Install the oil tank or tanks and piping from tank to burner.
Follow local codes and practices, INSTALLATION OF OIL
BURNING EQUIPMENT, NFPA 31, latest edition, and the
instruction sheet attached to the oil burner pump. A one-pipe
system should be used for gravity-fed fuel systems and for lift
systems, where the total lift is less than 8 feet. Where the total
lift is greater than 8 feet, a two-pipe system must be used. In
some instances, local codes may require a two-pipe system
for below grade fuel oil tanks. Be sure to set up the fuel oil
pump for the piping system used; follow the instructions
attached to the pump. Be sure to include a good quality, low
pressure drop fuel oil filter in the supply line from the tank.
This is necessary, especially at low fuel oil flow rates (small
nozzle sizes), to prevent nozzle plugging. Fuel oil shutoff
valves should be installed at the burner on the supply (and
return if two-pipe) to facilitate servicing. See Slant/Fin publication on one-pipe and two-pipe fuel oil systems.
(see National Electric Code ANSI/NFPA 70-latest edition)
A. The wiring diagrams for the burner and boiler may be found
on pages 11 through 15.
B. 24 volt control wiring should be approved Safety Circuit
wire, protected as needed.
C. Power supply wiring to the burner must be 14 gauge, as
required, and should have a properly fused disconnect switch.
120 volt wiring to pumps and safety controls must also be 14
gauge. Wire must be enclosed in approved conduit.
D. The wires supplying power to the burner MUST go through
the quick disconnect plugs provided with the boiler.
E. All wiring must be installed in compliance with the National
Electric Code, or any local or insurance codes having
Wiring to the boiler must come through an emergency power
isolation switch with a clearly marked red switch plate. This
switch should be located so that it is apparent to the homeowner when entering the basement or other boiler area. The
homeowner should be made familiar with operating the toggle
to provide or stop the power to the boiler.
(see NFPA 31, latest edition)
A. Vent connectors must be the same diameter as the boiler
flue collar. (See page 2)
B. Vent pipes and breeching must be pitched upward a mini-
mum of 1/4" per foot.
C. Connect vent pipe to the chimney using as few elbows as
possible and as short as possible within NFPA 31 or
D. Horizontal vent connector into the chimney should not be
inserted beyond the inside wall of the chimney.
E. Install barometric draft regulator on horizontal breeching,
near chimney, with hinge horizontal and face vertical condi-
tions permitting as in Figure 3a. See Figure 3b as a second
choice. See manufacturer's instructions packed in carton
with barometric draft regulator.
F. If two or more appliances are used on the same chimney,
see CHIMNEY, page 3.
G. Make up all joints with minimum air leaks, secure with
sheet metal screws.
Make a positive check of A through F before starting burner:
A. Boiler and system are full of water. All air is vented from
system. See below.
B. All wiring is completed. See page 11 through 15.
C. Oil supply is connected to the burner; nozzle is installed
correctly; oil valve is open at tank.
D. Main cast iron door on which burner is mounted is bolted
shut and fiberglass rope seal is making good contact.
E. Smokepipe is connected to chimney.
F. All combustible materials are cleared away.
G. Combustion air supply is provided. See page 3.
H. Burner settings are adjusted as per pages 8, 9, 17-21 and
as shown on boiler jacket.
A. Make sure the boiler is installed and wired properly and is full
of water.
B. The observation port cover is mounted on the hinged burner
mounting door (see figure 2 on page 2). NEVER touch the
port cover or any surrounding surfaces with hands. They may
be HOT. Use tools. Loosen the 2 screws and swing cover
until window is directly below pivot (and tighten 2 screws) to
observe through window. Loosen the 2 screws and swing
cover until slot is directly below pivot (and tighten 2 screws)
to be able to insert probe through slot. See the burner
instructions for bleeding air, etc. Step away from the boiler
and start the oil burner.
C. IMMEDIATELY, set burner air bands to obtain a bright fire
without smoke or oil stain. Set the DRAFT REGULATOR to
obtain .02" – .04" draft at the breeching.
D. Tighten the observation door screw. Allow the burner to fire
for at least one hour total firing time, to bake out the volatile
binders in the combustion chamber before taking final com-
bustion readings.
E. By alternate adjustment of the barometric draft regulator, the
burner air regulation and head regulation devices (whichever
apply), set for a zero to a trace of smoke and 12% CO
Then open the air bands or shutter (whichever apply) an
additional 1/8". This should result in zero smoke with NO raw
oil on the smoke paper and a smooth light-off. DO NOT
ATTEMPT TO SET FIRE BY EYE. Flame retention burners
may appear efficient and smoke free from an inefficient 7%
up to an overly high 14% CO
. However, a very low CO2can
also result in poor ignition and raw (unburned) oil entering the
fire box. At very high CO
, any slight decrease in air flow for
any reason will cause incomplete combustion, with high
smoke and dry soot formation in the fire box.
F. Once burner and draft have been set up, then smoke, CO
and stack temperature should be checked and recorded. If
smoke is greater than trace, review the burner instructions
and replace the nozzle if necessary. Normal smoke to be
expected is zero to a trace.
G. Make sure that the observation port cover is closed and
the screw is tightened.
I. There are a number of commercial preparations available
from your distributor for cleaning and for corrosion protection
conditioning the internal (waterside) surfaces of boilers.
Follow the preparation manufacturer’s instructions.
Use CAUTION when handling chemicals and
draining hot water from a boiler. Scalding water and/or
chemicals can cause permanent injury to the skin, eyes
and respiratory system.