Model 4001 and 4011 Single Channel Controllers
interface with industry standard two- or three-wire
4-20 mA sensor transmitters and provide the user
with concentration display and two independent
adjustable alarm levels.
The Model 4001 and Model 401 1 Single Channel Controllers are single channel gas detection controllers that also
can be used with most industry standard 4-20 mA or other
standard voltage/current sensor transmitters. Both controllers provide the user with two independent adjustable
alarm levels. In addition, the output can be continuously
sent to a chart recorder .
The alarm relays can be programmed to be either latching
or non-latching and to activate either as a rising or falling
alarm. When the controller is used with 4-20 mA sensors,
a third alarm provides a fault indication when the controller
detects loop current less than 3 mA. The alarms are acknowledged via either an external reset switch or a reset
push-button on the Model 401 1
Single Channel Controllers
Model 4001
Model 4011
Model 4001
Model 4011
The 3 1/2 digit LCD display can read the concentration
or alarm setpoints. LEDs on the front panel provide
indication of all three alarms or low battery power.
Model 4011
Each alarm relay is fused to prevent damage from alarm
and control circuits. The relays are SPDT Form C type
rated at 5 Amps to provide direct alarm action, reducing
the need for interposing relays.
Model 4001
The Model 4001 is housed in a NEMA 4X wall mount enclosure or the optional NEMA 7 explosion proof enclosure.
AC or DC powered versions are available. Both versions
include as standard an integral battery charger that can
provide a trickle charge to an optional battery to provide
reliable continuous service.
Features Benefits
Two adjustable alarm setpoints with latching or
non-latching relays
4-20 mA or standard voltage/current input
Battery backup option
Chart recorder output signal
The Model 4011 is in a 1/8 DIN panel mount enclosure.
This controller is DC powered. Optional power supply/
battery chargers can power to a single unit or up to 4 controllers.
The front panel includes a 3 1/2 digit LCD display, LEDs
indicating the three alarms, reset push-button, four display selection LEDs and a Select Pushbutton. The RESET button is used to reset the relays when the user has
selected Latching or Acknowledge mode. The SELECT
button steps the display through each of the four possible
selections that will be indicated by the appropriate illuminated LED.
Flexibility to fit your application needs
Interfaces with industry standard sensor transmitters
Insure continuous operation
Continuous logging of concentration data
Sierra Monitor Corporation 1991 Tarob Ct. Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 262-6611 800-727-4377 F AX: (408) 262-9042

Single Channel Controllers
INPUT SIGNAL: Standard: 4-20mA
Factory Options: 0-5V, 0-10 V, 0-20mA
INPUT The input loop resistance for the 4-20mA
RESIST ANCE: loop is 100 ohms
Model 4001 18-24 VDC, Nominal 350 mA, Max. 500 mA.
Battery charger feature accepts 120V AC
Model 401 1 14-30 VDC, Nominal 100 mA @24VDC
without sensor module, 180 mA @20VDC
with sensor module at 20 mA loop current
ALARM LEVELS: Two alarms, user adjustable, alarm levels
HiHi, HiLo, or LoLo
ALARM Jumper selectable for Latching/Non CONFIGURA TION: Latching. Jumper selectable for Alarming
on GREATER or LESS than Alarm Level.
TROUBLE RELA Y: Relay de-energizes when loop current is
less than 3 mA or when power is removed.
RELAY RA TING: SPDT Form C, 28VDC @ 5 Amp (fused),
120 VAC @ 4 Amp
Model 4001 External alarm reset available - resets
latched relays. Alarm relays reset but alarm
status LEDs will track actual condition.
Model 4011 Front panel push-button or external alarm
reset will reset alarm relays programmed
for Latching. Alarm relays reset but alarm
status LEDs will track actual condition.
DISPLA Y: 3 1/2 digit liquid crystal
RECORDER 0-2 VDC with RL=1000 ohms minimum.
OUTPUT: Output proportional to display. Power available
is 12VDC @ 5OmA
CHARGER OUTPUT 12 VDC Trickle Charge for battery back-up
(Model 4001):
Model 4001 NEMA 4X (NEMA 7 optional)
11.5"H x 8.0"W x 6.9"D (29.2 x 20.3 x 17.5 cm)
11.2 lbs (5.1 Kg)
Model 4011 1/8 DIN
1.9"H x 3.8"W x 7.3"D (4.8 x 9.6 x 18.5 cm)
1.2 lbs (0.5 Kg)
4001-01 Model 4001 Controller , DC, NEMA 4X
4001-1 1 Model 4001 Controller , AC, NEMA 4X
4001-12 Model 4001 Controller, AC, NEMA 7
401 1-00 Model 401 1 Controller, DC, DIN
(Adding SPM69155 Power Supply converts AC
power to DC input to the 401 1-00)
4346-01 Power Supply/Battery Back-up for 401 1
SPM69155 Power Supply AC/DC for 401 1 (plugs in
wall socket)(1 unit)
Model 4001
Model 4011
Sierra Monitor Corporation 1991 Tarob Ct. Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 262-661 1 800-727-4377 F AX: (408) 262-9042
Visit our web site: www.sierramonitor.com E-Mail: sierra@sierramonitor.com
@ l997 by Sierra Monitor Corporation Printed in USA