Silicon Labs QSG155 User Manual

QSG155: Using the Silicon Labs Dynamic Multiprotocol Demonstration Applications in GSDK v2.x
This document shows how to use the dynamic protocol lighting demonstrations. Two demonstrations may be used, one incorporating Zigbee 3.0 and Bluetooth functionality and the other RAIL and Bluetooth functionality. RAIL (Radio Abstraction Interface Layer) is Silicon Labs’ intuitive, easily-customizable radio interface layer that supports proprietary or standards-based wireless protocols. In both demonstrations, a dynamic multiprotocol light application can be controlled either from a protocol-specific switch application or from a Bluetooth-enabled smartphone app.
Prerequisite for the demos
Demo firmware installation
Instructions for using the demos | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.9
QSG155: Getting Started with the Silicon Labs Dynamic Multiprotocol Demonstration Applications in GSDK v2.x

1 Prerequisites

The Silicon Labs dynamic multiprotocol demonstrations are designed to illustrate dynamic multiprotocol operation without any need to configure or compile software. This document assumes that you have already obtained your hardware and installed the required software. You will need an EFR32MG Wireless Starter Kit (SLWSTK6000B). For the demo you will use at least two WSTK main boards with demonstration-specific radio boards installed. If you already have the WSTK main boards, you can purchase the required radio boards
Simplicity Studio must be installed to configure the boards. Installing Simplicity Studio and the required SDKs are described in their respective quick start guides, listed below.
Zigbee/Bluetooth Demonstration
Radio boards: EFR32MG12 SoC radio boards (SLWRB4161A or SLWRB4162A). Note: You will use three boards if you would
like to use the sleepy end device demonstration.
SDK: Version or higher of the EmberZNet SDK, as described in QSG106: Getting Started with EmberZNet PRO.
RAIL/Bluetooth Demonstration
Radio boards: EFR32MG12 2.4 GHz/915 MHz dual band radio boards (SLWRB4164A)
SDKs: Version or higher of the Bluetooth SDK (QSG139: Bluetooth Development with Simplicity Studio), which contains
the light application, and version 2.2.0 or higher of the Flex SDK (QSG138: Getting Started with the Silicon Labs Flex SDK for the Wireless Gecko (EFR32™) Portfolio), which contains the RAIL switch application.
Note: This document describes using the precompiled images supplied with the SDKs. See section 6 Next Steps for information on continuing with customizing the source code for these demonstration images.
You should also download the Wireless Gecko by Silicon Labs smartphone application for Android or iOS. Note that there are several Silicon Labs apps - be sure to download Wireless Gecko, not Blue Gecko. The mobile application is available here:
Google Play:
App Store:
Note: The minimum requirement for the smartphone is Android 6 (API23). iPhones should run the most recent version of IOS.
Use the support portal to contact Customer Support for any questions you might have about the demonstrations. You can access the Silicon Labs support portal at through Simplicity Studio Resources. Click the “Email-Support” link and log in with your self-registered credentials. | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.9 | 1
QSG155: Getting Started with the Silicon Labs Dynamic Multiprotocol Demonstration Applications in GSDK v2.x
Demonstration Devices

2 Demonstration Devices

The following features on the WSTK are used in the demos.
For the Zigbee variant: Short press for network form/join. Long press to leave network. On the switch once it’s in a two­light network, press to toggle the always-on light.
For the RAIL variant, toggles be­tween READY and ADVERT (light) and LINK and SCAN (switch)
The following is a typical demo setup with two WSTKs and a smart phone (the sub-Gigahertz setup for RAIL/Bluetooth is shown).
On the light device, both LEDs toggle along with the LCD
Press to restart code execution
Press to toggle the light | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.9 | 2
QSG155: Getting Started with the Silicon Labs Dynamic Multiprotocol Demonstration Applications in GSDK v2.x
Install the Demonstration Applications

3 Install the Demonstration Applications

Open Simplicity Studio. In general, to load a demo, click a device in the Devices pane, then click the demo. The Select Demo dialog opens. In the Mode drop-down, select Run. Click Start. The demo software downloads automatically to the selected device.

3.1 RAIL/Bluetooth

To run the RAIL/Bluetooth demo, in the Flex SDK, load one device with RAIL: Switch. Then go to the Bluetooth SDK and load the other device with SOC - Light -RAIL - DMP.
Note: The SoC Demo Connect Light application in the Flex SDK is used with the Connect/Bluetooth DMP demo, not the RAIL/Bluetooth demo.
After installation is complete, the LCDs show the application “Light Bulb” display. The RAIL Switch application briefly scans for a nearby switch and then shows the short ID of the switch with the strongest signal. | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.9 | 3
QSG155: Getting Started with the Silicon Labs Dynamic Multiprotocol Demonstration Applications in GSDK v2.x
Install the Demonstration Applications

3.2 Zigbee/Bluetooth

To run the Zigbee/Bluetooth demo with both a full function device and a sleepy end device, load one device with DynamicMultiproto­colLight (the full function device demo), one device with DynamicMultiprotocolSwitch, and one device with DynamicMultiprotocol- LightSed (the sleepy end device demo)
The DynamicMultiprotocolLight demo acts as a Zigbee coordinator and is required to form the network.
A sleepy end device (SED) powers down its radio when idle, and thus extends battery life. However, it must poll its parent to receive incoming messages and acknowledgments; no data is sent to the SED until the end device requests it. The full-function device (FFD) remains powered during operation and acts as a coordinator that forms and manages the network. The SED polls the FFD every 5 seconds in the demo application to receive any messages that were sent to it by the Switch or Bluetooth App while it was asleep.
When the Zigbee/Bluetooth demo applications download, they first show a help menu on the LCD, and then show the main display. The help menus are also displayed for approximately 10 seconds if you restart code execution by pressing the Reset button or power cycling the device. Note that resetting the application breaks the Bluetooth connection between devices, if one has been formed, and interrupts communication on the device network, if one has been formed. The Help menus are: | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.9 | 4
QSG155: Getting Started with the Silicon Labs Dynamic Multiprotocol Demonstration Applications in GSDK v2.x
Install the Demonstration Applications
After installation is complete, the LCDs show the application “Light Bulb” display. | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.9 | 5
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