Silicon Labs Bluetooth User Manual

Bluetooth® mesh SDK GA
Gecko SDK Suite 3.1 January 27, 2021
These release notes cover SDK versions: release January 27, 2021 released Decemb er 9, 2020
Support added for MGM220P, xGM210LA, BGM220SC22HNA modules
Integration with Gecko SDK Suite
Simplicity Studio 5 support added
New Bluetooth Mesh APIs
Compatibility and Use Notices
If you are new to the Silicon Labs Bluetooth mesh SDK, see Using This Release.
Com patible Compile rs:
Note: The supported compilers will be upgraded to ARM GCC-10-2020-q4-update and IAR 8.50.9 in the next major release. IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (IAR-EWARM) version 8.30.1
Using wine to build with the IarBuild.exe command line utility or IAR Embedded Workbench GUI on macOS or Linux could result in incorrect files being used due to collisions in wine’s hashing algorithm for generating short file names.
Customers on macOS or Linux are advised not to build with IAR outside of Simplicity Studio. Customers who do should carefully verify that the correct files are being used.
GCC (The GNU Compiler Collection) version 7.2.1, provided with Simplicity Studio. Link-time optimization feature of GCC has been disabled, resulting in slight increase of image size | Buildin g a mor e co nnected w or l d. Bluetooth Mesh
1 New Items .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 New Features...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 New APIs ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
2 Improvements ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Changed APIs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Fixed Issues ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4 Known Issues in the Current Release .......................................................................................................................................... 5
5 Deprecated Items ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6 Removed Items .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
7 Using This Release .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
7.1 Installation and Use ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
7.2 Support ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
8 Legal .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
8.1 Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
8.2 Trademark Information ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 | Buildin g a mor e co nnected w or l d. Bluetooth Mesh | 2
New Items

1 New Items

1.1 New Features

Added in release
New Hardware Support
Support for the following hardware was added: Thunderboard BG22 B variant, xGM210P module.
Added in release
New Hardware Support
Support for the following modules was added: MGM220P, xGM210LA lighting modules, BG M220SC22HN A SIP module.
Gecko SDK Suite
Bluetooth Mesh SDK release is the first Bluetooth Mesh SDK release that has been integrated in the Silicon Labs Gecko SDK Suite.
Simplicity Studio v5
As of S DK ver si on 2 .0. 0. 0, S impl ici ty St ud io v 5 is r equir ed to run the Bluetooth Mesh SDK, instead of the Simplicity Studio v4 used by the older releases.

1.2 New APIs

The structure and overall interface of the Bluetooth Mesh API has changed in a backward-incompatible manner. For migrating from APIs on the v1.x SDK please refer to AN1298: Transitioning from the v1.x to the v2.x Bluetooth Mesh SDK. No major new functionality compared to the latest 1.x release was added in this release.
For additional documentation please refer to the Bluetooth Mesh So ftwa re API R eference Manual i nstalled with the Bluetooth Mesh S DK . | Buildin g a mor e co nnected w or l d. Bluetooth Mesh | 2
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