Siemens Wireless Office Headset SIMATICS PCS7 User Manual

© Siemens AG 2011
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl
Process control system with integral telecontrol technology
Brochure · January 2011
Answers for industry.
© Siemens AG 2011
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To survive in increasingly tougher international competition, today it is more important than ever to consistently tap all optimization potentials throughout the entire lifecycle of a plant. At the same time, the perfect balance between quality, time and costs is the decisive success factor.
Totally Integrated Automation2
With Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) from Siemens, a seamless offering of perfectly matched products, systems, and solutions for all hierarchy levels of industrial automation, you are optimally equipped for this purpose.
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Integration of the telecontrol technology in TIA has made it possible to combine the automation of central plants and the monitoring of distributed units in a single process control system.
Homogenous operator control and monitoring using a com­mon control station, uniform configuration with the same engineering system, and consistent utilization of hardware components from the TIA product portfolio result in signifi­cant savings with regard to investments, operation and servicing.
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Process control system with integral
telecontrol center...................................................... 4
Typical application areas............................................ 5
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl system architecture . . . 6
System overview....................................................... 6
Topologies ................................................................ 9
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl system components . . 10
PCS 7 TeleControl Operator System.......................... 10
PCS 7 TeleControl engineering station ..................... 12
Remote terminal units............................................. 13
Telecontrol protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
General/elementary telecontrol functions................ 14
SINAUT ST7 telecontrol protocol .............................. 15
DNP3 telecontrol protocol ....................................... 20
IEC 870-5-101/IEC 870-5-104 telecontrol protocol ... 23
Modbus telecontrol protocol.................................... 26
Redundancy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Increasing the plant availability ............................... 27
Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Migration of existing telecontrol systems................. 28
Application examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Automation of a gas pipeline with slide valve and
measuring stations.................................................. 30
Automation of a sewage treatment plant with
pumping station and stormwater overflow tank....... 31
Totally Integrated Automation 3
© Siemens AG 2011

SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl

Process control system with integral telecontrol center

Automation of widely spread process plants
In a number of industries, especially the oil & gas, water & wastewater, power and transportation sectors, plants may sometimes be extremely widely spread. Individual distributed units may even be more than a thousand kilome­ters away from a central unit with a significantly higher degree of automation.
With a gas pipeline, for example, several slide valve and mea­suring stations are distributed between one of the compressor stations at the beginning of the pipeline and the relief station at the end.
A further example is the canal system of a widely branched wastewater network connected to a central sewage treatment plant via pumping stations and stormwater overflow tanks.
In both cases it is necessary to monitor regional units such as stormwater overflow tanks, pumping stations, slide valve stations or measuring stations from a far off control center, or to control them in the context of the complete plant.
Telecontrol systems with which automation functions can be executed from a remote control center over a telecommunica­tion network (wide area network/WAN) are the ideal solution for such tasks.
The automation of a process plant, as described above, is dis­tributed in conventional implementation concepts between heterogeneous system levels. Process control systems (PCS) are normally used for units with a higher degree of automa­tion, e.g. the central sewage treatment plant. On the other hand, the local automation of small units with a low degree of automation (pumping stations, stormwater overflow tanks) is carried out using simple remote terminal units (RTUs) which communicate with their control center by means of a telecon­trol link. To enable global monitoring, all systems of the auto­mation project (PCS and RTU) are integrated in a host network control system.
However, it is far more effective if the telecontrol center for the RTUs is directly integrated into the process control system using SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl. In this case, the network control system as a superimposed integration level can be omitted. Uniform process control and totally integrated engi­neering for central and widely distributed units, together with simple and convenient data management, result in high effi­ciency with regard to operation and engineering. Low training and servicing costs are further positive aspects.
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl4
© Siemens AG 2011

Typical application areas

Remote control and monitoring of distributed stations, as well as data recording and transmission, with the following focal points:
Oil and gas industries
• Compressor, pressure reduction, transfer, block valve, and metering stations in gas networks
• Pumping and block valve stations in oil pipelines
• Automation on the wellhead of gas and oil wells
• Stations for the injection of water or CO2 in gas or oil fields
Water industry
• Well, pumping and valve stations in water supply networks and irrigation plants
• Stormwater overflow tanks and pumping equipment in wastewater networks
• Storage units (elevated tanks)
Energy management, environmental protection, and transportation
• Equipment for power generation and distribution
• District heat supply
• Traffic control systems
• Tunnels
• Railway stations
• Lighthouses
• Environmental monitoring equipment
• Weather stations
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl 5
G_PCS7_XX _00175
S7-400 + CP 441
S7-300 + CP 341
PCS 7 TeleControl OS Server
Engineering Station
PCS 7 OS Clients
PCS 7 OS Single Station
(dedicated or dual channel)
TIM 4R-IE (ST7) or Converter TCP/IP ↔ serial (DNP3)
Widely distributed TeleControl outstations
Widely distributed TeleControl outstations
Widely distributed TeleControl outstations
TIM 4R-IE (ST7) or TCP/IP WAN router (DNP3)
TCP/IP WAN router
Converter TCP/IP ↔ serial
TCP/IP communication: SINAUT ST7
Serial communication: SINAUT ST7 or DNP3
TCP/IP communication: Modbus or IEC 870-5-104
Serial communication: Modbus or IEC 870-5-101
Third-party RTU
Third-party RTU (DNP3 only)
Third-party RTU (DNP3 only)
Third-party RTU
ET 200S with integral PN CPU
ET 200S with integral CPU + serial interface
S7-300 + CP 343 or PN interface
S7-400 + CP 443 or PN interface
S7-400 + TIM 4R-IE or TIM 4R-IE DNP3
S7-400 + TIM 4R-IE or TIM 4R-IE DNP3
S7-300 + TIM 3V-IE or TIM 3V-IE DNP3
S7-300 + TIM 3V-IE or TIM 3V-IE DNP3
© Siemens AG 2011

SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl system architecture

System overview

SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl system architecture
Integration in process control
The telecontrol center for the outstations (RTU) is integrated into the process control of the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system in the form of an operator station in single station or server design (also redundant as option). No additional auto­mation system for conditioning telecontrol-specific data need be planned in the SIMATIC PCS 7 system. With large quantity frameworks, a PCS 7 TeleControl operator station (single sta­tion/server) is preferably responsible only for the telecontrol mode (dedicated). With small quantity frameworks, a server or a single station can also control SIMATIC PCS 7 automation systems (AS) in central plant areas in addition to the telecon­trol systems (dual-channel mode).
The OS clients of the client/server multi-user system are able to display data from RTUs and SIMATIC PCS 7 AS - which they receive from a server with dual-channel functionality or from two separate servers - together in one process image. Display is primarily on faceplates for process objects such as motors, valves etc., but also by means of trend curves and messages.
To enable engineering of the PCS 7 TeleControl operator sta­tion (single station/server), the functions of the engineering station of the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system are expanded by DBA technology (Data Base Automation) and the SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl block library.
Communication with the outstations (remote terminal units)
For communication with the outstations, SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl uses the SINAUT ST7, DNP3 and Modbus protocols (both via serial and TCP/IP communication connections) as well as IEC 870-5-101 (serial) and IEC 870-5-104 (Ethernet TCP/IP).
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl system architecture6
© Siemens AG 2011
The serial RTU link is possible at low cost via the following components which can be connected directly to the PCS 7 TeleControl OS (single station or server):
SINAUT TIM communication modules (SINAUT ST7 telecontrol protocol)
TCP/IP converters – serial (DNP3, Modbus, IEC 870-5-101 telecontrol protocols) Devices from MOXA or Lantronix can be used as serial TCP/IP converters.
By means of Ethernet TCP/IP, the RTUs can be connected di­rectly or via TCP/IP WAN routers to the SIMATIC PCS 7 system bus (SINAUT ST7, DNP3, Modbus, IEC 870-5-104 telecontrol protocols). When using the SINAUT ST7 telecontrol protocol, the SINAUT TIM communication module can be used in addi­tion to the TCP/IP WAN router or as an alternative.
Telecontrol communication over the wide area network is largely determined by the communication infrastructure which already exists. Various transmission media such as dedicated line, analog or digital telephone networks, wireless networks (GSM or private), DSL or GPRS can also be combined with each other.
Outstations (remote terminal units)
Since the requirements of the widely distributed units with re­gard to scope and performance of the automation functions are usually in the low to mid range, controllers with minimum dimensioning are normally used as RTUs.
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl particularly supports the following types of RTU for distributed automation on site:
Controllers integrated in SIMATIC ET 200S
(Modbus, IEC 870-5-101/104 telecontrol protocols)
SIMATIC S7-300/S7-300F controllers
(SINAUT ST7, DNP3, Modbus, IEC 870-5-101/104 telecon­trol protocols)
SIMATIC S7-400/S7-400F controllers
(SINAUT ST7, DNP3, Modbus, IEC 870-5-101/104 telecon­trol protocols)
SIMATIC S7-400H/S7-400FH redundant controllers
(IEC 870-5-101/104 and DNP3 telecontrol protocols)
In addition to these, appropriate third-party RTUs can also be connected to the telecontrol center in SIMATIC PCS 7 by means of the DNP3, Modbus, IEC 870-5-101/104 telecontrol protocols.
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl cannot only integrate newly config­ured RTUs into SIMATIC PCS 7, it can also migrate units which already exist outdoors by means of DNP3, IEC 870-5-101/104, Modbus or EDC drivers. The Data Base Automation (DBA) soft­ware substantially facilitates project-specific adaptation of the system and importing of existing configurations during migra­tion. Extensions can be added during plant operation if neces­sary.
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl system architecture 7
© Siemens AG 2011
Spectrum of outstations and integration versions
Telecontrol protocol SINAUT ST 7 Modbus DNP3 IEC 870-5-
Type of communica­tion
Interface on the PCS 7 TeleControl OS
ET 200S with inte­gral CPU (corre­sponds to S7-314)
S7-300/ S7-300F
S7-400/ S7-400F
S7-400H/ S7-400FH
Third-party station Depends on type of station Depends on type of station Depends on type of station
Dialup lines 4 4
Dedicated line and radio networks
Master-slave 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Peer-to-peer 4 4 4 4
Mesh networks 4 4 4 4 4 4
Time tagging in RTU 4 4 4 4 4 4
RTU time synchroniza­tion
Data buffering in RTU 4 4 4 4 4 1) 4 1)
Routing with SIMATIC PDM
International standard
Data buffering is limited to two SIMATIC S7 data blocks. Depending on the SIMATIC CPU, this corresponds to approx. 800 to 3 200 buffered frames.
Serial Ethernet
router or/and TIM 4R-IE
IM 151-7 CPU
TIM 3V-IE TIM 3V-IE CP 341 CP 343 +
TIM 4R-IE TIM 4R-IE CP 441 CP 443 +
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4
4 4 4
Serial Ethernet
TCP/IP converter serial
or IM 151-8 PN/DP CPU
as well as 1 SI module Modbus
(many ver-
TCP/IP WAN router
IM 151-8 PN/DP CPU + S7­OpenModbus software / TCP PN-CPU
SW library
SW library
(many ver-
Serial Ethernet
TCP/IP converter serial
IM 151-7 CPU
4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4
TCP/IP WAN router
Serial Ethernet
TCP/IP converter serial
or IM 151-8 PN/DP CPU
as well as 1 SI module + SIPLUS RIC library
CP 341 + SIPLUS RIC library
CP 441 + SIPLUS RIC library
ET 200M + 2 x CP 341 + SIPLUS RIC library
IEC 870-5­104
TCP/IP WAN router
IM 151-8 PN/DP CPU + SIPLUS RIC library
CP 343 + IEC on S7
or integral PN interface + SIPLUS RIC library
CP 443 + SIPLUS RIC library
or integral PN interface + SIPLUS RIC library
CP 443 + SIPLUS RIC library
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl system architecture8


© Siemens AG 2011
Basic topologies
Differently structured telecontrol networks can be implement­ed in the wide area network (WAN) based on the following four basic topologies.
Media versions
Depending on the support provided by the selected telecon­trol protocol, various transmission media are available for these basic topologies, e.g. dedicated line, private wireless networks, mobile radio networks, dial-up networks (wire­less/landline), DSL over Internet.
Some of these media versions are shown in the example of the star topology.
Star via
dedicated line
Multi-point Star Ring
Star via wireless
network via
Star via Internet
Combinations of basic topologies and media versions
Through a combination of several basic topologies of the same or different media versions, it is additionally possible to design more complex network topologies, even with redun­dant communication paths.
This allows adaptation to the respective local conditions and to the existing infrastructure.
Star +
Complex network structure,
example of SINAUT ST7/DNP3
1 medium
Complex network structure,
example of I EC 870- 5-104
2 media
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl system architecture 9
© Siemens AG 2011

SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl system components

PCS 7 TeleControl Operator System

Single-user and multi-user systems
Depending on the magnitude of the automation project and the required number of operator stations, the SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl Operator System can be configured either as a sin­gle-user system (PCS 7 TeleControl OS single station) or as a multi-user system with client/server architecture:
• Single-user system
- Up to 5 000 process objects
- Up to approx. 3 000 measuring points
- Low number of operator stations
• Multi-user system (client/server)
- Up to 8 500 process objects per OS server
- Up to approx. 5 000 measuring points per OS server
- Up to 32 operator stations (OS clients)
In a single-user system architecture, all operation and moni­toring functions for a complete project (plant/unit) are con­centrated in one station.
A multi-user system has up to 32 operator stations (OS clients) which are supplied with data from one or more servers (OS server or PCS 7 TeleControl OS server) via the terminal bus.
The multi-client architecture of the multi-user system allows an OS client to call data from various servers, e.g. from two separate servers for local units and for units connected by means of PCS 7 TeleControl.
The PCS 7 TeleControl OS server of the multi-user system can also have a redundant design. All internally generated infor­mation (e.g. alarm states or results of calculations) is matched in the redundant pair of PCS 7 TeleControl OS servers.
The graduated scalability of the process objects of PCS 7 TeleControl OS single station and PCS 7 TeleControl OS server permits fine and flexible matching of the SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl Operator System to the size of the respective automation project.
Uniform process control for central and remote units
Dual-channel operation
OS clients
OS single station
SIMATIC PCS 7 + TeleControl (dual ch ann el)
automation system
Dual-channel operation with single-user and multi-user systems
· · ·
OS server (single or redundant)
Tel eC on trol
PCS 7 TeleControl OS single station and PCS 7 TeleControl OS server are preferably used just for telecontrol functions (dedi­cated), but can also access central SIMATIC PCS 7 plant areas via an additional second channel in the case of small quantity frameworks (double-channel operation). In this way, data from the RTUs of the telecontrol system can be displayed in one process image together with data from SIMATIC PCS 7 AS.
SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl system components10
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