The Model 200X Series are compact, solidstate, fixed-installation single alarm monitors
designed for continuous area monitoring of
Combustible Gas, Hydrogen Sulfide, or Carbon Monoxide.
Model 200X Series
Gas Sensor Monitors
Model 2001 - Combustible Gas
Model 2003 - Hydrogen Sulfide
Model 2006 - Carbon Monoxide
The Model 200X Series consists of three separate gas
monitors, Model 2001 for Combustibles Model 2003
Hydrogen Sulfide and Model 2006 for Carbon Monoxide.
A red LED (light-emitting diode) and audible alarm activate when the concentration of gas exceeds the factoryset (and user-adjustable) level. A green LED indicator
on the monitor shows that power is connected and it is
a safe condition.
The standard configuration has a buzzer and normally
operating open relay , a fail-safe normally operating closed
relay is field selectable.
All the electronic circuitry needed to operate the monitor, except the DC input power, is contained in a compact unit. It may be mounted in any orientation. For a
single-monitor installation and a local alarm, the accompanying AC-to-DC power supply may be plugged into a
standard AC source. The monitors accept 9 - 24 VDC.
Self-check feature signals sensor failure
Semiconductor-T ype Sensor
A solid-state semiconductor-type sensor and associated
electronic circuitry ensure trouble-free, long-term operation. There are no pumps, filters or chemical cells to
replace or maintain. Except periodic calibration to verify
the alarm setting, no attention is required after installation. The user may adjust the alarm level by using a
different calibration gas concentration.
A sensor self-check feature will flash the LEDs on and
off alternatively and sound an interrupted tone as a warning should the sensor fail (open circuit).
Remote Alarm Available
If a remote alarm is desired, the Model 2102 Dual Channel Alarm Panel can be connected up to 500 feet from
the monitors.
Reliable operation
Optional normally operating closed relay
No chemical cells to replace, no periodic
maintenace other than routine claibration
All the electronic circuitry needed to operate
the monitor contained compact unit, power
suplly plugs into standard AC source
Sierra Monitor Corporation 1991 T arob Court Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 262-661 1 (800) 727-4377 Fax: (408) 262-9042
Fail-safe configuration
Maintenance free operation
Quick easy installation and connection to
alarm panel

Gas Sensor Monitors
Model 2001 Combustibles Gas Monitor
The Model 2001 can detect a wide range of combustibles. Typical applications include combustible gas
monitoring in basements near waste dumps, manhole,
tanks, parking garages and vehicle maintenance facilities, laboratories, chemical plants, and more.
Model 2003 Hydrogen Sulfide Monitor
The Model 2003 can be used in such typical applications as waste water treatment plants, laboratories and
chemical plants.
Visual: Green LED for Monitor “ON"/Safe
Audible: Sustained alarm tone for as long
SENSOR TYPE: Solid-State Metal Oxide Semiconductor
RANGE; (at 50% relative humidity)
Model 2001 300-2,000 ppm Hydrogen
Model 2003 10-50 ppm Hydrogen Sulfide (H
Model 2006 50-500 ppm Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Model 2001 1000 ppm Methane
Red LED for Alarm
LEDs oscillate on/off for sensor failure
as gas is present. Interrupted tone or sensor
500-10,000 ppm Methane
Model 2006 Carbon Monoxide Monitor
The Model 2006 Carbon Monoxide Gas Sensor Module can be used to provide an early warning of CO
accumulation in tanks, laboratories, chemical plants,
parking garages, vehicle test facilities and more.
OUTPUT : 0.5 AMP dry contact. 100 VDC, 130 VAC
Nominal 5 volts DC, source 25 mA, SAFE and
ALARM signals 70 dB buzer.
TTL interface to Model 2102 Alarm Panel is
user configurable.
Model 2001 Less than 30 seconds
Model 2003 Less than 60 seconds
Model 2006 Less than 30 seconds
MAINTENANCE: None, other than routine calibration
RANGE: -20°C to 70°C
MA T ER IA L: Aluminum
Model 2003 50 ppm H2S
Model 2006 100 ppm CO
INPUT: 9 - 24VDC (+1V), 250 mA
Plug-in 120 VAC AC/DC Power Supply is
SIZE: 3.7 x 2.2 x 1.1 in. (9.4 x 5.7 x 2.8 cm)
WEIGHT : 3.8 oz (108 g)
APPROVAL : UL 61010-1:2001
Combustible Gas 2001-00
Hydrogen Sulfide 2003-00
Carbon Monoxide 2006-00
Sierra Monitor Corporation 1991 Tarob Ct. Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 262-661 1 800-727-4377 FAX: (408) 262-9042
Visit our Web site at: www .sierramonitor .com E-Mail: sierra@sierramonitor .com
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