Siemens Two-Way Radio SIMATIC PCS 7 User Manual

© Siemens AG 2011
Products and functions for efficient maintenance in the process automation
Brochure · October 2011
Maintenance System
Answers for industry.
Benefits of intelligent maintenance
Continuous plant monitoring
Reduces the risk of failures, and increases the
Enables maintenance to be planned
Optimized use of maintenance resources
Increases maintenance quality
Achieves cost savings
The potential for savings arises
During maintenance itself and
by avoiding consequential costs
Corrective Preventive
© Siemens AG 2011


Increase in productivity through intelligent maintenance

How can the productivity of a plant with a high level of au­tomation be increased even further? Plant operators in all sectors consider increased availabili­ty and shorter downtimes to be the most effective lever to­ward increasing productivity. Investigations have shown that downtimes are frequently the result of insufficient maintenance – despite the fact that maintenance is alrea­dy a significant portion of the lifecycle costs.
Intelligent maintenance strategies can make a significant con­tribution toward increasing productivity:
• Failures can be prevented by monitoring the current plant condition.
• Maintenance can then be planned. It does not wait until a fault has occurred, but implements appropriate measures in advance for avoiding faults. The timing of maintenance can be planned such that the existing resources can be used optimally.
• Innovative maintenance strategies pay for themselves twice: planning security and the specific application of me­thods reduces the direct maintenance costs.
• Plant availability is increased at the same time. This means that consequential costs resulting from failures, such as quality deficiencies or loss of image, are reduced.
Totally Integrated Automation supports intelligent mainte­nance strategies. The SIMATIC Maintenance Station is of signi­ficant importance, and presents the information relevant to maintenance from all automation components in a uniform and clear manner, thus providing the maintenance engineer with valuable support for making decisions.
Condition Monitoring, that is to say status monitoring, aims to detect imminent faults at an early stage. It provides infor­mation on the remaining duration of use. In the case of con­dition-based maintenance, the maintenance measures are only initiated when the period of use has expired.
It has been shown in practice that optimum results can be achieved through intelligent combination of the different stra­tegies.
Maintenance strategies
There are two maintenance strategies: response to failures or taking preventive measures. In the case of failure-oriented corrective maintenance, measures are only initiated when a fault has occurred, i.e. failures are acceptable in this case and may be minimized by a redundant plant design.
The objective of preventive strategies is to carry out mainte- nance measures before faults even occur, in order to avoid possible downtimes. This strategy can be satisfied using time-dependent and load-dependent measures. Regular maintenance work is an example of time-dependent measu­res. The load state is determined from the number of swit­ching operations, operating hours or load peaks.
Maintenance strategies
© Siemens AG 2011


Increase in productivity through
intelligent maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Plant-level asset management as a
maintenance task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Intelligent maintenance
in process engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
SIMATIC PCS 7 Maintenance Station
More productivity with
Totally Integrated Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Visualization of information
for maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Maintenance Station –
User interface for maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Add-ons as options for the SIMATIC PCS 7
Maintenance Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Monitoring and diagnostics
for industrial PCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
of networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
for process instrumentation and analytics . . . . . . . . 16
for positioners and control valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
of 24 V load feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
of wear in the motor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
of drive components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Plant-level asset management with
Totally Integrated Automation components . . . . . . . 27
Introduction 3
© Siemens AG 2011

Plant Asset Management as a maintenance task

General information
Various tasks have to be handled during the operating phase of a plant, for which different groups of persons are responsib­le.
The production personnel operate and monitor the plant, and make sure that the desired products are produced with the ap­propriate quality, in the defined quantity, at a specified time, and with minimum resources with respect to personnel, raw materials, energy, costs, etc.
Maintenance staff must
• ensure a high availability of the plant,
• ensure this availability in the long term by implementing optimization measures, and
• carry out maintenance measures with minimum use of per­sonnel, material, energy, costs, etc.
As a result of their different tasks, these two groups of persons have different information requirements.
Information on the measured process tags is available for the plant operator. Apart from the measured value itself and its status, this may, for example, be the information on whether the measured value is still valid.
The focus of interest for the maintenance engineer is the sta­tus of the production equipment that is reflected in the states of the devices and components used (i.e. particularly in the states of the field devices). Typical states in this respect inclu­de "Component OK", "Maintenance required", "Failure" or "Function check".
SIMATIC PCS 7 allows a clear classification of the information for the user groups Plant Operators and Maintenance Engi­neers.
Different demand for information at the plant
Plant operator
Information on the process such as:
• Recipe parameters
• Temperature characteristic
• Pressure values
•Raw material stocks
Maintenance personnel
Information on the state of the production equipment such as:
• Components OK
•Maintenance required
• Functional check
© Siemens AG 2011
Asset management in production
The term asset management comes from the world of finance and economics and refers to the manner in which a company deals with its long-term and current assets. These include the production equipment with its plant components such as ap­paratus, machines, pipelines etc. and the equipment and de­vices for their automation. All these are referred to as assets. In association with production, asset management covers all activities and measures which serve toward retaining or incre­asing the value of a plant. This is called Plant Asset Manage­ment.
Benefits of Plant Asset Management
Plant Asset Management allows the maintenance engineer
• to unambiguously identify and evaluate the assets, this me­ans the production equipment and its components;
• to carry out the appropriate measures in the case of devia­tions from the desired or expected state.
As a result of monitoring, i.e. the recording and evaluation of status variables, the condition of a component or device can be determined.
It can be recognized, for example, that no signal is received from the sensor, resulting in the diagnosis "Open circuit". This result triggers a maintenance request, and maintenance must then be carried out to eliminate the open circuit.
This measure – replacement of a faulty line in this example – ensures that the component is returned to the desired condi­tion and closes the maintenance cycle. This means that Plant Asset Management is the basis for increased productivity.
Maintenance measure
Maintenance request
Introduction 5
© Siemens AG 2011

Intelligent maintenance in process engineering

Despite the different tasks of operators and maintenance staff, it is meaningful and necessary to map the informati­on of both staff groups within one process control system and not to use different systems.
There are various reasons for this:
• Uniform visualization for all components and devices.
• No limitation to selection of field devices.
• The same information sources (field devices) are relevant to both automation and maintenance.
• There is a close link between automation and asset ma­nagement functions because, for example, the current control strategy of the plant plays an important role for the assessment of a component status.
• Engineering data for automation can also be used for main­tenance.
• Simplified handling of the system, since users need only be acquainted with the engineering, operator control and mo­nitoring tools of a single system.
The process control special interest group of the pharmaceuti­cals industry (NAMUR) has formulated essential requirements (NE 91) from the user's viewpoint. This attaches special signi­ficance to the integration of the Plant Asset Management into the process control system.
• Plant Asset Management is a part of the process control system
• Recording and assessing the status of the assets
• Inclusion of all assets (process control devices and plant components)
• Separation of maintenance-relevant information and pro­cess data
• Uniform visualization for all assets
• No limitation to selection of field devices
In addition, there is a requirement (NE 107) that all field de­vices must provide standardized status messages about their status as follows:
• Good No known restriction of function
•Uncertain Operation outside the specified range
• Device failure Need for maintenance
•Maintenance required Function check (process value manipulated)
• Function check, local operation Failure (process value invalid)
Processing plants, whose open and closed loop control is per­formed with SIMATIC PCS 7 and components of Totally Integ­rated Automation, satisfy the user requirements formulated by NAMUR.
The resulting information is divided up to prevent the plant operators and maintenance staff from being flooded with in­formation. To achieve this, a Maintenance Station (MS) is int­roduced in addition to the operator station (OS). Mainte­nance-relevant information is kept away from the operator station. This information is collected and presented on the Maintenance Station. The same HMI tools are used for the operator station and the Maintenance Station and the HMI philosophy is identical.
Plant Asset Management with SIMATIC PCS 7
Process engineering plants with SIMATIC PCS 7 and com-
ponents of Totally Integrated Automation meet the re­quirements of NAMUR.
Automation and Plant Asset Management run on the
same system.
The information for plant operators maintenance staff is
divided between the operator station and the Mainte­nance Station.
Shared configuration and uniform user interfaces mini-
mize the expense of an effective Plant Asset Manage­ment.
Central control room with plant-wide maintenance overview
Inbound process Productions process Outbound process
Maintenance Station Server (WinCC)
Maintenance Station Server SIMATIC PCS 7
Maintenance Station Server (WinCC)
Maintenance Station Client + Web Server
Maintenance Station Client
© Siemens AG 2011

SIMATIC PCS 7 Maintenance Station

More productivity with Totally Integrated Automation

Integrated plant and cross-system maintenance
Plant Asset Management is only truly productive if mainte­nance staff can view diagnostic information relating to the en­tire process chain. In practice, this means that the same main­tenance team that is responsible for the actual process can support inbound and outbound processes such as logistics, bottling and packaging plants without having to build up a great deal of additional expertise. If the process control sys­tem and the controllers of the upstream and downstream sys­tems originate from different vendors, different alarm sys­tems can cause considerable additional expense.
If a plant is automated with SIMATIC PCS 7, therefore it is wor­thwhile for the plant operators to select machines and sys­tems that are automated with SIMATIC and visualized with SIMATIC WinCC for their inbound and outbound processes, as then they can exploit all the advantages of Totally Integrated Automation.
If machines or systems for inbound/outbound processes are operated and monitored by means of SIMATIC WinCC, then the SIMATIC Maintenance Station presents itself as an option to SIMATIC WinCC for maintenance-relevant information.
The integrated functionality of Totally Integrated Automation also makes it possible, using the SIMATIC PCS 7 Maintenance Station, to monitor the packaging or bottling line by means of a client. Display, logic, and message management are identi­cal. The uniform look and feel saves on overhead and genera­tes a high degree of acceptance within the maintenance team. The SIMATIC Maintenance Station for SIMATIC PCS 7 and SIMATIC WinCC makes a significant contribution to incre­asing maintenance productivity and thus to increasing the availability of the overall plant.
Optimizing instead of repairing
The task of maintenance is not only to avoid unscheduled pro­duction downtimes, but also to optimize the running of the plant. Optimization must be based on analysis of traceable processes. The Maintenance Station offers the basic data set for integrated analysis of all weak points. This is not unusual in a process control system. However, in inbound and out­bound processes diagnostics are often restricted to signaling a fault and then forgetting about it as soon as it has been re­paired. With Totally Integrated Automation, the Maintenance Station becomes the basis for Total Productive Maintenance.
SIMATIC Maintenance Station: Collecting diagnostic information from the entire process chain centrally – even via the Web Suitable protective measures (among others IT-Security, e.g. network segmentation) have to be taken up to ensure a safe operation of the plant. You find further information about the topic of Industrial Security on the Internet under
SIMATIC PCS 7 Maintenance Station 7
system (AS)
Detailed view
Plant view
AS rack
AS rack
Identification of device
Operate state display
Maintenance state display
Maintenance group display
© Siemens AG 2011

Visualization of information for maintenance

In order to recognize the conditions of individual devices or components unequivocally, a uniform symbol represen­tation has been implemented.
There are symbols for the device status itself and also for the importance of a maintenance request. In addition, the status of a maintenance measure is displayed. The conditions of all devices and equipment of the automation technology and of the plant components are indicated by these standardized symbols.
Uniform symbols for the conditions of components and devices
Besides the uniform display of symbols, a significant detail for the overview is a hierarchical structuring of information in which the maintenance engineer also has access to all requi­red details of the components and devices, based on an over­view display (plant view).
The overview display uses the standardized symbols to visua­lize the condition of a component itself and also provides coll­ective information on the conditions of all devices in the sub­ordinate hierarchies.
The collective condition message shows the OK condition or the seriousness of a possible problem in red, yellow, or green, as per a traffic light. A button can be used to access all subor­dinate hierarchy levels step-by-step down to the bottom de­vice level.
Further views of the maintenance information are available in addition so that the maintenance engineer has a complete overview of all current information of the asset relevant to maintenance. This permits assessment of the plant status at a glance.
Extract from the hierarchical visualization of the maintenance information
Detailed view of a component
The information is consistently structured and hierarchically organized. The quantity of information displayed on each in­dividual screen always remains manageable for the mainte­nance engineer, who nevertheless has easy access at any time to the complete information.
© Siemens AG 2011

Maintenance Station – User interface for maintenance

The SIMATIC PCS 7 Maintenance Station software package is available as an alternative to SIMATIC PCS 7 for imple­menting Plant Asset Management. You can use this soft­ware package to expand an Operator Station to a Maintenance Station.
The maintenance engineer can process the diagnostics messa­ges and maintenance requests of the assets on the Maintenance Station. Via the Maintenance Station the engineer can access:
• Electronic components of the process control system: intel­ligent field devices and I/O modules, field bus, controller, network components and plant bus as well as servers and clients of the operator systems.
• Mechanical components that do not belong directly to the process control system such as pumps, motors, centrifu­ges, heat exchangers or control loops (passive or indirect assets). These are represented by proxy objects in which the diagnostics rules are stored.
Monitoring and diagnostics of mechanical components
Exceeding the limits of the pump's rated operating range and deviations from the anticipated characteristic curve are repor­ted to the user as maintenance alarm via the PumpMon block. The block outputs are simultaneously made available for further processing. In this way, the user gets the opportunity to intervene in a preventive way to prevent damage to the pumps, which helps to reduce plant downtimes and increase its availability. It also allows the pump layout to be optimized.
PumpMon block: Transport characteristic curve with current operating point
For mechanical components without self-diagnostics (pumps, heat exchangers, valves, compressors, etc.), inadmissible ope­rating states can be determined from various measured values that already exist in a process control system using special di­agnostic blocks. Deviations from an established normal status can be used for this, for example.
Pump monitoring with the block PumpMon
The diagnostic block PumpMon is used for
• Warning of pump damage when there is blocking, dry run­ning, gas in the transported substance, cavitations, over­load, or improper running;
• Early detection of initial pump damage, such as wear or de­creasing pump efficiency;
• Long-term optimization the pump design by means of sta­tistical analysis of the operating data, for example, recor­ding the load spectrum.
Valve monitoring with the block ValveMon
Abrasion, cavitation, corrosion of the valve plug or seat as well as caking (fouling, deposits) are the most common signs of wear for valves. ValveMon monitors the valve status according to specific process values and enables the detection of mal­functions and impending failures at an early stage.
Heat exchanger monitoring with the block HeatXchMon
The main problem with heat exchangers is fouling. Fouling re­sults when residues of the process medium are deposited on the transfer surfaces and thus impair efficiency. HeatXchMon determines deviations of the current heat flow from the refe­rence heat flow in the clean state. The current degree of fou­ling, the energy loss and daily costs can thus be precisely cal­culated and displayed.
The HeatXchMon block not only indicates the current performance capa­bility of the heat exchanger, it also calculates the daily energy loss due to the degree of fouling.
SIMATIC PCS 7 Maintenance Station 9
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