This section lists and describes the remote control commands and queries recognized
by the instrument. All commands and queries can be executed in either local or remote
The description for each command or query, with syntax and other information, begins
on a new page. The name (header) is given in both long and short form at the top
of the page, and the subject is indicated as a command or query or both. Queries
perform actions such as obtaining information, and are recognized by the question
mark (?) following the header.
1.1.1. How they are listed?
The descriptions are listed in alphabetical order according to their short form.
1.1.2. How they are described?
In the descriptions themselves, a brief explanation of the function performed is
given. This is followed by a presentation of the formal syntax, with the header given
in Upper-and-Lower-Case characters and the short form derived from it in ALL
UPPER-CASE characters. Where applicable, the syntax of the query is given with the
format of its response.
1.1.3. When can they be used?
The commands and queries listed here can be used for SDGxxxx Series digital
SDG1000 Programming Manual
1.1.4. Command Notation
The following notation is used in the commands:
< > Angular brackets enclose words that are used
placeholders, of which there are two types: the header path
and the data parameter of a command.
:= A colon followed by an equals sign separates a placeholder
from the description of the type and range of values that
may be used in a command instead of the placeholder.
{ } Braces enclose a list of choices, one of which one must be
[ ] Square brackets enclose optional items.
… An ellipsis indicates that the items both to its left and right
may be repeated a number of times.
SDG1000 Programming Manual
1.2. Table of Commands & Queries
Short Long Form Subsystem What Command/Query dose
*IDN *IDN SYSTEM Get identification from
*OPC *OPC SYSTEM Get or set the OPC bit (0)
in the Event Status Register
CHDR COMM_HEADER Set the format of return data
(Long, short, off)
ROSC ROSCILLATOR SIGNAL Set or get clock source.
MOD MODULATION SIGNAL Set or get modulated wave
OUTP OUTPUT SIGNAL Set or get output state.
CHCP CHANNEL_COPY SIGNAL Copy parameters from channel
INVT INVERT SIGNAL Set or get output signal phase
SWE SWEEP SIGNAL Set or get sweep wave.
BTWV BURSTWAVE SIGNAL Set or get burst wave
MDWV MODULATEWAVE SIGNAL Set or get modulate wave
STL STORE_LIST SIGNAL Get the list of store wave.
WVDT WAVE_DATA SIGNAL Get the wave data of store .
VKEY VIRTUALKEY SYSTEM Set the virtual key.
BASIC_WAVE SIGNAL Set or get basic wave
parameters. Turns on or off
channel signal.
Change arbitrary wave type.
BUZZER SYSTEM Set or get buzzer State.
SYSTEM_CONFIG SYSTEM Set or get power on
initializing parameter way
one to channel two, or from
channel two to channel one.
SCREEN_SAVE SYSTEM Set or get screen save State.
SYNC SIGNAL Set or get in-phase signal.
SDG1000 Programming Manual
1.3. IEEE 488.2 Common Command Introduction
IEEE standard defines the common commands used for querying the basic information
of the instrument or executing basic operations. These commands usually start with
"*" and the length of the keywords of the command is usually 3 characters.
1.3.1 CHDR
DESCRIPTION This Command is used to change query command return format.
SHORT parameter is return short format. LONG parameter is
return long format. Off is that command header and
parameter unit will not return.
EXAMPLE 1 Set query command format to long.
EXAMPLE 2 Read query command format.
SDG1000 Programming Manual
1.3.2 OPC
DESCRIPTION The *OPC (OPeration Complete) command sets to true the OPC
bit (bit 0) in the standard Event Status Register (ESR).
The *OPC? query always responds with the ASCII character
1 because the device only responds to the query when the
previous command has been entirely executed.
SDG1000 Programming Manual
1.3.3 IDN
DESCRIPTION The *IDN? Query causes the instrument to identify itself.
The response comprises manufacturer, scope model, serial
number, software version and firmware version.
RESPONSE FORMAT *IDN ,<device id>,<model>,<serial number>,<software
version>,<firmware version>
<device id>:=“SDG”is used to identify instrument.
<model>:= A model identifier less than 14 characters.
<serial number>:= A nine- or 10-digit decimal code .
<software version>:= A serial numbers about software
<firmware version>:= two digits giving the major release
level followed by a period, then one digit giving the minor
release level followed by a period and a single-digit
update level (xx.y.z).
EXAMPLE 1 Reads version information.
*IDN SDG SDG1022,00-00-00-13-22,,20.234.3.
(return may differ form each version)
SDG1000 Programming Manual
1.4. Output Command
DESCRIPTION Enable or disable the output of the [Output] connector at
the front panel corresponding to the channel.
The query returns ON or OFF.
Parameters Value Description
ON --- Turn on channel
OFF --- Turn off channel
LOAD <load> Value of load
where: <load>:= {50(default unit is ohm), HZ}
QUERY SYNTAX <channel>: OUTPut?
RESPONSE FORMAT <channel>:OUTPut <load>
EXAMPLE 1 Turns on channel one.
EXAMPLE 2 Reads channel one output state.
EXAMPLE 4 Set the load to 50Ω
SDG1000 Programming Manual
1.5. Basic Wave Command
DESCRIPTION Set or get basic wave parameters.
COMMAND SYNTAX <channel>:BaSicWaVe <parameter>
<channel>:={C1, C2}
<parameter>:= {a parameter from the table below}
Parameters Value Description
WVTP <type> Type of wave
Value of frequency. I
FRQ <frequency>
AMP <amplifier>
OFST <offset>
SYM <symmetry>
DUTY <duty>
PHSE <phase>
VAR <variance>
MEAN <mean>
f wave type is Noise,
you can’t set this p
Value of amplifier. I
f wave type is Noise,
you can’t set this p
Value of offset. If w
ave type is Noise, yo
u can’t set this para
Value of symmetry. Only
wave type is Ramp, you
can set this parameter.
Value of duty cycle.
Only Pulse and Duty can
set this parameter.
Value of phase. If wa
ve type is Noise, you
can’t set this param
Value of Noise wave
Variance.Only wave
type is Noise, you can
set this parameter.
Value of Noise wave
mean. Only wave type is
Noise, you can set this
SDG1000 Programming Manual
Value of delay. Only
DLY <delay>
Note: if the command don’t set basic wave type, the parameter will set parameters
to current device wave type default.
<frequency>:= { Default unit is "HZ". Minimum value is
1xe-6 HZ, maximal value depends on the version.}
<amplifier>:= {Default unit is "V". Channel one minimum
value 0.004V, Maximal is 6V. Channel two minimum value
0.004V, Maximal is 20V. }
<offset>:= { Default unit is "V". maximal value depends on
the maximal value depends on the version.}
<duty>:= {If wave type is square, range is from 20% to 80%.
if wave type is pulse, range is from 0.1% to 99.9%}
<symmetry> :={ 0% to 100%}
<phase>:= {0° to 360°}
<variance>:= Maximal is 2.222V, minimum value is 0.4mV.The
default unit is "V".
<mean>:= The range depends on Variance . The default unit
is "V".
<delay>:= Maximal is Pulse Period, minimum value is 0.Unit
is S.