Silicon Labs Bluetooth User Manual

Bluetooth® mesh SDK GA
Gecko SDK Suite 2.7 December 22, 2020
These release notes cover SDK versions: released December 22, 2020 released November 25, 2020 released November 4, 2020 released September 2, 2020 released June 17, 2020
New part support – EFR 3 2[B|M]G2 2 and Thunderboard EFR32BG22
T i me m od el AP I an d doc umentation
S c he dul er m od el AP I an d doc umentation
H SL mo del API and doc umentation
Compatibility and Use Notices
If you are new to the Silicon Labs Bluetooth mesh SDK, see Using This Release.
Operating System Compatibility
Please contact support if you are developing on macOS 10.14 or newer. An issue with code signing prevents using bgbuild and bgtool binaries on those OS versions.
Compatible Compilers:
IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (IAR-EWARM) version 8.30.1
Using wine to build with the IarBuild.exe command line utility or IAR Embedded Workbench GUI on macOS or Linux could result in incorrect files being used due to collisions in wine’s hashing algorithm for generating short file names.
Customers on macOS or Linux are advised not to build with IAR outside of Simplicity Studio. Customers who do should carefully verify that the correct files are being used.
GCC (The GNU Compiler Collection) version 7.2.1, provided with Simplicity Studio.
Link-time optimization feature of GCC has been disabled, resulting in slight increase of image size | Buildin g a mor e co nnected w or l d. Bluetooth Mesh
New Items .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 New Features...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 New APIs ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Improvements .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Changed APIs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Fixed Issues ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Known Issues in the Current Release .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Deprecated Items ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Removed Items .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Using This Release ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
7.1 Installation and Use ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
7.2 Support ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Legal.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
8.1 Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
8.2 Trademark Information ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 | Buildin g a mor e co nnected w or l d. Bluetooth Mesh | 2
New Items

New Items

1.1 New Features

Added in release 1.7.2. 0
Support for HSL models (HSL clien t, H SL server, HSL setup s erver, H SL hue se rver, H SL saturation ser ver) has been added as an alpha release.
Added in release 1.7.1. 0
Model qualification listing updated to include Time and Scheduler models
Added in release
Added support fo r EFR32[B|M]G22 and Thunderboard E FR32BG22 hardware. Note that the limited am ount of RAM on [B|M]G22 devices restricts their use in som e role s th at may need comparativ ely l arge a mou nts of m emo ry , such as relays, GATT proxies, and provisioners. [B|M]G22 devices are, however, well suited for battery-powered operation. Of the SDK example applications, SoC empty, SoC switch, SoC sensor client and SoC sensor server are supported on [B|M]G22 devices.
Support for scheduler models (Scheduler client, Scheduler server, Scheduler setup server) has been added as an alpha release. A ne w memor y co nfi gur at ion v alu e for sett in g the application message queue length length has been added. The application message
queue is used for delayed application messages, such as status responses.

1.2 New APIs

For additional documentation please refer to the Bluetooth Mesh So ftwa re API R eference Manual i nstalled with the Bluetooth Mesh S DK .
Added in release
BGAPI commands and ev ent s f or Scheduler models have been added . Note that Scheduler model functionality has been released as an alpha release.
Scheduler client model commands and events added: mesh_scheduler_client_init(),
mesh_scheduler_client_deinit(), mesh_scheduler_client_get(), mesh_scheduler_client_get_action(), mesh_scheduler_client_set_action(), mesh_scheduler_client_status(), mesh_scheduler_client_action_status().
Scheduler serv er and setup ser ver model c om man ds and events added: mesh_scheduler_server_init(),
mesh_scheduler_server_deinit(), mesh_scheduler_server_get(), mesh_scheduler_server_get_action(), mesh_scheduler_server_set_action(), mesh_scheduler_server_action_changed(). | Buildin g a mor e co nnected w or l d. Bluetooth Mesh | 2
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