Remote control light color, light mode and fan speed Remote start or turn off PC
Automatically detect temperature changes to adjust
Six port Addressable RGB LED device connectors
Four port for 4pin or 3pin fan connectors
LED color and fan speed
DIY Parts
Product Overview
SilverStone created the LSB02, a multifunction
Addressable RGB control box with remote. It is
capable of controlling Addressable RGB LEDs and
numerous functions such as fan speed control,
temperature detection control, and remotely turning
on / off PC.
For enthusiasts seeking a solution that can handle
thermal and aesthetics controls, the LSB02 is an
excellent choice.
Model No.
Signal Output
Output Limitation
Color Selection
Included Parts
Net Weight
* Please refer to manual for detailed installation guide
** Be sure to turn off power before switching signal input switch or install / remove LED strip
*** Control bo x ’s connecto r s are propri e tary Silve r S tone custo m c o nnectors a n d are not com p a tible
di r e c t l y w i t h o t h e r Addressable RGB strip’s 3pin connectors.
Please used included adapter cables for connection.
Plastic outer shell
SilverStone Addressable RGB 3pin port x 6 ***
Fan 4pin port x 4 (compatible with 3pin)
Addressable RGB port: 72 LED per port, total 5V, 5AFan Port : total 12V, 3A
Support 2812 IC Addressable RGB LED
Standard Addressable RGB 3pin cable x 6
Peripheral power Y cable x 1
RF remote x 1
Thermal sensor cable x 1
Power switch cable x 1
65mm (W) x 23mm (H) x 109mm (D)
Control box
RF remote
Step 1
DIY Parts LSB02
Installation guide
Use the the adhesive strip to affix LSB02 to the location you
wish to install
LSB02 mit dem Klebestreifen am gewünschten Installationsort
Utilisez le ruban adhésif pour fixer le LSB02 à l'endroit où
vous souhaitez l'installer
Use la cinta adhesiva para adherir el LSB02 al lugar donde
desee instalarlo
Utilizzare il nastro adesivo per fissare LSB02 nella posizione
di installazione
Step 2
Connect Addressable RGB LED devices and fans
Ansteuerbare RGB-LED-Geräte und Lüfter anschließen
Raccorder les dispositifs LED RGB adressables et les
Conecte los dispositivos LED RGB programables y los
Используйте клейкую ленту для крепления LSB02 к нужному
вам месту
접착 스트립을 사용하여 LSB02를 설치하려는 위치에
Подключите устройства с адресной подсветкой RGB и
連接Addressable RGB LED裝置及風扇
连接Addressable RGB LED装置及风扇
アドレッサブルRGB LEDデバイスおよびファンを接続します
Collegare i dispositivi LED RGB indirizzabili e le ventole
주소 지정이 가능한 RGB LED 장치와 팬을 연결합니다
DIY Parts LSB02
Installation guide
Step 3
Connect the power switch Y cable, USB 4pin cable and 2pin thermal sensor cable to control box
Y-Kabel des Ein-/Ausschalters, 4-poliges USB-Kabel und 2-poliges Temperatursensorkabel mit Steuergerät verbinden
Raccordez le câble d'interrupteur d'alimentation en Y, le câble USB 4 broches et le câble du capteur thermique 2 broches au
boîtier de commande
Conecte el cable interruptor de potencia Y, el cable USB de 4 pines y el cable térmico sensor de 2 pines a la caja de control
Collegare il cavo a Y dell'interruttore di alimentazione, il cavo USB a 4 pin e il cavo del sensore termico a 2 pin alla scatola di
Подключите Y-образныйкабельпитания, кабель USB 4pin икабель 2pin оттемпературногодатчикакблокууправления