Sierra 640S-EEX, 780S-EEX Instruction Manual

Appendix for ATEX
Certified EX Units
Instruction Manual
Sierra Instruments’ Model 640S-EEX and 780S-
EEX Flow Transmitters
5 Harris Court, Building L Monterey, CA 93940 Phone (831) 373-0200 (800) 866-0200 Fax (831) 373-4402
Bijlmansweid 2 1934RE Egmond aan den Hoef The Netherlands Phone +31 72 5071400 Fax +31 72 5071401
Rm. 618, Tomson Centre, Bldg A, 188 Zhang Yang Road Pu Dong New District, Shanghai, P.R. China Phone: + 8621 5879 8521 Fax: +8621 5879 8586
Sierra Instruments, Inc. is not liable for any damage or personal injury, whatsoever, resulting from the use of Sierra Instruments standard mass flow meters for oxygen gas. You are responsible for determining if this mass flow meter is appropriate for your oxygen application. You are responsible for cleaning the mass flow meter to the degree required for your oxygen flow application.
No part of this publication may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without the express written permission of Sierra Instruments. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Steel-Trak® and Smart Interface™ software are trademarks of Sierra Instruments, Inc. Other product and company names listed in this manual are trademarks or trade names of their respective manufacturers.
Revision C: clarify instructions for current zero and current span adjustments, add information on non-isolated 4­20mA outputs, add maximum temperature for probe mounted electronics, add cable resistance value in Sensor Validation procedure.
Sierra Instruction Manual ATEX Certified Units: 640S-EEX & 780S-EEX
1. Labeling .............................................................................................................4
2. Type Approval Standards .................................................................................5
3. Zone, Gas Group, Category and Temperature class ......................................5
3.1. Area Classification .......................................................................................5
3.2. Gas Grouping ..............................................................................................5
3.3. Equipment Category ....................................................................................5
3.4. Temperature Classification ..........................................................................6
3.5. Ambient Temperature Range ......................................................................6
4. Safe Use of ATEX Approved Equipment ..........................................................6
4.1. Notes on Safe Use of the ATEX Approved Equipment ................................6
4.2. Mounting, Commissioning, and Operation ..................................................6
4.3. Explosive Hazardous Area ..........................................................................6
4.4. Special Conditions for a Safe Use ...............................................................7
4.5. Particular Recommendations: Closing the Cover ........................................7
5. Remote Electronics ...........................................................................................8
6. Maintenance.......................................................................................................9
6.1. External Maintenance ..................................................................................9
6.2. Sensor Maintenance ...................................................................................9
6.3. Internal Maintenance ...................................................................................9
7. Earthing ..............................................................................................................9
7.1. External Earthing .........................................................................................9
7.2. Internal Earthing ..........................................................................................9
8. Warning ..............................................................................................................9
9. Returning Equipment to Factory .................................................................... 10
Addendum: Installation Instructions Cable Gland .................................................... 11
This is a certified ATEX document. Changes must be approved by the Sierra Instrument’s ”ATEX Authorized Person”
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Sierra Instruction Manual ATEX Certified Units: 640S-EEX & 780S-EEX
1. Labeling
Sierra Instruments Model 640S-EEX and 780S-EEX Flow Transmitters that have the following label attached have been certified in compliance with the Directive 94/9/EC of the European Parliament and the Council as published in the Official Journal of the European Communities No. L 100/1 on 19 April 1994.
KEMA ATEX official label from Sierra Instruments, Inc.
The following information is provided as part of the labeling of the transmitter:
• Name and address of the manufacturer: Sierra Instruments, Inc., 5 Harris Court, Building L,
Monterey, CA 93940, USA, Ph. 831-373-0200, Fax 831-373-4402
• The serial number of the device
• Year of construction
• Model Number
• CE Mark
• Marking for explosion protection: ATEX II 2 GD EX d IIC T6-T2 T280°C (Suitable for Use in
Zone 1 Gas and Dust applications)
• KEMA ATEX certificate number: 06ATEX0105
• Cable entry treads information (3/4” NPT) and housing IP rating
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Sierra Instruction Manual ATEX Certified Units: 640S-EEX & 780S-EEX
Zone 1
Area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is likely to occur in normal operation occasionally
Zone 2
Area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is not likely to occur in normal operation and if it does occur, is likely to do so only infrequently and will exist for a short period only
Zone 21
Place in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in air is likely to occur in normal operation occasionally
Zone 22
Place in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of a cloud of combustible dust in air is not likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does, will persist for a short period only
Group IIA
Group IIB
Group IIC
Hydrogen and Acetylene
2. Type Approval Standards
The Sierra Instruments Ex approved flow meters have an EC Type examination certificate issues by KEMA and have been approved to the following standards:
EN 60079-0 : 2004 EN 60079-1 : 2004
EN 50281-1-1 : 1998 + A1
3. Zone, Gas Group, Category and Temperature class
The Sierra Instruments 640S-EEX and 780S-EEX have been certified ATEX II 2 GD EX d IIC T6-T2 T280°C (Tamb. -20°C to +50°C). This means that the units can be installed in locations with the following conditions.
3.1. Area Classification
3.2. Gas Grouping
3.3. Equipment Category
2GD (Zone 2 suitable for Gasses and Dust explosive environments)
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