Product overview
SIG L E N T’s ne w SDS1000X-E Series Super P h os phor
Oscilloscope is available in one bandwidth, 200 MHz. It has
a maximum sample rate of 1 GSa/s and a standard record
length of 14 Mpts. For ease-of-use, the most commonly
used functions can be accessed with its user-friendly front
panel design.
The SDS1000X-E series employs a new generation of SPO
(Super Phosphor Oscilloscope) technology that provides
is also lower than similar products in the industry. It comes
with a minimum vertical input range of 500 uV/div, an
innovative digital trigger system with high sensitivity and
low jitter, and a waveform capture rate of 400,000 frames/
sec (sequence mode). The SDS1000X-E also employs a
256-level intensity grading display function and a color
temperature display mode not found in other models in
this class. Siglent’s latest oscilloscopes offering supports
multiple powerful triggering modes including serial bus
triggering. Decoding is standard configuration including
IIC,SPI,UART,CAN,LIN. History waveform reco rding and
sequential triggering enable extended waveform recording
and analysis. Another powerful addition is the new 1 million
points FFT math function that gives the SDS1000X-E very
high frequency resolution when observing signal spectra.
The new design also includes a hardware co-processor that
delivers measurements quickly and accurately. The features
and performance of Siglent’s new SDS1000X-E cannot be
matched anywhere else in this price class.
SDS1000X-E Series Digital Oscilloscope
Key Features
200 MHz bandwidth model
Real-time sampling rate up to 1 GSa/s
The newest generation of SPO technology
•Waveform capture rate up to 100,000 wfm/s (normal
mode), and 400,000 wfm/s (sequence mode)
•Supports 256-level intensity grading and color display
•Record length up to 14 Mpts
•Digital trigger system
Intelligent triggers: Edge, Slope, Pulse Width, Window,
Runt, Interval, Time out (Dropout), Pattern
Serial bus triggering and decoding (Standard), supports
Video trigger, supports HDTV
10 types of one-button shortcuts, supports Auto Setup,
Default, Cursors, Measure, Roll, History, Display/Persist,
Clear Sweep, Zoom and Print
Segmented acquisition (Sequence) mode, dividing the
maximum record length into multiple segments (up to
80,000), according to trigger conditions set by the user,
with a very small dead time segment to capture the
qualifying event
History waveform record (History) function, the maximum
recorded waveform length is 80,000 frames
Automatic measurement function for 38 parameters,
supp o r ts Stat i s ti cs , Zoom mea s u re me nt , Gati n g
measurement, Math measurement, History measurement
and Ref measurement
1 Mpoints FFT
True measurement and math of all sampled data points (to
Math functions (FFT, addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, integration, differential, square root)
Preset key can be customized for user settings or factory
Security Erase mode
High Speed hardware based Pass/Fail function
Large 7 inch TFT-LCD display with 800 * 480 resolution
Multiple interface types: USB Host, USB Device (USB-
TMC), LAN (VXI-11), Pass/Fail, Trigger Out
Supports SCPI remote control commands
Supports Multi-language display and embedded online
SDS1000X-E Series Digital Oscilloscope
Model SDS1202X-E
Bandwidth 200 MHz
Sampling Rate (Max.) 1 GSa/s
Channels 2+EXT
Memory Depth (Max.) 7 Mpts/CH (Dual-Channel); 14 Mpts/CH (Single-Channel)
Waveform Capture Rate (Max.) 100,000 wfm/s (normal mode), 400,000 wfm/s (sequence mode)
Trigger Type Edge, Slope, Pulse Width, Window, Runt, Interval, Dropout, Pattern, Video
Serial Trigger (Standard) IIC, SPI, UART/RS232, CAN, LIN
Decode Type (Standard) IIC, SPI, UART/RS232, CAN, LIN
I/O USB Host, USB Device, LAN, Pass/Fail, Trigger Out
Probe (Std) 2 pcs passive probe PP215
Display 7 inch TFT-LCD (800x480)
Weight Without package 2.5 Kg; With package 3.5 Kg
Functions & Characteristics
7 Inch TFT-LCD Display and 10 One-button Menus
• 7-inch TFT-LCD display with 800 * 480 resolution
• Most commonly used functions are accessible using 10 different one-button operation keys: Auto Setup, Default, Cursor, Measure, Roll, History, Persist, Clear
Sweep, Zoom, Print
Functions & Characteristics
SDS1000X-E Series Digital Oscilloscope
Record Length of Up to 14 Mpts
Using hardware-based Zoom technologies and a record length of up to
14 Mpts, users are able to use a higher sampling rate to capture more of
the signal and then quickly zoom in to focus on the area of interest.
256-Level Intensity Grading and Color Temperature Display
Waveform Capture Rate Up to 400,000 wfm/s
With a waveform capture rate of up to 400,000 wfm/s (sequence mode),
the oscilloscope can easily capture the unusual or low-probability events.
SPO display technology delivers fast refresh rates. The resulting intensity-
graded traces are brighter where events occur more frequently and less
bright where they occur less often.
Serial Bus Decoding Function (Standard)
SDS1000X-E displays the decoding through the events list. Bus protocol
information can be quickly and intuitively displayed in a tabular format.
The color temperature display is similar to the intensity-graded trace in
function, except that the trace occurrence is represented by different
colors (color “temperature”) as opposed to changes in the intensity of
one color. Red represents the most common occurrences or probabilities,
while blue is used to mark points that occur least frequently.
True Measurement to 14 Mpoints
At any one timebase, the SDS1000X-E can measure using all 14M sample
points. This ensures the accuracy of measurements while the math co-
processor decreases measurement time and increases ease-of-use.
SDS1000X-E Series Digital Oscilloscope
History Waveforms (History) Mode and
Segmented Acquisition (Sequence)
Pl ay bac k t he lat es t t r ig gered event s u si n g the his t ory f unc ti o n.
Segmented memory zcquisition will store the waveform into multiple
(up to 80,000) memo ry segments, each se gment will store trigge red
waveforms and timestamp each frame.
1 Mpoints FFT
Gate and Zoom Measurement
Through Gate and Zoom measurement, the user can specify an arbitrary
int erval of w ave form data analy sis and st atist ic s. Th is he lp s avoid
measurement errors that can be caused by invalid or extraneous data,
High Speed Hardware-Based Pass/Fail Function
The new math co-process or enables FFT analysis of incoming signals
using up to 1M samples per waveform. This provides high frequency
resolution with a fast refresh rate. The FFT function also supports a
variety of window functions so that it can adapt to different spectrum
measurement needs.
The SDS1000X-E utilizes a hardware-based Pass/Fail function, performing
up to 40,000 Pass / Fail decisions each second. Easily generate user-
for long-term signal monitoring or automated production line testing.
Customizable Default Key Complete Connectivity
The current parameters of oscilloscope can be preset to Default Key
through the Save menu.
SDS1000X-E supports USB Host, USB Device (USB-TMC), LAN (VXI-11),
Pass/Fail and Trigger Out