompliance & Certifications
This space for Architect/Engineer Approval