Sierra 830 Series, 840 Series, 860 Series Instruction Manual

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Sierra Series 830/840/860
Side-Trakand Auto-Trak
Mass Flow Meters and Controllers
Instruction Manual
Part Number IM-83/84/86
Revision G.6
- 10/08
5 Harris Court, Building L Monterey, CA 93940
Phone (831) 373-0200 (800) 866-0200 Fax (831) 373-4402
Bijlmansweid 2 1934RE Egmond aan den Hoef
The Netherlands
Phone +31 72 5071400 Fax +31 72 5071401
Rm. 618, Tomson Centre, Bldg A, 188 Zhang Yang Road
Pu Dong New District, Shanghai, P.R.China
Phone: + 8621 5879 8521 Fax: +8621 5879 8586
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Table of Contents Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual
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Customer Notice
Sierra Instruments, Inc. is not liable for any damage or personal injury, whatso­ever, resulting from the use of Sierra Instruments standard mass flow meters or controllers for oxygen gas. You are responsible for determining if this mass flow meter or controller is appropriate for your oxygen application. You are responsible for cleaning the mass flow meter or controller to the degree required for your oxy­gen flow application.
© COPYRIGHT SIERRA INSTRUMENTS 1994 No part of this publication may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without the express written permission of Sierra Instruments. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
TRADEMARKS Side-Trak™, Auto-Trak™ and Cal-Bench™ are trademarks of Sierra Instruments, Inc. Other product and company names listed in this manual are trademarks or trade names of their respective manufacturers.
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Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual Table of Contents
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Table of Contents Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
Using this Manual...............................................................1-1
Safety Information..............................................................1-2
Receipt of System Components ..........................................1-2
Technical Assistance ..........................................................1-2
The Series 800 Flow Sensing Principle.....................................1-3
Chapter 2 Installation
Quick Installation Guide...........................................................2-1
Installation Overview ...............................................................2-2
Installing the Transducer ..........................................................2-3
Compression Fittings..........................................................2-3
VCO Fittings ......................................................................2-3
VCR Fittings ......................................................................2-4
NPT and 1/2-inch Fittings...................................................2-4
Wiring the Transducer..............................................................2-5
Recommended Wire Gauges...............................................2-5
Wiring Transducers with 20-Pin Card Edge Connectors .....2-6
Wiring Transducers with 15-Pin D Connectors .................2-10
Motor-Operated Valve Circular 10-Pin Connector ............2-14
Chapter 3 Operation
Mass Flow Meter Operation .....................................................3-1
Mass Flow Controller Operation...............................................3-2
Electromagnetic Valve Controllers .....................................3-2
Motor-Operated Rotary Valve Controllers ..........................3-3
Mass Flow Controller Features.................................................3-4
Over-Range and Cold Sensor Lockout Circuit ....................3-4
Controller Auto Shut-Off Feature .......................................3-4
On-Off Control and Soft Start Option .................................3-5
Valve Purge Function .........................................................3-6
Chapter 4 Maintenance
Flow Path Maintenance ............................................................4-1
Changing the Laminar Flow Element..................................4-1
Sensor Maintenance .................................................................4-6
Sensor Cleaning and Inspection ..........................................4-6
Sensor Electrical Test .........................................................4-7
Valve Maintenance...................................................................4-8
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Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual Table of Contents
Electromagnetic Valves -Low and Medium Flow ..................... 4-8
Electromagnetic Valves - High Flow .............................................. 4-9
Motor-Operated Rotary Valves ..................................................... 4-11
Valve Adjustment .................................................................. 4-12
Transducer Calibration .................................................................... 4-15
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Procedures .................................................................... 5-1
Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................... 5-4
Returning Equipment to the Factory ............................................................. 5-7
Appendix A Conversion Formulas and Gas Tables Appendix B Production Specifications List of Figures
1-1. Flow Paths through the Transducer ............................... 1-3
1-2. Flow Measuring Principle ............................................... 1-3
1-3. Sensor Temperature Distribution .................................... 1-4
1-4. Linear Range of the Transducer’s Output Signal .......... 1-4
2-1. Piping Requirements for NPT & 1/2-inch Connections ...... 2-3
2-2. Input Power Connections (20-Pin Connector) ..................... 2-5
2-3. Output Signal Connections (20-Pin Connector) ................... 2-5
2-4. Local Command Set Point (20-Pin Connector) ...................... 2-6
2-5. External Command Set Point (20-Pin Connector) ............... 2-6
2-6. 15 Volt Valve Purge and Off (20-Pin Connector) .................. 2-7
2-7. 30 Volt Valve Purge and Off (20-Pin Connector) .................. 2-7
2-8. Input Power (15-Pin D Connector) ..................................... 2-8
2-9. Output Signal (15-Pin D Connector) .................................. 2-8
2-10. Local Command Set Point (15-PinD Connector) ................. 2-9
2-11. External Command Set Point (15-Pin D Connector) .............. 2-9
2-12. 15 Volt Valve Purge and Off (15-Pin D Connector) ............ 2-10
2-13. 30 Volt Valve Purge and Off (15-Pin D Connector) ............ 2-10
2-14. Motor-Operated Valve Circular 10-Pin Connector .............. 2-11
3-1. Soft Start Response Times ............................................... 3-5
4-1. Low Flow Transducer LFE Cleaning ............................... 4-2
4-2. Medium Flow Transducer LFE Cleaning ......................... 4-3
4-3. High Flow Transducer L F E Cleaning. ................................... 4-4
4-4. NPT Transducer LFE Cleaning ........................................... 4-5
4-5. Sensor Wire Access ............................................................ 4-7
4-6. Transducer Potentiometers Used for Calibration ................ 4-12
List of Tables
2-1. Recommended Wire Gauges ................................................. 2-4
H 0-5
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Table of Contents Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual
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Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual Table of Contents
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Warnings and Cautions
Warning! Follow National Electric Code or your local code safety practices when wiring
or connecting this unit to a power source. Only qualified personnel should install and wire the transducer.
Warning! Always remove main power before disassembling the transducer.
Caution! During operation, the mass flow controller valve becomes hot. Caution! Do not use the manual purge function when RS-485 is active (Model
860 only). Caution! Always fully neutralize any toxic gas trapped inside the transducer before re-
moving from the gas line. Caution! Only qualified personnel should perform transducer service, calibration or
troubleshooting procedures. Caution! Printed circuit boards are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. To avoid damag-
ing the board, follow these precautions to minimize the risk of damage:
before handling the assembly, discharge your body by touching a grounded, metal object
handle all cards by their edges unless otherwise required
when possible, use grounded electrostatic discharge wrist straps when handling
sensitive components
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Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual Chapter 1 Introduction
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Chapter 1 Introduction
Sierra’s Side-Trak™ and Auto-Trak™ mass flow meters and con­trollers are designed to accurately measure and control flows of process gases. This instruction manual covers the installation, op­eration and maintenance of the entire Side-Trak and Auto-Trak product lines, which include the following Sierra models:
830 Side-Trak Mass Flow Meter
840 Side-Trak Mass Flow Controller
860M Auto-Trak Mass Flow Meter with RS-485 interface
860C Auto-Trak Mass Flow Controller with RS-485 interface
Sierra’s mass flow meters and controllers offer a broad range of sizes, control electronics, process connections, cables and connectors for flexibility and versatility. The meter’s patented straight sensor tube with access ports permits easy cleaning and reduces maintenance down-time. The platinum sensor eliminates zero-drift and ensures long-term repeatability. The primary standard calibration ensures starting point accuracy and NIST traceability. All wetted surfaces are constructed of 316 stainless steel with Viton® seals standard. Control­lers incorporate either an electromagnetic valve (up to 500 slpm) or a motor-operated rotary valve (100 slpm to 200 scfm). The Auto-Trak 860 digital microprocessor features automatic bridge-balancing cir­cuitry and provides simultaneous analog and digital RS-485 commu­nication.
Using This Manual
This manual is organized into five chapters:
Chapter 1 includes the introduction and theory of operation
Chapter 2 provides installation and wiring instructions
Chapter 3 describes system operation and controller features
Chapter 4 covers maintenance and calibration procedures
Chapter 5 provides troubleshooting advice
Gas tables and conversion formulas are found in Appendix A. The product specifications and dimensional drawings are found in Ap­pendix B.
The Model 860 Auto-Trak RS-485 communications program in­cludes an “Auto-Net” Software Addendum as a supplement to this manual. Please refer to this addendum for all RS-485 operating in­structions.
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Chapter 1 Introduction Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual
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Throughout this manual, we use the word transducer as a ge­neric term to represent all Side-Trak and Auto-Trak mass flow meters and controllers.
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Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual Chapter 1 Introduction
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Safety Information
Caution and warning statements are used throughout this book to draw your attention to important information.
This statement appears with information that is important to protect people and equipment from damage. Pay very close attention to all warnings that apply to your application.
This statement appears with information that is important for protecting your equipment and performance. Read and follow all cautions that apply to your application.
Receipt of System Components
When receiving a Sierra transducer, carefully check the outside packing carton for damage incurred in shipment. If the carton is damaged, notify the local carrier and submit a report to the factory or distributor. Remove the packing slip and check that all ordered components are present and match your specifications (as ordered). Make sure any spare parts or accessories are not discarded with the packing material. Do not return any equipment to the factory with­out first contacting Sierra Customer Service.
Technical Assistance
If you encounter a problem with your transducer, review the configuration information for each step of the installation, operation and set up procedures. Verify that your settings and adjustments are consistent with factory recommendations. Refer to Chapter 5, Trou­bleshooting, for specific information and recommendations.
If the problem persists after following the troubleshooting proce­dures outlined in Chapter 5, contact Sierra Instruments by fax or by E-mail (see inside front cover). For urgent phone support you may call (800) 866-0200 or (831) 373-0200 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PST. In Europe contact Sierra Instruments bv at +31 20
6145810. When contacting Technical Support, make sure to include
this information:
the flow range, serial number and Sierra order
number and model number (all marked on the transducer nameplate)
the problem you are encountering and any correc-
tive action taken
application information (gas, pressure, temperature
and piping configuration)
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Chapter 1 Introduction Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual
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The Series 800 Flow Sensing Principle
The operating principle of Sierra’s Side-Trak and Auto-Trak flow meters and controllers is based on heat transfer and the first law of thermodynamics. During operation process gas enters the instru­ment’s flow body and divides into two flow paths, one through the sensor tube, the other through the laminar flow element bypass. The laminar flow element bypass generates a pressure drop, P1–P2, forcing a small fraction of the total flow to pass through the sensor tube (m1) which is then monitored.
Figure 1-1. Flow Paths through the Transducer
Two resistance temperature detector (RTD) coils around the sensor tube direct a constant amount of heat (H) into the gas stream. In ac­tual operation, the gas mass flow carries heat from the upstream coil to the downstream coil. The resulting temperature difference (T) is detected by the RTD coils.
Figure 1-2. Flow Measuring Principle
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Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual Chapter 1 Introduction
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Figure 1-3. Sensor Temperature Distribution
Figures 1-2 and 1-3 show the mass flow through the sensor tube as inversely proportional to the temperature difference of the coils. The coils are legs of a bridge circuit with an output voltage in direct pro­portion to the difference in the coils’ resistance; the result is the tem­perature difference (T). Two other parameters, heat input (H) and coefficient of specific heat (Cp) are both constant. The resulting out­put is nearly linear over the transducer’s normal operating range.
Figure 1-4. Linear Range of the Transducer’s Output Signal
For mass flow controllers, once the gas flows through the monitor­ing section, it is then controlled by the built-in servo-control valve. For flows up to 500 slpm, Sierra’s proprietary high-efficiency Fast­Trak Electromagnetic Valve is used. The normally closed Fast­Trak valve is similar to an on/off solenoid valve, except that the current to the valve coil, and hence the magnetic field, is modu­lated so that the ferromagnetic valve armature, or valve plug, as­sumes the exact height above the valve’s orifice required to main­tain the valve’s command flow. The result is nearly infinite resolu­tion. All controllers with the Fast-Trak valves are available with a “Soft-Start” option for those processes that require it.
For higher flows of 50 to 200 scfm, controllers are equipped with Si­erra’s microprocessor-controlled, motor-operated rotary valve. While the rotary valve does not provide a completely positive shut-off, it does offer accurate control for higher flow installations.
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Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual Chapter 2 Installation
IM-83/84/86-H 2-1
Chapter 2 Installation
Quick-Installation Instructions For
830/840 L, M and H Meters And Controllers
liquid seeps into the electronics or the sensor compartment below, the instrument may be damaged. Use a pressure-decay test in­stead.
2. Install an appropriate in-line filter upstream if the gas contains
any particulate matter or condensed moisture. (A 15-micron par­ticulate filter for full-scale flows up to 30 liters/minute is recom­mended, 30 micron for flows above 30).
3. Mount with a horizontal gas-flow. This orientation is preferable
unless the factory calibration was specifically performed for a ver­tical flow. Consult your calibration certificate. (Horizontal flow is assumed unless vertical flow upward or downward is specified).
4. DO NOT APPLY POWER TO THE OUTPUT LOOP on units equipped and calibrated for a 4-20 mA output signal. This is NOT
a loop-powered device. Damage will occur.
5. Wire the instrument per the diagrams on the back of this card or
the Operator’s Manual, Chapter 2. Controllers require a separate ground wire for the Valve Return signal as well as a Setpoint sig­nal (no wire connected to the setpoint may cause the valve to float open).
6. Apply the gas listed on the label to the inlet at the recommended
inlet pressure as listed on the calibration certificate. On a meter, obtain this pressure by blocking off the flow downstream. On a controller, confirm that there is no gas flowing through it with a zero setpoint. (If there is a flow, consult the Valve Adjustment Procedure in the manual).
7. Apply power and verify or adjust the zero setting after allowing
a 15-minute warm-up period. The zero adjustment potentiometer is accessed through the upper hole in the side of the electronics cover. (See the Operator’s Manual, Chapter 3).
control circuit will apply the maximum voltage to the valve coil re­sulting in eventual overheating. Damage may occur. (Instead, consult the Operator’s Manual for use of the “Valve Off” feature).
9. An ANNUAL factory evaluation and calibration is recom-
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Chapter 2 Installation Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual
2-2 IM-83/84/86-H
Installation Overview
Side-Trak™ and Auto-Trak™ transducers are supplied with either compression, VCO, VCR or NPT process connections. To ensure a successful installation, inlet and outlet tubing should be in a clean state prior to plumbing the transducer into the system. The ship­ping caps covering the inlet/outlet fittings should not be removed until immediately prior to installation.
Before installing the transducer, verify the following:
1. Make sure the installation site meets the specific operating pa-
rameters recorded on the transducer’s nameplate. Each trans­ducer is factory-configured for a specific gas and flow range, pressure differential, temperature range and mounting position.
2. Do not locate the transducer in areas subject to sudden tem-
perature changes, moisture, drafts or near equipment radiating significant amounts of heat. Make sure to allow adequate space for cable connectors and wiring.
3. Make sure the location meets the minimum number of recom-
mended pipe diameters upstream and downstream of any NPT or 1/2-inch process connection. A minimum of two inches is always recommended.
4. If the gas contains any particulate matter, install an in-line fil-
ter prior to the transducer. Recommended filter size: 15 mi­cron for flows of 10 to 30 slpm, 30 micron for above 30 slpm.
5. If the transducer is mounted in any position other than horizontal
and it was not calibrated specifically for that position, contact Si­erra’s Customer Service Department for instructions.
6. For meters, if a potential over-flow condition exists, insert a
valve or critical orifice in the line to limit flow to approxi­mately 25 percent above the full scale range of the meter.
7. For controllers, use a properly-sized pressure controller and
verify the controller orifice size is the smallest in the system. There can be no restrictions (such as valves, tubing or piping internal diameters, reducers, etc.) upstream or downstream of the controller less than the valve orifice diameter.
8. Confirm that the transducer o-ring material is compatible with
the gas to be measured.
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Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual Chapter 2 Installation
IM-83/84/86-H 2-3
Installing the Transducer
Follow the installation instructions that are applicable to your trans­ducer’s process connection. For all NPT and 1/2-inch size fittings, see the piping recommendations given on page 2-3. Before use, all plumbing should be checked carefully for leaks and the transducer purged with dry nitrogen. Make sure that the tubing is free from burrs, or rims caused by cutting.
Compression Fittings
1. Position the transducer with the flow direction arrow pointing
downstream in the direction of flow.
2. Verify the position of the
front and back ferrule as shown at right. Insert the tubing into the fitting. Make sure that the tubing rests firmly on the shoulder of the fitting and that the nut is finger tight. Scribe the nut at the six o’clock position.
3. While holding the fitting body steady with a backup wrench,
tighten the nut 1-1/4 turns, watching the scribe mark make one complete revolution and continue to the nine o’clock position. For 1/16-inch, 1/8-inch and 3/16-inch (2, 3 and 4 mm) sizes, tighten only 3/4 turn from finger tight. Do not over-tighten!
4. Check the system’s entire flow path thoroughly for leaks. (Do
not use liquid leak detectors, instead monitor pressure decay. Over-exposing the transducer to leak detector fluid may dam­age the unit.)
VCO Fittings
1. Position the transducer with the flow direction arrow pointing
downstream in the direction of flow.
2. Tighten the nut finger tight, and then 1/4 turn tighter with a
wrench. Do not over-tighten!
3. Check the system’s entire flow path thoroughly for leaks. (Do
not use liquid leak detectors, instead monitor pressure decay. Over-exposing the transducer to leak detector fluid may dam­age the unit.)
Only qualified
personnel should in-
stall the transducer.
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Chapter 2 Installation Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual
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VCR Fittings
1. Position the transducer with the flow direction arrow pointing
downstream in the direction of flow.
2. Install new washers compatible with the gas to be used. (Do
not mix or interchange parts of tube fittings made by different manufacturers.)
3. Tighten the nut finger tight, and then 1/4 turn tighter with a
wrench. Do not over-tighten!
4. Check the system’s entire flow path thoroughly for leaks. (Do
not use liquid leak detectors, instead monitor pressure decay. Over-exposing the transducer to leak detector fluid may dam­age the unit.)
NPT Fittings and 1/2-Inch Connections - All Types
1. Install a section of straight pipe at least five pipe diameters in
length upstream of the transducer. For flow meters only, also allow at least two pipe diameters downstream for accurate op­eration. DO NOT use reducers.
2. Position the transducer with the flow direction arrow pointing
downstream in the direction of flow.
3. Tighten fittings until leak tight (refer to published standards for
specific recommendations).
4. Check the system’s entire flow path thoroughly for leaks. (Do
not use liquid leak detectors, instead monitor pressure decay. Over-exposing the transducer to leak detector fluid may dam­age the unit.)
Figure 2-1. Piping Requirements for NPT and 1/2-Inch Process Connections
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Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual Chapter 2 Installation
Follow National Electric
Code or your local code
safety practices when wir-
ing or connecting this uni
to a power source. Only
qualified personnel should
wire the transducer.
Wiring the Transducer
Side-Trak and Auto-Trak transducers require a +15, 0, –15 VDC power supply and a readout device. Additionally, controllers require a set point input(0-5 VDC standard, 4-20 mA optional). Transducers are connected to the power supply, output signal and set point control through either a 20-pin card-edge connector or 15-pin D-connector. Motor-oper ated rotary valves use a 10-pin circular connector. Wiring instructions are given for each type of connector on the following pages. If you are replacing a not he r m anuf ac tu rer’ s t ran sdu cer wi th a Si err a pr odu ct , see the factory-supplied wiring supplement for instructions specific to your installation.
Recommended Wire Gauge
Using the correct wire gauge for cabling runs to transducers en­hances system reliability. For cable runs over 150 feet (46 m), con­sider using a local power supply.
Table 2-1. Recommended Wire Gauges
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Chapter 2 Installation Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual
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Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual Chapter 2 Installation
Wiring Transducers with 20-Pin Card-Edge Connectors Input
Power Connections
Figure 2-2. Input Power Connections (20-Pin Connector)
Output Signal Connections
Standard output for all transducers is a 0-5 V DC signal, which di­rectly corresponds to the0 to 100% mass flow full scale range. Output signals are linear and require a minimum load resistance of 1000 Ohms (4-20 mA output600 Ohms maximum loop resistance).
The Auto-Trak 860 allows transmission of all available input/output signals to your computer’s R S-485 communications port (connection details are given below). For additional information, refer to the “Auto ­Net” Software Addendum included with this manual.
Figure 2-3. Output Signal Connections (20-Pin Connector)
Notes: 1. Controllers require a separate, dedicated ground wire between pin 2 and the power
supply common to carry the valve coil current.
2. 4-20 mA output signal is ground-referenced (“non-isolated”). Warning: Do NOT apply any external voltage to this loop.
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Chapter 2 Installation Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual
Input Signal Connections (Controllers Only)
The0-5 VDC (4-20 mA optional) set point command input signal allows you to set the flow to any desired value within the range of the controller. The set point input signal is a direct linear represen­tation of 0 to 100 percent of the controller’s mass flow full scale value.
For 0–5 V DC set point control, connect a manual-adjust potentiome­ter as shown below. Any potentiometer value between 5K and 100K may be used but is limited to a V DC input signal only. For 4-20
set point control, use a 4-20 mA generator.
mA If the set point input is not connected to some type of control
device, no set up and
the valve on/off switch must be activated in the off position. If
point command is present on the controller when powered-
the valve is not switched off, the valve will drift wide open.
Figure 2-4. Local Command Set Point Potentiometer (20-Pin Connector)
Figure 2-5.
External Command Set Point Source (20-Pin Connector)
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Series 830/840/860 Instruction Manual Chapter 2 Installation
IM-83/84/86-H 2-9
Valve Purge and Valve Off Connections (Controllers Only)
Depending on the valve voltage, connect as shown below.
Open collector output
Valve Off
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
15 Volt Valve
Figure 2-6. Valve Purge and Valve Off (20-Pin Connector)
Open collector output
Valve Off
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
30 Volt Valve
Figure 2-7.Valve Purge and Valve Off (20-Pin Connector)
Note: Typically controllers for 10 slpm or below will be equipped with a
15-volt valve circuit, while those above 10 slpm with a 30-volt cir­cuit. Consult Technical Support if necessary.
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