Sierra Top-Trak 820 Series, Top-Trak 820, Top-Trak 822S, Top-Trak 824, Top-Trak 820S Instruction Manual

Sierra 820 Series
Top-Trak™ Mass Flow Meters
Models: 820, 820S, 822, 822S, 824, 824S, 826 and 827
Instruction Manual
Part Number IM-82
Revision H, November 2017
Table of Contents Series 820 Instruction Manual
5 Harris Court, Building L Monterey, CA 93940 Phone (831) 373-0200 (800) 866-0200 Fax (831) 373-4402
Bijlmansweid 2 1934RE Egmond aan den Hoef The Netherlands Phone +31 72 5071400 Fax +31 72 5071401
Second Floor Building 5, Senpu Industrial Park 25 Hangdu Road Hangtou Town Pu Dong New District, Shanghai, P.R. China Postal Code 201316 Phone: + 8621 5879 8521 Fax: +8621 5879 8586
Sierra Instruments, Inc. is not liable for any damage or personal injury, whatsoever, resulting from the use of Sierra Instruments standard ma ss flow meters or controllers for oxygen gas. You are re­sponsible for determining if this mass flow meter or controller is appropriate for your oxygen appli­cation. You are responsible for cleaning the mass flow meter or controller to the degree required for your oxygen flow application
No part of this publication may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a re­trieval system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any me ans, electronic, mechanical, manual, or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without the express writ­ten permission of Sierra Instruments. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Top-TrakTM and Cal-Bench TM is a Registered Trademark of Sierra Instruments, Inc. Other product and company names listed in this manual are tradem arks or trade names of their respective manu­facturers.
Series 820 Instruction Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
Introduction ......................................................................... 1-1
Using this Manual .............................................................. 1-1
Safety Information ............................................................. 1-2
Receipt of System Components ........................................ 1-2
Technical Assistance .......................................................... 1-2
Top Trak Features .................................................................... 1-3
The 820 Series Flow Sensing Principle ................................... 1-4
Chapter 2 Installation
Installation Overview ............................................................... 2-1
Installing the Transducer .......................................................... 2-2
Compression Fittings ......................................................... 2-2
VCO Fittings ................................................................. 2-2
VCR Fittings .................................................................. 2-3
All 1/2-inch Size Connections ........................................... 2-3
Wiring the Transducer ............................................................. 2-4
Standard 0-5 VDC Output Signal Wiring ......................... 2-5
Optional 4-20 mA Output Signal Wiring .......................... 2-5
Remote Display Installation ..................................................... 2-6
Chapter 3 Operation
Transducer Operation ...............................................................
Transducer Accuracy ......................................................... 3-1
Referencing the Transducer to Non-Standard Conditions .... 3-2
Transducer Over-Ranging ................................................. 3-2
Zero and Span Adjustments ............................................... 3-3
Totalizer Option ................................................................. 3-4
Chapter 4 Maintenance and Repair
Transducer Cleaning ................................................................ 4-1
Flow Path Cleaning Model 822/824 ........................................ 4-2
Inlet and Outlet Screens ..................................................... 4-2
Laminar Flow Element ...................................................... 4-3
Flow Path Cleaning Model 826/827 ........................................ 4-4
Laminar Flow Element ...................................................... 4-4
Flow Path Cleaning Model 822-S/824-S ................................ 4-5
Laminar Flow Element ...................................................... 4-5
Sensor Cleaning and Inspection ........................................ 4-8
Transducer Calibration ............................................................. 4-9
Transducer Troubleshooting .................................................... 4-11
Returning Equipment to the Factory ....................................... 4-13
IM-82 0-3
Table of Contents Series 820 Instruction Manual
Appendix A Conversion Formulas and Gas Tables Appendix B 822/824 Product Specifications Appendix C 822S/824S Product Specifications Appendix D 826/827 Product Specifications
List of Figures
1-1. Top-Trak Features (Typical) ........................................ 1-3
1-2. Flow Paths through the Transducer ............................. 1-4
1-3. Flow Measuring Principle ............................................ 1-4
2-1. Piping Requirements for 1/2-inch Size Connections .. 2-3
2-2. Transducer D-Connector Pin Assignments ................. 2-4
2-3. Standard 0-5 VDC Output Signal Wiring ................... 2-5
2-4. Single Transducer Current Loop Connection .............. 2-5
2-5. Multiple Transducer Current Loop Connections ........ 2-6
2-6. Mounting the Remote Display ..................................... 2-6
4-1. Model 822/824 Flow Components .............................. 4-2
4-2. Correct LFE Position ................................................... 4-3
4-3. Model 826/827 Flow Components ............................... 4-4
4-4. Low Flow Transducer LFE Cleaning .......................... 4-5
4-5. Medium Flow Transducer LFE Cleaning ................... 4-6
4-6. High Flow Transducer LFE Cleaning ......................... 4-7
4-7. Printed Circuit Board Component Locations .............. 4-11
0-4 IM-82
Series 820 Instruction Manual Table of Contents
Only qualified personnel should install the transducer.
Do not supply +DC power at the D-connector while using a
power supply at the power jack. Both supplies may be damaged.
Operating a 12 VDC transducer at 24 VDC will cause equip-
ment damage.
Only qualified personnel should perform transducer service, ca-
libration or troubleshooting procedures.
When using toxic or corrosive gases, purge the unit thoroughly
with inert dry gas before disconnecting from the gas line.
Printed circuit boards are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. To avoid damaging the board, follow these precautions to minimize the risk of damage:
 before handling the assembly, discharge your body by touching
a grounded, metal object
 handle all cards by their edges unless otherwise required  when possible, use grounded electrostatic discharge wrist
straps when handling sensitive components
IM-82 0-5
Series 820 Instruction Manual Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
This instruction manual covers the installation, operation and maintenance of Sierra’s 820 Series product line including the fol­lowing Top-Trakª Models:
 822 Mass Flow Meter with display (nylon flow body)  824 Mass Flow Meter without display (nylon flow body)  826 Hi-Flow Meter with display (aluminum flow body)  827 Hi-Flow without display (aluminum flow body)  822-S Mass Flow Meter with display (stainless steel flow body)
 824-S Mass Flow Meter without display (stainless steel flow body)
Sierra’s Top-Trakª Mass Flow Meters are designed for precise measurement of gas mass flow. The 820 Series offers a broad range of sizes and process connections for flexibility and versatili­ty. The primary standard calibration ensures starting point accura­cy and NIST traceability. The meter’s 0-5 VDC or 4-20 mA output signal is provided for recording, data-logging or control. The op­tional display reads the mass flow rate directly in engineering units or percentage of full scale.
Using This Manual
This manual is organized into four chapters:
 Chapter 1 includes the introduction and theory of operation  Chapter 2 provides installation and wiring instructions  Chapter 3 describes transducer operation and features  Chapter 4 covers maintenance, calibration and troubleshooting
IM-82 1-1
Gas tables and conversion formulas are found in Appendix A. The product specifications and dimensional drawings are found in Appendix B.
Throughout this manual, we use the word
as a ge­neric term to represent all models of Sierra’s 820 Series Top­Trak Mass Flow Meters.
Chapter 1 Introduction Series 820 Instruction Manual
Safety Information
Caution and warning statements are used throughout this book to draw your attention to important information.
Warning! Caution!
This statement appears with information that is important to protect people and equipment from damage. Pay very close attention to all warnings that apply to your application.
Receipt of System Components
When receiving a Sierra transducer, carefully check the outside packing carton for damage incurred in shipment. If the carton is damaged, notify the local carrier and submit a report to the factory or distributor. Remove the packing slip and check that all ordered components are present and match your specifications (as ordered). Make sure any spare parts or accessories are not discarded with the packing material. Do not return any equipment to the factory with­out first contacting Sierra Customer Service.
This statement appears with information that is important for protecting your equipme nt and performance. Read and follow all cautions that apply to your application.
Technical Assistance
If you encounter a problem with your transducer, review the confi­guration information for each step of the installation, operation and set up procedures. Verify that your settings and adjustments are consistent with factory recommendations. Refer to Chapter 4, Troubleshooting, for specific information and recommendations.
If the problem persists after following the troubleshooting proce­dures outlined in Chapter 4, contact Sierra Instruments by fax or by E-mail (see inside front cover). For urgent phone support you may call (800) 866-0200 or (831) 373-0200 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PST. In Europe contact Sierra Instruments bv at +31 20
6145810. When contacting Technical Support, make sure to include this information:
 the flow range, serial number, Sierra order number and
model number (all marked on the transducer nameplate)
 the problem you are encountering and any corrective action
 application information (gas, pressure, temperature, pipe
and fitting configuration)
1-2 IM-82
Series 820 Instruction Manual Chapter 1 Introduction
Top-Trak Features
Standard Top-Trak Mass Flow Meters require a 12 to 15 VDC ex­ternal power source (24 VDC input power optional). The transduc­er’s 0 to 5 VDC output signal allows for flow recording, data-logging or control. A 4 to 20 mA output signal is optionally available. Input power and output signal connections are made via the 9-pin sub­type D-connector located on the side of the transducer. An addi­tional input power jack is located just below the D-connector. (It is important to connect input power at only one location.)
The transducer shown below is a typical example of a 822 Series Top-Trak Mass Flow Meter. Other models may vary slightly in their appearance but are operationally equivalent.
IM-82 1-3
Figure 1-1. Top-Trak Features (Typical)
Chapter 1 Introduction Series 820 Instruction Manual
The 820 Series Flow Sensing Principle
The operating principle of Top-Trak transducers is based on heat transfer and the first law of thermodynamics. During operation process gas enters the instrument’s flow body and divides into two flow paths, one through the sensor tube, the other through the la­minar flow element bypass. The laminar flow bypass generates a pressure drop, P1–P2, forcing a small fraction of the total flow to pass through the sensor tube (m1).
Figure 1-2. Flow Paths through the Transducer
Two resistance temperature detector (RTD) coils around the sensor tube direct a constant amount of heat (H) into the gas stream. In actual operation, the gas mass flow carries heat from the upstream coil to the downstream coil. The resulting temperature difference (?T) is detected by the RTD coils and gives the output signal. Since the molecules of the gas carry away the heat, the output sig­nal is linearly proportional to gas mass flow.
Figure 1-3. Flow Measuring Principle
1-4 IM-82
Series 820 Instruction Manual Chapter 2 Installation
Chapter 2 Installation
Installation Overview
To ensure a successful installation, inlet and outlet tubing should be clean and free from burrs or rims caused by cutting prior to plumbing the transduc­er into the system. The protective caps covering the inlet/outlet fittings should not be removed until immediately prior to installation.
Before installing the transducer, verify the following:
1. Make sure the installation site meets the specific operating parameters recorded on the transducer’s nameplate. Each transducer is factory­configured for a specific gas and flow range. If the operating pressure is more than 50 psi (3.4 bar) away from the calibration pressure, it is advis­able to return the unit to the factory for re-calibration. (Adjusting zero may be sufficient to remain within specification.)
2. Do not locate the transducer in areas subject to sudden temperature changes, moisture, drafts or near equipment radiating significant amounts of heat. Make sure to allow adequate space for cable connectors and wir­ing.
3. For 1/2-inch size inlet/outlet process connections on models 826 and 827 make sure the location meets the minimum number of recommended pipe diameters upstream and downstream of the transducer. A minimum of 5 inches (127 mm) upstream and 2-1/2 inches (64 mm) downstream is al­ways recommended. (not necessary for other models)
4. Horizontal mounting is preferable. Vertical mounting is possible with best results achieved when the factory calibration is specifically per­formed for vertical mounting. In vertical positions zero shift will occur depending on the gas pressure at zero flow.
5. If the gas contains any particulate matter, install an in-line filter prior to the transducer. Recommended filter size: 15 micron for flows of 10 sccm to 30 slpm, 30 micron for above 30 slpm.
6. If a potential over-flow condition exists, insert a valve or critical orifice in the line to limit flow to approximately 25 percent above the full scale range of the meter.
7. Confirm that the transducer o-ring material is compatible with the gas to be measured.
8. For remote displays, confirm the supplied cable is of sufficient length to connect the components.
IM-82 2-1
Chapter 2 Installation Series 820 Instruction Manual
Installing the Transducer
Follow the installation instructions that apply to your transducer’s
Only qualified personnel
should install the
process connection. For all 1/2-inch size process connections, observe the piping recommendations given on page 2-3. Before operation, all plumbing should be checked carefully for leaks and the transducer purged with dry nitrogen.
Compression Fittings
1. Position the transducer with the flow direction arrow pointing downstream in the direction of flow.
2. Verify the position of the front and back ferrule. Insert the tubing into the fitting. Make sure that the tubing rests firmly on the shoulder of the fitting and that the nut is finger tight. (Do not mix or interchange parts of tube fittings made by different manufactur- ers.)
3. Hold the body steady with a backup wrench.
tighten the nut 1-1/4 turns from finger tight. For 1/8-inch, 1/4- inch and 3∕8-inch sizes, tighten only 3/4 turn from finger tight.
4. Check the system’s entire flow path thoroughly for leaks. (Do not use liquid leak detectors, instead monitor pressure decay. Over­exposing the transducer to leak detector fluid may damage the unit.)
For 1/2-inch size,
Do not
VCO Fittings
1. Position the transducer with the flow direction arrow pointing
2. Install new o-rings compatible with the gas to be used. (Do not mix
3. Hold the body steady with a backup wrench.
4. Check the system’s entire flow path thoroughly for leaks. (Do not use
2-2 IM-82
downstream in the direction of flow.
or interchange parts of tube fittings made by different manu­facturers.)
Tighten the nut
finger tight and then 1/4 turn tighter with a wrench.
Do not over-
liquid leak detectors, instead monitor pressure decay. Over- exposing the transducer to leak detector fluid may damage the unit.)
Series 820 Instruction Manual Chapter 2 Installation
1/4 inch Female NPT Connections
1. Position the transducer with the flow direction arrow pointing in the di­rection of flow.
Use a good quality paste pipe thread sealant. Apply to pipe threads.
3. Tighten the pipe no more than 1 turn past hand-tight. Caution! Do not over-tighten. Damage to the instrument may result.
1/2-Inch Size NPT Connections
1. Install a section of straight pipe at least ten pipe diameters in length up-
stream of the transducer. Also, allow at least five pipe diameters down­stream for accurate operation. DO NOT use reducers. If the preceeding components in the flow path create disturbances extend the upstream pipe length.
2. Position the transducer with the flow direction arrow pointing down-
stream in the direction of flow.
3. Tighten fittings until leak tight (refer to published standards for specific
(standard on nylon flow bodies
4. Check the system’s entire flow path thoroughly for leaks. (Do not use liq-
uid leak detectors, instead monitor pressure decay. Over-exposing the transducer to leak detector fluid may damage the unit.)
Figure 2-1 Piping Requirements for all 1/2-Inch Size Process Connections
IM-82 2-3
Chapter 2 Installation Series 820 Instruction Manual
Do not supply +DC powe
at the D-connector whil using a power supply a the power jack. Both sup-
plies may be damaged.
Operating a 12 VDC trans-
ducer at 24 VDC will cause
equipment damage.
Wiring the Transducer
Standard Top-Trakrm transducers require a 12 to 15 VDC power supply (15 VDC nominal, 100 mA maximum). 24 VDC input power is optional. Transducers are connected to the power supply through
the dedicated DC power jack or through the 9-pin D-connector located on the side of the enclosure. Before powering the unit, check the transducer’s nameplate to confirm input power:
 PV1 = 12 to 15 VDC  PV2 = 24 VDC
Note: operating a 24 VDC transducer at 12 to 15 VDC will result in unreliable operation.
The transducer’s standard 0 to 5 VDC (4-20 mA optional) output sig- nal is available through the D-connector. The mating connector is in- cluded with the transducer. Connection details are given on the fol- lowing pages.
When the transducer is configured for a remote display, signal con­nections are made via the 9-pin connector. Input power connections are not included in the standard interface cable. Power connections for the display and the transducer are shared when the connector is wired for a remote display. Optionally the input power can be applied at the power jack (either 12 volts (PV 1) or 24 volts (PV2). Remote display mounting dimensions are given at the end of this chapter.
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Series 820 Instruction Manual Chapter 2 Installation
Figure 2-2. Transducer D-Connector Pin Assignments
Note: The power jack requires a plug that has a 2.5mm inner diameter and a 5mm outer diameter. The center is positive (+).
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Chapter 2 Installation Series 820 Instruction Manual
Standard 0-5 VDC Output Signal Wiring
The standard 0-5 VDC output signal flows from Pin 3 (0-5 VDC Out) through the load (1K Ohm minimum) to Pin 7 (Power Common). The figure below is a typical example of input power and output signal connections.
Figure 2-3. Standard 0-5 VDC Output Signal Wiring
Optional 4-20 mA Output Signal Wiring
The optional 4-20 mA output signal flows from Pin 9 (4-20 mA Out) through the load (50 to 500 Ohms maximum) to Pin 7 (Power Com­mon). The figure below is a typical example of input power and output signal connections. (Multiple transducer current loop output connec­tions are given on the next page.)
Figure 2-4. Single Transducer Current Loop Connection
2-6 IM-82-E
Series 820 Instruction Manual Chapter 2 Installation
Figure 2-5. Multiple Transducer Current Loop Connection
Remote Display Installation
Mount the remote display at a convenient location within reach of the supplied interface cable. The maximum cable length is 100 feet (30 m).
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Figure 2-6. Mounting the Remote Display
+ 37 hidden pages