209 Kenroy Lane #9
Voice (916) 786-6186 FAX (916) 783-1909
orders@skutchelectronics.com : www.skutchelectronics.com
Roseville, California 95678
Notice of Liability for Illegal Use of Dialers
The Skutch BA-1000, CBC7000, CBC8000, and CBC9000 dialers, can be used for
both legal and illegal uses. It is your responsibility to make sure that you are using your
dialer in a legal manor. Laws at the Federal, State, and Local levels all control the illegal
use of these systems. There are two main laws at the Federal Level that impose
substantial fines for the illegal use of these systems. The "Telephone Consumer
Protection Act of 1991" also know as the “1991 TCPA” defines illegal uses and
provides the victim(s) the right to sue the violator for a sum of $500.00 per violation. The
"National Do Not Call Registry" provisions of the "Telemarketing Sales Rules"
which is managed by the Federal Trade Commission, defines illegal uses and provides
that fines may be imposed for up to $11,000.00 per violation.
You need to read these laws before you use your system. Information is readily
available on the internet. See
Call Registry. Use your search engine to find information on the "Telephone Consumer
Protection Act of 1991".
It is your responsibility to use your system in a legal manor.
www.donotcall.gov for information on the National Do Not
209 Kenroy Lane, Suite 9
Roseville, California 95678
Version 5.00
NOTE: This manual is designed for operating the system with the factory
default settings and the most common operating modes; for more detailed
information, you can view the PDF version of the Technical Reference
Manual from our websit at
Table Of Content
TABLE OF CONTENT....................... 1
Save Your Packing ........................... 2
Clock Controlled............................... 2
System Features ................................ 2
Sequential Dialing ................................... 2
Answer Mode .......................................... 2
15 Minute Busy Re-Dials.................. 2
No Dial List Support ........................ 2
Consent Feature................................ 2
32 Digit Pre-Dial String.................... 2
Full Number Editing ........................ 2
Computer Linkage............................ 3
Power Out Protected ........................ 3
INSTALLATION................................. 3
Location ............................................. 3
Power ................................................. 3
Phone Connection............................. 3
Business Telephones ......................... 3
Single Line Phones............................ 3
Order A Phone Jack ......................... 3
Setup .................................................. 3
OPERATION ....................................... 4
Initial ONE Time Setup ................... 4
Make a Play Only Message .............. 4
Make a Message to get Name &
Number ....................................................... 4
Dial a Range of Numbers ................. 4
Play your Responses ......................... 5
Resume a dialing session .................. 5
Dialing Specific Phone Numbers ..... 5
Make Phone Numbers NEW & dial
them again................................................... 5
Delete Duplicate Phone Numbers.... 5
Add Numbers to No Dial List .......... 6
Remove a Number from No Dial List
Exit .......................................................... 6
Erase No Dial List............................. 6
Disable Caller ID .............................. 7
Don’t Dial Certain Days................... 7
Change Current Time ...................... 7
REMOTE OPERATION.....................7
Access Unit Remotely ....................... 7
Remote Record a Play Only Message
Start Dialing File 9............................ 8
TROUBLE SHOOTING......................9
Audio Quality Problems................... 9
CODEC Initialize Error................... 9
CODEC 2 error........................................ 9
CODEC 1 error........................................ 9
Disconnect Issues .............................. 9
Disconnect methods ................................ 9
Disconnect problems ............................... 9
Customer Support ............................ 9
Warranty Repair ............................ 10
Non-Warranty Repair.................... 10
Service Warranty............................ 10
APPLICATION 1 -.............................11
PATIENT REMINDER.....................11
Initial ONE Time Setup ................. 11
Do a Basic Reminder Session......... 11
Record The Reminder Message ............ 11
• Example Message ...................................11
Enter Patient’s Phone Numbers............. 11
• Call the Numbers ....................................12
Playing Patient Responses..................... 12
Do A Personalized Reminder Session
Record The Reminder Message ............ 12
• Example Message ...................................12
Enter Patient’s Phone Numbers............. 12
• Record the personal message. ................. 12
• Example Message ...................................13
• Call the Numbers ....................................13
Playing Patient Responses..................... 13
Version 5.00 Page 1
Save Your Packing
You MUST save ALL packing material
supplied with this unit. If the system must be sent in
for any reason and you do not use the supplied
packing material, you WILL be charged for the
replacement of this material. This packing material
has been designed to give the system maximum
protection during the shipping process.
While every precaution has been taken in
preparation of this OPERATION MANUAL, the
manufacturer does not assume any liability for errors
or omissions. The manufacturer reserves the right to
make changes in the specifications of this unit at any
time without notice.
Clock Controlled
The BA-1000 is completely clock controlled.
The system will only dial when you want it to. A
different time period can be selected for each day of
the week. The system can be programmed to dial
only on selected days if desired. Set the clock to dial
from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. then let it run. The BA1000 can keep calling people day after day, week
after week. The BA-1000 is engineered for
continuous operation.
The BA-1000 also has an important safety
feature which prevents the system from dialing past
9:00 p.m. and before 9:00 a.m. This will prevent the
system from calling potential prospects too late or
too early in the day. If you wish to use the BA-1000
as an emergency dialer, the clock control can be
disabled in the System Setup.
System Features
of questions and record the responses. The date and
time of each call is recorded after each message.
The unit also features an adjustable ring delay that
allows the user to control when the unit will answer
the telephone. A manual activation mode is also
provided, in this mode, so the unit can be operated
for manual soliciting.
15 Minute Busy Re-Dials
If a number is BUSY, the system will add the
number to the busy dial list and, after 15 minutes, go
through and retry all the BUSY calls again. This
feature can be disabled in the System Setup.
No Dial List Support
The BA-1000 supports a 100,000 number,
editable, DO NOT DIAL list, the unit will cross
reference against the dialing list, to be sure it doesn’t
dial people it shouldn’t.
Consent Feature
This feature allows you to ask for the called
party’s consent before playing the message. The
person must dial a digit on his phone if he wants to
hear the message; if he doesn’t, the unit hangs up.
This feature can be setup in two different modes,
Dial to listen and Dial to disconnect. This is the
most reliable form of disconnect available.
32 Digit Pre-Dial String
The BA-1000 supports a pre-dial string of up to
32 digits. The pre-dial string can contain touch tone
digits and control codes that are dialed before each
phone number; and it includes features such as
variable pause, return dial tone detect, long touch
tones and touch tone * and #.
Sequential Dialing
You simply enter the starting and ending
number and the unit will dial all of the numbers in
between. You may also omit blocks of numbers that
you do not wish to dial. This allows you to skip
over unused numbers in your exchange. 10,000
numbers can be programmed to dial in less than 20
seconds. The system can hold up to 100,000 phone
numbers for a single dialing session.
Answer Mode
In answer mode the BA-1000 will answer
incoming calls only. It can be setup to ask a series
Version 5.00 Page 2
Full Number Editing
The BA-1000 has an edit mode for editing
telephone numbers in the dialing files. It also has a
duplicate delete feature that can remove duplicate
numbers from within the same dialing file; and a
search mode that lets you search for all entries that
match a given pattern. The unit also has a fast scan
feature for a quick view of the numbers and dialing