The Model 4821/4820 is a control/communicator for use in residential and commercial
security applications, commercial and residential fire applications. The Model 4821 includes a
sophisticated access control system, through which you can monitor and control user access to
specific areas of a building (see Section 3 for detailed information on access control).
1.1Overview of System Features
48204821System Feature
3Can use the Model 4421 Door Access Module as an expansion device.
38 partitions, 8 areas within each partition
332 reporting accounts
324 touchpads / card readers
3100 User Profiles
31800 User Codes
350 Time Schedules (with 20 time ranges each)
38 Universal Schedules (with 20 time ranges each)
400 zones, 16 on 4821/4820 board, additional available with expansion devices
(Model 4815 zone expander, Model 4825 zone expander, Model 4860C touchpad)
8 reporting accounts
One monitored phone line on 4821/4820 board, expandable to two lines with Model
4875 Second Phone Line Expander
20 User Profiles
500 Users Codes
25 Time Schedules (with 20 time ranges each)
2.5 amps power available, expandable to 5.0 amps with 4195 Auxiliary Power
The 4821 and 4820 are shipped with a Model 9227 transformer and 16 Model 7628EOL
resistors (each 4.7 k ohm).
Model 4821/4820 Control/Communicator Installation Manual
1.1.1Compatible Modules
Table 1-1 shows the modules available for use with the 4821/4820. The third column of the
chart shows where to find installation instructions for the module. (See Figure 1-1 for a block
diagram or compatible units.)
Table 1-1: Modules Compatible with the Model 4821/4820
4195 Auxiliary Power SupplyProvides an additional 2.5 amps of power and allows
for a second 12-volt, 7.0 AH battery to be added to the
4815 Serial Zone Expander128-Zone Serial Expander. Used with SmartSensors.
4111 SmartSensorsSerial sensors for use with the 4815.
4114 End-of-Line Resistor1.43K ohm EOL resistor for use with Model 4111
SmartSensor. The 4114 is required for UL installations.
4181X10 Powerline InterfaceFor connecting X10 modules to the 4880.
(Note: X10 modules are not UL listed for fire and
burglary applications.)
1 2
4205 Slimline Touchpad
For access control installations. Requires the 4421 Door
Access Module (see note 1 below). Cannot be us ed with
the 4820 control panel.
4300 Classic Wiegand Swipe
Card Reader
26-bit Wiegand type swipe card reader for indoor or
outdoor use. Has fully encapsulated head to withstand
tampering and environmental damage. Compatible with
4301 swipe cards.
1 3
4301 Wiegand Acces Card
4305 Proxima Clip-on Badge
Proximity Card,
4306 Proxima
For use with Model 4300 Card Swipe Reader.
For use with Model 4330/4340/4350 readers.
Laminated Vinyl Proximity
4308 Proxima Proximity
Key tag
4330 Proxima Mullion Mount
Mullion mount type reader, 26- or 34-bit selectable.Section 3.2.4 of this manual
Proximity Card Reader
4340 Proxima Standard Range
Standard range reader, 26- or 34-bit selectable.Section 3.2.4 of this manual
Proximity Card Reader
4350 Proxima Medium Range
Medium range reader, 26- or 34-bit selectable.Section 3.2.4 of this manual
Proximity Card Reader
1 3
4421 Door Access Module
Hardware interface for 26-bit or 34-bit Wiegand type
card readers and for the 4205 Slimline Touchpad.
See Section (for more
Section 4.12 of this manual.
4815 Installation
section of
this binder (P/N 150909 ).
4815 Installation
section of
this binder (P/N 150909 ).
4815 Installation
section of
this binder (P/N 150909 ).
4880 Installation
section of
this binder (P/N 150912 ).
Section 3.1 of this manu al
Section 3.2.3 of this manual
Section 3.1 of this manu al
Table 1-1: Modules Compatible with the Model 4821/4820
4824 Serial/Printer InterfaceProvides one RS-232 serial por t and one par allel prin ter
port, which can be programmed to output events in
See Section (for more
4824 Installation section of
this binder (P/N 150911).
English text or in either of the reporti ng formats (SIA or
Ademco Contact ID).
Can be used to send data to the panel for on-site
programming or for connection to a PC running
4850ACAS software.
4825 Hardwire Zone Expander64-Zone Hardwire Expander.4825 Installation section of
this binder (P/N 150910 ).
4880 Status Output ModuleProvides 16 outputs and 4 relays that are fully
programmable. Also provides an X10 interface.
4880 Installation section of
this binder (P/N 150912 ).
(Note: X10 modules are not UL listed for fire and
burglary applications.)
4860C TouchpadFully featured commercial touchpad using an LCD to
annunciate alarms, troubles and other system messages.
Has 2 zone inputs that can be used for hardwiring any
type of zone input, or for door access. Has a built-in
card reader interface.
In this manual, refer to Section
4.14 for installation as a
system touchpad.
Section 3 and 5 for operation
of system touchpad.
Section 4.15.5 for installation
as a system zone.
4860R (gray) and 4860Rx
(bright white) Touchpad
Fully featured residential touchpad using an LCD to
annunciate alarms, troubles and other system messages.
Section 4.14 of this manual for
installat i on instructio ns .
4875 Second Ph one Line
Only difference between these two models is color of
plastic. 4860R is gray; 4860Rx is bright white.
Provides termination for second phone line. Required if
two phone lines are used.
Section 4 of this manual for
operation instructions.
Section 4.20.1 of this manual.
4884 Bell ModuleProvides termination for a supervised bellSection 4.19 of this manual.
4890 Accessory EnclosureSecured cabinet to mount additional modules such as
Section 1.1.2 of this manual.
4815, 4421, 4880 etc. (Required for UL installations.)
5211 Ground Start RelayRequired for applications usi ng a ground start telepho ne
Section 4.20.2 of this manual.
network. (Not UL listed.)
6712 Battery 12 VDC 7 amp hour Gell Cell battery for use with the
Section 4.11 of this manual.
7628 End-of-Line Resistor4.7 k ohms EOL resistor used for all input zones
Section 4.15 of this manual.
(except 4815 SmartSensor zones).
16 EOLs are shipped with the 4821/4820.
7860 Telephone CordRJ31X cord for connecting phone line to the 4821/
Section 4.20 of this manual.
9000 Receiver For use with the SIA-20 format.Section 7 of this manual.
(Section 7 also lists other
receivers compatible with the
Model 4821/4820 Control/Communicator Installation Manual
1. Not UL listed with 4820 control panel.
2. Not UL listed for access control.
3. Can not be used with the 4820 control panel.
Figure 1-1 Model 4821/4820 and Compatible Modules
1.1.2Accessory Enclosure
In applications where more than two additional 4815 modules are to be used in the control
panel “snap tracks”, a model 4890 alarm accessory enclosure is required. (See Section 1.4.3
for UL requirements.) The Model 4890 has the same dimensions as the 4821/4820 control
panel enclosure and contains two additional snap tracks. One snap track is designed for
smaller width boards such as the 4815 control module. The other snap track is sized to
accommodate the larger PC boards such as the 4824, 4880, and 4421 modules.
Figure 1-1 4890 Accessory Enclosure
1.2How to Use this Manual
The manual uses the following conventions:
•A clear rectangle represents a touchpad button.
•Pages of the manual are numbered by section. For example, a page numbered as “5-1” is
Page 1 of Section 5.
1.3How to Contact Silent Knight
If you have a question or encounter a problem not covered in this manual, contact: Silent
Knight Technical Support at 800-328-0103 (or 612-493-6455). To order parts, contact Silent
Knight Sales at 800-446-6444 (or 612-493-6435).
Model 4821/4820 Control/Communicator Installation Manual
1.4Agency Requirements
1.4.1Telephone Requirements
If requested by the telephone company, the following information must be provided before
connecting this device to the phone lines:
A.Manufacturer:Silent Knight Security Systems
B.Model Number:4821/4820
C.FCC Registration Num be r:AC6USA-2275 5-AL-E
D.Type of jack (to be installed by the
telephone company):
Ringer equivalence:0.9B
This device may not be connected directly to coin telephones or party line services.
This device cannot be adjusted or repaired in the field. In case of trouble with the device,
notify the installing company or return the device to the manufacturer:
Silent Knight Security Systems
7550 Meridian Circle
Maple Grove, MN 55369-4927
800-328-0103 or 612-493-6455
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, or procedures that
could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will
provide advance notice to allow you to make the necessary modifications to maintain
uninterrupted service.
1.4.2FCC Warning
This device has been verified to comply with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to the
two following conditions: (1) This device may not cause radio interference, and (2) This
device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired
1.4.3UL Requirements
If installed in accordance with these requirements, the Model 4821/4820 is UL listed for
Grade A Mercantile, Local Police Station Connect with Basic Line Security, and Grade B and
C Central Station Service.
Follow the requirements below if you are installing a UL listed application. See Section for Household Fire and Burglary Warning System installation requirements. See
Section for Grade A Mercantile installation requirements.
1. The Model 4860C (commercial) or 4860R (residential) touchpad must be used. Each
SBUS must have at least one touchpad connected (minimum of two touchpads per installation).
2. Entry delays must not be longer than 45 seconds. An exit delay must not be longer than 60
3. All panic zones (including touchpad panic zones) must be programmed as silent and invisible.
Note: Silent and invisible reports can be seen by pressing status or reviewing the event history.
4. The Audible Trouble Alert When Armed option (programmed in Area Menu) must be
5. Do NOT select the following optional features:
Automatic closing or opening (programmed in the Area Menu)
Swinger Bypass Timeout (programmed in Area Menu)
6. Partitions are allowed in UL burglary installations only if the protected premises falls
under one ownership and the operation of a single authority. An example of an acceptable
installation is a common building operated by one company which may need to subdivide
the system to allow independent entry and exit. A strip mall is an example of an application that would
zones. (See Item 9. below for additional information about partitioning.)
7. If the cross-alarm feature is used, it must be used only by detectors that share a common
field of view.
8. A complete functional checkout of the system must be performed any time the system is
programmed or reprogrammed. (Zone bypassing or other temporary changes necessary for
troubleshooting are an exception to this requirement.)
9. Bells must be the primary source of alarm annunciation. Speakers can be used as an additional source. Grade C Central Station installations are an exception; bells are not required
in these installations. In a multi-partition system, bells must be protected by a
24-hour circuit.
be allowed in a UL installation. Partitioning cannot be used for fire
10. Opening and closing signals must be enabled in a Central Station installation.
Model 4821/4820 Control/Communicator Installation Manual
11. In applications requiring more than two modules 4815 to be located in the control panel
snap track, a model 4890 alarm accessory enclosure is required. (See Section 1.1.2.)
12. Do not eliminate the default I/O programming script. Doing so could cause the bell sounds
to be deleted from the system.
Note: The script can be modified to include add itional functions, but the default statements must remain intact. Burglary Warning System
If you are installing the 4821/4820 in a UL listed residential installation, follow the
requirement below in addition to those listed in Section 1.4.3.
The Audio Shutdown Delay option must be programmed as 4 minutes. A Mercantile
For a Grade A Mercantile listing, follow the requirements below in addition to those listed in
Section 1.4.3.
1. You must program a time schedule for auto testing to occur (programmed in Time
Schedules Menu).
2. The Audio Shutdown Delay option must be programmed to 15 minutes.
3. A listed tamper switch must protect the inside front door of the enclosure. This switch
must be connected to an intrusion input zone of the control unit which is programmed as a
perimeter zone.
4. All unused knockout holes on the cabinet must be plugged using bolts and washers.
(Model 7600 is a kit available from Silent Knight for this purpose.) See Section 4.7 for
installation instructions.
5. Four pan head screws #8x3”, type AB (thread forming tapping screws) must be placed in
the 4821/4820 cabinet cover to increase the panel’s attack resistance.
6. A separately listed Ademco AB-12 Bell in Box must be used with the control unit.
7. The tamper switches of the alarm bell must be connected to a 24-hour zone. No other initiating devices may be connected to this loop. The outer housing of the bell box must be
grounded. The bell circuit should be installed in accordance with UL requirements.
8. All bell wiring must be run in its own conduit and must be connected to the control unit
using its own knockout hole.
Introduction & Residential Fi re Digital Alarm Communicator
Transmitter (DACT) UL 864, NFPA 72 (Chapter 4)
The DACT listing allows the 4821/4820 to be used to monitor an existing local fire alarm
control and/or a sprinkler system. For the 4821/4820 to be used as a DACT, the following
requirements must be complied with:
•A minimum of one 4860C Commercial Touchpad.
•Two 4165 Transformer Covers.
•A 4195 Auxiliary Power Supply.
•A 4875 Dual Phone Line Module.
•A 4884 Bell Module.
•Two 6712 12 VDC 7AH Standby Battery or Equivalent.
•Power switch bypass jumpers must not be cut.
The following options must be selected when programming the control panel. (See Section 6
Programming for programming information.):
1. In the Low AC Report Time (Section must be set between 6 and 12 hours.
2. In the Phone Line Enabled (Section 2 Phone Lines option must be must be
3. In the Ground Start Telephone Network Used option (Section must remain disabled.
4. In the Phone Line Monitor Enabled option (Section the Line Monitor option must
be selected. Control UL-294
All 4860C touchpads must be located within the protected premises. The 4820 is not li sted for
access control.(See Section 3 for access control installation information.)
Model 4821/4820 Control/Communicator Installation Manual
Section 2
Quick Start
This section is intended to help you determine if any problems exist with the system you are
about to install. Perform the steps below in the order shown here.
1. Wire a touchpad to one of the four-wire serial buses (SBUS). See Section 4.14 for more
information. (See Note below.)
2. Plug in the transformer and apply AC.
3. Hook up the battery.
4. The touchpad will initialize. Several messages, including the touchpad seria l number, will
display for approximately one second. When the message “482x Engaged” (x indicates
that the display would read 1 for a 4821, or 0 for a 4820) is displayed, it means the system
has booted up successfully. The default date and time is displayed.
5. Set system date and time. You may use the default code to test the system. See the instructions on the next page for more information.
If you are able to set the date and time successfully , it means the sy stem is up and running.
6. From here you can send your programmable options to the panel, if you have programmed
them through the Model 5580 Upload-Download Software. (See Section 2.2.)
Note: To at tach a t emporar y touchp ad to th e system, you do not need to kn ow its se rial n umber. To per manentl y
attach any SBUS device, including a touchpad, you must enter its serial number into the system.
Model 4821/4820 Control/Communicator Installation Manual
2.1Setting System Time and Date
To set the time:
1. Press
2. At the menu prompt, enter to select “Time”.
3. Enter digit(s) for hour in 24-hour military format, then press .
4. Enter digit(s) for minute, then .
[Code]. (Installer Code is factory-programmed as 1234.)
Note that if the “Auto DST Adjustment” feature has been enabled, a message will display
when you set the time.
To change the system time to 3:45 p.m., the keystrokes are:
To set the date:
1. [Code]
2. At the menu prompt, enter to select “Date”.
3. Enter digit(s) for month, then press .
4. Enter digit(s) for date, then press .
5. Enter four digits for year, then press .
To change the system date to July 15, 1996, the keystrokes are:
1 996 ENTER
2.2Sending Data to the Panel
See Section 5.10 of this manual for complete information about communication.
Quick Start
1. Press
[Installer or Maintenance Code]
2. At the menu, select:
for Internal Phone. This option is for downloading via the phone lines.
for 4824 Modem. With this type of communication, a Hayes compatible modem is con-
nected to both the 4824 and the PC, allowing for faster data transmission.
for 4824 Direct. This option is for directly connecting the 4824 to the computer using a
null modem cable (both the computer and the 4821/4820 are on-site).
3. If you select either 4824 option (2 or 3), you will be prompted to select the 4824 from the
list of 4824s installed in the system.
4. If the phone number that displays is not correct, enter the correct digits and press . (If
the phone number is correct, press to bypass this step.) If you have selected the 4824
Direct option, this step will not appear.
5. If the Account number that displays is not correct, enter the correct digits and press .
(If the account number is correct, press to bypass this step.)
6. The system will attempt to communicate. If the communication attempt was successful,
the panel will re-initialize. Do not power the system down during the re-initialization
Note: If the 5580 has no task in its queue, the panel will always send an upload. The 5580 must have a download
in its queue for this account in order for the download to occur.
Model 4821/4820 Control/Communicator Installation Manual
2.3Identifying Serial Numbers and R evis io n Leve ls
This section describes how to determine the levels of hardware and 4821/4820 software that
are used with your panel.
2.3.1Operating System Revision Level
Press to see a display of the revision date.
Oct 19 1995
2.3.2Hardware Revision Levels and Serial Numbers
Hardware revision levels and serial numbers are printed on labels on the circuit board. Look
for “S/N” followed by an 8-digit number.
2.4Installation Records
You can use the following pages to keep a record of options programmed for an installation.
You may want to use the charts for up-front planning of your installations. Copy the pages as
needed for all installations.
2.4.1Serial Number Quick Reference
Use the chart below to keep track of hardware device serial numbers.
Customer Name __________________________________
Location ________________________________________
Account Number _________________________________
Installation Code _________________________________
Quick Start
Device #DescriptionSerial #
4421 Door Access Module /
4860 Touchpads
Device #DescriptionSerial #
4880 Status Output Module
4824 Serial/Parallel Module
4825Hardwire Zone Expander
4815Serial Zone Expander
Model 4821/4820 Control/Communicator Installation Manual Record
Use the charts in this section to record zone identification information.
Model 4821 Control/Communicator Installation Manual
Section 3
Access Control Installation and Operation
This section of the manual describes the installation of access control hardware manufactured
by Silent Knight and applies to the 4821 control panel only. Section 4 of this m anual describes
installation of other required or optional hardware devices.
All circuits are power limited, Class II.
3.1Model 4421 Installation
Figure 3-1 shows the layout of the 4421 board. Table 3-1 (next page) is a terminal strip
Figure 3-1 Model 4421 Board Layout
Model 4821/4820 Control/Communicator Installation Manual
Table 3-1: Model 4421 Terminal Description
Terminal DescriptionElectrical Rating
1 S-Expansion Bus (-)0 VDC (circuit ground)
2 S+Expansion Bus (+)12 VDC, 1 Amp max.
3 AExpansion Bus (data)5 VDC
4 BExpansion Bus (data)5 VDC
5 +PZTPZT power output4 VDC, 10 mA
6 LED PWRBrown4205 LED output 8.3 VDC, 10 mA
7 COL1Red4205 column 1 output
8 COL0Orange4205 column 0 output
9 KEY2Yellow4205 row 4 input
10 KEY1Green4205 row 1 input
11 KEY0Blue4205 row 0 input
12 GROUNDBlack &
Circuit Ground
RedCard reader power output5 VDC, 75 mA
14 DATA 1sWhiteCard reader data 1’s input
15 DATA 0sGreenCard reader data 0’s input
16 CR LEDBrownCard reader LED output3.75 VDC, 25 mA
17 N.O. 1Relay Contact (Normally Open) #12.5 Amps max. @ 24 VDC
18 COMN 1Relay Contact (Common) #1
19 N.C. 1Relay Contact (Normally Closed) #1
20 1Zone Input 114 VDC, 1.5 mA
21 C+Zone power 12 VDC, 3.0 mA
22 2Zone Input 214 VDC, 1.5 mA
23 N.O. 2Relay Contact (Normally Open) #22.5 Amps max. @ 24 VDC
24 COMN 2Relay Contact (Common) #2
Access Control Installation and Operat ion
3.1.1Model 4421 Connection to the 4821
The 4421 Interface connects to the 4821 panel via the SBUS. Connect the 4421 to the panel as
shown in Figure 3-2. See Section 4 for complete information about SBUS device connections.
Figure 3-2 Wiring Diagram 4421of N to the Control Panel
Model 4821/4820 Control/Communicator Installation Manual
3.1.24205 Touchpad Connection to 4421
The 4205 Access Control Touchpad is connected to the 4421 as shown in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3 Model 4421 to 4205 Connection
Note: The Model 4205 is not UL listed for access control.
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