Dual 1 Msps High-Resolution Data Acquisition
INL: ±0.75 LSB
SiNAD: 89 dB
Power: 20 mW
1. Self-Demo Port
2. IDE Debug Port
(Tools Test Drive)
Data Port
Analog Front End
1. Relevant Devices
The C8051F064 Evaluation Kit is intended as an evaluation platform for the microcontrollers in the C8051F06x
MCU family. The members of this MCU family are C8051F060, C8051F061, C8051F062, C8051F063,
C8051F064, C8051F065, C8051F066, and C8051F067.
The evaluation board included in this kit is provided with a pre-soldered C8051F064 MCU (TQFP100 package).
Code developed on the C8051F064 can be easily ported to the other members of this MCU family.
Refer to the C8051F06x data sheet for the differences between the members of this MCU family.
2. Kit Contents
C8051F064 Evaluation Kits contain the following items:
C8051F064 Evaluation Board
Silicon Laboratories Evaluation Kit IDE and Product Information CD-ROM. CD content includes the following:
Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Keil Software 8051 Development Tools (evaluation assembler, linker, and C compiler)
Source code examples and register definition files
Evaluation Kit Demos, C8051F064 ADC Demo
USB Cable
C8051F064 Evaluation Kit User’s Guide
3. Kit Overview
Figure 1 illustrates the block diagram of the C8051F064 Evaluation Kit. The board includes an analog front end to
signal condition and digitize (through the C8051F064) analog input signals. The board also includes two USB ports
to transfer conversions to a PC: the DATA Port and the Self-Demo/IDE Debug port. The DATA port consists of a
Silicon Laboratories CP2101 (UART to USB bridge) and a USB connector. The Self-Demo/IDE Debug port
consists of Silicon Laboratories’ debug interface hardware and a USB connector.
Power for the C8051F064 board can be supplied from either USB connection. An alternative lower noise supply
can be used for better measurement performance if desired. Refer to Section 9. for more details.
Noise Performance Demonstration—Demonstrates 16-bit dc performance; displays FFT plot and key
Performance Evaluation—Facilitates easy programming and analog front end input for dynamic performance
evaluation of ac signals.
Tools Test Drive—Allows easy evaluation of the Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) (code download and on-chip debug function).
4. Evaluation Kit ADC Demo
The C8051F064 evaluation kit includes a demonstration of the noise performance of the 16-bit ADCs on the
C8051F064 device. A 1.25 V dc input signal is provided on the board as an input to the ADC input pins, AIN0 and
AIN1. The ADCs convert and store 32,768 samples (differential, 16-bit samples in 2s complement) in off-chip
SRAM. The PC application then downloads the data through the debug USB port. After processing these
conversions, the software generates a spectral plot (magnitude versus frequency) of the ADC input signal. The
spectral plot illustrates the C8051F064s noise floor for the given sample set. The minimum and maximum values
sampled, mean of values sampled, standard deviation, and dynamic range are displayed. To run the ADC Demo,
first configure the evaluation board and install the PC application.
4.1. ADC Demo Hardware Setup
Configure the evaluation board according to the instructions below. A diagram of the final configuration is shown in
Figure 2. Configuration shorting blocks may already be installed.
1. Place a shorting block on the J2 header connecting Pin 2 and Pin 3. This configures the evaluation board
to be powered from the DEBUG USB connector (J1).
2. Place a shorting block on the J4 header connecting Pin 2 and Pin 3. This configures the external voltage
reference to be powered from the DEBUG USB connector
3. Place shorting blocks on the "V+" (J6) and "V–" (J8) headers.
4. Configure SRAM(U5): Place shorting blocks on J11 and on J14 connecting Pin 2 and Pin 3.
5. Connect one end of the provided USB cable to any available USB port on the PC.
6. Connect the other end of the USB cable into the USB connector on the board labeled "DEBUG" (J1). This
connection should power the board. Evalu at ion board power is indicated by the "PWR" LED (D4).
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Figure 2. ADC Demo Hardware Setup
4.2. ADC Demo Software Installation
Install the ADC Demo application software according to the instructions below.
1. Place the Evaluation Kit CD-ROM into the PC.
2. An installation dialogue box will appear. Click the “Install Evaluation Kit Tools” button.
3. The Kit Selection window will open, showing the available Evaluation Kits. To install the application, select
the "C8051F064 Evaluation Kit" option. Click the "Install" button.
4. The "Confirm Installations" window will open, showing the available installation options. Only the "Install
C8051F064 Evaluation Kit Demo" needs to be selected to run the demo. The "Install CP210x Drivers"
option must be selected in order to communicate with the board through the DATA USB port.
5. Follow the installation prompts to install the demo application. By default, the software will be installed in
the C:\Silabs\MCU\C8051F064_EK directory. In addition, shortcuts to the application will be placed on the
desktop and in the Start > Programs menu.
4.3. Running the ADC Demo Software
To run the demo, run the installed application. When executed, the following occurs automatically:
1. Firmware is downloaded to the C8051F064 FLASH code memory.
2. The C8051F064’s 8051 MCU executes the firmware to configure the 16-bit ADC, direct memory access
(DMA) interface, and parallel interface to store samples in the onboard SRAM.
3. The ADCs sample a dc voltage (32,768 samples) to measure the inherent noise floor of the ADC and analog front-end (AFE) circuit.
Note: There is also noise contributed by the circuit board, including noise from the USB connection to the ground on
the PC.
4. The ADC performs data conversions, and the DMA stores these samples in the onboard SRAM via a parallel interface.
5. Once the ADC samples are stored, the application reads these samp les from the board (downlo ad through
the DEBUG USB port) and analyzes them.
6. The application displays a frequency analysis plot of the samples and shows their maximum, minimum,
and mean values and the standard code deviation or "sigma" (in LSBs) and calculates the dynamic range
based on a full-scale signal (rms) value. Such an evaluation is an important dc noise performance measurement of high-resolution ADCs.
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5. Software Setup
The included CD-ROM contains the Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Keil software
8051 tools and additional documentation. Insert the CD-ROM into your PC’s CD-ROM drive. An installer will
automatically launch, allowing you to install the IDE software or read documentation by clicking buttons on the
Installation Panel. If the installer does not automatically start when you insert the CD-ROM, run autorun.exe found
in the root directory of the CD-ROM. Refer to the ReleaseNotes.txt file on the CD-ROM for the latest information
regarding known problems and restrictions. After installing the software, see the following sections for information
regarding the software and running one of the demo applications.
5.1. CP210x USB to UART VCP Driver Installation
The C8051F064 Evaluation Board includes a Silicon Laboratories CP2101 USB-to-UART Bridge Controller. Device
drivers for the CP2101 need to be installed before PC software such as HyperTerminal can communicate with the
evaluation board over the USB connection. If the "Install CP210x Drivers" option was selected during installation,
this will launch a driver “unpacker” utility.
1. Follow the steps to copy the driver files to the desired location. The d efault directory is C:\SiLabs\MCU\CP210x.
2. The final window will give an option to install the driver on the target system. Select the “Launch the CP210x
VCP Driver Installer” option if you are ready to install the driver.
3. If selected, the driver installer will now laun ch, providing an option to specify the driver installation location. After
pressing the “Install” button, the installer will search your system for copies of previously installed CP210x
Virtual COM Port drivers. It will let you know when your system is up to date. The driver files included in this
installation have been certified by Microsoft.
4. If the “Launch the CP210x VCP Driver Installer” option was not selected in step 3, the installer can be found in
the location specified in step 2, by default C:\SiLabs\MCU\CP210x\Windows_2K_XP_S2K3_Vista. At this
location run CP210xVCPInstaller.exe.
5. To complete the installation process, connect the included USB cable between the ho st com puter a nd the Data
USB connector (J7) on the C8051F064 Evaluation Board. Windows will automatically finish the driver
installation. Information windows will pop up from the taskbar to show the installation progress.
6. If needed, the driver files can be uninstalled by selecting “Silicon Laboratories CP210x USB to UART Bridge
(Driver Removal)” option in the “Add or Remove Programs” window.
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6. Software Overview
6.1. Silicon Laboratories IDE
The Silicon Laboratories IDE integrates a source-code editor, a source-level debugger, and an in-system Flash
programmer. See Section "7. Using the Keil Software 8051 Tools with the Silicon Laboratories IDE" on page 7 for
detailed information on how to use the IDE. T he Keil Eval uation Toolset includes a compiler, linker, and assembler
and easily integrates into the IDE. The use of third-party compilers and assemblers is also supported.
6.1.1. IDE System Requirements
The Silicon Laboratories IDE requirements:
Pentium-class host PC running Microsoft Windows 2000 or newer.
One available USB port.
64 MB RAM and 40 MB free HD space recommended.
6.1.2. 3rd Party Toolsets
The Silicon Laboratories IDE has native support for many 8051 compilers. The full list of natively supported tools is
as follows:
The demo applications for the C8051F064 evaluation board are written to work with the Keil and SDCC toolsets.
6.2. Keil Evaluation Toolset
6.2.1. Keil Assembler and Linker
The assembler and linker that are part of the Keil Demonstration Toolset are the same versions that are found in
the full Keil Toolset. The complete assembler and linker reference manual can be found on-line under the Help
menu in the IDE or in the “SiLabs\MCU\hlp” directory (A51.chm).
6.2.2. Keil Evaluation C51 C Compiler
The evaluation version of the C51 compiler is the same as the full version with the following limitation: (1) Maximum
4 kB code generation. When installed from the CD-ROM, the C51 compiler is initially limited to a code size of 2 kB,
and programs start at code address 0x0800. Refer to the Application Note “AN104: Integrating Keil Tools into the
Silicon Labs IDE" for instructions to change the limitation to 4 kB, and have the programs start at code address
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6.3. Configuration Wizard 2
The Configuration Wizard 2 is a code generation tool for all of the Silicon Laboratories devices. Code is generated
through the use of dialog boxes for each of the device's peripherals.
Figure 3. Configuration Wizard 2 Utility
The Configuration Wizard 2 utility helps accelerate development by automatically generating initialization source
code to configure and enable the on-chip reso urces ne eded by most design project s. In just a few steps, th e wizard
creates complete startup code for a specific Silicon Laboratories MCU. The program is configurable to provide the
output in C or assembly. For more information, refer to the Configuration Wizard 2 help available under the Help
menu in Config Wizard 2.
6.4. Keil uVision2 and uVision3 Silicon Laboratories Drivers
As an alternative to the Silicon Laboratories IDE, the uVision debug driver allows the Keil uVision IDE to
communicate with Silicon Laboratories on-chip debug logic. In-system Flash memory programming integrated into
the driver allows for rapidly updating target code. The uVision IDE can be used to start and stop program
execution, set breakpoints, check variables, inspect and modify memory contents, and single-step through
programs running on the actual target hardware.
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