Silicon Labs OpenThread User Manual

Sil ic on La bs O penTh re ad SDK GA
Gecko SDK Suite 3.1 April 7, 2021
Thread is a secure, reliable, scalable, and upgradeable wireless IPv6 mesh networking protocol. It provides low-cost bridging to o ther IP netwo rks whi le o pti mized for low-power / battery-backed operation . The Th read s tack is designed spe cifi cally for Conne cted Ho me applications where IP-based ne tworking is de sired and a va riety o f appli cation laye rs may be required.
OpenThread released by Google is an open-source implementation of Thread. Google has released OpenThread in order to accelerate the development of products for the connected home and commercial buildi ngs. Wit h a narrow pla tfor m ab st rac tion lay er and a small memory footprint, OpenThread is highly portable. It supports system-on-chip (SoC), network co-processor (NCP), and radio co-processor (RCP) designs.
Silicon Labs has developed an OpenThread-based SDK tailored to work with Sil icon Labs hardware. The Silicon Labs OpenThread SDK is a fully tested snapshot of the GitHub source. It supports a br oader range of hardware than does the GitHub version, and in­cludes documentation and example applications not available on Git Hub.
These release notes cover SDK version(s): released on Apr il 7, 2021 released on J anuary 27, 2021 released on Dec ember 9, 2020
Compatibility and Use Notices
Alpha support for IEEE 802.15.4 man­aged coexistence with Wi-Fi
Antenna Diversity
Border router sample application
F re eR TO S int egr ation w ith sam pl e appli-
MGM210L module support
This Gecko SDK Suite release has a know n security compatibility issue with one Gecko Platform component. For more infor­mation about this, as well as other updates and not ices, see the Security chapter of the Gecko Platform Release notes installed with this SDK or on the Silicon Labs Release Notes page up-to-date information. For instructions, or if you are new to the Silicon Labs OpenThread SDK, see Using This Release.
Compatible Compilers:
Note: The supported compiler will be upgraded to ARM GCC-10-2020-q4-update in the next major release. GCC (The GNU Compiler Collection) version 7.2.x, provided with Simplicity Studio. | Buildin g a mor e co nnected w or l d. OpenTh re ad
. Silicon Labs also strongly recommends that you subscribe to Secur ity Advisories for
New Items .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 New Features from OpenThread GitHub Repo ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 New Features from OpenThread Border Router GitHub Repo ............................................................................................... 1
1.3 New Components ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 New Features...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Improvements ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Component Changes........................................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Fixed Issues ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4 Known Issues in the Current Release .......................................................................................................................................... 6
5 Deprecated Items ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6 Removed Items .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
7 Using This Release .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.1 Installation and Use ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
7.2 Enabling Thread 1.2 ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
7.3 Using t he Border R outer ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.4 NCP/RCP Support............................................................................................................................................................... 9
7.5 Security Information .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
7.6 Support ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
8 Legal ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
8.1 Disclaimer ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
8.2 Trademark Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 | Buildin g a mor e co nnected w or l d. OpenTh re ad | 2
New Items

1 New Items

1.1 New Features from OpenThread GitHub Repo

Added in release
The Silicon Labs OpenThread SDK includes all changes from the OpenThread GitHub repo ( up to and including commit 5c2ad91cf. Any features introduced between commits f411a412bee and 5c2ad91cf can be considered new items with the Silicon Labs OpenThread 1.1 SDK. A copy of the OpenThread repo can be f ound in the following Simplicity Studio 5 location:
Simplicity Stu d io\developer\sdks\gecko_sdk_suite\<version>\util\third_party\openthread

1.2 New Features from OpenThread Border Router GitHub Repo

Added in release
The Silicon Labs OpenThread SDK includes all changes from the OpenThread border router GitHub repo ( f93719a08c9 and a37e299ff can be considered new items wit h the S il icon Labs OpenThread 1.1 SDK. A copy of the OpenThread border router repo can be f ound in the following Simplicity Studio 5 location:
) up to and including commit a37e299ff. Any features introduced between commits
Simplicity Stu d io\developer\sdks\gecko_sdk_suite\<version>\util\third_party\ot-br-posix Refer to section 7.3 for info r mati on on using the border router.

1.3 New Components

Added in release
This component provides a set of API s for printing to t he debug channel. Information printed to the debug channel can be viewed using Simplicity Stu d io’s Net work Analy z er .

1.4 New Features

Added in release
Ant enna D iversity
Antenna Diversity support has been added. Refer to AN1294: Configuring Antenna Diversity for OpenThread for details on configuration and use.
Wi-Fi Coexistence
Wi-Fi Coexistence support has been added. Refer to UG103.17: Wi-Fi Coexistence Fundamentals and AN1017: Zigbee and Thread Coexistence with Wi-Fi for details on configuration and use.
OpenThrea d Bor der Router
The OpenThread border router has been integrated into the Silicon Labs OpenThread SDK. Refer to
RCP with the O penThread Border Router for det ails on configuration and use | Buildin g a mor e co nnected w or l d. OpenTh re ad | 1
AN1256: Using t he Silicon Labs
New Items
Thread 1.2
Alpha support for Thread 1.2 has been added. Ref er to AN1295: Developing with Thread 1. 2 for details on configuration and use.
FreeRTOS integration with sample applications
FreeRTOS support has been added to all O penThread sam ple applications. Ref er to AN1264: Using OpenThread with Free RTOS for configuration and use. | Buildin g a mor e co nnected w or l d. OpenTh re ad | 2
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