Ammonia and Halocarbon Gas Monitors
Cost effective gas alarm monitors for
ammonia and halocarbon gases. Available as single channel monitors or part of
multipoint alarm system
The Model 2050 Ammonia and Model 2060 Refrigerant/
Halocarbon Gas Monitors are continuous duty, low cost
stationary monitors for detection of high levels (50-500 PPM)
of ammonia and halocarbon refrigerant gases. These monitors are primarily used in and around freezers, refrigerators, and compressor rooms to warn of leaks and dangerous levels of these gases.
An alarm is activated when the concentration of gas exceeds the user-adjustable level. An alarm condition activates the alarm light on the front of the monitor and generates an output signal. An output signal can activate a
remote alarm through the Model 2102 Alarm Panel. The
Model 2102 Dual Channel can be connected up to 500
feet from the monitors. Each monitor also has a 0.5 amp,
dry contact relay replaces the output signal.
The monitors are housed in a polystyrene enclosure that
is suitable for installation in freezer, refrigerator or other
applications. Test connections and adjustment controls
are located on the outside of the enclosure and are easily
used, even when the operator is wearing hand protection.
These monitors have two indicator lights on the front of the
unit, a green “safe” indicator and a red “alarm” indicator.
Three alarm conditions are possible. These can be detected visually at both the monitor and controller at all times.
Model 2050/2060
Sensor failure - Interrupted (on/off) “red/green” visual
indication after unit has been in operation, indicating
either a failed sensor or that the monitor is not correctly calibrated.
The Model 2050 Ammonia monitor has a factory alarm
setpoint of 100 ppm NH3. This setpoint is user adjustable
in the field over a range of 50 to 500 ppm NH3. The Model
2050 calibration can be checked with Hydrogen gas.
The Model 2060 Halocarbon monitor can be calibrated with
Carbon Monoxide and the factory setpoint varies for the
specific type of halocarbon present. The factory setpoint
for R12 is 500 ppm while the setpoint for R134a is 50 ppm.
See the specifications for more details.
Temperature Range
The Model 2050 and 2060 have temperature compensated
circuitry to provide stabilization in temperatures ranging
from -4o to 158oF.
Semiconductor-T ype Sensor
Warm-up - Interrupted (On/Off) “red/green” visual in-
dication when power is first connected to the monitor,
followed by a red light until warm-up is completed and
the green light comes on.
Gas Alarm - Sustained solid red light indicating the
presence of gas at, or above, the pre-set threshold.
Sierra Monitor Corporation 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 262-661 1 (800) 727-4377 F AX: (408) 262-9042
A solid-state semiconductor-type sensor and associated
electronic circuitry ensure trouble-free, long-term operation. There are no pumps, filters, or chemical cells to
replace or maintain. Except periodic calibration to verify
the alarm setting, no periodic maintenance is required after installation. The user may adjust the alarm level by
using a different calibration gas concentration.

Ammonia and Halocarbon Gas Monitors
Indicators: Green LED for Monitor “ON”/Safe
Red LED for Alarm
Sensor Type: Solid-state metal oxide semiconductor
Alarm Setpoint::
2050 Series 100 ppm NH
2060 Series R1 1 500 ppm
R12 500 ppm
R22 50 ppm
R1 13 100 ppm
R123 70 ppm
R134a 50 ppm
R141b 40 ppm
R142b 40 ppm
R500 40 ppm
R502 70 ppm
User adjustable with calibration over
range of 50 to 500 ppm
2050-00 Ammonia Gas Monitor
2060-00 Refrigerant/Halocarbon Gas Monitor
1200-26 Gas Sensor Calibrator w/2 gas cylinders
of calibration gas
1290-10 Gas Cylinder - Carbon Monoxide, 150 ppm
1290-11 Gas Cylinder - Hydrogen, 80 ppm
Model 2050/2060
Calibration Gas:
2050 Series 80 ppm Hydrogen (H
2060 Series 150 ppm Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Power: 9-24 VDC, 250 mA
Signal Output::
2050-00/2060-00 Nominal 5 volt DC, source 25 mA. SAFE
Response T ime: Less than 90 seconds
Operating T emperature Range:
Enclosure Material: Polystyrene
Size: 5.6 x 3.1 x 2.1 in. (14.2 x 7.9 x 5.3 cm)
Weight: 0.3 lb (0.15 Kg)
and ALARM Signals
0.5 AMP dry cont act, 100 VDC, 130 V AC
and audible
to 158oF (-20o to 70oC)
2102-00 Dual Channel Alarm Panel
Outline and Dimensions
of Model 2050/2060
Sierra Monitor Corporation 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 262-661 1 (800) 727-4377 F AX: (408) 262-9042
Visit our website: www .sierramonitor .com E-mail: sales@sierramonitor.com
© 2010 Sierra Monitor Corp. Rev. A-7/10