Sigma 1-14 Operating Manual

Translation of the original operating manual sb
08/2012 Rev. 3.14 of 11/08/2017 Sigma 1-14; ;
part no. 0700002
Sigma 1-14
from serial no. 146194
Laboratory centrifuge
Operating Manual
Please retain for later use!
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Translation of the original operating manual, part no. 0700002
Laboratory centrifuge Sigma 1-14
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Translation of the original operating manual, part no. 0700002
In case of inquiries, please state the following numbers:
Order number: Serial number:
© Copyright by Sigma Laborzentrifugen GmbH An der Unteren Söse 50 37520 Osterode am Harz Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 5522 / 5007-0 Fax: +49 (0) 5522 / 5007-12 Web: E-mail:
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Table of contents
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Translation of the original operating manual, part no. 0700002
1 General information ............................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Importance of the operating manual .................................................................................. 9
1.2 Intended use ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Warranty and liability......................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Copyright ........................................................................................................................ 10
1.5 Standards and regulations .............................................................................................. 10
1.6 Scope of supply .............................................................................................................. 10
2 Layout and mode of operation .......................................................................................... 11
2.1 Layout of the centrifuge .................................................................................................. 11
2.1.1 Functional and operating elements ............................................................................ 11
2.1.2 Name plate ................................ ................................................................ ................ 12
2.2 Mode of operation ........................................................................................................... 13
2.2.1 Centrifugation principle .............................................................................................. 13
2.2.2 Area of application ..................................................................................................... 13 Speed, radius, and relative centrifugal force ...................................................... 14 Density ............................................................................................................... 14
3 Safety .................................................................................................................................. 15
3.1 Marking of the unit ................................................................................................ .......... 15
3.2 Explanation of the symbols and notes ............................................................................. 16
3.3 Responsibility of the operator .......................................................................................... 17
3.4 Operating personnel ....................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Informal safety instructions ............................................................................................. 17
3.6 Safety instructions .......................................................................................................... 18
3.6.1 Electrical safety ......................................................................................................... 18
3.6.2 Mechanical safety ...................................................................................................... 18
3.6.3 Fire prevention ........................................................................................................... 19
3.6.4 Chemical and biological safety .................................................................................. 19
3.6.5 Safety instructions for centrifugation .......................................................................... 20
3.6.6 Resistance of plastics ................................................................................................ 20
3.6.7 Safety of rotors and accessories ................................................................................ 21 Service life ......................................................................................................... 21
3.7 Safety devices ................................................................................................................ 22
3.7.1 Lid lock device ........................................................................................................... 22
3.7.2 System check ............................................................................................................ 22
3.8 Measures in the event of hazards and accidents ............................................................ 22
3.9 Remaining hazards ......................................................................................................... 22
4 Storage and transport ....................................................................................................... 23
4.1 Dimensions and weight ................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Storage conditions .......................................................................................................... 23
4.3 Notes on transport .......................................................................................................... 23
4.4 Packaging ....................................................................................................................... 24
4.5 Transport safety device ................................................................................................... 24
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5 Set-up and connection ................................................................................................ ...... 25
5.1 Installation site ................................................................................................................ 25
5.2 Power supply .................................................................................................................. 25
5.2.1 Type of connection .................................................................................................... 25
5.2.2 Customer-provided fuses ........................................................................................... 25
6 Using the centrifuge .......................................................................................................... 26
6.1 Initial start-up .................................................................................................................. 26
6.2 Switching the centrifuge on ............................................................................................. 26
6.2.1 Opening and closing the lid ........................................................................................ 26
6.2.2 Installation of rotors and accessories ......................................................................... 26 Installation of the rotor ........................................................................................ 26 Installation of the microhaematocrit rotor............................................................ 29 Installation of accessories .................................................................................. 30 Tubes ................................................................................................ ................. 30
6.3 Control System "Spincontrol Basic" ................................................................................ 31
6.3.1 User interface ............................................................................................................ 31
6.3.2 Display ....................................................................................................................... 31
6.3.3 Starting a centrifugation run ....................................................................................... 32
6.3.4 Interrupting a centrifugation run ................................................................................. 32
6.3.5 Interrupting a deceleration process ............................................................................ 32
6.3.6 Speed / Relative centrifugal force (RCF) .................................................................... 32 Changing the speed/RCF value during centrifugation ........................................ 32
6.3.7 Runtime ..................................................................................................................... 33 Changing the runtime during centrifugation ........................................................ 33 Short run (quick run) .......................................................................................... 33 Continuous run................................................................................................... 34
6.3.8 Softstart and softstop function ................................................................................... 34
6.3.9 Rotor selection ........................................................................................................... 35
6.4 Switching the centrifuge off ............................................................................................. 35
7 Malfunctions and error correction .................................................................................... 36
7.1 General malfunctions ...................................................................................................... 36
7.1.1 Emergency lid release ............................................................................................... 37
7.2 Table of error codes ........................................................................................................ 38
7.3 Service contact ............................................................................................................... 39
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8 Maintenance and service ................................................................................................... 40
8.1 Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 40
8.1.1 Centrifuge .................................................................................................................. 40
8.1.2 Accessories ............................................................................................................... 41 Plastic accessories ............................................................................................ 41
8.1.3 Rotors ........................................................................................................................ 42
8.1.4 Microhaematocrit rotor ............................................................................................... 42
8.1.5 Glass breakage ......................................................................................................... 43
8.2 Sterilisation and disinfection of the rotor chamber and accessories ................................ 43
8.2.1 Autoclaving ................................................................................................................ 44
8.3 Service ........................................................................................................................... 45
8.4 Return of defective parts ................................................................................................. 46
9 Disposal .............................................................................................................................. 48
9.1 Disposal of the centrifuge ............................................................................................... 48
9.2 Disposal of the packaging ............................................................................................... 48
10 Technical data .................................................................................................................... 49
10.1 Ambient conditions ......................................................................................................... 49
10.2 Technical documentation ................................................................................................ 50
11 Appendix ............................................................................................................................ 51
11.1 Range of accessories ..................................................................................................... 51
11.1.1 Rotor radii .................................................................................................................. 52
11.2 Speed-gravitational-field-diagram ................................................................................... 53
11.3 Table of the service life of rotors and accessories ........................................................... 54
11.4 Resistance data ................................................................ .............................................. 55
11.5 EC declaration of conformity ........................................................................................... 60
11.6 Declaration of conformity – China RoHS 2 ...................................................................... 62
12 Index ................................ ................................................................................................ ... 64
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1 General information
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1 General information
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1.1 Importance of the operating manual
A fundamental requirement for the safe and trouble-free operation of the centrifuge is to be familiar with the fundamental safety instructions and all possible hazards.
The operating manual includes important information concerning the safe operation of the centrifuge.
This operating manual and, in particular, the notes on safety and hazards must be observed by all persons operating the centrifuge.
In addition, the local rules and regulations for the prevention of accidents must be complied with.
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Pos: 4 /100 Sigma/100 BA Zentrifugen Sig ma (Standardmodule)/010 Allgemeine Infor mationen/010-0020 Bestimmungsgem äße Verwendung------------------------------------------- @ 26\mod_1405318951312_68.docx @ 191709 @ 2 @ 1
1.2 Intended use
Centrifuges are power-driven machines that separate liquids from solid matter, liquid mixtures, or solid mixtures by centrifugal force. They are solely intended for this purpose. Any other use beyond this area of application is regarded as improper use. Sigma Laborzentrifugen GmbH cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from such improper use.
The intended use also includes
observation of all the notes and instructions included in the operating manual and
compliance with the care, cleaning, and maintenance instructions.
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1.3 Warranty and liability
The warranty and liability are subject to our "General Conditions" that were distributed to the operator upon the conclusion of the contract.
Warranty and liability claims are excluded if they are due to:
improper use.
non-compliance with the safety instructions and hazard warnings in the
operating manual.
improper installation, start-up, operation, or maintenance of the centrifuge.
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1 General information
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1.4 Copyright
The copyright concerning the operating manual remains with Sigma Laborzentrifugen GmbH.
The operating manual is solely intended for the operator and their personnel. It includes instructions and information that must not be
distributed, or
communicated in any other way.
Non-compliance may be prosecuted under criminal law.
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Pos: 10 /100 Sigma/100 BA Zentrifugen Sig ma (Standardmodule)/010 Allgemein e Informationen/010-0050 Normen und V orschriften------------------------------------------------------ @ 26\mod_1405318958202_68.docx @ 191765 @ 2 @ 1
1.5 Standards and regulations
EC declaration of conformity (see chapter 11.5 - "EC declaration of conformity")
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Pos: 12 /100 Sigma/110 BA Zentrifugen Sig ma (Projekte)/1-14_1-14K/010 Allgem eine Informationen/010-0060 Lieferumfa ng 1-14_1-14K------------------------------------------------------- @ 28\mod_140532074 8030_68.docx @ 195237 @ 2 @ 1
1.6 Scope of supply
The centrifuge comprises:
1 connection cable
depending on the voltage variant
1 spanner for emergency lid release
part no. 930 014
1 rotor fastening nut
part no. 80 301
Operating manual incl. EC declaration of conformity (see chapter 11.5 - "EC declaration of conformity")
according to your order, our order confirmation, and our delivery note.
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2 Layout and mode of operation
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2 Layout and mode of operation
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2.1 Layout of the centrifuge
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2.1.1 Functional and operating elements
1Lid 2Display 3User interface
(see chapter 6.3.1 ­"User interface")
Fig. 1: Total view of the centrifuge
4 Name plate (see chapter
2.1.2 - "Name plate") 5Mains power switch 6Mains power input
Fig. 2: Rear view of the centrifuge
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2 Layout and mode of operation
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2.1.2 Name plate
1Manufacturer and
registered office 2Type 3Serial number 4Max. density 5Nominal voltage 6Input fuse 7Symbol for special
disposal (see chapter
9 - "Disposal") 8CE-mark in
compliance with the
directive 2006/42/EG 9Part number 10 Year of manufacture 11 Max. speed 12 Max. kinetic energy 13 Power consumption
Fig. 1: Example of a name plate
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2.2 Mode of operation
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2.2.1 Centrifugation principle
Centrifugation is a process for the separation of heterogeneous mixtures of substances (suspensions, emulsions, or gas mixtures) into their components. The mixture of substances, which rotates on a circular path, is subject to centripetal acceleration that is several times greater than the gravitational acceleration.
Centrifuges use the mass inertia inside the rotor chamber for separating the substances. Due to their higher inertia, particles or media with a higher density travel outwards. In doing so, they displace the components with a lower density, which in turn travel towards the centre.
The centripetal acceleration of an object inside a centrifuge, as the effect of centripetal force, depends on the distance between the object and the axis of rotation as well as on the angular velocity. It increases linearly as a function of the distance with regard to the axis of rotation and quadratically as a function of the angular velocity. The bigger the radius in the rotor chamber is and the higher the speed is, the higher the centripetal acceleration is. However, the forces acting on the rotor also increase.
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2.2.2 Area of application
Depending on the area of application of the centrifuge and also on the particle size, solids content, and volume throughput of the mixture of substances that is to be centrifuged, there are different types of centrifuges.
The areas of application go from household use as a salad spinner or honey separator up to specialised technical applications in the clinical, biological, or biochemical context:
For numerous clinical examinations, cellular material must be separated from the liquid to be analysed. The normal separation process can be sped up considerably by using laboratory centrifuges.
In the metal-working industry, centrifuges are used for separating oil from metal cuttings. Dairies use centrifuges in order to separate cow’s
milk into cream and low-fat milk.
Particularly big centrifuges are used in the sugar industry for separating the syrup from the crystalline sugar.
Ultracentrifuges are predominantly used in biology and biochemistry in order to isolate particles, e.g. viruses. They are specifically designed for high speeds up to 500,000 rpm. The rotor moves in a vacuum in order to avoid air friction.
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2 Layout and mode of operation
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Pos: 26 /100 Sigma/100 BA Zentrifugen Sig ma (Standardmodule)/020 Aufbau und Wir kungsweise/020-0020-0020-0010 Dr ehzahl, Radius, Relative Zentrifugalbeschl eunigung @ 26\mod_1405318988082 _68.docx @ 191849 @ 4 @ 1 Speed, radius, and relative centrifugal force
The acceleration g, which the samples are subject to, can be increased by increasing the radius in the rotor chamber and by increasing the speed. These three parameters are interdependent and linked with each other via the following formula:
Relative centrifugal force RCF = 11.18 x 10-6 x r x n2
r = radius in cm n = speed in rpm RCF without any dimension
If two values are entered, the third value is determined by way of the stated formula. If, afterwards, the speed or the radius is changed, the resulting relative centrifugal force will be recalculated automatically by the control unit. If the RCF is changed, the speed will be adapted while the specified radius is maintained.
The speed-gravitational-field-diagram provides an overview of the relationship between speed, radius, and RCF (see chapter 11.2 - "Speed­gravitational-field-diagram").
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Pos: 28 /100 Sigma/100 BA Zentrifugen Sig ma (Standardmodule)/020 Aufbau und Wir kungsweise/020-0020-0020-00 20 Dichte @ 26\mod_1405318989359_6 8.docx @ 191863 @ 4 @ 1 Density
The laboratory centrifuge is suitable for the separation of constituents of different densities in mixtures with a maximum density of 1.2 g/cm3. All information concerning the speed of rotors and accessories refers to liquids with a density corresponding to this specification. If the density is above this value, the maximum permissible speed of the centrifuge must be reduced based on the following formula:
n = n
)/2,1( Rho
Rho = density in g/cm3
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3 Safety
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3 Safety
Pos: 32 /100 Sigma/100 BA Zentrifugen Sig ma (Standardmodule)/030 Sicherheit/03 0-0011 Beschilderung des Geräts (nur 1-14, 1-14K) @ 30\mod_14054040034 31_68.docx @ 203935 @ 2 @ 1
3.1 Marking of the unit
The following symbols are used for all types of centrifuges manufactured by Sigma:
Dangerous voltage
On (Power)
Hot surface
Off (Power)
Caution! Risk of bruising
Name plate (see chapter
2.1.2 - "Name plate")
Protective earth (ground)
CE mark in compliance with the directive 2006/42/EC
Earth (ground)
Do not dispose as part of domestic waste
Unplug the mains plug
GS mark (tested safety; only for Germany)
Arrow indicating the direction of rotation
NRTL mark (only for the USA and Canada)
4°C Guarantee
RCM mark (only for Australia)
Label indicating the emergency release system
China RoHS 2 mark (only for China)
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Safety indications on the centrifuge must be kept readable at all times. If necessary, they must be replaced.
Not all of the symbols/labels are used for this centrifuge type.
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Pos: 34 /010 Universalmodule/ Leerzeile @ 0\ mod_1202116244500_0.docx @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos: 35 /100 Sigma/100 BA Zentrifugen Sig ma (Standardmodule)/030 Sicherheit/03 0-0020 Symbol- und Hinweiserklärung en @ 26\mod_1405319013955_68.docx @ 19194 7 @ 2 @ 1
3.2 Explanation of the symbols and notes
In this operating manual, the following names and symbols to indicate hazards are used:
This symbol stands for a direct hazard to the life and health of persons.
Non-observance of these symbols causes serious health problems up to life-endangering injuries.
This symbol stands for a direct hazard to the life and health of persons due to electrical voltage.
Non-observance of these symbols causes serious health problems up to life-endangering injuries.
This symbol stands for a potential hazard to the life and health of persons.
Non-observance of these symbols can cause serious health problems up to life-endangering injuries.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation
Non-observance of these notes can cause minor injuries or damage to property.
This symbol indicates important information.
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3.3 Responsibility of the operator
The operator is responsible for authorising only qualified personnel to work on the centrifuge (see chapter 3.4 - "Operating personnel").
The areas of responsibility of the personnel concerning the operation, maintenance, and care of the unit must be clearly defined.
The safety-conscious work of the personnel in compliance with the operating manual and the relevant EC and national health and safety regulations as well as with the accident prevention regulations must be checked at regular intervals (e.g. every month).
Under the international rules for health and safety at work, the operator is obliged to:
take measures in order to prevent all danger to life or health during work.
ensure that centrifuges are operated properly and entirely as intended (see chapter 1.2 - "Intended use").
take protective measures against fire and explosion when working with hazardous substances.
take measures for the safe opening of centrifuges.
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Pos: 39 /100 Sigma/100 BA Zentrifugen Sig ma (Standardmodule)/030 Sicherheit/03 0-0040 Bedienpersonal @ 26\mod_1 405319017634_68.docx @ 191989 @ 2 @ 1
3.4 Operating personnel
Persons operating the unit must
be familiar with the fundamental regulations concerning workplace safety and accident prevention
have read and understood this operating manual (and in particular the safety sections and warning notes) and confirmed this with their signature.
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3.5 Informal safety instructions
This operating manual is a part of the product.
The operating manual must be kept at the location of use of the
centrifuge. Ensure that it is accessible at all times.
The operating manual must be handed over to any subsequent owner or operator of the centrifuge.
Any changes made must be added to the operating manual.
In addition to the operating manual, the general and local rules and
regulations concerning the prevention of accidents and the protection of the environment must also be supplied.
Safety and danger indications on the centrifuge must be kept readable at all times. If necessary, they must be replaced.
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3.6 Safety instructions
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3.6.1 Electrical safety
To reduce the risk of electrical shock, the centrifuge uses a three-wire electrical cord and plug to connect the equipment to earth-ground. To preserve this safety feature:
Ensure that the wall socket is properly wired and grounded.
Check that the mains voltage agrees with the nominal voltage listed on
the name plate.
Do not place vessels containing liquid on the centrifuge lid or within the safety distance of 30 cm around the centrifuge. Spilled liquids may get into the centrifuge and damage electrical or mechanical components.
Work on the power supply system must only be performed by certified electricians.
Inspect the electrical equipment of the unit regularly. Defects such as loose or burnt cables must be eliminated immediately.
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Pos: 46 /100 Sigma/100 BA Zentrifugen Sigma (Standardmodule)/030 Sicherheit/03 0-0060-0020 Mechanische Sicherheit (a ußer 1-16/1-16K) @ 26\mod_140531902 4314_68.docx @ 192059 @ 3 @ 1
3.6.2 Mechanical safety
In order to ensure the safe operation of the centrifuge, observe the following:
Do not open the lid when the rotor is in motion!
Do not reach into the rotor chamber when the rotor is in motion!
Do not use the centrifuge if it was installed incorrectly.
Do not use the centrifuge without panels.
Do not use the centrifuge if the rotors and inserts show signs of
corrosion or other defects.
Only use the centrifuge with rotors and accessories that have been approved by the manufacturer. In case of doubt, contact the manufacturer (see chapter 7.3 - "Service contact").
Do not hold your fingers between the lid and the housing when closing the lid. Risk of crushing!
Defective lid relieving devices could cause the centrifuge lid to fall (contact the service department, if necessary). Risk of crushing!
Do not hit or move the centrifuge during its operation.
Do not lean against or rest on the centrifuge during its operation.
Do not spin any substances that could damage the material of the
rotors and buckets of the centrifuge in any way. Highly corrosive substances, for example, damage the material and affect the mechanical strength of the rotors and buckets.
Stop the centrifuge immediately in the event of a malfunction. Eliminate the malfunction (see chapter 7 - "Malfunctions and error correction") or inform the service department of the manufacturer (see chapter 7.3 ­"Service contact").
Ensure that all repairs are performed only by authorised and specialised personnel.
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Prior to any start-up, check the centrifuge, rotor, and accessories for signs of damage that can be discerned from the outside. Special attention must be paid to all of the rubber parts (e.g. motor cover, lid seal, and adapters) in terms of visible structural changes. Defective parts must be replaced immediately.
Open the centrifuge when it is not in use so that moisture can evaporate.
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3.6.3 Fire prevention
Always use fuses with the same type and rating specified.
Do not spin explosive or inflammable substances.
Do not use the centrifuge within hazardous locations.
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3.6.4 Chemical and biological safety
If pathogenic, toxic, or radioactive samples are intended to be used in the centrifuge, it is in the responsibility of the user to ensure that all necessary safety regulations, guidelines, precautions, and practices are adhered to accordingly.
Infectious, toxic, pathogenic, and radioactive substances may only be used in special, certified containment systems with a bio-seal in order to prevent the material from being released.
Take suitable precautions for your own safety if there is a risk of toxic, radioactive, or pathogenic contamination
Materials that chemically react with each other with a high level of energy are prohibited.
Keep informed about local measures to avoid harmful emissions (depending on the substances to be centrifuged).
Protective clothing is not required for the operation of the centrifuge. The materials to be centrifuged may, however, require special safety measures (e.g. centrifugation of infectious, toxic, radioactive, or pathogenic substances).
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Laboratory centrifuge Sigma 1-14
3 Safety
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Translation of the original operating manual, part no. 0700002
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3.6.5 Safety instructions for centrifugation
For safe operation, observe the following before starting the centrifuge:
Ensure that the centrifuge was set up properly (see chapter 5 - "Set-up and connection").
Maintain a safety distance of at least 30 cm (12 inches) around the centrifuge.
Do not store any dangerous goods in the centrifuge area.
Do not stay in the safety area longer than what is absolutely necessary
for the operation of the centrifuge.
Only use the centrifuge with rotors and accessories that have been approved by the manufacturer. We explicitly warn against the use of equipment of poor quality. Breaking glass or bursting vessels can cause dangerous imbalances at high speeds
Ensure that rotor and buckets are correctly fitted (see chapter ­"Installation of the rotor").
Observe the instructions on the installation of accessories (see chapter - "Installation of accessories").
The rotor must be loaded axial symmetrically at equal weights.
If liquids with a density > 1.2 g/cm3 are used, reduce the speed (see
chapter - "Density").
Do not use the centrifuge if the rotor is loaded asymmetrically.
Do not use the centrifuge with tubes that are excessively long.
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3.6.6 Resistance of plastics
Chemical influences have a strong effect on the polymeric chains of plastics, and, therefore, on their physical properties. Plastic parts can be damaged if solvents, acids, or alkaline solutions are used.
Refer to the resistance data (see chapter 11.4 - "Resistance data")!
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Translation of the original operating manual, part no. 0700002
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3.6.7 Safety of rotors and accessories
Pos: 57 /100 Sigma/100 BA Zentrifugen Sig ma (Standardmodule)/030 Sicherheit/03 0-0060-0070-0010 Lebensdauer @ 2 6\mod_1405319032612_68.docx @ 19214 3 @ 3 @ 1 Service life
The rotors and accessories have a limited service life.
Perform regular checks (at least once per month) for safety reasons!
Pay special attention to changes, such as corrosion, cracks, material
abrasion, etc.
After 10 years, they must be inspected by the manufacturer.
After 50,000 cycles, the rotor must be scrapped for reasons of safety.
If other data concerning the service life are engraved on the rotor or
bucket, these data shall apply accordingly. For example, a bucket with
the engraving “max. cycles = 10,000” has a service life of 10,000 cycles, and a rotor with the engraving “Exp. date 02/20” must be
scrapped in February 2020 at the latest (see figure).
Fig. 2: Different service life – engraving on the bucket/rotor
Refer to the table of rotors and accessories with a different service life (see chapter 11.3 - "Table of the service life of rotors and accessories")!
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