SINGER 626E6 User Manual

The Touch & Sew <&) Special Zig-Zag
Sewing Machine by SIN G E R*
You are about to enter the enchanted world of custom sewing. Now you can create the elegant effects endlessly sought after by the world’s most sophisticated women. And, it’s so easy with all of the exclusive SINGER features. Each one is meticulously designed with ease of sewing in mind.
Exclusive Set'A'Pattern makes it easy to select either straight or decorative stitches. You can create numerous variations of patterns and designs with one or two needles ... all without ever changing a disc.
Exclusive Built'in Threading Chart keeps an easy-toYollow diagram at your fingertips.
Exclusive Friction'Free Spool Holder with horizontal pin holds spools sta­tionary so the thread flows freely to the needle without tug or drag.
Exclusive Singk'Thread Chainstitching holds firmly or pulls out in seconds as needed, does away with most hand basting so you save lots of precious time. It’s ideal for any sort of temporary stitching.
Your SINGER sewing machine is the key to your sewing success when used properly. To achieve professional results, SINGER suggests you sit down at your machine before you start to sew and go through this book step by step. You’ll discover all the many advantages of sewing with your Touch & Sew sewing machine.
SINGER* Service is always close at hand. If your sewing machine should need servicing, call your local SINGER CENTER to be sure of warranted SINGER Parts and Service. You will find the address under THE SINGER COMPANY in the telephone directory.
A Trademark of The Singer Company
Form 21626 (966)
Copyright © 1966 by The Singer Company
Printed in U.S.A.
1. Getting to Know Your SINGER Sewing Machine........................................................................... 2
Principal Parts — What They Are Called.................................................................................... 3
Principal Parts — How They Are Used............................................................................................ 4
To Connect Machine © To Turn On Machine and Light; Control Speed; Turn Off Machine and Light © To Set Stitch Patterns © To Set Stitch Width © To Set Needle Posi tion © To Set Stitch Length © To Regulate Pressure © Needle-Thread Tension © To Thread the Needle © To Wind the Bobbin © To Position Throat Plate
Accessories ..................................................................................................................................... 13
2. Straight Stitching ................................................................................................................................ 17
Preparation ..................................................................................................................................... 17
How to Sew a Seam........................................................................................................................ 20
3» Zig-Zag Stitching................................................................................................................................ 24
To Set Pattern Selector © How to Adjust the Width of the Design © How to Adjust Stitch
Placement ® How to Adjust Stitch Length and Needle-Thread Tension
4. Two-Needle Stitching......................................................................................................................... 26
Preparation © To Thread the Needles............................................................................................ 26
Straight Stitching with Two Needles.............................................................................................. 27
Zig-Zag Stitching with Two Needles.............................................................................................. 27
Decorative Two-Needle Stitching................................................................................................... 28
5= ChainstStching ................................................................................................................................... 29
Where to Use Chainstitching © Preparation © To Sew a Chainstitch Seam © To Remove the
Stitching © To Remove the Fittings ® Garment Fitting and Construction Guides with
Free-Motion Stitching ........................................................................................................................ 36
Preparation .................................................................................................................................... 36
7o Clothes and Home Decorations............................................................................................................ 37
Seams .............................................................................................................................................. 37
Lingerie Seams © Inside Seams of Sheer Collars, etc. ® Seams in Knit Fabric © Flat
Felled Seams © Seam Finishes
Darts................................................................................................................................................. 40
Regular Darts © Continuous-Thread Darts © Darts in interfacing
Hems ............................................................................................................................................... 41
Buttons ............................................................................................................................................ 42
Buttonholes ..................................................................................................................................... 43
Buttonhole Length © Stitch Width Settings © Procedure
8. Finishing Touches................................................................................................................................. 45
Top Stitching................................................................................................................................... 45
Shell Edging ................................................................................................................................... 45
Applique ........................................................................................................................................ 46
Monograms, Motifs, Script............................................................................................................. 47
Flower Embroidery ........................................................................................................................ 48
Keeping Up Appearances.................................................................................................................... 49
Mending ......................................................................................................................................... 49
Tears ® Elastic © Bar Tacks
Blanket Binding............................................................................................................................... 50
Darning .......................................................................................................................................... 51
Without Embroidery Hoop © With Embroidery Hoop
10, How to Take Care of Your Machine.....................................................................................
Cleaning, Oiling, Lubricating ® To Remove Bobbin Case © To Replace Bobbin Case © To
Change Light Bulb © To Replace Slide Plate
11, Fashion Aids........................................................................................................................................ 58
Index ......................................................................................................................................................... bO
21. Foot Controller
principa! parís—what they are called
1. Needle Position Selector allows for placement
of both straight and zig-zag stitching in either left, center, or right needle position.
2. Stitch Width Selector allows for variety of stitch
widths, as well as straight stitching.
3. Pattern Selector with illustrated settings allows
for easy selection of seven decorative stitches, and straight stitching.
4. Take-up Lever.
5. Pressure Regulating Dial has eight numbered
settings (from low for light pressure to high for heavy) and special setting for darning.
6. Threading Chart on swing-open face plate is
convenient, easy to read.
7. Thread Cutler built into presser bar is designed
for safety, convenience.
8. Presser Foot holds fabric against feed dog.
(Presser Foot Lifter at back of machine, not
shown, allows you to raise and lower Presser
9. Elevator-Type Throat Plate is easily placed in
any of three sewing positions: REGULAR, FINE, DARN; and UNLOCK position for easy removal.
10. Transparent Bobbin shows thread supply. Two
halves can be unscrewed to remove unwanted
11. Bobbin Latch flips up at a touch of your finger.
12. Bobbin Push-Button allows you to switch from
sewing to bobbin winding without removing bobbin.
13. Slide Plate opens easily, lets you see bobbin.
Automatically releases bobbin push-button from winding to sewing position when closed.
14. Needle-Thread Tension Dial allows for exact
15. Built-in Sewing Light pours light on sewing
16. Throat Plate Position Lever.
17. Stitch Length Selector allows for variety of
stitch lengths including FINE for zig-zag satin stitching.
18. Hand Wheel controls take-up lever. Always turn
it toward you.
19. Power and Light Switch turns on machine and
sewing light simultaneously.
20. Friction-Free Spool Holder. Horizontal pin
holds spools of various sizes; holders let thread unwind without tug or drag. The spool does not turn.
21. Electrical Connections and Foot Controller are
designed for your convenience and safety.


Before plugging in your machine, be sure that the voltage and number of cycles stamped on the four­pin receptacle are within the range marked on the electric meter installed by your power company.
Push the four-hole plug onto the four pins at the right end of the machine. Then connect the two-pin plug to your electrical outlet.
Electrical Connections
Power and Light Switch
To turn on both the machine and the sewing light,
slide the Power and Light Switch to ON position.
To run the machine and control speed, press the
foot controller (or knee lever) The harder you press,
the faster the machine will sew.
To turn off both the machine and the light, return
the Power and Light Switch to the OFF position.
This unique electrical system offers several advan tages : you see at a glance when the machine is ON or OFF by means of the light; you can turn off the power with the convenient switch instead of having to unplug the machine; and since the Power and Light Switch must be turned on before the machine will start, there is less chance of “little hands or feet” accidentally pressing the Foot Controller (or Knee Lever) and starting the machine.
Foot Controller
stitch Patterns
Straight Stitch


The Pattern Selector offers you a choice among seven decorative and practical stitch patterns in
addition to the straight stitch.
To select a pattern, push selector button in and slide either left or right to bring indicator line to desired setting. Release button.


The Stitch Width Selector does two jobs: it sets the
machine for bobbin winding and straight stitching, and it controls the stitch width in zig-zag stitching.
/\ / \ /\
/ \ / \/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / S / \ /
Box Stitch
/ \ / \ / \ / \
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Multi-Stitch Zig-Zag
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® Push !n ® Slide © Release
Stitch Patterri Selector
© Straight Stitch Setting: 1 © Zig-Zag Width Setting; 2 to 5
Bobbin Winding and Straight Stitching: Set selector
at straight stitch position 1.
Zig“Zag Stitching: First be sure you set the Pattern
Selector (see instructions above). Then set selector at any position between 2 (narrow) and 5 (wide).
Stitch Width Selector
Meedle PosBtion Selector
Press Down Slide Release
Stitch Length Selector


The Needle Position Selector places the needle in either left, center, or right stitching position. Yon will need to set it for bobbin winding as well as for straight or zig-zag stitching.
Before moving selector, be sure that needle is out of the fabric.
Always set selector at C.
: Set selector at C.
Zig-Zag Stitchirig: You will use C position most
often; L and R settings are for special stitch place ment. For example: L setting is required for button holes, button sewing, and two-needle work. L or R setting is used to place narrow zig-zag stitching to the left or right of center in decorative work.
Locked Setting
Thumb Nut
To Loosen To Tighten


The Stitch Length Selector does two jobs, which in this case are common to both straight and zig-zag stitching: it controls the length of stitches and the direction of stitching (either forward or reverse).
The numbers on either side of the lever represent the number of stitches per inch: the higher the number, the shorter the stitch. Generally, shorter stitches are best for lightweight fabric; longer ones for heavy fabric. The FINE area, which represents over 20 stitches per inch, is used for zig-zag stitching.

To Set Selector

® Loosen thumb nut by turning to left. ® Position lever for desired stitch length.
® Tighten thumb nut by turning to right.
For reverse stitching, simply raise lever as far as it
will go. Do not loosen the thumb nut to reverse unless you are using the No. 6 setting, in the very bottom position.


The Pressure Regulating Dial regulates the pressure that the presser foot exerts on the fabric. Correct pressure is important because it means fabric feeds smoothly, evenly, without being marred. Generally, heavy fabric requires a high number setting; light weight fabric requires a low number setting. But fabric texture must also be considered; soft fabrics, for example, require less pressure than crisp fabrics.
Lower the presser foot before setting.
® T© increase pressure, turn dial to higher number.
® To decrease pressure, turn dial to lower number. ® For darning, turn dial to DARN, which releases
pressure and permits darning without an embroid ery hoop.


To Lower
Presser Foot
Pressure Dial
The Needle-Thread Tension Dial regulates the de gree of tension on your needle thread and lets you select just the right setting for your stitch pattern, thread, and fabric. The numbers eliminate guess work in duplicating settings.
Correct tension is important because too much or too little will weaken your seams or mar the appear
ance of decorative work. To determine correct ten sion setting, make a test on a sample of your fabric. If the fabric puckers, decrease tension. If the stitches
look loose, increase tension. (For detailed instruc tions on adjusting zig-zag stitch tension, see page 25.)
® To increase tension, turn to higher number. ® To decrease tension, turn to lower number.
Note: This dial governs needle-thread tension only.
Bobbin-thread tension has been correctly set at the factory, and you do not need to adjust it.
Remove spool holder
from spindle by sliding
it to the left.
Slip spool of thread onto
To hold small spools — Turn small end of spool
holder to the right and slide onto spindle. Press spool holder firmly against spool.
To hold large spools — Turn wide end of spool
holder to the right and
slide onto spindle. Press spool holder firmly against spool.
1. Turn hand wheel to raise take-up lever to its highest position.
2. Raise the presser foot.
3. Lead thread through all threading points as shown.
4. Thread needle from front to back, drawing about four inches of thread through eye of needle.


The Push-Button Bobbin will make your sewing go faster than ever before — whether you are using a lot of one kind of thread or small quantities of dif ferent threads, as you are likely to do when mending or darning.
You will find a bobbin already in place in your ma chine, located under the slide plate. (To open slide plate, simply slide it gently toward you.) Notice the white rings on the bobbin. Each ring represents an approximate yardage of No. 50 Mercerized cotton thread. The third, or outer ring, marks the full limit of the bobbin and you should never wind beyond that ring. If you are using fine thread, yardage on the bobbin will be greater. If you use thread heavier than No. 50, the yardage will, of course, be less.
2 Yards
Full Bobbin (approximately 20 yards)

Winding Steps

10 Yards
■ A .
The bobbin is ready for winding as you find it in the machine. If the bobbin runs out of thread while you are sewing, you can rewind it without removing it from the machine.

Preparation Steps

1. Use General Purpose or Straight Stitch Presser Foot. The General Purpose Foot is in place when the machine is delivered to you.
2. Raise presser foot to release tension on thread.
3. Turn hand wheel toward you to raise take-up
lever to highest point.
4. Open slide plate.
5. Make sure bobbin is empty. (For instructions on removing bobbin and thread, see next page.)
6. Set Pattern Selector at Straight Stitch, Stitch Width Selector at 1, and Needle Position at C.
Winding Steps
1. Press bobbin push-button toward you.
2. Wrap thread around presser foot screw, and hold
end of thread firmly.
3. Start the machine.
® Run the machine at a moderate speed. ® Pull thread end away after a few coils have been
® Keep your eye on the bobbin and fill with desired
quantity of thread. Do not allow thread to wind
beyond FULL ring,
4. Close slide plate to release push-button, (For in
structions on starting to sew with a nev/ly wound bobbin, see page 19.)
/ /
" step 1
/ y
Step 2
Step 3
Do Not Allow
Thread to Wind
Beyond Full Ring
Step 4
TO WtND THE BOBBIN (Continued)
To Rem©¥e Short Thread, Pull Through Throat Plate

To Remove Thread

Thread can be removed from the bobbin in either of two ways. If there is not much thread left on the bob bin, simply pull the thread end through the throat plate.
If there is a lot of thread left, remove the bobbin (as illustrated below), unscrew the two halves, and re move all the thread at once.

To Remove Bobbin

1. Turn hand wheel to raise take-up lever to its highest position.
2. Open slide plate; leave bobbin push-button in sewing position.
To Remove Long Thread, Unscrew Two Halves of Bobbin
3. Raise bobbin latch by inserting fingernail under end of latch at center of bobbin.
4. Insert fingernail under rim of bobbin immediately to right of latch and remove bobbin.
To Remove Bobbin
Open Slide Plate and Raise Latch
Lift Out Bobbin

To Replace an Empty Bobbin

1. Tighten bobbin halves securely.
2. With latch raised, slip bobbin (wide side up) into bobbin case.
3. Snap latch down to secure bobbin.
4. Leave the slide plate open until you have finished winding.
Snap Latch Down
Slip Bobbin into Case
Insert Bobbin

To insert a Previously Wound Bobbin

1. Open slide plate; leave bobbin push-button in sewing position.
2. Turn hand wheel to raise take-up lever to its highest position.
3. Draw three or four inches of thread from bobbin and place bobbin in case with thread leading off to left side of latch.
4. Snap latch down to secure bobbin.
5. Close slide plate, allowing the thread to enter the notch. (For instructions on starting to sew with a previously wound bobbin, see page 19.)
Close Slide Plate
The Throat Plate may be placed in any one of
its four positions — REGULAR, FINE, DARN,
UNLOCK — by gently moving the Throat Plate
Position Lever into place above the appropriate
designation. When each position is reached, you will
feel a slight resistance to the movement of the lever.
Throat Plate in REGULAR position for sewing on most fabrics and for all chainstitching, no matter
what kind of fabric is used.
Throat Plate in FINE position for sewing (other than chainstitching) on delicate or lightweight fabrics such
as silk, batiste, crepe or organdy; and on fabrics that may mark easily.
3 4
Throat Plate in DARN position for free-motion darn
ing, embroidery and button sewing.
Throat Plate in UNLOCK position for removal and replacement, (See page 15 for instructions on chang ing the throat plate.


The following accessories come with your machine. And to increase the versatility of your sewing ma chine still further, a number of additional accessories
such as a Special Purpose Presser Foot, a Binder Foot and a Ruffler are available at your local SINGER CENTER. (Some of these accessories are described at the end of this instruction book.)
® One Transparent Drop-in Bobbin in place in your
® Two extra Transparent Drop-in Bobbins,
® One Needle, Catalog 2020 (15x1) Size 14, in
place in your machine.
® Three extra Needles of the same size.
To Change the Needle
1. Raise needle bar to highest position by turning hand wheel toward you.
2. Loosen the needle-clamp screw and remove the needle.
3. Insert new needle in clamp, with the flat side of the needle to the back and the long groove toward you; push it up as far as it will go.
4. Tighten needle-clamp screw.
This machiiie oses needles
Catalog 2020 (15X1)
Sizes 9p 11, 14, 16 and 18,
® One Vertical Spool Pin
The Vertical Spool Pin is used for two-needle stitch ing (see page 26 for detailed instructions).
Vertical Spool Pin
straight Stitch Presser Foot
® General Purpose Presser Foot on your machine.
Use the General Purpose Presser Foot with the
Genera! Purpose Throat Plate for all utility sew
ing. These general purpose fittings must be used when alternating between straight and zig-zag stitching. (For discussion of throat plates, see page
® Straight Stitch Presser Foot,
Use the Straight Stitch Presser Foot with the Straight Stitch Throat Plate, and pattern selector
set for straight stitching in center needle position, when your fabric or sewing procedure requires close control. This narrow, hinged foot rides over pins and allows you to control the fabric easily when stitching in a curve or close to the fabric edge. The narrow slot prevents fabric from rising with the needle. Use these fittings for:
® Precision stitching of curved and scalloped
edges, top stitching, edge stitching, etc.
® Stitching on delicate or spongy fabrics, synthet
ics, and knits, particularly tricot.
To Change Any Presser Foot
1, Raise presser foot. 2, Loosen presser foot screw. (You do not need to
remove the screw. ) 3, Remove presser foot. 4, Hook new presser foot around presser bar. 5, Tighten presser foot screw.
® General Purpose Throat Plate in place on your
machine. (For use with General Purpose Presser Foot.)
Two additional Throat Plates;
® Straight Stitch Throat Plate. (For use with Straight
Stitch Presser Foot.)
* Chainstitch Throat Plate. (This throat plate is one
of three chainstitch fittings that must be used to gether and is discussed under the heading, “Chain stitch Fittings” on page 16.)
To Interchange Straight Stitch and General Pur pose Throat Plates
(For instructions on attaching and removing Chain stitch Throat Plate, see “Chainstitching” beginning on page 29.)
(Note: Remove bobbin if it contains thread.)
1. Raise presser foot. (You do not need to remove the presser foot.)
2. Turn hand wheel to bring needle above throat plate.
General Purpose Throat Plate
Straight Stitch Throat Plate
3. Move throat plate lever to UNLOCK position.
4. Remove throat plate by sliding it out.
5. Insert new throat plate by sliding it into place between the slots in the pins.
6. Move throat plate lever toward right to lock throat plate in place.
Bobbin Case Cover
Thread Guide

Chainstitch Fittings

One Set of three fittings;
® Bobbin Case Cover ® Throat Plate ® Thread Guide
Chainstitching has many decorative as well as prac tical uses. (See section called “Chainstitching” be ginning on page 29 for detailed instructions on chainstitch applications. )
® One Lint Brush ® One Tube SINGER* Sewing Machine Oil
Your sewing machine is a fine yet sturdy precision
instrument, and it will serve you perfectly for many years if you take a few simple steps to keep it in good working condition. Instructions on at-home care of your sewing machine begin on page 52.
DELICATE—tulle, chiffon, fine
lace, silk, organdy, fine tricot
LIGHTWEIGHT—batiste, organdy,
jersey, voile, taffeta, silk, crepe, chiffon velvet, plastic film
percale, pique, linen, chintz, faille, satin, fine corduroy, velvet, suitings, stretch fabric
Fine Mercerized
100 to 150 Cotton
Synthetic Thread
50 Mercerized
80 to 100 Cotton
“A” Silk
Synthetic Thread
50 Mercerized
60 to 80 Cotton
“A” Silk
Synthetic Thread
■ 9^ 15 to 20
12 to 15
(8 to 10 for plastic)
12 to 15
MEDIUM HEAVY—gabardine,
tweed, sailcloth, denim, coatings, drapery fabrics
HEAVY—overcoatings, dungaree,
upholstery fabrics, canvas
fDoes not apply to chainstitching.
tfSIze 9 needle recommended for sewing only. For bobbin winding, use larger size needle.
Heavy Duty Mercerized
40 to 60 Cotton
Heavy Duty
20 to 40 Cotton
10 to 12
6 to 10
P T' T r£ n M € L J C "s i/ >
T I, T C H w. I 0 T H
straight Stitch Selector Settings


Before making any setting adjustments, turn hand wheel until needle is out of fabric.
Your choice of accessories will depend on the fabric and stitching requirements.
® Stitch Pattern Selector: Straight Stitch (--------------------­® Stitch Width Selector: 1 ® Needle Position: C ® Stitch Length: To suit fabric ® Throat Plate: Straight Stitch or General Purpose
® Presser Foot: Straight Stitch or General Purpose
Use the Straight Stitch Presser Foot with the Straight Stitch Throat Plate when your fabric or
sewing procedure requires close control. This nar row, hinged foot rides over pins and allows you to control the fabric easily when stitching in a curve or close to the fabric edge. The narrow slot prevents fabric from rising with the needle.
Use the General Purpose Presser Foot with the General Purpose Throat Plate for all utility sewing.
These general purpose fittings must be used when alternating between straight and zig-zag stitching.
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