The SC8521 can be used in infrared remote control
transmitters. It generates output pulses, in accordance with the RC5
protocol, when a key is pressed. The IC does not contain a software
programmable processor. However, it does contain a ROM in which
the codes that have to be transmitted are stored. The oscillator
frequency may be optionally chosen as 432KHz. For 432KHz
additional external capacitors must be connected.When a key in the
key-matrix is pressed a driveline will be connected to a sense line.
This causes the oscillator to start and a corresponding code will be
generated conforming to the RC5 protocol.
Seven drive lines (
to SN7) may be connected via the key matrix to scan the keys.
When two or more keys are activated simultaneously no
transmission will take place.
∗ RC5 protocol
∗ Maximum of 56 keys (20-pin version)
∗ Option of multi-system or single system transmitter
-- Multi-system: maximum 8 system, selection by key
-- Single system: maximum 8 different systems per IC, selection
by jumper wire or switch.
) and eight sense lines (SN0
∗ Power-down and key wake-up
∗ High output current (≤45mA)
∗ Oscillator frequency of 432KHz
∗ Multiple key protection
∗ Option of 25% or 33% duty factor
Sense lines (input only and will have a weak internal pull-up resistance)
LOW level input voltageV
HIGH level input voltageV
Pull-up resistanceRpuVDD=3V50--100
Driver lines (output only; open drain; maximum on-resistance when LOW)
Maximum on-resistanceRonVDD=3V----2
Output drive (has a weak pull-up resistance)
Source currentIsinkVDD=3V; VO=1.5V3.54.55.5mA
VDD=3V; TA=25°C
=3V; TA=25°C
20-pin dual in-line and small outline package (SO-20)
Pin No. Symbol Description
1XTAL1Oscillator input
2XTAL2Oscillator output
3SN7Sense line 7 for key matrix
4SN0Sense line 0 for key matrix
5SN1Sense line 1 for key matrix
6SN2Sense line 2 for key matrix
7SN3Sense line 3 for key matrix
8SN6Sense line 6 for matrix
9SN4Sense line 4 for matrix
10SN5Sense line 5 for matrix
Drive line 5 for key matrix (active LOW)
Drive line 4 for key matrix (active LOW)
Drive line 3 for key matrix (active LOW)
Drive line 2 for key matrix (active LOW)
Drive line 1 for key matrix (active LOW)
SN0 connected GND, send BANK7 code. BANK0----7 see the following code table.
Drive line 6 for key matrix (active LOW)
Sense lines
When the keys have been scanned the key-number of the activated key serves as the address of the ROM to
obtain the required codeword. Consequently,key numbers 6, 7, 14, 15, 22, 23, 30, 31, 38, 39 and 40 to 55 will not
be addressed.
The ROM contains 8 banks of 64 code words. Thus for each key a maximum of 8 different code words may be
generated. With multi-system use, 8 different systems (e.g. TV, VCR, tuner, CD etc.) may be selected. Apart from
the system bits the command bits may also be different in different banks (true multi-function keys). Selection can
be performed using the keys. For each key three bank selected bits are present that determine which bank will be
selected for the next key.
For each key an ‘inhibit’ bit is also present. When this bit is at logic 1 at an address in a given bank, and when
the corresponding key is pressed (when this bank has been selected) no transmission will take place.
A single system option is available however, whereby instead of keys jumper wire and/or a switch may be used
for bank selection. Using this option it is possible to program different transmitter models in one IC and select the
required bank by means of jumper wire. Instead of a jumper wire a side-switch may also be used to change the
generated code temporarily (select different bank) to obtain multi-function keys. With this option the jumper wires
or switch must be connected between sense line SN0 and one of the drivelines
or ground. This
means that SN0 cannot be used to connect keys and the maximum number of keys will be 49 keys for a 20-pin
It is not possible to use a combination of jumper wires and selection keys for bank selection in one unit. The
output of the ROM is loaded into a shift register that provides the input bits for the pulse generator. This pulse
generator drives the output pin.
2. Timing generator
A schematic diagram of the timing generator is illustrated the oscillator frequency is 432KHz. The timing
generator is stopped when no key is activated and started again when a key is pressed.
The output of the oscillator (CLK1) is divided by 12 for 432KHz. Selection is achieved using a mask option. The
output of the divider is CLK2 which is used for clocking of the control timer. The frequency of CLK2 is 36 KHz and
the inverse is used to generate the output pulses in the subcarrier frequency. By mask option the duty factor can
be chosen to be 25% or 33%.
The control timer has a length of 4096 subcarrier (pulse) periods. This is equal to the transmission repletion time.
A bit time is equal to 64 pulses and the repetition time is 64 bit times. The control timer provides the timing of the
key scanning, the ROM access and the code transmission. When the control timer has arrived at a certain state
and no key has been pressed for at least 28 ms, a stop signal will be generated which will stop the oscillator. All
drivelines will then be set to logic 0. As soon as a key is pressed one of the sense lines will become logic 0. This
will generate a start signal, which will restart the oscillator.