Simrad PI32 User Manual

Operator manual
Simrad PI32 Catch monitoring system
857-164636 / Rev.A
Simrad PI32
Catch monitoring system
Important notice
Operation of the PI32 Catch monitoring system
assumes that the communication between the
Operator Unit and the sensors is fully functional.
Ensure that the communication channels and update
rates defined on the Operator Unit matches those of
the sensors.
About this document
Rev Date Written by Checked by Approved by
04.12.05 RBr KRa KRa
Original issue
© 2005 Simrad AS ISBN 82-8066-059-3 All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be
reproduced or otherwise copied without prior permission from Simrad AS. The information contained in this document is subject to change without prior notice.
Simrad AS shall not be liable for errors contained herein,or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this document.
The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the purpose for which itwasdesigned.Improperuseormaintenancemay causedamagetotheequipment or injury topersonnel. The usermustbefamiliar with the contentsof the appropriate manuals before attempting to operate or work on the equipment. Simrad AS disclaims any responsibility fordamageorinjurycausedbyimproperinstallation,useormaintenanceoftheequipment.
If you require maintenance on your Simrad equipment, contact your local dealer. You can also contact Simrad using the following e-mail address:
This section introduces the PI32 Catch monitoring system operator manual. Refer to page 1.
2 System description
This section provides a general introduction to the PI32 Catch monitoring system and the units in use. Refer to page 2.
3 Getting started
This section provides general guidelines to help you get started with the PI32 Catch monitoring system. Refer to page 8.
4 Applications
This section gives an overview of the various applications that the PI32 can offer. Refer to page 20.
Operator manual
5 Display modes
This section gives an in--depth description of all the display presentations. Refer to page 27.
6 Operational procedures
This section provides detailed procedures to guide you through the most common functions. Refer to page 45.
7 Practical use of the sensors
This section describes how to install and use each sensor type. Both PI and PS sensors are described and explained. Refer to page 83.
8 Sensor chargers
This section describes how to install and use the sensor chargers. Refer t o page
This section allows you to access the reference information from the menu structure. Refer to page 149.
10 References
This section details the various setup pages, those selected from the menu system and those accessed from the display presentation. Refer t o page 152.
11 PI Configurator
This section explains how to use the PI Configurator utility to change the sensor’s communication channel and update r ate. Refer to page 184.
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Simrad PI32
12 Sensor test procedures
This section provides simple test procedure you can use to verifythe the sensors are working properly. Refer to page 223.
13 Technical specifications
This section provides the basic technical specifications. Refer to page 243.
857-164636 / Rev.A
Operator manual
INTRODUCTION 1..............................................
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 2......................................
System diagram 3..........................................
Operator Unit 4...........................................
Hull mounted and portable hydrophones 5......................
Sensor overview 6.........................................
Battery chargers 7..........................................
GETTING STARTED 8...........................................
How to switch power on and off 9.............................
Defining initial presentation pages 10...........................
Introduction to the main menu 12..............................
Introduction to the keypad 13.................................
Introducing the sensors 15....................................
APPLICATION EXAMPLES 20....................................
Purse seine 21..............................................
Danish seine 22............................................
Bottom trawl 23............................................
Pelagic trawl 24............................................
Echo sounder 25............................................
Graphic display 26..........................................
DISPLAY PRESENTATIONS 27..................................
Numeric display 28.........................................
Graphic display 35..........................................
Surface temperature 37.......................................
Status display 38...........................................
Echo sounder display 40.....................................
Navigation display 43.......................................
Position display 44..........................................
OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 45................................
Overview 45...............................................
How to define sensor presentation 46...........................
How to set up the sensors 48..................................
How to mount the sensors on the net 51.........................
How to use the sensors 52....................................
How to replace the sacrificial water switch 53....................
How to test the sensors 54....................................
How to calibrate the Depth sensor 55...........................
How to define sensor offsets 56................................
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Simrad PI32
How to set up a Twin Spread sensor for twin trawl applications 57....
How to access graphic display parameters 62.....................
How to view echo sounder data 63.............................
How to set up marker lines 64.................................
Special features for trawl marker lines 67........................
How to access echo sounder parameters 69.......................
How to use visual aids and filters 70............................
How to define echo sounder range 72...........................
How to zoom in on bottom echoes 74...........................
How to zoom in on pelagic echoes 75...........................
How to enable A-Scope presentation 76.........................
How to define alarm limits 77.................................
How to select menu language 80...............................
How to control automatic page rotation 81.......................
How to restore default settings 82..............................
PRACTICAL USE OF THE SENSORS 83..........................
Sensor configuration 84......................................
PI Bottom Contact sensor 87..................................
PS Bottom Contact sensor 91.................................
PI Catch sensor 95..........................................
PS Catch sensor 100..........................................
PI Depth sensor 104..........................................
PS Depth sensor 109.........................................
PI Height sensor 114.........................................
PI Rip sensor 118............................................
PI Spread and Remote sensors 123..............................
PI Twin Spread 128..........................................
PI Temperature sensor 133.....................................
PS Temperature sensor 139....................................
SENSOR CHARGERS 144..........................................
Overview 144...............................................
PI Charger 145..............................................
PS30 Charger 147...........................................
MENU SYSTEM 149................................................
The main menu 150..........................................
REFERENCES 152..................................................
Depth calibration 153.........................................
Echo presentation setup 154....................................
Echo sounder setup 157.......................................
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Operator manual
Factory presets 159..........................................
Graphic setup 160...........................................
Interface setup NMEA 162....................................
Interface setup remote/alarm 167................................
Navigation setup 168.........................................
Numeric setup 169...........................................
Offset adjust 170............................................
Page setup 171..............................................
Palette setup 172............................................
Position display setup 173.....................................
Receiver setup 174...........................................
Sensor alarms 177...........................................
Sensor setup 179............................................
Speed setup 180.............................................
Surface temperature setup 181..................................
Trawl info setup 182.........................................
Units setup 183..............................................
PI CONFIGURATOR 184..........................................
Purpose 184................................................
Basic information 185........................................
About sensor configuration 187.................................
Main dialogue description 189..................................
Operational procedures 191....................................
References 198..............................................
Maintenance 219............................................
SENSOR TEST PROCEDURES 223.................................
Overview 223...............................................
Bottom Contact test procedure 224..............................
Catch sensor, test procedure 227................................
Depth sensor, test procedure 230................................
Height sensor, test procedure 233...............................
Spread & Remote sensors test procedure 236......................
Temperature sensor, test procedure 240...........................
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 243...............................
Sensors 244................................................
INDEX 249.........................................................
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Simrad PI32
Use this table to write down the sensors you use on your PI32 Catch monitoring system.
857-164636 / Rev.A
Operator manual
Use this table to write down the sensors you use on your PI32 Catch monitoring system.
857-164636 / Rev.A
Simrad PI32
857-164636 / Rev.A
The Simrad PI32 is an integration of proven commercial fishing technologies which can dramatically increase the yield and effectiveness of purse/danish seining and bottom/pelagic trawling applications.
By means of three underwater sensors mounted on the gear, this robust, maintenance-free catch monitoring system allows unparalleled control over fishing operations by providing continuous, centralised information on the vessel’s position, its gear and the environment at and below the surface.
This manual is not intended to be read from cover to cover, but is designed as a book of references that you can consult whenever necessary.
This manual describes PI32 software version SW 3.09.
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( 6521)CD
System description, page 2 Getting started, page 8 Applications, page 20 Display modes, page 27 Operational procedures, page 45 Sensors, page 83 Menu system, page 149 References, page 152 PI Configurator, page 184 Sensor test procedures, page 223
Simrad PI32
The Simrad PI32 Catch monitoring system consists of an operator station, a hydrophone and an optional echo sounder transducer. The hydrophone and the transducer are both mounted under the vessel’s hull. The system further comprises a number of small and robust sensors measuring the conditions on your fishing gear.
The PI32 Catch monitoring system can work with three sensors simultanously.
The sensors are powered by built-in rechargeable batteries. They are housed in titanium casings, and designed using advanced shock absorbing materials. The information collected by the sensors are sent through the water to the hydrophone by means of coded sound waves. From the hydrophone, the signals are sent to the operator unit, which decodes the information, interprets it, and finally present it to you.
System diagram, page 3 Operator unit, page 4 Hydrophones, page 5 Sensors overview, page 6 Battery chargers, page 7
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System diagram
System description
(A) = Operator Unit (B) = PI charger (C) = Hydrophone
(provides communication with the sensors)
(D) = Optional echo sounder transducer. Several types are available.
(E) = Sensors mounted on the net. Maximum three sensors may be used simultanously, and several types are available.
(F) = Interfaces to external sensors (serial lines, NMEA format)
(G) = +24 Vdc power
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Simrad PI32
Operator Unit
The PI32 Operator Unit is a marine grade electronic instrument incorporating an impact resistant polycarbonate front panel, die-cast aluminium housing and watertight electrical connections.
The PI32 electronics are sealed in the operator unit allowing the it to be flush or bracket mounted in the wheelhouse or at an exposed control station.
Computed information is displayed in both numerical and graphical form on the display. The unit is operated using drop-down menus and an integrated keypad.
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System description
Hull mounted and portable hydrophones
Two hull mounted hydrophones are available, one for purse seining operations, and one for trawl operations. You can install both, and then select active hydrophone by means of a selector box on the bulkhead.
Purse seining: The hull mounted hydrophone for purse seining operations has a 90 degrees horizontal beam and a 30 degrees vertical beam to provide the PI32 with optimal reception from the sensors. This specific beam pattern is especially suited for purse seining and the wide coverage area reduces the need for careful alignment.
Trawling: The hull mounted hydrophone for trawling operations has a 50 degrees horizontal beam and a 30degrees vertical beam to provide the PI32 with optimal reception from the sensors. This specific beam pattern is especially suited for trawling and the wide coverage area reduces the need for careful alignment.
Portable: A portable hydrophone is also available. It is designed as a temporary measure until a fixed hydrophone can be installed at the vessel’s next planned dry docking. It has an omni-directional beam and a 50 meter integrated cable which is sheathed in polyurethane providing robust external protection to compliment its 150 kg tensile strength. The cable is supplied on a reel for convenient retrieval and stowage, and is equipped with a plug for easy attachment to the Operator Unit.
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Simrad PI32
Sensor overview
This chapter provides a very short description of each sensor.
Depth sensor - The Depth sensor provide information about
the current depth as well as the descending or ascending rate related to the surface.
Catch sensor - The Catch sensor provides information about
the amount of catch in the trawl. The sensor monitors the opening of the meshes in the cod-end, and will activate once the caught volume pulls the detector wire. To monitor the filling rate, you are adviced to use minimum two sensors.
Bottom Contact sensor - The Bottom Contact sensors
detects if a trawl is accidentally lifted off the seabed, or a purse seine is touching the bottom.
Rip sensor - The Rip sensor provides an immediate warning
when the net is ripped.
Temperature sensor - Temperature sensors read and transmit
the ambient water temperature at the gear depth.
Height sensor - The Height sensor contains s small echo
sounder to measure the current depth related to the seabed.
Spread & Remote sensor - These sensor always work in
pairs, and they measure the distance betwen the trawl doors. You can also use two Remote sensors if you run a twin trawl.
The use of separate communication channels for the individual sensors allows you to use your sensors in the vincinity of other vessels using PI or PS sensors. The communication channels can be defined and/or changed onboard your vessel using a standard computer and the PI Configurator utility.
Related topics
More information about the sensors, page 15 How to use the sensors, page 83
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System description
Battery chargers
All sensors are power by internal batteries, and these need charging at regular intervals. The Simrad chargers have been designed to allow the sensors to be stored in charging positions whenever they are not used, and “overcharging” will not take place. Either of the two charger types can be used on any of the sensors, but the PI Charger will only provide fast charging on the PI Sensors.
PS30 Charger
Three different Simrad PS30 Chargers are available depending on the vessel’s main power supply; 230 Vac, 110 Vac and +24 Vdc.
PI Charger
The PI Charger will provide fast charging of the new PI sensor series. The Simrad PI Charger requires a +12 to +32 Vdc power supply.
Related topics
PI Charger, page 145 PS30 Charger, page 147
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Simrad PI32
This section contains an brief overview of the basic system operation. If you are a first time user, we recommend that you read through this chapter while operating the PI32 so that you can familiarize yourself with the buttons, menus and display presentations.
In order to navigate the menu structures and display presentations, you need to know the most important buttons.
MENU: Press to access the main menu. Press again to close it. ENT: Press to apply the changes you have requested. Selector pad (circular): Press along the edges to move the
cursor. WIN: Press to leaf through the predefined display pages
(windows). You can have four different presentations active simultanously, and use this button to access them.
How to switch power on and off, page 9 Defining initial presentation pages, page 10 Introducing the main menu, page 12 Introducing the keypad, page 13 Introducing the sensors, page 15
857-164636 / Rev.A
Getting started
How to switch power on and off
Observe the following procedure to switch the PI32 on and off.
Power on
1 Press and hold the PWR button until the display is
switched on.
2 Observe that the start-up page appears. When you power up the PI32, it will automatically assume
operation using the most recent page mode.
Power off
1 Press the PWR buttontocalluptheLight and power
2 Press and hold the PWR button to switch off the PI32.
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Simrad PI32
Defining initial presentation pages
Observe the following procedure to set up the four display pages on the PI32. The presentations chosen are those commonly used, but using the guidelines in this procedure you can change the content of individual pages to suit your requirements.
Page 1: Echo sounder
1 Press the MENU button to bring up the main menu. 2 Press the Selector pad to move the cursor (inverse video)
to the ECHO choice on the main menu. 3 On the Echo menu, select Echo display. 4 Press the ENT button to enter the choice.
An echo sounder appears. If you already know the basic settings of an echo sounder you can access the setup page by pressing the ENT button one more time.
Page 2: Numeric display
1 Press the WIN button once to select the next display page. 2 Press the MENU button to bring up the main menu. 3 Press the Selector pad to move the cursor (inverse video)
to the Fishery choice on the main menu. 4 On the Fishery menu, select Numeric display. 5 Press the ENT button to enter the choice.
The numeric display appears. If you already know how to perform the basic setup, you can access the setup page by pressing the ENT button one more time.
Page 3: Graphic display
1 Press the WIN button once to select the next display page. 2 Press the MENU button to bring up the main menu. 3 Press the Selector pad to move the cursor (inverse video)
to the FISHERY choice on the main menu. 4 On the Fishery menu, select Graphic display. 5 Press the ENT button to enter the choice.
The graphic display appears with the sensor data shown on the top and the echo sounder shown below. If you already know how to set up the basic parameters you can access the setup page by pressing the ENT button one more time.
Page 4: Navigation display
1 Press the WIN button once to select the next display page.
857-164636 / Rev.A
Getting started
2 Press the MENU button to bring up the main menu. 3 Press the Selector pad to move the cursor (inverse video)
to the NAV choice on the main menu. 4 On the Navigation menu, select Navigat ion display. 5 Press the ENT button to enter the choice.
The navigation display appears. If you already know how to set up the basic parameters you can access the setup page by pressing the ENT button one more time.
Leafing through the pages
To leaf through the display presentations you have defined, press the WIN button.
Other display presentations
Several other display presentations are available, but you only have four different display pages to use. After some experience with the PI32 system, you will however soon find out which display presentations that are the most useful to you, and you can alter the setup accordingly.
Related topics
Display presentations, page 27
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Simrad PI32
Introduction to the main menu
The main menu is located across the top of the display. To open the menu, press the MENU button. Note that if it is left unactivated, the menu will disappear automatically after a few seconds.
Each of the four options of the main menu provide a drop-down menu. On these, you can select which information to view on the display pages, or which parameters to define. Main and drop-down menus are highlighted when selected, and the complete main menu title is displayed in the top left-hand corner of the screen.
To open a sub-menu, press the ENT button, or press “down”
on the selector tab.
To make your selection, highlight the choice, and press the
ENT button.
Related topics
The choices on the main menu, page 150
857-164636 / Rev.A
Getting started
Introduction to the keypad
The keypad is used for direct user interface with the PI32 system, and allows you to control the functionality. Note that the majority of the buttons are mainly used only during echo sounder operations, and that some of them will only work when they are enabled by a specific function.
MENU: This button turns the menu bar on and off. It will also allow you to exit dialogues without applying any changes.
ENT (Enter): Turns the cursor on and off. Opens for insertion, and confirms the editing of data.
Selector pad: Use this button to navigate through menus and dialogues. It moves the cursor horizontally by pressing it on the left or right side, and vertically by pressing it on its top or bottom.
-/+: These two buttons are used to select between available
values, scales and ranges. (-) reduces and (+) increases the graduation.
VRM (Variable Range Marker): This button provides a horizontal marker line on the echo sounder display. Use the Selector pad to alter the depth of the marker. Press the button one more time to switch the marker line off.
WIN (Windows): Changes the display presentation between four predefined page modes.
STND (Standard): This button actuates a full-screen standard echo sounder display. This is done by replacing the current presentation with the echo sounder presentation. If you did not have an echo sounder presentation amoung your four predefined pages, you will have one now. If you already had such a presentation on a different page, you will now have two.
ZOOM: This button actuates a full-screen standard echo sounder display, and then expands the area around a variable range marker. Adjust the depth of the range marker with the selector pad, and choose the zoom range in the setup menu. The page is provided by replacing the current presentation with the echo sounder presentation. If you did not have an echo sounder presentation amoung your four predefined pages, you will have one now. If you already had such a presentation on a different page, you will now have two.
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Simrad PI32
B-LCK (Bottom lock): This button actuates a full-screen standard echo sounder display, and then expands the area just above the bottom. In the expanded presentation, the bottom will appear flat. Choose the vertical expansion range in the setup menu. The page is provided by replacing the current presentation with the echo sounder presentation. If you did not have an echo sounder presentation amoung your four predefined pages, you will have one now. If you already had such a presentation on a different page, you will now have two.
A-SCP (A-Scope): This button will only work if you have an echo sounder presentation on your current page. It will open a vertical presentation of the echoes from the latest ping. The horizontal deflections indicate the strength of the echo, while the vertical information shows at which depth the echoes appeared.
GAIN: The two gain buttons are used to adjust the receiver gain on the echo sounder.
PWR* (Power): This button is used to switch the PI32 system on and off. During operation, it is also used to adjust the display intensity and the background illumination of the buttons.
EVENT: This button places a vertical marker on the echo sounder depth display to identify an event.
857-164636 / Rev.A
Getting started
Introducing the sensors
The PI32 Catch monitoring can be used with a variety of sensors. All these sensors can be placed on your trawl or purse seine to monitor key parameters.
On the PI32, you can use a maximum of three sensors simultanously.
There are two sensor families; PI and PS. The sensors in the two families are almost identical, and they can be used together on the same PI32 system. The PI sensors will however offer increased range, some added functionality, and they can also be charged much faster using the PI Charger.
Bottom Contact: Best at the bottom!
With patented technology and awardwinning design, Simrad provides you full control of the actions that take place at the bottom. Mounted on a bottom trawl, pelagic trawl or purse seine, this sensor will provide the important information when you need it!
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(A) = The Bottom Contact sensor mounted on a bottom trawl will let you know once the trawl lifts a few centimeters above the bottom. You can then immediatley perform the necessary adjustments, and you will not loose any catch.
(B) = On a purse seine you will be notified once the seine reaches the bottom, and you can thus fish even on a rough bottom.
(C) = On a pelagic trawl, the sensor will notify you once you get near the bottom.
The Bottom Contact sensor will let you know immediately if your gear touches the bottom.
Bottow trawl: If your trawl lifts off the bottom, this may
cause fish to escape, and hence reduce the catch. This sensor will detect this, and allow you to trim your equipment for perfect balance.
Simrad PI32
Pelagic trawl: On a pelagic trawl, this sensor proves very
useful when the trawl moves downwards. It will let you know immediately if the footrope touches bottom.
Purse seine: When you work with a purse seine, you need to
know when the seine reaches the bottom. This sensor will let you know. once it happens.
Danish seine: Used on a Danish seine, the sensor will let you
know when the net has a stable bottom contact, and when it is time to haul.
Scientific research: During scientific surveys, an exact
definition of towed distance with proper ground gear contact is an essential parameter in bottom trawl swept area estimates of fish abundance. Using a Bottom Contact sensor will reduce errors in this key parameter.
Catch sensor: When is the trawl full?
This is your “eye” at the cod-end. With PI Catch sensors in use, you can easily monitor the fi lling rate and the amount of catch in the trawl. Save time and fuel, haul in the trawl at the right moment! The design is rugged and awardwinning, and the sensor’s sensitivity is easily adjustable for trawls of all sizes.
Some professionals claim that the Catch sensor is the most important sensor on the trawl. Why? Because it will tell you the amount of catch in the trawl.
The sensor simply monitors the expansion of the meshes in the cod-end. Once the volume caught is enough to expand the meshes, they will pull the detector wires and engage the sensor. The sensitivity of the sensor can easily be adjusted, just extend the detection rubber bands to span additional meshes.
To monitor the filling rate, we recommend that you use minimum two sensors. Place the first sensor at the far end of the cod-end, it will tell you that the trawl is actually fishing. Place the second sensor closer to the trawl opening. Once the trawl is filled to the chosen location, the sensor is engaged, and you know that it is time to haul.
Use the PI Catch sensor to adjust the catch volume according to the production capacity, check that the trawl is fishing, adjust the caught volume to secure quality, and minimize the towing time to save fuel. These are only a few of the reasons why this sensor is considered to be so important.
857-164636 / Rev.A
Getting started
Depth: How deep can you go?
When the sonar and echo sounder tell you how deep the school goes, it is good to know that you can place your fishing gear at the same depth. And even better, you can monitor and hold the desired depth. The design is rugged and awardwinning, and the sensor is available for three different depth ranges.
The PI Depth sensor provides information about the current depth and the depth changes of your gear.
Bottom trawl: On a bottom trawl, you will use the sensor to
achieve full control when shooting, and to position the trawl on the slope.
Pelagic trawl: During pelagic trawling, you know how
important it is to position the trawl relative to the largest concentration of fish. By using a Depth sensor, you can monitor the exact depth relative to the surface, and adjust the trawl depth accordingly. Additional depth sensors on the doors will monitor if the doors stay at the same depth.
Purse seine: During seining, use the Depth sensor to monitor
the depth of the net, and the descending speed of the net. Then you will know when to start pursing, and which speed to use.
Danish seine: Mounted on a Danish Seine the Depth sensor
monitors the sinking speed of the net, and it will tell you when to start hauling once the net has stopped sinking.
Height sensor: Accurate distance to the bottom!
With a built-in echo sounder, this new PI sensor is full of advanced technology. Wherever you place it, it will always tell you the exact distance to the bottom.
The height sensor measures the height over the bottom, that is the distance from the bottom and up to wherever the sensor is located. This provides you with a valuable range of applications for bottom and pelagic trawling.
Bottom trawl: Place the sensor behind the headrope, and it
will tell you the height of the trawl opening. This allows you to adjust you equipment immediately if the opening is reduced, and you will avoid loosing catch.
857-164636 / Rev.A
Pelagic trawl: With a height sensor behind the footrope you
will know at once if the trawl approaches the bottom. If you use a second sensor behind the headrope, the difference between the two measurements will give you the height of the trawl opening.
Simrad PI32
Rip: Check for damages!
The Rip sensor is identical to the Catch sensor, and can thus be regarded as a application for the Catch sensor. Place the sensor on the trawl belly behind the footrope, and use it to detect if the trawl is torn or in any other ways damaged by rocks or other roughness on the bottom. If this is detected immediately you can adjust the gear to minimise the damage.
Spread and Remote: Check the trawl doors!
This dynamic duo tells you the exact distance between the trawl doors. Used on bottom and pelagic trawls the Spread and Remote sensors provide crucial information about your trawl behaviour. On a twin trawl, simply add a Remote sensor and you have both openings covered!
These two sensors always work in pairs. They are used to monitor the physical distance between the trawl doors during bottom and pelagic trawling.
Use a Spread sensor on the port door and a Remote sensor on the starboard door. Both sensors are normally mounted in special adapters, but you may also attached them to the wing-end or warp using snap hooks or rope.
The Spread sensor communicates with the Remote sensor using a special transverse communication link. By means of this link it measures the excact distance (maximum 350 meters) between the two sensors. The information is is transmitted to the vessel by the Spread sensor.
As you already know, correct door spread is important in order to obtain the correct sweep-angle, as this ensures optimal trawl performance. Door behavior and stability during shooting and towing is also monitored by these sensors. Many regard this pair of sensors one of the most important sensors to obtain efficient trawling.
A special version of the PI Spread sensor, The PI Twin Spread, allows you to use a single Spread sensor with two Remote sensors to monitor a twin trawl.
Temperature: Too warm or too cold water?
Fishingintoowarmortoocoldwatermaybejustawasteof time and money. The same applies to a pelagic trawl placed on the wrong side of a thermal layer. Using advanced technology, rugged construction and awardwinning design, the PI Temperature sensor allows you to increase your fishing efficiency.
The PI Temperature sensor tells you the exact sea water temperature while you are fishing.
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+ 238 hidden pages