Q: What type of oil is suitable for use in the Singer machines? How is it procured?
A: Use only high grade medium oil (Singer Cloth and Leather Oil). Avoid using light oil such as Stainless Oi.
Q: Which are the best types of fabrics to use with Singer Model 147-50?
A: The Singer Model 147-50 is appropriate for light weight fabrics for general sewing tasks.
Q: For what jobs can the Singer Model 147-51 be utilized?
A: The Singer Model 147-51 can be used for stitching tasks on pants, knickers, playsuits, light and medium overalls, upholstery and seat cover, knitted underwear, swimming costumes, mattresses, work shirts and flannel or thick material.
Q: What is the range of speed for stitches by these sewing machines?
A: The Singer Model 147-50 stitches up to 4300 a minute while the Singer Model 147-51 stitches up to 4000 a minute.
Q: What type of needles must be used along with these Singer machines?
A: Genuine Singer Needles must be used and these needles along with their containers are labelled with the Company Trade Mark ‘SIMANCO’.