The EFM8SB2, part of the Sleepy Bee family of MCUs, is the
world’s most energy friendly 8-bit microcontrollers with a comprehensive feature set in small packages.
These devices offer lowest power consumption by combining innovative low energy techniques and short wakeup times from energy saving modes into small packages, making
them well-suited for any battery operated applications. With an efficient 8051 core, 6-bit
current reference, and precision analog, the EFM8SB2 family is also optimal for embedded applications.
EFM8SB2 applications include the following:
• Hand-held devices
Industrial controls
CIP-51 8051 Core
Flash Program
(up to 64 KB)
Core / MemoryClock Management
(25 MHz)
RAM Memory
(4352 bytes)
• Battery-operated consumer electronics
Sensor interfaces
Debug Interface
with C2
External 32 kHz
RTC Oscillator
Low Power 20
High Frequency
24.5 MHz RC
• Lowest MCU sleep current with supply
brownout detection (50 nA)
Lowest MCU active current with these
features (170 μA / MHz at 24.5 MHz clock
• Lowest MCU sleep current using internal
RTC operating and supply brownout
detection (<300 nA)
• Ultra-fast wake up for digital and analog
peripherals (< 2 μs)
• Integrated low drop out (LDO) voltage
regulator to maintain ultra-low active
current at all voltages
Energy Management
Internal LDO
Brown-Out Detector
Power-On Reset
8-bit SFR bus
Serial InterfacesTimers and TriggersAnalog Interfaces
internal circuitry draws power from the VDD supply pin. External I/O pins are powered from the VIO supply voltage (or VDD on devi-
ces without a separate VIO connection), while most of the internal circuitry is supplied by an on-chip LDO regulator. Control over the
device power can be achieved by enabling/disabling individual peripherals as needed. Each analog peripheral can be disabled when
not in use and placed in low power mode. Digital peripherals, such as timers and serial buses, have their clocks gated off and draw little
power when they are not in use.
Table 1.1. Power Modes
Power ModeDetailsMode EntryWake-Up Sources
NormalCore and all peripherals clocked and fully operational——
Idle• Core halted
All peripherals clocked and fully operational
Set IDLE bit in PCON0Any interrupt
• Code resumes execution on wake event
Suspend• Core and digital peripherals halted
Internal oscillators disabled
• Code resumes execution on wake event
1. Switch SYSCLK to
Set SUSPEND bit in
• RTC0 Alarm Event
• RTC0 Fail Event
• Port Match Event
• Comparator 0 Rising
Sleep• Most internal power nets shut down
Select circuits remain powered
• Pins retain state
• All RAM and SFRs retain state
• Code resumes execution on wake event
1. Disable unused analog peripherals
Set SLEEP bit in
• RTC0 Alarm Event
• RTC0 Fail Event
• Port Match Event
• Comparator 0 Rising
1.3 I/O
and analog resources are externally available on the device’s multi-purpose I/O pins. Port pins P0.0-P2.6 can be defined as general-purpose I/O (GPIO), assigned to one of the internal digital resources through the crossbar or dedicated channels, or assigned to an
analog function. Port pin P2.7 can be used as GPIO. Additionally, the C2 Interface Data signal (C2D) is shared with P2.7.
• Up to 24 multi-functions I/O pins, supporting digital and analog functions.
• Flexible priority crossbar decoder for digital peripheral assignment.
• Two drive strength settings for each pin.
• Two direct-pin interrupt sources with dedicated interrupt vectors (INT0 and INT1).
• Up to 16 direct-pin interrupt sources with shared interrupt vector (Port Match).
1.4 Clocking
The CPU core and peripheral subsystem may be clocked by both internal and external oscillator resources. By default, the system
clock comes up running from the 20 MHz low power oscillator divided by 8.
• Provides clock to core and peripherals.
• 20 MHz low power oscillator (LPOSC0), accurate to +/- 10% over supply and temperature corners.
• 24.5 MHz internal oscillator (HFOSC0), accurate to +/- 2% over supply and temperature corners.
RTC is an ultra low power, 36 hour 32-bit independent time-keeping Real Time Clock with alarm. The RTC has a dedicated 32 kHz
oscillator. No external resistor or loading capacitors are required, and a missing clock detector features alerts the system if the external
crystal fails. The on-chip loading capacitors are programmable to 16 discrete levels allowing compatibility with a wide range of crystals.
The RTC module includes the following features:
• Up to 36 hours (32-bit) of independent time keeping.
• Support for external 32 kHz crystal or internal self-oscillate mode.
• Internal crystal loading capacitors with 16 levels.
• Operation in the lowest power mode and across the full supported voltage range.
• Alarm and oscillator failure events to wake from the lowest power mode or reset the device.
Programmable Counter Array (PCA0)
The programmable counter array (PCA) provides multiple channels of enhanced timer and PWM functionality while requiring less CPU
intervention than standard counter/timers. The PCA consists of a dedicated 16-bit counter/timer and one 16-bit capture/compare module for each channel. The counter/timer is driven by a programmable timebase that has flexible external and internal clocking options.
Each capture/compare module may be configured to operate independently in one of five modes: Edge-Triggered Capture, Software
Timer, High-Speed Output, Frequency Output, or Pulse-Width Modulated (PWM) Output. Each capture/compare module has its own
associated I/O line (CEXn) which is routed through the crossbar to port I/O when enabled.
• 16-bit time base.
• Programmable clock divisor and clock source selection.
• Compare function for arbitrary waveform generation.
• Software timer (internal compare) mode.
• Integrated watchdog timer.
Timers (Timer 0, Timer 1, Timer 2, and Timer 3)
Several counter/timers are included in the device: two are 16-bit counter/timers compatible with those found in the standard 8051, and
the rest are 16-bit auto-reload timers for timing peripherals or for general purpose use. These timers can be used to measure time intervals, count external events and generate periodic interrupt requests. Timer 0 and Timer 1 are nearly identical and have four primary
modes of operation. The other timers offer both 16-bit and split 8-bit timer functionality with auto-reload and capture capabilities.
Timer 0 and Timer 1 include the following features:
• Standard 8051 timers, supporting backwards-compatibility with firmware and hardware.
• Clock sources include SYSCLK, SYSCLK divided by 12, 4, or 48, the External Clock divided by 8, or an external pin.
• 8-bit auto-reload counter/timer mode
• 13-bit counter/timer mode
• 16-bit counter/timer mode
• Dual 8-bit counter/timer mode (Timer 0)
Timer 2 and Timer 3 are 16-bit timers including the following features:
• Clock sources include SYSCLK, SYSCLK divided by 12, or the External Clock divided by 8.
device includes a programmable watchdog timer (WDT) integrated within the PCA0 peripheral. A WDT overflow forces the MCU
into the reset state. To prevent the reset, the WDT must be restarted by application software before overflow. If the system experiences
a software or hardware malfunction preventing the software from restarting the WDT, the WDT overflows and causes a reset. Following
a reset, the WDT is automatically enabled and running with the default maximum time interval. If needed, the WDT can be disabled by
system software. The state of the RSTb pin is unaffected by this reset.
The Watchdog Timer integrated in the PCA0 peripheral has the following features:
UART0 is an asynchronous, full duplex serial port offering modes 1 and 3 of the standard 8051 UART. Enhanced baud rate support
allows a wide range of clock sources to generate standard baud rates. Received data buffering allows UART0 to start reception of a
second incoming data byte before software has finished reading the previous data byte.
The UART module provides the following features:
• Asynchronous transmissions and receptions
• Baud rates up to SYSCLK/2 (transmit) or SYSCLK/8 (receive)
• 8- or 9-bit data
• Automatic start and stop generation
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0 and SPI1)
The serial peripheral interface (SPI) module provides access to a flexible, full-duplex synchronous serial bus. The SPI can operate as a
master or slave device in both 3-wire or 4-wire modes, and supports multiple masters and slaves on a single SPI bus. The slave-select
(NSS) signal can be configured as an input to select the SPI in slave mode, or to disable master mode operation in a multi-master
environment, avoiding contention on the SPI bus when more than one master attempts simultaneous data transfers. NSS can also be
configured as a firmware-controlled chip-select output in master mode, or disabled to reduce the number of pins required. Additional
general purpose port I/O pins can be used to select multiple slave devices in master mode.
The SPI module includes the following features:
• Supports 3- or 4-wire operation in master or slave modes.
• Supports external clock frequencies up to SYSCLK / 2 in master mode and SYSCLK / 10 in slave mode.
• Support for four clock phase and polarity options.
• 8-bit dedicated clock clock rate generator.
• Support for multiple masters on the same data lines.
System Management Bus / I2C (SMB0)
The SMBus I/O interface is a two-wire, bi-directional serial bus. The SMBus is compliant with the System Management Bus Specification, version 1.1, and compatible with the I2C serial bus.
The SMBus module includes the following features:
• Standard (up to 100 kbps) and Fast (400 kbps) transfer speeds.
• Support for master, slave, and multi-master modes.
• Hardware synchronization and arbitration for multi-master mode.
• Clock low extending (clock stretching) to interface with faster masters.
• Hardware support for 7-bit slave and general call address recognition.
• Firmware support for 10-bit slave address decoding.
External Memory Interface (EMIF) enables access of off-chip memories and memory-mapped devices connected to the GPIO
ports. The external memory space may be accessed using the external move instruction (MOVX) with the target address specified in
either 8-bit or 16-bit formats.
• Supports multiplexed memory access.
• Four external memory modes:
• Internal only.
• Split mode without bank select.
• Split mode with bank select.
• External only
• Configurable ALE (address latch enable) timing.
• Configurable address setup and hold times.
• Configurable write and read pulse widths.
16/32-bit CRC (CRC0)
The cyclic redundancy check (CRC) module performs a CRC using a 16-bit or 32-bit polynomial. CRC0 accepts a stream of 8-bit data
and posts the result to an internal register. In addition to using the CRC block for data manipulation, hardware can automatically CRC
the flash contents of the device.
The CRC module is designed to provide hardware calculations for flash memory verification and communications protocols. The CRC
module includes the following features:
• Support for CCITT-16 polynomial (0x1021).
• Support for CRC-32 polynomial (0x04C11DB7).
• Byte-level bit reversal.
• Automatic CRC of flash contents on one or more 1024-byte blocks.
• Initial seed selection of 0x0000/0x00000000 or 0xFFFF/0xFFFFFFFF.
1.7 Analog
Programmable Current Reference (IREF0)
The programmable current reference (IREF0) module enables current source or sink with two output current settings: Low Power Mode
and High Current Mode. The maximum current output in Low Power Mode is 63 µA (1 µA steps) and the maximum current output in
High Current Mode is 504 µA (8 µA steps).
The IREF module includes the following features:
• Capable of sourcing or sinking current in programmable steps.
• Two operational modes: Low Power Mode and High Current Mode.
ADC is a successive-approximation-register (SAR) ADC with 10- and 8-bit modes, integrated track-and hold and a programmable
window detector. The ADC is fully configurable under software control via several registers. The ADC may be configured to measure
different signals using the analog multiplexer. The voltage reference for the ADC is selectable between internal and external reference
• Up to 22 external inputs.
• Single-ended 10-bit mode.
• Supports an output update rate of 300 ksps samples per second.
• Operation in low power modes at lower conversion speeds.
• Asynchronous hardware conversion trigger, selectable between software, external I/O and internal timer sources.
• Output data window comparator allows automatic range checking.
• Support for burst mode, which produces one set of accumulated data per conversion-start trigger with programmable power-on settling and tracking time.
• Conversion complete and window compare interrupts supported.
• Flexible output data formatting.
• Includes an internal 1.65 V fast-settling reference and support for external reference.
• Integrated temperature sensor.
Low Current Comparators (CMP0, CMP1)
Analog comparators are used to compare the voltage of two analog inputs, with a digital output indicating which input voltage is higher.
External input connections to device I/O pins and internal connections are available through separate multiplexers on the positive and
negative inputs. Hysteresis, response time, and current consumption may be programmed to suit the specific needs of the application.
The comparator module includes the following features:
• Up to 12 external positive inputs.
• Up to 11 external negative inputs.
• Additional input options:
• Capacitive Sense Comparator output.
• VDD.
• VDD divided by 2.
• Internal connection to LDO output.
• Direct connection to GND.
• Synchronous and asynchronous outputs can be routed to pins via crossbar.
• Programmable hysteresis between 0 and +/-20 mV.
• Programmable response time.
• Interrupts generated on rising, falling, or both edges.
Reset circuitry allows the controller to be easily placed in a predefined default condition. On entry to this reset state, the following occur:
The core halts program execution.
• Module registers are initialized to their defined reset values unless the bits reset only with a power-on reset.
• External port pins are forced to a known state.
• Interrupts and timers are disabled.
All registers are reset to the predefined values noted in the register descriptions unless the bits only reset with a power-on reset. The
contents of RAM are unaffected during a reset; any previously stored data is preserved as long as power is not lost. The Port I/O latches are reset to 1 in open-drain mode. Weak pullups are enabled during and after the reset. For Supply Monitor and power-on resets,
the RSTb pin is driven low until the device exits the reset state. On exit from the reset state, the program counter (PC) is reset, and the
system clock defaults to an internal oscillator. The Watchdog Timer is enabled, and program execution begins at location 0x0000.
Reset sources on the device include the following:
• Power-on reset
• External reset pin
• Comparator reset
• Software-triggered reset
• Supply monitor reset (monitors VDD supply)
• Watchdog timer reset
• Missing clock detector reset
• Flash error reset
• RTC0 alarm or oscillator failure
1.9 Debugging
The EFM8SB2 devices include an on-chip Silicon Labs 2-Wire (C2) debug interface to allow flash programming and in-system debugging with the production part installed in the end application. The C2 interface uses a clock signal (C2CK) and a bi-directional C2 data
signal (C2D) to transfer information between the device and a host system. See the C2 Interface Specification for details on the C2
1.10 Bootloader
All devices come pre-programmed with a UART bootloader. This bootloader resides in flash and can be erased if it is not needed.
The memory organization of the CIP-51 System Controller is similar to that of a standard 8051. There are two separate memory
spaces: program memory and data memory. Program and data memory share the same address space but are accessed via different
instruction types. Program memory consists of a non-volatile storage area that may be used for either program code or non-volatile
data storage. The data memory, consisting of "internal" and "external" data space, is implemented as RAM, and may be used only for
data storage. Program execution is not supported from the data memory space.
2.2 Program Memory
The CIP-51 core has a 64 KB program memory space. The product family implements some of this program memory space as in-system, re-programmable flash memory. Flash security is implemented by a user-programmable location in the flash block and provides
read, write, and erase protection. All addresses not specified in the device memory map are reserved and may not be used for code or
data storage.
MOVX Instruction and Program Memory
The MOVX instruction in an 8051 device is typically used to access external data memory. On the devices, the MOVX instruction is
normally used to read and write on-chip XRAM, but can be re-configured to write and erase on-chip flash memory space. MOVC instructions are always used to read flash memory, while MOVX write instructions are used to erase and write flash. This flash access
feature provides a mechanism for the product to update program code and use the program memory space for non-volatile data storage.
2.3 Data Memory
The RAM space on the chip includes both an "internal" RAM area which is accessed with MOV instructions, and an on-chip "external"
RAM area which is accessed using MOVX instructions. Total RAM varies, based on the specific device. The device memory map has
more details about the specific amount of RAM available in each area for the different device variants.
Internal RAM
There are 256 bytes of internal RAM mapped into the data memory space from 0x00 through 0xFF. The lower 128 bytes of data memory are used for general purpose registers and scratch pad memory. Either direct or indirect addressing may be used to access the lower
128 bytes of data memory. Locations 0x00 through 0x1F are addressable as four banks of general purpose registers, each bank consisting of eight byte-wide registers. The next 16 bytes, locations 0x20 through 0x2F, may either be addressed as bytes or as 128 bit
locations accessible with the direct addressing mode.
The upper 128 bytes of data memory are accessible only by indirect addressing. This region occupies the same address space as the
Special Function Registers (SFR) but is physically separate from the SFR space. The addressing mode used by an instruction when
accessing locations above 0x7F determines whether the CPU accesses the upper 128 bytes of data memory space or the SFRs. Instructions that use direct addressing will access the SFR space. Instructions using indirect addressing above 0x7F access the upper
128 bytes of data memory.
General Purpose Registers
The lower 32 bytes of data memory, locations 0x00 through 0x1F, may be addressed as four banks of general-purpose registers. Each
bank consists of eight byte-wide registers designated R0 through R7. Only one of these banks may be enabled at a time. Two bits in
the program status word (PSW) register, RS0 and RS1, select the active register bank. This allows fast context switching when entering
subroutines and interrupt service routines. Indirect addressing modes use registers R0 and R1 as index registers.
addition to direct access to data memory organized as bytes, the sixteen data memory locations at 0x20 through 0x2F are also ac-
cessible as 128 individually addressable bits. Each bit has a bit address from 0x00 to 0x7F. Bit 0 of the byte at 0x20 has bit address
0x00 while bit 7 of the byte at 0x20 has bit address 0x07. Bit 7 of the byte at 0x2F has bit address 0x7F. A bit access is distinguished
from a full byte access by the type of instruction used (bit source or destination operands as opposed to a byte source or destination).
The MCS-51™ assembly language allows an alternate notation for bit addressing of the form XX.B where XX is the byte address and B
is the bit position within the byte. For example, the instruction:
Mov C, 22.3h
moves the Boolean value at 0x13 (bit 3 of the byte at location 0x22) into the Carry flag.
programmer's stack can be located anywhere in the 256-byte data memory. The stack area is designated using the Stack Pointer
(SP) SFR. The SP will point to the last location used. The next value pushed on the stack is placed at SP+1 and then SP is incremented. A reset initializes the stack pointer to location 0x07. Therefore, the first value pushed on the stack is placed at location 0x08, which
is also the first register (R0) of register bank 1. Thus, if more than one register bank is to be used, the SP should be initialized to a
location in the data memory not being used for data storage. The stack depth can extend up to 256 bytes.
External RAM
On devices with more than 256 bytes of on-chip RAM, the additional RAM is mapped into the external data memory space (XRAM).
Addresses in XRAM area accessed using the external move (MOVX) instructions.
Note: The 16-bit MOVX write instruction is also used for writing and erasing the flash memory. More details may be found in the flash
memory section.
The direct-access data memory locations from 0x80 to 0xFF constitute the special function registers (SFRs). The SFRs provide control
and data exchange with the CIP-51's resources and peripherals. The CIP-51 duplicates the SFRs found in a typical 8051 implementation as well as implementing additional SFRs used to configure and access the sub-systems unique to the MCU. This allows the addi-
tion of new functionality while retaining compatibility with the MCS-51 ™ instruction set.
The SFR registers are accessed anytime the direct addressing mode is used to access memory locations from 0x80 to 0xFF. SFRs
with addresses ending in 0x0 or 0x8 (e.g., P0, TCON, SCON0, IE, etc.) are bit-addressable as well as byte-addressable. All other SFRs
are byte-addressable only. Unoccupied addresses in the SFR space are reserved for future use. Accessing these areas will have an
indeterminate effect and should be avoided.
SFR Paging
The CIP-51 features SFR paging, allowing the device to map many SFRs into the 0x80 to 0xFF memory address space. The SFR
memory space has 256 pages. In this way, each memory location from 0x80 to 0xFF can access up to 256 SFRs. The EFM8SB2
devices utilize multiple SFR pages. All of the common 8051 SFRs are available on all pages. Certain SFRs are only available on a
subset of pages. SFR pages are selected using the SFRPAGE register. The procedure for reading and writing an SFR is as follows:
1. Select the appropriate SFR page using the SFRPAGE register.
2. Use direct accessing mode to read or write the special function register (MOV instruction).
The SFRPAGE register only needs to be changed in the case that the SFR to be accessed does not exist on the currently-selected
page. See the SFR memory map for details on the locations of each SFR. It is good practice inside of interrupt service routines to save
the current SFRPAGE at the beginning of the ISR and restore this value at the end.
Interrupts and SFR Paging
In any system which changes the SFRPAGE while interrupts are active, it is good practice to save the current SFRPAGE value upon
ISR entry, and then restore the SFRPAGE before exiting the ISR. This ensures that SFRPAGE will remain at the desired setting when
returning from the ISR.
On-chip, re-programmable flash memory is included for program code and non-volatile data storage. The flash memory is organized in
1024-byte pages. It can be erased and written through the C2 interface or from firmware by overloading the MOVX instruction. Any
individual byte in flash memory must only be written once between page erase operations.
CIP-51 provides security options to protect the flash memory from inadvertent modification by software as well as to prevent the
viewing of proprietary program code and constants. The Program Store Write Enable (bit PSWE in register PSCTL) and the Program
Store Erase Enable (bit PSEE in register PSCTL) bits protect the flash memory from accidental modification by software. PSWE must
be explicitly set to 1 before software can modify the flash memory; both PSWE and PSEE must be set to 1 before software can erase
flash memory. Additional security features prevent proprietary program code and data constants from being read or altered across the
C2 interface.
A Security Lock Byte located in flash user space offers protection of the flash program memory from access (reads, writes, or erases)
by unprotected code or the C2 interface. See the specific device memory map for the location of the security byte. The flash security
mechanism allows the user to lock "n" flash pages, starting at page 0, where "n" is the 1s complement number represented by the
Security Lock Byte.
Note: The page containing the flash Security Lock Byte is unlocked when no other flash pages are locked (all bits of the Lock Byte are
1) and locked when any other flash pages are locked (any bit of the Lock Byte is 0).
Target Area for Read / Write / ErasePermissions from C2 interface
[R] = Read permitted
[W] = Write permitted
[E] = Erase permitted
Device Erase Only = No read, write, or individual page erase is allowed. Must erase entire flash space.
None = Read, write and erase are not permitted
4.3.2 Programming the Flash Memory
to flash memory clear bits from logic 1 to logic 0 and can be performed on single byte locations. Flash erasures set bits back to
logic 1 and occur only on full pages. The write and erase operations are automatically timed by hardware for proper execution; data
polling to determine the end of the write/erase operation is not required. Code execution is stalled during a flash write/erase operation.
The simplest means of programming the flash memory is through the C2 interface using programming tools provided by Silicon Labs or
a third party vendor. Firmware may also be loaded into the device to implement code-loader functions or allow non-volatile data storage. To ensure the integrity of flash contents, it is strongly recommended that the on-chip supply monitor be enabled in any system that
includes code that writes and/or erases flash memory from software. Flash Lock and Key Functions
Flash writes and erases by user software are protected with a lock and key function. The FLKEY register must be written with the correct key codes, in sequence, before flash operations may be performed. The key codes are 0xA5 and 0xF1. The timing does not matter, but the codes must be written in order. If the key codes are written out of order or the wrong codes are written, flash writes and
erases will be disabled until the next system reset. Flash writes and erases will also be disabled if a flash write or erase is attempted
before the key codes have been written properly. The flash lock resets after each write or erase; the key codes must be written again
before another flash write or erase operation can be performed. Flash Page Erase Procedure
The flash memory is erased one page at a time by firmware using the MOVX write instruction with the address targeted to any byte
within the page. Before erasing a page of flash memory, flash write and erase operations must be enabled by setting the PSWE and
PSEE bits in the PSCTL register to logic 1 (this directs the MOVX writes to target flash memory and enables page erasure) and writing
the flash key codes in sequence to the FLKEY register. The PSWE and PSEE bits remain set until cleared by firmware.
Erase operation applies to an entire page (setting all bytes in the page to 0xFF). To erase an entire page, perform the following steps:
1. Disable interrupts (recommended).
2. Write the first key code to FLKEY: 0xA5.
3. Write the second key code to FLKEY: 0xF1.
4. Set the PSEE bit (register PSCTL).
5. Set the PSWE bit (register PSCTL).
6. Using the MOVX instruction, write a data byte to any location within the page to be erased.
7. Clear the PSWE and PSEE bits. Flash Byte Write Procedure
The flash memory is written by firmware using the MOVX write instruction with the address and data byte to be programmed provided
as normal operands in DPTR and A. Before writing to flash memory using MOVX, flash write operations must be enabled by setting the
PSWE bit in the PSCTL register to logic 1 (this directs the MOVX writes to target flash memory) and writing the flash key codes in
sequence to the FLKEY register. The PSWE bit remains set until cleared by firmware. A write to flash memory can clear bits to logic 0
but cannot set them. A byte location to be programmed should be erased (already set to 0xFF) before a new value is written.
To write a byte of flash, perform the following steps:
1. Disable interrupts (recommended).
2. Write the first key code to FLKEY: 0xA5.
3. Write the second key code to FLKEY: 0xF1.
4. Set the PSWE bit (register PSCTL).
5. Clear the PSEE bit (register PSCTL).
6. Using the MOVX instruction, write a single data byte to the desired location within the desired page.
system which contains routines which write or erase flash memory from software involves some risk that the write or erase routines
will execute unintentionally if the CPU is operating outside its specified operating range of supply voltage, system clock frequency or
temperature. This accidental execution of flash modifying code can result in alteration of flash memory contents causing a system failure that is only recoverable by re-flashing the code in the device.
To help prevent the accidental modification of flash by firmware, hardware restricts flash writes and erasures when the supply monitor is
not active and selected as a reset source. As the monitor is enabled and selected as a reset source by default, it is recommended that
systems writing or erasing flash simply maintain the default state.
The following sections provide general guidelines for any system which contains routines which write or erase flash from code. Additional flash recommendations and example code can be found in AN201: Writing to Flash From Firmware, available from the Silicon
Laboratories website.
Voltage Supply Maintenance and the Supply Monitor
• If the system power supply is subject to voltage or current "spikes," add sufficient transient protection devices to the power supply to
ensure that the supply voltages listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings table are not exceeded.
• Make certain that the minimum supply rise time specification is met. If the system cannot meet this rise time specification, then add
an external supply brownout circuit to the RSTb pin of the device that holds the device in reset until the voltage supply reaches the
lower limit, and re-asserts RSTb if the supply drops below the low supply limit.
• Do not disable the supply monitor. If the supply monitor must be disabled in the system, firmware should be added to the startup
routine to enable the on-chip supply monitor and enable the supply monitor as a reset source as early in code as possible. This
should be the first set of instructions executed after the reset vector. For C-based systems, this may involve modifying the startup
code added by the C compiler. See your compiler documentation for more details. Make certain that there are no delays in software
between enabling the supply monitor and enabling the supply monitor as a reset source.
Note: The supply monitor must be enabled and enabled as a reset source when writing or erasing flash memory. A flash error reset
will occur if either condition is not met.
• As an added precaution if the supply monitor is ever disabled, explicitly enable the supply monitor and enable the supply monitor as
a reset source inside the functions that write and erase flash memory. The supply monitor enable instructions should be placed just
after the instruction to set PSWE to a 1, but before the flash write or erase operation instruction.
• Make certain that all writes to the RSTSRC (Reset Sources) register use direct assignment operators and explicitly do not use the
bit-wise operators (such as AND or OR). For example, "RSTSRC = 0x02" is correct. "RSTSRC |= 0x02" is incorrect.
• Make certain that all writes to the RSTSRC register explicitly set the PORSF bit to a 1. Areas to check are initialization code which
enables other reset sources, such as the Missing Clock Detector or Comparator, for example, and instructions which force a Software Reset. A global search on "RSTSRC" can quickly verify this.
PSWE Maintenance
• Reduce the number of places in code where the PSWE bit (in register PSCTL) is set to a 1. There should be exactly one routine in
code that sets PSWE to a 1 to write flash bytes and one routine in code that sets PSWE and PSEE both to a 1 to erase flash pages.
• Minimize the number of variable accesses while PSWE is set to a 1. Handle pointer address updates and loop variable maintenance
outside the "PSWE = 1;... PSWE = 0;" area.
• Disable interrupts prior to setting PSWE to a 1 and leave them disabled until after PSWE has been reset to 0. Any interrupts posted
during the flash write or erase operation will be serviced in priority order after the flash operation has been completed and interrupts
have been re-enabled by software.
• Make certain that the flash write and erase pointer variables are not located in XRAM. See your compiler documentation for instructions regarding how to explicitly locate variables in different memory areas.
• Add address bounds checking to the routines that write or erase flash memory to ensure that a routine called with an illegal address
does not result in modification of the flash.
System Clock
• If operating from an external crystal-based source, be advised that crystal performance is susceptible to electrical interference and is
sensitive to layout and to changes in temperature. If the system is operating in an electrically noisy environment, use the internal
oscillator or use an external CMOS clock.
• If operating from the external oscillator, switch to the internal oscillator during flash write or erase operations. The external oscillator
can continue to run, and the CPU can switch back to the external oscillator after the flash operation has completed.
The flash memory is responsible for a substantial portion of the total digital supply current when the device is executing code. Below are
suggestions to minimize flash read current.
Use low power modes while waiting for an interrupt, rather than polling the interrupt flag.
2. Disable the one-shot timer.
3. Reduce the number of toggling address lines for short code loops.
Using Low Power Modes
To reduce flash read current, use idle, suspend, or sleep modes while waiting for an interrupt, rather than polling the interrupt flag. Idle
mode is particularly well-suited for use in implementing short pauses, since the wake-up time is no more than three system clock cycles. See the Power Management chapter for details on the various low-power operating modes.
Disabling the One-Shot Timer
The flash has a one-shot timer that saves power when operating at system clock frequencies of 10 MHz or less. The one-shot timer
generates a minimum-duration enable signal for the flash sense amps on each clock cycle in which the flash memory is accessed. This
allows the flash to remain in a low power state for the remainder of the long clock cycle.
At clock frequencies above 10 MHz, the system clock cycle becomes short enough that the one-shot timer no longer provides a power
benefit. Disabling the one-shot timer at higher frequencies reduces power consumption. The one-shot is enabled by default, and it can
be disabled (bypassed) by setting the BYPASS bit in the FLSCL register. To reenable the one-shot, clear the BYPASS bit to logic 0.
Reduce Toggling Lines in Loops
Flash read current depends on the number of address lines that toggle between sequential flash read operations. In most cases, the
difference in power is relatively small (on the order of 5%).
The flash memory is organized in rows of 128 bytes. A substantial current increase can be detected when the read address jumps from
one row in the flash memory to another. Consider a 3-cycle loop (e.g., SJMP $, or while(1);) which straddles a flash row boundary. The
flash address jumps from one row to another on two of every three clock cycles. This can result in a current increase of up 30% when
compared to the same 3-cycle loop contained entirely within a single row.
To minimize the power consumption of small loops, it is best to locate them within a single row, if possible. To check if a loop is contained within a flash row, divide the starting address of the first instruction in the loop by 128. If the remainder (result of modulo operation) plus the length of the loop is less than 127, then the loop fits inside a single flash row. Otherwise, the loop will be straddling two
adjacent flash rows. If a loop executes in 20 or more clock cycles, then the transitions from one row to another will occur on relatively
few clock cycles, and any resulting increase in operating current will be negligible.
4.3.5 Scratchpad
An additional scratchpad area is available for non-volatile data storage. It is accessible at addresses 0x0000 to 0x03FF when the SFLE
bit is set to 1. The scratchpad area cannot be used for code execution. The scratchpad is locked when all other flash pages are locked,
and it is erased when a Flash Device Erase command is performed.
When this bit is set, flash MOVC reads and MOVX writes from user software are directed to the Scratchpad flash sector.
Flash accesses outside the address range 0x0000-0x01FF should not be attempted and may yield undefined results when
SFLE is set to 1.
Flash access from user software directed to the Program/Data Flash sector.
Flash access from user software directed to the Scratchpad sector.
1PSEE0RWProgram Store Erase Enable.
Setting this bit (in combination with PSWE) allows an entire page of flash program memory to be erased. If this bit is logic 1
flash writes are enabled (PSWE is logic 1), a write to flash memory using the MOVX instruction will erase the entire
page that contains the location addressed by the MOVX instruction. The value of the data byte written does not matter.
0ERASE_DISABLEDFlash program memory erasure disabled.
1ERASE_ENABLEDFlash program memory erasure enabled.
0PSWE0RWProgram Store Write Enable.
Setting this bit allows writing a byte of data to the flash program memory using the MOVX write instruction. The flash location should be erased before writing data.
0WRITE_DISABLEDWrites to flash program memory disabled.
1WRITE_ENABLEDWrites to flash program memory enabled; the MOVX write instruction targets flash
register provides a lock and key function for flash erasures and writes. Flash writes and erases are enabled by writing
0xA5 followed by 0xF1 to the FLKEY register. Flash writes and erases are automatically disabled after the next write or
erase is complete. If any writes to FLKEY are performed incorrectly, or if a flash write or erase operation is attempted while
these operations are disabled, the flash will be permanently locked from writes or erasures until the next device reset. If an
application never writes to flash, it can intentionally lock the flash by writing a non-0xA5 value to FLKEY from firmware.
When read, bits 1-0 indicate the current flash lock state.
00: Flash is write/erase locked.
01: The first key code has been written (0xA5).
10: Flash is unlocked (writes/erases allowed).
11: Flash writes/erases are disabled until the next reset.
4.4.3 FLSCL: Flash Scale
SFR Page = 0x0; SFR Address: 0xB6
7ReservedMust write reset value.
6BYPASS0RWFlash Read Timing One-Shot Bypass.
0ONE_SHOTThe one-shot determines the flash read time. This setting should be used for op-
erating frequencies less than 14 MHz.
1SYSCLKThe system clock determines the flash read time. This setting should be used for
frequencies greater than 14 MHz.
5:0ReservedMust write reset value.
When changing the BYPASS bit from 1 to 0, the third opcode byte fetched from program memory is indeterminate. Therefore, the
operation which clears the BYPASS bit should be immediately followed by a benign 3-byte instruction whose third byte is a don't care.
example of such an instruction is a 3-byte MOV that targets the CRC0FLIP register. When programming in C, the dummy value
written to CRC0FLIP should be a non-zero value to prevent the compiler from generating a 2-byte MOV instruction.