EZRadio and EZRadio Pro Family
Rev C2A/A2A Device Errata
This document describes the errata for the following EZRadio®
and EZRadioPRO® Rev C2A/A2A
• Si4055-C2A
• Si4355-C2A
• Si4455-C2A
• Si4060-C2A
• Si4460-C2A
• Si4461-C2A
• Si4063-C2A
• Si4463-C2A
• Si4362-C2A
• Si4438-C2A
• Si4467-A2A
• Si4468-A2A
To verify the revision of a chip, the ROMID replay field of the PART_INFO API command can be used. Rev C2A and A2A correspond
to ROMID = 6.
A firmware patch is available to address most of these issues. To use the patch, it has to be downloaded after powering up the device*. For details about where to get and how to apply the patch, see section 9.6 of AN633 application note. For a detailed description
of the APIs referenced in this document, see the EZRadio or EZRadioPRO API Documentation available on the Silicon Labs website.
Note: *Applying the patch increases the time to power-up the chip (from ~15 ms to ~26 ms, typical). The patch size is 512 bytes.
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This information applies to a product under development. Its characteristics and specifications are subject to change without notice.

Rev C2A/A2A Device Errata
Errata Summary
1. Errata Summary
A firmware patch is available to address most of these issues. We recommend that customers download the patch after powering up
the device.
Note: Applying the patch increases the time to power-up the chip (from ~15 ms to ~26 ms, typical). The patch size is 500 bytes.
Table 1.1. Errata Status Summary
1 Latched RSSI feature may not work properly No — 0x4668 —
2 Increased harmonics and lower fundamental power in
TX mode when using a Direct Tie match
3 LDC mode duty cycling may stop after first packet re-
4 RX automatic frequency hop may stop hopping No — 0x4668 —
5 TX to TX transition timing may vary No 0x4668 0x4668 —
6 RX state lock-up may occur when DSA is enabled No 0x4668 0x4668 —
7 Sync word detection timeout for non-standard pream-
ble may not work
8 Worse sensitivity than expected in LP mode No 0x4668 0x4668 —
9 Manual RX hop takes 20 µs longer than in rev B devi-
Title/Problem Workaround
No 0x4668 0x4668 —
Yes — 0x4668 —
No — 0x4668 —
No — 0x4668 0xD046
10 PSM gets stuck in IDLE state after a while No 0x4668 0x4668 0xD046
11 Invalid Sync Word interrupt prematurely fires when
antenna diversity is enabled
12 The falling edge of the Digital PA Ramp function is not
working properly
13 If the Wake Up Timer is enabled, transitioning from
XO clock to boot clock may cause CTS failure
Legend: — not affected; + affected; 0xXXXX ID of patch that fixes the issue.
Yes — + +
Yes — + +
No 0x4668 0x4668 0xD046
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Rev C2A/A2A Device Errata
Detailed Errata Descriptions
2. Detailed Errata Descriptions
2.1 Latched RSSI Feature may not Work Properly
Description of Errata
The RSSI value can be latched at:
1. Preamble detection
2. Sync word detection
3. ‘x’ Tbit periods after entering RX state/hopping to a new frequency band
4. ‘x’ Tsample periods after entering RX state/hopping to a new frequency band, where Tsample is the RX data oversampling clock
Note: The Latched RSSI may not be captured properly if the latching instant is based on Tbit/Tsample. In other words, when
may be invalid.
Affected Conditions / Impacts
Invalid Latched RSSI value may be returned. Only EZRadioPRO parts are affected (the EZRadio parts always capture the Latched
RSSI at sync word detection, and are therefore not affected).
Apply the patch that is referenced in Table 1.1 Errata Status Summary on page 2.
2.2 Increased Harmonics and Lower Fundamental Power in TX Mode when using a Direct Tie Match
Description of Errata
In TX mode, LNA protection diodes will not be enabled.
Affected Conditions / Impacts
Harmonic content may be excessive and fundamental RF power reduced when using a direct-tie match. Increase of the 3rd harmonic
can be as high as 20 dB. No impact when operating in RX state or when using a split TX / RX match or a match with an RF switch and
single antenna. Both EZRadio and EZRadioPRO parts are affected.
Apply the patch that is referenced in Table 1.1 Errata Status Summary on page 2.
2.3 LDC Mode Duty Cycling may Stop after First Packet Reception
Description of Errata
When Low Duty Cycling (LDC) mode is enabled, the radio may stop receiving packets after the first successfully received packet,
depending on what the next state is after reading the RX FIFO. For example, if it is commanded to go to SPI active after reading the
FIFO, it may stop duty cycling from that point on.
Affected Conditions / Impacts
The chip may stop entering RX state autonomously. Only EZRadioPRO parts are affected.
There are two workarounds available.
1. After reading the RX FIFO, enter Sleep state, or
2. Apply the patch that is referenced in Table 1.1 Errata Status Summary on page 2.
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